After agreeing on the time for the next test and bidding farewell to Layton and others who continued to be busy, Alex drove away from the base.

After driving out of the heretical factory in the hills, he came to the industrial area.

Although the campus of the Heliopolis Engineering School is within the colonial satellite and not within the factory area, as a vocational school, it has a dedicated laboratory within the factory area.

He planned to try his luck and see if he could encounter Kira and others at this point, who were about to go to dinner.

It's a pity that he was unlucky. He drove around the experimental building several times, but he didn't see the spiky-headed Kira.

Either they have left, or they are still busy working for professors.

But he couldn't go directly into the building to find someone, that would seem too deliberate, so he could only regretfully prepare to turn around and leave.

But after all, he still has enough time to wait and see.

However, just when he turned around and was about to leave, he unexpectedly saw an 'acquaintance'.

He slowly parked the car next to the other party.

"Technical Chief Ma Liu, what a coincidence, we meet again."

And Malu, who was carrying the things he bought from the convenience store, also looked at the Orb Army captain he met last night in surprise.

Early this morning, the guard had reported to her about Alex's identity verification.

There was indeed such a person in the Orb army, and detailed records were submitted to her.

Her attitude was no longer as vigilant as last time and became more easy-going.

"Captain Alex, what a coincidence."

"What, the work is over?"

He pointed at the convenience store bag the other person was holding.

Obviously, the other person wouldn't be carrying a bag containing snacks and beer if he hadn't gotten off work.

Mariu admitted with a smile.

"Yes, I just finished work and plan to go back to rest."

"It just so happens that I've just finished work. From the look of you, you probably plan to take a break without eating. How about it? Do you want to have a meal together?"

Alex invited her again.

The reason why he invited Ma Liu was because he might be on the Archangel.

Then it is necessary to become familiar with him before doing this.

Facing his invitation, Malu hesitated. After all, he was not an Orb, but a soldier of the Atlantic Federation.


"Don't worry, just eat, don't drink."

Alex smiled and pointed to his left eye.

"As someone who is blind in one eye, I attach great importance to safe driving."

Seeing that he had already spoken to this extent, Ma Liu could only nod.

"Okay, thank you for the invitation."

Then he opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

After Alex waited for her to sit down, he started the car and left.

About 5 minutes after he left, Kira and his classmates walked out of the experimental building.

"Ah, it's true that the professor has assigned me a new task."

Listening to Kira's wailing, Thor on the side smiled and hugged his shoulders.

"Who makes you a genius, Kira-kun?"

"Geniuses also have human rights!"

"Then why don't you go talk to the professor?"

The group walked towards the station with a smile.

Although Alex didn't know that he missed an opportunity, he also seized the opportunity to build a good relationship with the future Archangel Captain, which can be regarded as a gain.

He did not drive to the city of Heliopolis, after all, the relationship between the two was not that familiar yet.

In addition, my character has only been here for two days, in order not to make Malu, who has been working here for a long time, suspicious.

Alex decisively chose the closest and least suspicious place.

Restaurant in an industrial area.

After stopping the car, Alex said slightly apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I've only been here two days and I don't know any good restaurants in the city yet. I can only treat you to the canteen first."

Malu didn't care much about this.

On the contrary, it would only arouse her vigilance if Alex drove her to the city.

"It's nothing. I usually come here often. But I was too tired today, so I bought some food from the convenience store and planned to go back directly."

The two got out of the car and entered the restaurant.

Although it is a canteen in an industrial area, the food and service are similar to those of restaurants outside.

There is a convenient and fast self-service style, as well as ordering service.

The two simply ordered some food and found a table to sit down.

"Considering that Technical Chief Malu needs a good rest next time, and I am not familiar with Heliopolis, I can only treat you to the canteen first this time. I will definitely find a good restaurant next time."

When apologizing, Alex naturally extended the next invitation just like Malu.

After hearing what he said, Malu laughed.

"Captain Alex, you seem to be very good at inviting women."

"Really? I think my apology is very sincere."

Alex replied shamelessly.

In response to his answer, Malu smiled and said nothing.

The two had a tacit understanding and did not have any conversations about the work they were responsible for.

After all, whether it is Plan G or Plan Heretic, they are things that cannot be easily revealed to others.

So they changed the topic to other aspects, and Alex introduced some information about Orb to Malu.

After listening to his description, Ma Liu said that if he had time, he would definitely travel to Orb.

Alex secretly laughed at this, after all, after a while, Malu will really go to Orb.

Of course, he took the Archangel and plunged into Orb's territorial waters, and then settled in Orb.

So what she says now can be regarded as planting a flag for her future.

"Captain Alex, please excuse me, but what's wrong with your eyes?"

Although he did exist in the Orb system, Ma Liu still asked tentatively.

After reading his detailed file, Ma Liu still had some doubts and concerns.

The main reason for her suspicion was Alex's blind eye.

As a neutral country, Orb has not engaged in large-scale external wars in the past ten years.

And looking at Alex's age, it doesn't look like he is in his 40s.

It is impossible to join the military if you are physically disabled, especially if you have eye problems. Then his eyes can only be caused by injuries during service. In fact, this is also recorded in the file.

However, according to the data, Alex is a captain in the Orb Army Air Force, and someone who is blind in one eye will definitely not be able to serve as a pilot.

Although the information also recorded records about his injuries, Malyu's careful thinking also allowed him to think of more.

Not to mention whether the cause of the injury is true or false, since he has not retired from active service, it means that there is another possibility for his identity.

Her seemingly abrupt and impolite question was essentially doubtful about Alex's identity.

After all, a guy who invites him to dinner continuously as soon as they meet is a bit suspicious no matter how he looks at it.

There is a saying in the East Asian Federation: 'If you show courtesy for nothing, you will be either a traitor or a thief. '

Either this person is a complete Neptune and his purpose is to sleep with him, or he is approaching him with another purpose.

It should be said that Ma Liu's intuition was very sharp, and she easily saw through Alex's purpose, but she did not completely believe her guess.

Alex was fully prepared for this problem.

And the explanation for his eye problem is also recorded in his personal file.

But only a few people know the real reason.

He tapped the patch over his left eye.

"My eyes were damaged during a flight training. The canopy broke and the debris hit my eyes, causing damage to the lens. Although I was not completely blind, I only had photosensitive vision left, which is no different from being blind."

"That's it, sorry. Captain."

Alex's answer is recorded in the data.

Alex shook his head and said generously.

"It's okay. Although I can't be a pilot if I'm blind, I can still train those rookies as a flight instructor."

He paused and continued pretending not to care.

"The defenders of Heliopolis have recently expanded in size, so they need to train new recruits. And I am here to be their instructor."

Then he folded his arms and complained to Malu in a low voice.

"I really don't know what those big shots are thinking. Since we are a neutral country, why do we suddenly expand the size of the colonial satellite's defenders? Don't they know that doing so will arouse the vigilance of the Alliance Army and ZAFT?"

His complaints made him seem to have a mentality similar to that of other Orb soldiers that Malu was familiar with.

After listening silently, Ma Liu made an assessment of him in her heart.

Judging from the current situation, everything he said should be true, and Malu's suspicion of him was further alleviated.

However, as a member of a confidential project, she did not completely let down her guard, so she needed to continue to observe and confirm in future contacts.

Moreover, Hanaku No. 13 is definitely the fighter hangar set up by the Orb Army here, specifically responsible for repair and maintenance.

The expansion of the Heliopolis garrison was essentially done by Orb to prevent Plan G from leaking.

The external excuse is to prevent the intensifying fighting between the Union Army and ZAFT from threatening the colonial satellites.

So she relaxed her vigilance a little, with a smile on her face.

"Perhaps the country is considering that the war will further expand and is preparing in advance?"

Alex shook his head.

"Orb is a neutral country. Although he has the strength to ensure his neutrality, under the current situation, Orb can't afford to offend anyone. To put it bluntly, the space fighter jets equipped by the defenders of Heliopolis can't deal with it at all. ZAFT’s mobile suits and the coalition’s M/A pose a threat.”

"With equipment like this, it's better to die than to fight."

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the important figures in his country to Malu. This kind of private complaint seemed very normal.

Chapter 24 'Aquaman' Alex

It's not that Alex is deliberately exaggerating. In fact, the M/AW-01 Mistral equipped by the Heliopolis defenders is not so much a combat machine.

Rather, it is a multi-purpose work equipment.

The upper and lower parts can be separated into two parts, the upper part is the operating cabin, and the lower part can be used as a trailer.Under normal conditions, the connection is made by magnetic force.

The original purpose of this thing is to use two robotic arms to perform various operations.

A 40mm Vulcan cannon pod or a 5-link missile launcher can be mounted below it.

The Union Army also used a large number of these as M/A for space warfare at the beginning, but it was later replaced by the mass-produced model of Mobius Zero, TS-M/A2 Mobius.

Since he is not a professional fighter, Mistral naturally does not have strong combat effectiveness.

His complaints, coupled with his charm points, also made Ma Liu somewhat convinced of his identity.

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