In order to ensure long-term effectiveness, it also comes with a geothermal generator, which can achieve almost semi-permanent operation.

In order to prevent it from being started remotely, once the neutron jammer enters the ground, it will cut off contact with the outside world and switch to automatic operation.

So overnight, the nuclear fission reaction on the earth, whether it was a nuclear bomb or a nuclear power plant, was terminated.

Not only was the nuclear fission reaction stopped, the neutron jammer also interfered with radar detection, wireless communications, etc.

This has caused chaos and paralysis among countries and even within cities on the earth.

And this is not the end, just part of Ouroboros' plan.

After dawn on April 4, before the United Earth had recovered from the chaos caused by the neutron jammer.

The second batch of ZAFT orbital airborne troops were in place and began to land on Earth.

It's just that the ZAFT Army, which has learned its lesson, is not targeting the Victoria Spaceport, which is heavily defended by the Union Army.

But the pro-PLANT Federation of Oceania!

With the assistance of the Oceania Federation, ZAFT airborne troops used materials and facilities dropped from orbit to build the prototype of the Carpantalia base in just 48 hours.

Although the communications were chaotic and the nuclear reactor of the large battleship was locked and could not be started, important combat effectiveness was lost.

However, after discovering this situation, the United Pacific Fleet immediately dispatched to try to prevent the ZAFT army from gaining a foothold on the earth.

However, they were defeated by the well-prepared Oceania Federation fleet and ZAFT MS troops, and had to retreat. The coalition also missed the best opportunity.

By the time the coalition forces recovered from the chaos, the basic construction of the Carpantaria base had been completed. With the help of the airborne MS troops, ZAFT successfully gained a bridgehead on Earth.

This battle later became known as the 'Operation Carpantaria Suppression'.

ZAFT not only ended the possibility of natural man continuing to use nuclear weapons to attack the PLANT mainland, but also successfully obtained a bridgehead on the earth. Operation Ouroboros was a complete success.

When the news of the successful battle reached PLANT, the adjusters who had been somewhat depressed under the influence of a series of events such as Bloody Valentine's Day, the failure of the Victoria offensive and defense, and the assassination of Lux finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the Ouroboros operation is not without its disadvantages. First of all, the neutron jammers projected in large quantities interfere with the fission reaction indiscriminately.

Not only were military nuclear warheads and nuclear reactors blocked, but civilian nuclear power plants were also blocked.

Secondly, interfering with radio waves also has a huge impact on communications. Military and civilian applications are also disrupted.

The serious energy crisis caused by this was called the "April Fool's Day Crisis" by the earth, and was used to launch public opinion attacks on the regulators.

And during the battle, a large number of civilians died due to power outages and communication interruptions, which subsequently led to global famine.

The sentiment of the natural inhabitants of the earth against PLANT and the adjusters has reached its peak.

Not only did the United Army take the opportunity to expand its army, but even anti-regulator organizations such as Blue Universe also took the opportunity to cause trouble.

At the same time, the living environment of adjusters on the earth becomes even worse and they have to move to pro-PLANT countries.

But more adjusters were captured and imprisoned, or were driven out of their homes and became refugees.

Alex believes that it is impossible to determine who is right and who is wrong in this matter.

Just because a neutron jammer interferes with nuclear fission doesn't make the adjuster an asshole.

After all, so many people have been killed by nuclear bombs. If they cannot be stopped, with the power of Blue Universe within the United Army, and the war situation continues to develop, these madmen may use nuclear bombs to carry out saturation attacks to completely destroy the PLANT mainland.

But because of this panic, the regulators arbitrarily made a complete blockade of nuclear fission in order to gain their own sense of security.

This kind of arbitrariness also leads to pushing most natural people to oppose themselves.

So this is not simply the fault of one party, but caused by the big people who control the world behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, he really wanted to kill these bastards who were manipulating the war behind the scenes.

But these things are a little difficult for him for the time being.

After all, I am now alone. If I want to deal with these guys, I must have like-minded comrades.

If he was looking for the best cooperation partner in the SEED world, he would prefer the three-ship alliance.

Whether it is Kira and Lux, who are the core figures of this world, or the purpose of this organization is to ensure world peace.

Compared with other organizations, it is worth joining.

In addition, the scrap recycling dealers' guild is also a big help.

But this matter is also quite difficult. Although the scrap recycling dealers' guild exists, the three-ship alliance has not yet been established.

So he still needs to wait patiently...

Moreover, his current main mission is to steal MS data.

He must complete this task first and then consider other things.

However, because of the attack, he also established a connection with Lux. The pink-haired girl thanked him through Aslan and invited him to visit her home when he had time.

Not only that, Speaker Siegel and Patrick also sent him thanks.

It also allowed him to have an intersection with PLANT's senior management.

Although the war is raging outside, the training of recruits in the training camp continues.

On this day, the training subjects for the recruits were rifle live ammunition shooting in the morning and MS training in the afternoon.

Alex stood at the shooting range and looked at everyone's fixed shooting results.

After two rounds of shooting, he looked at everyone's results and shook his head.

"With your shooting skills, you are no better than a gorilla on the battlefield."

"But instructor! We can all reach the 9th and 10th rings!"

It was still Yitzhak who popped out first, Alex sneered.

"What you are shooting is a fixed target! As adjusters, if the fixed target reaches level 8 or lower, I do not recommend using guns, or using them as fire sticks to hit people faster."

Although his words seemed a bit harsh, the recruits who were used to his methods were not as angry as before.

That night, Alex was at the scene to protect Lux from shooting. Thanks to the unintentional publicity of Aslan and others, everyone knew about it.

They think they can't reach his level.

"Then instructor, how do we need to shoot to be qualified?"

Aslan asked.

"If you learn shooting only for target shooting or participating in shooting competitions, then you are qualified. In battlefield shooting, there is no such thing as qualified or unqualified. It's just whether you can or you can't."

Alex corrected their mental concepts about shooting.

"Battlefield shooting is not like shooting at a range or a shooting competition. There are fixed action requirements. If you do not follow the requirements in competition shooting, you will be disqualified. But there is no such thing on the battlefield. It is much freer. After all, as long as you can shoot and reload, box, just troubleshoot."

"However, this does not mean that there are no essential movements and some useful postures for battlefield shooting."

He pointed to the long and short guns on the table.

"When to use which weapon is a knowledge, and it is also one of the prerequisites that can effectively help you quickly eliminate the enemy and preserve yourself in a chaotic battlefield environment."

"Mastering stationary shooting is only the beginning of learning to shoot. Based on your abilities and battlefield environment, I suggest that you'd better master shooting on the move and quickly switch guns."

"Mobile shooting is mainly adapted to the following situations, facing machine gun positions or even the front of solid targets such as tanks and armored vehicles. In this case, even a fool knows not to confront the opponent head-on, because you are no longer as strong as others."

His slightly vulgar words made the recruits laugh and remember what he said firmly in their hearts.

"So move, avoid enemy fire, and make a surprise attack on the flank. Or if you suddenly encounter an enemy while advancing, and the engagement distance is greater than the close combat distance, mobile shooting is applicable."

"When you encounter an enemy, but the current weapon in your hand is empty of ammunition and there is no time to change the magazine, you must decisively abandon the current weapon, pull out another backup weapon and fire to suppress the enemy, buying time for yourself and your teammates. "

After a pause, he added.

"Of course, if you only have one weapon, it's best to roll behind cover immediately and change the magazine."

After that, he picked up the ZAFT assault rifle, hung it on his body, and pulled the bolt with his backhand.

"Having said that, let me give you a demonstration."

Chapter 13 I Want It All!

Then he walked into the mobile shooting range, with the recruits standing behind him.

The mobile shooting range can not only be viewed intuitively from behind, but also can be viewed and played back in detail through the images captured by cameras everywhere.

With a buzzer, Alex rushed out with an assault rifle in his hands and a quick step.

Targets continue to appear behind various obstacles around you.

The muzzle of the gun in his hand also kept pointing at the targets that appeared and fired.

The order in which these targets appear is random, so it is difficult to rely on a backboard to memorize them. It depends entirely on improvising on the spot.

Alex's entire set of movements was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and every erected target was knocked down in a very short period of time.

When the third to last target appeared, the assault rifle in Alex's hand was empty of bullets.

The clear sound of the firing pin reminded him that the ammunition was exhausted.

But he did not change the magazine, and threw the assault rifle hanging on his body aside without hesitation with his left hand.

While catching the assault rifle with his right hand, he clamped the butt of the gun with his neck, and the gunfire came across.

He immediately pulled out the pistol from his leg holster with his left hand and hit the target three times quickly, causing the target to fall down.

He pulled out a new magazine with his right hand, knocked off the empty magazine, and inserted the new magazine.

The penultimate target was raised, and before he had time to pull the bolt, his left hand, which had not been lowered, was leveled and fired three more times.

After the target fell, his neck released the clamped gun butt. When the assault rifle fell, he grabbed the charging handle with his right hand and used the gravity of the fall to pull the bolt and load the gun.

The right hand slides down to hold the grip, the left hand holding the pistol is bent, the elbow is used to prop up the assault rifle handguard, and the gun is fired at the last erected target.

With the clear sound of continuous firing, the target was hit and fell down.

After completing the shooting action, he did not put down the weapon immediately, but continued to remain vigilant and waited for a while with the gun raised.

Sure enough, another target suddenly popped up from his left position.

Alex quickly turned and fired, hitting the target.

Until the buzzer sounded again, he put the pistol back into the holster on his leg, turned off the safety of the assault rifle with his right hand, and walked back to the stunned recruits.

"If you can do what I do, you will be considered a graduate."

In the following time, these recruits conducted a shooting training one after another, and roughly experienced shooting on the move and rapid switching of guns.

Although the movements seemed a bit lacking in quantity, relying on the adjuster's physical fitness, they were able to perform them in a decent manner.

During MS training in the afternoon, Alex and other Orb instructors were watching as usual.

Alex was very calm about the action of stealing MS data.

In this case, I must first let these ZAFT officers and soldiers get used to my existence.

Once you get used to it, you will become careless over time.

Then you have the opportunity to connect your tablet watch to the device and it is very simple to get the data.

So for this last very simple step, he first had to become as familiar as possible with these maintenance and technical soldiers.

Fortunately, as a veteran, he smokes and drinks and is proficient in everything.

After this period of hanging out, he was able to chat with these maintenance sergeants.

And the other party didn't mind him standing next to them while working.

This is a good sign, and the next step is to wait for the opportunity.

Just when Alex was trying to look familiar, a sudden alarm sounded throughout PLANT.

"What happened?"

Just when everyone was confused. , the broadcast communication in the base rang.

"The Supreme Council issued an emergency evacuation order for all, please find the nearest evacuation site, repeat..."

The evacuation order was issued, and the instructors immediately organized the recruits to move to the underground shelter.

Just as they were transferring, mobile suits including Training Jin En could be seen in the base. After being activated and equipped with weapons, they took off and flew towards the central hub.

"The Earth Alliance is coming?"

This was the first thing that came to Alex's mind.

After all, it was him, and many people thought the same when they saw this scene.

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