The M68 is a triple-mounted light missile hung on the outside of the leg.

It is also equipped with weapons such as the M68 Elephant heavy particle beam cannon and the Lynx 500mm recoilless rifle.

As the first mobile suit for actual combat, Jinn developed many modifications. Even after being replaced by Gates and Zaku Warriors who used beam weapons, it was still active on various fronts and in the hands of civilian mercenaries.

Although PLANT has developed a practical mobile suit, it is one step ahead of the Earth United.

However, in terms of miniaturization of beam weapons, it unexpectedly lags behind the United Earth.

It was not until the capture of the G-series body that PLANT finally made up for its disadvantages in the fields of beam weapon miniaturization and beam sabers.

But now for Jinn, whether it is a live-fire assault rifle or a heavy ship, it is enough to deal with the Earth United M/A.

As for the battleships, they naturally have D equipment and heavy weapons such as heavy beam cannons and recoilless rifles to deal with them.

After the shuttle landed, a group of people walked down the ramp. The berth had been sealed off, and there were only soldiers wearing ZAFT uniforms on site.

Led by the leader of the delegation, they lined up under the shuttle and met with representatives of the ZAFT Army who came to greet them.

Naturally, Patrick Sala, a member of the National Defense Council, would not come to greet him personally.

On the one hand, it is because the level is not enough, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid suspicion.

Patrick's identity is destined to have countless pairs of eyes staring at him if he comes to greet him.

Once the matter is revealed, it will be detrimental to both Orb and PLANT.

What came to greet him was a man wearing a short black ZAFT uniform.

There is no obvious division of military ranks in the ZAFT army, and they only refer to each other based on their positions.

Another way to differentiate is by the color of the uniforms.

According to what Alex knows, the general classification is that the short green uniforms are for the basic soldier units, the long red uniforms are for elites, the white uniforms are for captains, the black uniforms are for captains and adjutants, and the purple uniforms are for the Ministry of Defense.

Because there are no military ranks, ZAFT's internal classification is quite confusing in the eyes of the United Earth.

This is one of the reasons why the Earth United nicknamed ZAFT a 'militia organization'.

"Welcome to PLANT, everyone. I am Rei Yuuki, and I am the adjutant of Senator Patrick of the National Defense Council. It is not convenient for Lord Patrick to come in person, so I have been specially appointed to greet you."

The leader of the delegation was a colonel from Orb and someone Alex was familiar with. Chisaka had always appeared as Cagalli's bodyguard.

Zisak said after the two shook hands.

"You're welcome, Captain Yuuki."

"Colonel Chisaka, this is not the place to talk. Let's get out of here first."

Led by soldiers wearing ZAFT uniforms, the group of them secretly left from the dedicated exit, took the high-speed elevator, and headed inside the colonial satellite.

When descending from the elevator, many people looked curiously at the scenery on the outer wall of the transparent elevator.

The spaceport of the hourglass-shaped colonial satellite is located in the center of the satellite. To reach the residential areas at the bottom of both ends of the satellite, you have to take a high-speed elevator to descend.

The scenery at this distance is quite good, but Alex has always felt that the space utilization of this hourglass-shaped colonial satellite is not as good as that of the barrel-shaped colonial satellite.

PLANT's 120 hourglass satellites only have a total of 6000 million adjusters living there, and there are more than 4 million adjusters living on the earth.

However, considering that the Zodiac Satellite Group was originally built not for residence, but as a scientific research and space production factory, it is not impossible to understand why it was built like this.

After the elevator reached the ground, the group of them entered directly into the ZAFT military base connected to the space port.

Here, ZAFT expressed a formal welcome ceremony for their arrival.

Defense Councilor Patrick also showed up and welcomed them.

But he was so busy that he only stayed for 10 minutes before leaving, and Yuuki was responsible for the rest.

They will disguise themselves as volunteers from Earth, temporarily join the ZAFT Army as instructors, and provide basic military training guidance to the adjusters who have just been recruited into the army.

ZAFT himself is responsible for controlling the mobile suit, but it is all done at the same base.

This is very beneficial for Alex's other mission.

After arranging their residence and issuing them with the green uniforms of ZAFT Army.

Yuki told them that the formal training of the new recruits would begin tomorrow.

Judging from the opponent's eager behavior, ZAFT has achieved victory in defending PLANT.But obviously they also realize that if they get into a tug of war, it will not be a good thing for the adjusters.

Early the next morning, the instructors changed into ZAFT Army uniforms and came to the auditorium of the base. By this time, the place was already full of people.

Alex glanced over.I found that most of them were young people, and some even looked like they had not left the ranks of teenagers.

When they, as instructors, lined up and took the stage, the recruits in the audience stood up and applauded them.

Although their identities cannot be disclosed, ZAFT also gave them a reasonable identity.

'Fellow Adjusters who broke away from the Earth United Army, as well as natural human volunteers who sympathized with the Adjusters' plight. '

Orb is a neutral country and the system does not discriminate against adjusters, so there are many adjusters in the Orb army.

Half of the advisory team selected this time are indeed adjusters, and the rest are natural people like Alex.

This identity perfectly explains why these people are proficient in military technology.

After the simple welcome ceremony, the recruits were assigned to instructors one by one according to the list.

"Instructor Alex, this is your recruit training list."

"Thank you."

After taking the tablet from the ZAFT female soldier in a tube skirt with a smile, Alex began to study the rookies he would lead in the future.

"Huh? There's something in this list..."

Each instructor is responsible for 40 recruits, which is roughly the number of people in a platoon based on the establishment.

As for the list on the tablet in his hand, apart from some names he didn't recognize, there were a few names that stood out.

Aslan Sala, Yitzhak Jour, Diego Elsman, Nicol Amalfi.

"Good guy, are you arranging a team of young men for me?"

After muttering, he walked towards the recruits who were already lined up waiting for him.

When standing in front of the new recruits, Alex looked them over.

Sure enough, we found blue-haired Aslan, silver-haired Yitzhak, blond-haired Diego, and green-haired Nicol.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Alex. I am a natural person. I hope that we can get along happily in the next training."

His opening statement undoubtedly caused a stir among the team.

Although it has been introduced on the stage that among the people who came to serve as instructors, there were natural volunteers who sympathized with the adjusters.

But for these teenagers who enlisted in the army because of "Bloody Valentine", natural people are murderers and enemies.

But now, the instructor standing in front of them was a natural person.

This obviously made them unacceptable for a while.

"What is ZAFT doing! Why do we need natural people to train us!"

A voice with a familiar timbre came, and Alex turned to look. Sure enough, it was Domon Kassiu... Oh, it was a joke, it was Yitzhak.

The silver-haired boy was looking at Alex with an annoyed look on his face. It was obvious that he was quite dissatisfied with ZAFT's arrangements.

"I'm going to ask for a change of instructor!"

After that, he stepped out of the queue.


Alex suddenly scolded, and Yitzhak stopped and turned to look at him dissatisfied.

"What are you doing!"

"What are you doing? Boy, do you think the army is your home? You can come wherever you want? I'm not your servant. You can change if you want? Return to the army!"

"But you are a natural person!"

"What about natural persons? I did not participate in the attack on PLANT."

"I don't trust natural people!"

Chapter 4 How to quickly tame the prickly head

When Yitzhak shouted these words, there were other groups of recruits around him.

They also heard this sentence, so many people looked here.

Many of the new recruits were assigned natural instructors.

As boys who enlisted in the army to fight against the natural man, they were naturally dissatisfied with this situation.

However, he was the first to shout it out publicly like Yitzhak.

So for a while, they became the focus of everyone.

Alex understood that if he could not solve the problem here, he would establish his own authority.

Then don't think about peace in the future training, not to mention, he still has side tasks.

And not only him, but also the other natural instructors on the advisory team will have difficulty doing their jobs.

Nigel originally wanted to step forward to dissuade him. The kind-hearted green-haired boy was not a person who liked fighting. However, under the influence of Bloody Valentine, in order to protect his family, he decided to join the army.

But he was stopped by Diego. As a good friend of Yitzhak, Diego knew his temper very well.

He shook his head and whispered to Nicol.

"Don't go. If you go over now, Yitzhak will scold you too."

"But... what Yitzhak said is indeed a bit excessive. The instructor is indeed here to train us."

Although Aslan on the side did not speak, he did not agree with Yitzhak's extreme idea.But at this moment, he was also very curious about how the natural instructor in front of him would resolve the embarrassment.

"And I don't think a natural person is better than an adjuster!"

After saying that, Yitzhak turned around and was about to leave, but Alex crossed his arms and said to his back calmly.

"Yitzhak Jiuer, if you continue to leave, then I will treat your unauthorized departure as a deserter and report it to ZAFT."


Not only Yitzhak, but everyone else was also stunned.

They didn't expect that the natural person in front of them would be so "despicable"!

The angry Yitzhak immediately turned around.

"I'm not a deserter! I just don't want to be trained by a natural person!"

Faced with Yitzhak's defense, Alex sneered.

"From the moment you put on this military uniform, your original identity is already in the past. No matter you are the child of that congressman, what background you have, or whether you like natural people or not! Your identity is already A soldier!"

"Soldiers have strict disciplines and rules! Even if you don't like me, it's training time. I'm not counting your wrong behavior of contradicting the instructor. During this time, any behavior of leaving the team without permission , I have the right to regard him as a deserter."

Alex said loudly, these words were not only meant for Yitzhak, but also for other Adjuster recruits.

He cannot adjust the conflict between the adjuster and the natural person in a short time.

After all, the conflict between the two sides has been going on for a long time. The natural people’s crazy persecution of the adjusters, and the adjusters’ arrogance in treating the natural people as inferiors. The things here cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences.

Most of the teenagers in front of them joined the army because of the bloody Valentine's Day incident, and they naturally have more hatred towards natural people.

Even if he is eloquent, he will not be able to reverse this prejudice in a short time.

And if we continue to discuss who is right and who is wrong between natural persons and adjusters, it will only make the situation worse.

In this case, it was necessary to cut through the mess quickly, so he started with military discipline.

What these enthusiastic young men who took the initiative to join the army fear most at the moment is that they will be regarded as deserters and sent back. How can they hold their heads high in front of their families, relatives and friends in the future?

Although this is a bit despicable, it is currently the fastest way to solve the situation in the bud.

As for what happens in the future, it depends on Alex's skills and personal charm.

He is not worried about this. The pile of buffs he currently has makes his personal charm extremely high.

And as long as he grasps the rhythm and enters the field he is good at, the rest will be very simple.

"Yitzhak Jiuer, since this is your first offender, I can give you a chance. Now, return to the team!"

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