The launch vehicle was destroyed by Jin En with an assault rifle.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that the time was right, the ZAFT commandos immediately pounced on the target.

A group of people jumped directly from the mountain and relied on individual propellers to quickly approach.

"All parts and factory facilities that cannot be taken away were destroyed."

Yitzhak said to the others.

"Huh? Only 3?"

Nigel keenly discovered that the number of aircraft did not match what the intelligence mentioned.

"Are the remaining two still in the factory?"

Yitzhak looked up at Gnaku, where smoke was rising in the distance.

"Rusty's team and I will go in and seize them. You guys, Yitzhak, seize these three first."

"Okay, it's over to you."

While Jin En attracted the guard's attention, the commando descended from the sky and landed smoothly.

The moment they landed, the assault rifles in the hands of Aslan and others immediately opened fire.

Although in order not to damage the machine body, Miguel and others deliberately avoided the transport vehicle, resulting in many remaining enemy troops around. However, they were caught off guard and many were defeated.

After quickly emptying a magazine, the commandos began to alternate cover and reload.

"It's ZAFT! Fire!"

Only then did the Atlantic Federation defenders react and begin to fight back.

Many people had no weapons in their hands and could only run away in embarrassment to avoid the flying bullets.

There were also many guards with weapons, bravely firing at these ZAFTs who suddenly appeared.

A fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides, but the ZAFT commandos quickly gained the upper hand.

The adjusters' excellent reflexes and Alex's careful training make them very threatening when shooting at this distance.

On one of the MS transport vehicles, three Atlantic Federation soldiers fought back with assault rifles and pistols.

They immediately attracted the attention of Yitzhak and Tiago, and the two cooperated to focus fire on the three of them.

Two soldiers located next to the transport vehicle were hit accurately and fell to the ground dead.

The only remaining person turned and ran towards the transport vehicle, and Diego quickly approached with the help of his personal propeller.

He took out a grenade from his chest with one hand and flicked the ring.

The moment it hit the ground and passed the car door, he threw the grenade in.

After he ran away quickly, he heard an explosion behind him.

Although there were not many in number, as elites, they quickly eliminated the remaining defenders.

For those who escaped, Yitzhak and others did not pursue them, but quickly boarded the transport vehicle.

Their main task is to seize the machine body, not to kill people.

"Everyone, after boarding the aircraft, immediately disarm the self-destruction device."

Team Aslan and Rusty rushed towards Gnaku where the smoke had not yet dissipated.

At this time, Kira and his classmates had just ran up from the experimental building.

After arriving on the ground, they, like everyone else, were surprised to see Jin En, who was fighting with the Orb Army's armored forces.

This was the first time they had seen a mobile suit at such a close range, and the shock made them involuntarily freeze on the spot.

Not only them, but others too, stared dumbly at the two sides that were exchanging fire.

The main gun of the self-propelled artillery cannot pose a threat to Jin En's main armor from a long distance, unless it comes to a very close distance.

While Jin En was not paying attention, two linear artillery pieces suddenly turned out from the road in front of the crowd and got close enough to penetrate the MS armor.

However, before the self-propelled artillery could fire, it was discovered. The one-eyed machine turned and squatted to avoid the shells, and fired back casually.

Two self-propelled artillery were blown up right in front of Kira and others. Since the distance was not far, the explosion also affected the crowd.

The person standing at the front of the crowd was swallowed up by the flames of the explosion, while others were also blown to the ground by the shock wave.

When Kira and others got up in embarrassment, they found that many people standing in front had been hit by explosive shrapnel and debris.

Some people had their bodies twisted and fell into a pool of blood without making a sound, while others were still alive, holding their severed limbs and wounds and letting out almost inhuman screams.

The boys and girls who had never been in such close contact with war were suddenly panicked.

"Go back quickly, to the factory area!"

Someone shouted, and the surviving crowd turned around and ran into the experimental building.

This building is connected to the factory area through an underground passage. Compared with the ground where the fierce exchange of fire is taking place, it should be safer there.

With this idea in mind, everyone ran down the stairs.

At this moment, they, whether they are teachers, students, workers who have been working for a long time, or bosses, all have no idea.

They all became just mechanically and blindly following the movement of the crowd.

Kira and others also followed the crowd.

But as they moved along the underground passage, they realized that it was not safe here either.

There was constant vibration and falling dust in front of the passage, followed by a loud noise, followed by a shock wave and a burst of flames.

The few people running at the front were involved, and these unlucky guys were evaporated without even letting out a scream.

"Run back!"

At this time, the crowd, already like headless flies, immediately started running in the direction they came from.


In the chaos, Mirialia was pushed to the ground by the crowd.Falling to the ground at this time is not a good thing.

Thor found that the hand he was holding was missing. He turned around quickly and saw his girlfriend who had fallen to the ground.


He tried to go up against the crowd, but failed.

Just when Mirialia was about to be trampled underfoot by the crowd, Kira from behind her quickly pulled her up.


Before the shocked Mirialia could say her thanks, there was a loud bang above their heads, followed by a large amount of dust falling.

With the help of flickering lights, Kira saw that the ceiling was cracking.

So he pushed Mirialia away without thinking, and Thor grabbed his girlfriend's arm and pulled her into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, the ceiling collapsed instantly, "submerging" Kira before she could move.

When the smoke cleared, the collapsed passage was almost completely blocked by rubble.


Thor shouted loudly.


Sai and others shouted loudly when they saw this.

"I'm fine!"

From the remaining narrow gap, they saw Kira waving to them, and they felt relieved.

"Don't move, Kira, we will find a way to save you!"

Sai finished speaking loudly, then looked around.

But there were no tools around to allow them to dig out the wreckage.

Just when a few people were about to move away the rubble, Kira said.

"You don't need to worry about me. Go and take refuge first. I'll walk forward from the passage and I should be able to reach the factory area."


Kaz wanted to say something else, but heard Kira's voice gradually fade away.

"You go!"

"Kira! Kira!"

Although several people tried to call him to stop him, in order to prevent them from staying and encountering danger.

Kira still ran to the front of the passage resolutely.

When the remaining four people saw this, they could only turn around and run outside, while praying in their hearts that Kira would be safe and sound.

Chapter 32 Discussion between teachers and students

In Gnaku, the remaining defenders were engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the intruding ZAFT team.

Alex saw two ZAFT soldiers wearing red and four green entering Gnaku.

"Tsk, here we come."

Then the Atlantic Federation defenders quickly fell to the ground like leeks being cut.

"A crime..."

Seeing this scene, he sighed inwardly.

Then he raised the weapon in his hand, adjusted the shooting mode to semi-automatic with his left hand, and put a soldier in green uniform into the crosshairs of his 4x scope.

Accompanied by the intensive shooting, there was an inconspicuous gunshot.

The soldier fell to the ground.

"Rogers was shot!"


Rusty immediately threw a grenade, and under the cover of the explosion, Aslan rushed to the fallen soldier.

It was found that the shot penetrated the shoulder. Although he was not dead, he lost his fighting ability.

He immediately took out a hemostatic patch and applied it to the wound.

This is used for temporary sealing and hemostasis to prevent massive blood loss caused by injuries in space.

Rusty and the remaining three people used the explosion of the grenade to fight all the way towards the MS.

Alex turned the gun again and shot another soldier in green in the thigh.

A blood flower spurted out from the opponent's leg and fell to the ground. However, before Aslan and others could come to rescue him, he was shot to death by Atlantic Federation guards indiscriminately.

There was no time to regret the loss of young life, in order to prevent the remaining people from getting closer.

Alex could only harden his heart and continue to target the remaining people with fire suppression.


At this moment, a familiar shout came from behind.

Alex and Malu turned around and squatted down almost at the same time. A string of bullets swept over their heads and hit the armor of the assault.

With quick hands and eyes, Malu used the assault rifle in his hand to fire at the ZAFT soldiers who had touched the second floor of Gnaku at some unknown time.

Amidst the gunfire, the soldiers in green fell down.

Alex looked at the familiar figure on the second floor of Gnaku.

"Sure enough, he can touch this without Cagalli..."

"Child? Civilian?"

Malu also saw Kira in civilian clothes at this time.

In fact, by placing Cagalli in the Heretic Factory, in addition to protecting her safety, Alex also planned to try to see if Kira would not have gone to MS Gnaku if this person had not appeared.

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