Alex looked at his watch.

"Oh, it's already this time! I haven't eaten yet, where are you, Kira?"

"I didn't eat either."

Looking at the embarrassed boy, Alex reached out and patted his shoulder, almost knocking Kira to the ground.

"Very well, then let me treat you!"

As he spoke, he showed his thumbs up and smiled at Kira.

"Huh? How can this be done?"

"You're welcome, just think of it as a thank you gift to thank you for helping me lead the way."

"But, this..."

Kira was still hesitating, but Alex put his arm around his shoulders without any explanation and walked out.

"No hesitation, it's just a meal. Let's go!"

Alex’s own upbringing environment convinced him that there was nothing that a meal could not solve.

If so, then have two meals!

Not yet?Then consider cooking for yourself.

Since it is a treat, we can no longer eat in the cafeteria like we treat Maru.

That was because he had to pretend that he was not familiar with Heliopolis, and the school was not as far away from the city as the industrial area.

Besides, Kira is probably tired of eating in the school cafeteria.

So after the two got in the car, Alex casually asked Kira if she had any recommended stores.

Just when Kira was hesitating, a doubtful male voice suddenly shouted.


The two looked back and saw a boy with curly brown hair and a girl with brown hair looking at them curiously.

"Ah, Thor, Mirialia."

"You are..."

Thor asked curiously, pointing at Alex who was waving to them from the driver's seat.

"Ah, so it is."

After Kira briefly told the story, Thor sighed with envy.

"Yeah! That's great. I also want someone to treat me to dinner."

In response, Alex smiled slightly and said to the two of them.

"Since you are Kira's classmates and friends, why not come together."

"Ah? Is it okay?"

Mirialia asked in surprise.

"Oh, no need, I'm just saying."

Thor was also a little at a loss.

Alex thought that since he had seen everyone before, he might as well get to know them all.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's okay to invite one person, and it's okay to invite three people. Get in the car."


The two looked at each other, and finally got in the car under Alex's warm invitation.

And under the guidance of Mirialia, we came to a restaurant that was said to be good.

Although Thor shouted to order the most expensive one, this restaurant itself is a high-quality and low-priced restaurant suitable for students.

Therefore, the meal didn't cost much. Alex relied on his charm and conversation at the table to quickly make Thor and Miriam his little fans.

After the meal, the three of them were sent back to school, and Alex drove back to his residence.

After taking a shower, he took out the tablet again.

Put a check mark behind 'Meet and get to know Kira'.

Not only did he meet Kira, but he also exceeded his expectations and met the unlucky ghosts Thor and Mirialia.

He believes that through this line, he can get to know several people who have become Archangels.

So for him, it can be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

Moreover, he unexpectedly connected with the captain of the Archangel, Malu, which was very beneficial to his future plans.

At the same time, the progress of Plan G and Plan Heretic was confirmed, which meant that his plan could continue to proceed smoothly.

In the following time, Alex continued his plan step by step.

Assist the heterodox design team to test the OS and find bugs.

When I have nothing to do, I go to Kira and the others to eat and chat, and play with the young people for half a day.

Occasionally, he asked Ma Liu to go out to have a meal together, but because they each had secrets that they couldn't tell, there was no spark between them.

Alex really wanted to be open about this. He was very aware of Ma Liu's concerns and he also had secrets, so he did not express to Ma Liu the idea of ​​being more than a friend or having contact at a negative distance.

This also made Ma Liu relax, and she slowly let down her guard in future interactions.

It's October, and everything is going well for Alex.

On October 70, CE10, the blind mentor Malchio once again issued an initiative, hoping that Albany, the Director-General of the Earth United Affairs, and Siegel, the speaker of the PLANT Supreme Council, would meet.

And hope that the two sides can reach a peace agreement and stop the war.

The current stalemate in the war situation has made famine more serious on the earth after the April Fool's Day crisis.

The African United Front has been cut off by ZAFT forces due to its sea supply lines and ground supply lines.

As a result, a large number of civilians became refugees, and a humanitarian crisis broke out due to a shortage of food and medicine.Millions of natural human lives are at risk.

The civilian Adjusters left on Earth are also in a crisis of survival, and a large-scale movement to exclude Adjusters has taken place in the Eurasian Federation.

As a result, millions of Adjuster residents, as well as their relatives, had to leave their homes and flee elsewhere.

Many adjusters and their relatives who have nowhere to go have formed several large refugee camps in Uzbekistan.

It can be said that if the war continues, both natural people and adjusters will suffer endless pain.

However, this meeting ultimately failed due to the intervention of the Blue Cosmos forces within the Earth Alliance and the hawk forces within the Adjusters.

When he got the news, Alex was chatting with Kira and others.

Over this period of time, Alex has successfully become familiar with several other people in Kato's research team.

The news came from the news playing on Kira's PC.

Everyone present looked very surprised, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze for a moment.

Although we live in a peaceful country, the news every day is reporting on war.

So young people are no strangers to this.

"Will the war continue?"

Kaz Baskak, the timidest one, asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, we are a neutral country and we will not fight."

The optimistic Thor comforted him.

"Yes, Orb is a neutral country, right, Mr. Alex."

Mirialia turned to ask Alex.

"Yes, Orb is a neutral country. As long as you don't make mistakes, there will generally be no problems."

Although I really don't want to deceive these children, now is not the time to tell them the truth.

Seyi, who wore glasses and was a grade above Kira and the others, nodded.

"Yes, Heliopolis is very safe. Don't worry too much."

These students dreamed of a peaceful future, which made Alex sigh.

Later that day, when he and Malu were having dinner, he also talked about this matter.

As a soldier, Malu naturally sees things more clearly than the students.

"The United Army and ZAFT will not easily sit down and negotiate before either side achieves absolute victory. What's more, these guys from Blue Cosmos will not sit back and let this happen, just like back then. Same as in Copernicus.”

Alex understood that she was referring to the terrorist attack on the PLANT Council Country and the PLANT Parliament that occurred in the lunar city of Copernicus on February 70, CE2.

The incident resulted in the deaths of many people, including representatives of the Security Council and the UN chief.

And it was also the trigger and beginning of this war.

Alex strongly agrees with this, as a veteran who has experienced a year of war.

Even the Earth Federation defeated the Principality of Zeon and achieved the final victory.

However, the feud between the two parties lasted until UC100, and then it was finally brought to an end.

"If humans could focus their energy on infighting on the exploration of the universe, we might have left the solar system."

"Yeah, it's a pity that all these are extravagant hopes."

Ma Liu agreed very much with what he said. After this period of communication, she was convinced that although the man in front of her was sometimes irregular and fishy during working hours, he was a kind and upright person at heart.

"However, I heard that DSSD has been working hard to develop new space exploration technologies."

As a technical officer, Malu quickly changed the topic from the somewhat heavy politics to technological development.

"What about DSSD? I've heard of them. Have they started taking action?"

"It is said that they are already planning to build a new space station and have plans in place."

Alex went through the plot he knew in his mind.

At this time, the plot of Stargazer should not have started yet. Judging from the time, it was at least after Destiny started the plot.

Both Stargazer and DSSD's Trojan Space Station should be in the drawing stage now.

Time continues to pass, as Alex's relationship with Kira, the others, and Malu deepens.

Christmas of CE70 came under the clouds of war.

Then on New Year's Day of CE71, the new year was ushered in with the sound of gunfire from both sides.

After several months of building up strength, both the coalition and ZAFT could no longer tolerate it anymore and began to launch tentative attacks again.

The first to kick off the large-scale battle was the ZAFT army.

Chapter 26 Agent becomes nanny

According to the Volopoulos plan, after the ZAFT army obtained military strongholds on the earth and used neutron jammers to suppress nuclear energy, there was only the last key goal left.

Occupy and suppress the spaceport and mass accelerator on the earth, completely sealing the coalition forces on the earth.

In order to complete this mission goal, on January 71, CE1, the ZAFT Army set off from the Carpantalia base.

Launched an attack on the Kaohsiung Space Port of the East Asia Federation.

As a result, the situation on the Tropic of Cancer front in the Pacific intensified.

But surprisingly, in the face of this ZAFT attack, neither the Atlantic Federation nor the Eurasian Federation sent troops.

Just sitting and watching the fierce battle between the East Asian Federation and the ZAFT Army, it was obvious that they were sitting on a mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers.

It's obvious that even within the Earth Alliance, things are not in harmony.

At this time, Alex realized that there was only a very short time left before the Kruse team attacked.

He had to be prepared, so in the next few days, he changed his usual fatigue and fishiness, became serious, and tried to stay in the heretic base as much as possible.

At the same time, he did not forget to contact Kira and others. He used the car accident that happened in the factory area some time ago to tell them to pay attention to safety when they were in Morgan Reti recently and to contact him immediately if anything happened.

After all, his main plot is to protect Kira from death.

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