However, the system's voice seems very kind.

Chapter 386 The Mystery of the System

"You're resting well. Why, the mission needs to be advanced?"

"No, since you have traveled through time three times, as a reward, I'm just here to tell you some things you need to know."

The system deliberately kept a straight face and pretended to be serious.If it hadn't been a ball, my legs would be shaking by now.

After all, it is quite difficult for a social terrorist to educate others.

"Congratulations on completing the first three journeys to the novice world, and you are about to start a brand new journey that is completely different from the previous ones."

'It's as if that time travel was the same as the last time. '

Although he was complaining in his heart, Alex still listened expressionlessly.

Because it may contain the information you need.

"What I need to tell you is that although I have many time travelers under my command, and you may meet in the system lobby and chat channel in the future, time travel operations are all carried out in single-player mode."

Hearing this, he finally couldn't help but complain.

"What kind of weird chat group system is this? It's a stand-alone version."

"Bah, I'm not a chat group system! I'm a serious main god system!"

"Except for the appearance, you really can't tell anything else."

"Don't interrupt! Let's get down to business!"

After the system protested to him, he continued.

"However, we are not without enemies. As a system on the order side, we also have enemies."

'Why did this suddenly change from a PVE game to PVP? '

The idea popped into Alex's head, so he raised his hand.

"So, when I travel through time in the future, what kind of dark travelers will I encounter? Will I still have to wear a killer helmet, fight each other with mobile suits, and have a dark duel with cards?"

"What story are you talking about about Gundam stitching Yu-Gi-Oh? Let me tell you, this kind of stitching is so weird that you can easily die suddenly! Also, beware, the copyright owner will sue you and ruin your life."

"Then how to fight? Do you mean that in every next world, I have to compete with other time-travelers in a battle of wits and courage? In the end, both sides shout each other's names and engage in a decisive battle that will destroy the world?"

"Then Ludo and Sass will be a pair. The recent new plot has caused the Hokage department next door to have twisted abstract people. The system over there is about to send explosive charms to the author."

It seemed that he had heard some terrible gossip. Alex wanted to take the opportunity to ask more questions, but was interrupted by the system.

"Okay, okay, stop interrupting and get down to business."


So he could only suppress the gossip in his heart and continue to listen to the system introduction.

"It's just that for some special reasons, you should think that we and the enemy are of the same origin. Therefore, the 'battle methods' of the two sides are also different. The kind of PVP fighting and killing between two waves of people in the same world, because It would cause too much damage to the world line. It would also lead to the possibility that neither party could benefit from it... So the two parties adopted a more civilized approach through negotiation."

"play cards?"

The system took out a folding paper fan and slapped him on the head.

"Play cards, play cards, play cards, what do you think you can do? You only know a little bit about Yu-Gi-Oh!, and you haven't even climbed up the Hearthstone national server ladder. You have to load files several times to play Gwent on PC. You're still from Shadong, and you're level enough and royal. , [-]%, neither one, how dare you mention playing cards? Fight, fight, I'll beat you up!"

"All right, all right, I was wrong."

Although it doesn't hurt to be hit on the head with a folding paper fan, it can't stand up to the other party's revelation.

Seeing that he gave in, the system put away the folding fan and said.

"So what we're comparing now is the extent of the erosion of the world."

"Erosion rate?"

"Oh, I'm wrong. The enemy is erosion, and we are purification. Remember, don't get confused."

"It seems like you got confused first, right?"

The word 'akimbo' was displayed on the system's face.

"It's not important, it's all trivial."

Then before Alex complained, he continued.

"By the way, do you still remember Barbadolo of the AI ​​Legion you met in Iron Blood?"


"Obviously, that is a completely different creation from the iron-blooded style, right?"

"That's right. Isn't that something from the G century? There are also UC things, so what kind of hodgepodge world is this?"

Alex clearly remembers that many M/As in the AI ​​Legion are actually creations that appear in other Gundam worlds or even games.

"That is evidence that the world has been eroded! In the world eroded by the other party and the world we control, these special existences composed of creations from other worlds will appear."

"Destroying these existences will reduce the opponent's erosion of the world and increase our occupation. In addition, there are other ways to weaken the opponent's erosion and increase our occupation, but these abnormal existences must first be eliminated. .”

On the light curtain that opened at some point, a pointer floated next to the system ball, pointing at the relationship equations listed above.

"In this way, we both compete for and control worlds on different timelines."

"By controlling different world lines in the same world, it affects the overall control of this world."

As he said that, the light screen that the system opened changed. What was displayed on it was the control level of the iron-blooded world.

A sphere is divided into two colors: red and blue. At first glance, it seems that each side has half, but when Alex looked carefully, he found that this was not the case.

The red control area is about 0.05% larger than the blue area.

On smaller digits, the numbers are still beating.

"The red side is us, and the blue side is the opponent camp."

The system points to the data on the light curtain.

"These numbers are changing in real time and represent the ongoing crossing activities of thousands of time-travelers from both camps. Through their efforts and sacrifices, the control of the world by both sides is also constantly changing."

Alex now understood the pattern of this 'race'.

It is a points competition in PVE mode. Whichever side has more points will win.

As for why PVP is not used, the system also gave an explanation.

"If you directly PVP, as mentioned before, it will lead to terrible results, because it will lead to the collapse of the world line. Once too many world lines collapse, it may lead to the complete collapse of the main world. So for both of us, it is nothing. Good thing. So, even though we hate to strangle each other to death, this method is accepted by us. After all, dying together is not our goal."

Without too much explanation in this regard, the system stopped the topic.

"Do you have anything to ask?"

After listening to the system's narration, Alex had a better understanding of why he wanted to travel through time.

"In other words, we, as soldiers, must solve the timeline eroded by the enemy to win the overall victory."

"Is such that."

Although this explained some of the doubts, it brought more questions to Eric.

The most obvious one is, for example, when there is no referee and both sides are constantly investing their strength and attacking each other.

How to decide the final outcome?

This is probably a tower-occupying game with no time limit. Both sides can continuously capture the strongholds occupied by the other side.

This means that this will be a tug-of-war that will continue indefinitely without a winner.

Unless there is a higher-ranking being who formulates specific rules for victory and defeat, after all, the two sides who can make a fool of themselves and accept this fighting mode must be stronger than both sides.

He also raised this question to the system, intending to prove his inferiority in a circumstantial way, but the other party acted rather arrogantly.

"We have different concepts of time than humans, so what you think of as infinity is just a ripple in the span of time for us."

Alex thought for a while and understood what the other party meant.

If you live a long life, you must be strong when speaking!

After giving up on continuing to struggle with this issue, Alex asked a few more questions that he had doubts about but had never been solved.

The system, tired of being asked, handed him a tablet.

"What do you want to ask? Just look for it here."

"Since you have this kind of tool, why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

"This will only happen after passing the newcomer test."

The system will not tell him. In fact, it was a mistake made while busy and it was forgotten to give it to him.

"There are other time travelers under my name on it. You can communicate during non-mission periods. After entering the mission world, in order to prevent people in this world from knowing things they shouldn't know, this thing can only be used to contact me and find out It’s a medium for data, and there are some other small functions, you can study it yourself.”

Hearing this, Alex was keenly aware of another issue that concerned him.

"Huh? People from this world? In other words, the people in those worlds are living people like me?"

"Of course, otherwise do you think you can have a child with Data? What kind of Cyberpathic Emperor are you?"

Seeing the word 'mentally retarded' floating on the system's face, Alex felt that he was being despised miserably.

Because he was despised as intellectual by a retarded person.

"That's good……"

Knowing that those people were real, Alex felt a lot more relaxed for some reason.

This shows that what I have given sincerely has received a genuine response.He also left evidence of his existence in those worlds.

Rather than interacting with a cold program composed of a bunch of 0s and 1s, as he imagined in the past.

This way, when I wake up that day, I won't find that I'm just dreaming about being soaked in a jar of nutrient solution.

"Okay, that's it, I'm busy and I'm leaving first."

After the system finished explaining, he left.

Alex was left to study the tablet he had just received.

After following the tutorial and activating the personal account, more functions of the tablet are unlocked.

Transformation function, in order to prevent loss, the tablet can be turned into rings, bracelets, necklaces, and other decorations.

After Alex's desperate research spirit, he discovered that this thing can even be turned into a plug-in and built into the body.

For specific methods, see Teacher Yu Qian’s Big Brother and Teacher Yu Qian’s father’s darts.

★ Evidence of Water★

Chapter 1 Hello, CE.

Take the store with you, so you no longer have to go to the lobby to point at the system and use the holographic projection. You can browse the store page even while lying down in your room.

However, on-site purchases during time travel are not supported, so in order to avoid regrets, please purchase the required items in advance.

Video call and communication functions facilitate contact with other people and the system. In the time-travel state, only the system can be contacted.

The data storage function can be used as a large-capacity memory to save data whether stolen or obtained in other ways.

(Mainly to prepare for completing side tasks)

The portable storage box can provide 3x3 storage space and can be used to store some daily necessities, including but not limited to food, drinking water, tents, sleeping bags, small arms and ammunition.

(Note: Although living animals cannot be put in, dead ones can be put in, so... you know)

"Hiss...there's something about this thing."

In addition, it can also take into account functions such as maps, guidance, photography and video recording (comes with a small camera probe and a micro drone).

Alex realized that this thing was a necessary device for home travel to kill people, destroy corpses, eliminate traces, and listen to the roots of walls.

While he was studying, the communication icon on the tablet began to flash crazily.

He clicked on the communication page and saw messages flashing up at a terrifying speed.

'Anyone new? '

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