"In other words, if you use Jin En's OS and directly use the adjuster pilot, you can control it smoothly, right?"

He tilted his head and thought for a moment before answering.

"Theoretically, that's the case, but I don't think the Orb Army and the higher-ups want all of the country's mobile suit troops to be adjusters. This will make some of them sleepless."

Alex's sarcasm made Gina laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, that's right. Those old-fashioned old guys will not agree to such a proposal."

He agreed very much with this. Although he was born as an adjuster, he and his sister Mina were responsible for the affairs of the Sahak family and did their best for Orb.

However, the two of them are not the heads of the Sahak family, and their radical behavior has also caused them to be unpopular with the elders of the other major families.

Although Uzmi values ​​their abilities, Uzmi's neutral policy is a joke in the eyes of the two Gena.

Especially now that they claim to be neutral, but secretly develop mobile suits for the Atlantic Federation.

Although this is a situation that small countries have to face, in their opinion, it is better to directly join one of them.

Neutrality like this will sooner or later be swallowed up in the confrontation between the two camps.

"Come here, Alex, let me see the good stuff."

Gina motioned for Alex to come forward, so the two stood at the railing and looked down.

Alex saw that there were five truss cranes in the busy warehouse.

This large carrying vehicle with 80 wheels is specially designed to move mobile suits within bases or ships.

This is the frame structure where Strike and Holy Shield lay at the beginning in the original plot.

It can move autonomously or can be towed by a trailer.

On the truss crane below, technicians wearing various work clothes and hard hats were busy working on the skeletons of two mobile suits.

On the other three trusses, there are also some parts that cannot be seen for the time being.

"This is the Heretic series we developed using Atlantic Federation technology."

Gina said without any hesitation.

Alex followed his words and thought about it for a while before guessing.

"In other words, we are developing mobile suits for the Atlantic Federation?"

Gena did not deny his speculation.

"That's right, and it's in another Gnaku."

Alex shook his head in feigned surprise.

"This is really bold. Once exposed, neither ZAFT nor the coalition will let us go."

Gina scoffed at this.

"Hmph, those stupid and arrogant coalition forces certainly didn't expect that they are busy guarding against the Adjuster's spies."

"So we just get the benefit?"


Gina turned around, looked at him and said seriously.

"You are my most trusted agent, so your next task is to stay here, as my representative, to supervise the construction of the heretical project."

Hearing this, Alex was stunned.

"What? Me?"

During this time, he sorted out his memories.

He confirmed that he was a secret agent of the Sahak family and had been working for quite some time.

His public identity is that of a free mercenary.This is very consistent with a certain skill Alex obtained from the previous world.

Because he has repeatedly completed difficult tasks well, he has won the trust of Gina and Mina. It can be said that the Sahak siblings are the trump card and confidant.

It is not surprising to be entrusted with such an important task.

However, he was worried about something else.

Chapter 19 New identity, new plan

"BOSS, but I'm just a captain. For this kind of plan, you must be at least a colonel, right?"

Gina seemed indifferent to his worries.

"Don't worry, there is someone else in charge of the project. You will stay here to supervise as the special envoy of the Sahak family. After all, I can't stay here permanently."

Alex suddenly realized that he was originally asked to be the supervisor.

(The system whispered, "But aren't the supervisors eunuchs...")

(Alex "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!")

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Gina turned around and prepared to leave.

"In this case, I will go back and summon the person in charge to introduce you to him."

But Alex thought about it a little and took the initiative to propose his idea to him.

"BOSS, then I hope to keep a low profile."

Gina stopped and turned to look at him again.

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

Although his eyes are too high and he sees everyone else as useless snacks, he is still very tolerant of talents like Alex.

"If it is clearly stated that I am a special envoy with supervisory responsibilities, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to carry out my work. After all, I am only a captain."

"Go on."

Gena seemed to understand what he wanted to say and let him continue.

"It's better to assign me a position for someone else in the heresy plan. It doesn't need to be too high, as long as it has a certain degree of freedom of movement. This will also make it easier for me to secretly supervise the progress of the plan."

The reason why Alex requested this was because if he served as a special envoy, not only would it be difficult for him to convince the public because he was a leader who suddenly descended from the air.And as an agent standing in the spotlight, it seems too dazzling.

Both situations can easily lead to difficulty in starting one's work, or even failure due to intentional stumbling.

But Gina has never changed his mind easily.

So he planned to save the country through a curveball, change his public identity, and at the same time secretly supervise the progress of the plan as a special envoy.

After listening to his suggestion, Gina also thought it was feasible.He knows very well that some people may not be good at their jobs, but they are top troublemakers.

"That makes sense, so do you have any suggestions about your position?"

After thinking for a moment, Alex showed a familiar smile.

"What do you think, test pilot?"

Soon after, Gena took him back to his office, and then summoned several people in charge of the heresy program in Heliopolis.

He introduces Alex to the others.

"This is Captain Alex from Orb's native land. He will serve as the test pilot of the Heretic Project and will be responsible for testing the completed Heretic body."

Several people in charge looked at each other. Although the heresy plan was progressing rapidly, it was still too early to say whether it would be tested.

Because the machine with the fastest progress is still in a skeleton state at this time, without outer armor and other equipment installed.

The slowest machines are still complete parts, not to mention that the OS suitable for natural people has not yet been written.

Why should the test pilots be arranged so early?

Among the few people, only the man who had just met still remembered the captain who suddenly appeared.

It was he who brought Jin En's control OS to him, so although he felt it was a bit too early, it was not inappropriate for him to serve as the test pilot.

However, although they all felt that it was still too early, no one dared to raise objections to Gina.

During this period of time, they have fully seen and learned about Gina's character and temper.

In order not to offend this, in their opinion, moody boss.Moreover, test pilots do not interfere in the design and construction, so there is no need to contradict and offend their superiors for a false job.

In their opinion, although the test pilot was blind in one eye, he looked more like a veteran who had experienced many battles.It should be no problem to control the adjuster's OS.

However, because Gina didn't say anything and they didn't ask, everyone thought Alex was the adjuster.

But what no one expected was that he was actually a natural person.

Alex's bet was that they wouldn't ask about it.After the heretics were created, Kruse probably came to kill them.

Therefore, as a test pilot, he actually had no chance to officially test the heresy.

Of course, other situations cannot be ruled out, such as the explosion of small universes in Dawn Society and the completion of heresy ahead of schedule.

However, Alex believed that even with his own skills, the heretical problem of using the Adjuster OS would not be big.

In this way, with the help of Gena's tiger skin, he, the fake test pilot and secret supervisor, took office.

After arranging for Alex, Gena hurriedly left Heliopolis.

As the head of the Sahak family, he is usually very busy. Being able to supervise the heretical plan here for a period of time has already wasted a lot of time.

After he left, Alex first took a quick tour of each department under the leadership of the logistics director. While making him familiar with it, he also let each department know that a test pilot was coming.

After getting familiar with each other, the logistics officer took him to the arranged residence.

"Thank you very much, Director Tirian."

"You're welcome, Captain Alex."

After sending away the other person with a fake smile on his face, Alex closed the door and let out a sigh of relief.

After checking as usual to confirm that there was nothing unusual in the room, he sat at the table and began to plan his next plan.

The moment the chip is handed over to Gina, the main mission is prompted to be completed.

The main task of the next stage is.

'The new main mission, Reunion in the Flames of War, witnesses Aslan and Kira meeting again in the flames of war, and ensures that the two do not die in the flames of war. '

Although I was surprised at the time, I didn't have time to ask the system.

Now settled, he set up the tablet.

"System, what does it mean to not die in the flames of war? I remember that after the two met, they looked at each other affectionately and called each other's names, and the BGM started together for the next episode. Then Kira attacked and started fighting. , defeated Huang Mao played by the leader, and then Heliopolis exploded."

The system replied tepidly.

"Do you still remember what you did during training? In the past, at most Aslan was considered an excellent soldier, but now they have caught up with the special forces, adjuster-level special forces. You have increased the difficulty of the task for yourself."

Hearing this, he scratched his cheek.

"Uh... is it still my fault for co-writing?"

"Or else?"

"What if Kira dies?"

he asked very curiously.

"The protagonist of the world dies and the world line changes by more than 50%. The erosion level of the side that originally occupied this world is +2, and the impact on the main world changes by +1%."

"I'll go, isn't this a direct failure?"

Alex saw from the system that he had worked hard to defeat Iron Blood and brought 0.05% change to the main world. This time it was 1%!

"No, it won't be a direct failure. You can still continue, but the difficulty level will be increased by 3."

"Then can I ask, what is the difficulty level of my current SEED world?"

The system told him after he heard the sound of turning books in his ears.

"Currently, the enemy has the upper hand in the SEED main world, so our difficulty level is increased by one. Your current world difficulty is 3."

“Is that considered high or low?”

"Let's go to the hard difficulty level. Although it is difficult for you, you should be able to complete it easily with your wisdom."


Alex gasped.

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