"Very good, you evacuate immediately. The opponent's combat effectiveness has exceeded our expectations. We cannot continue to lose you. I need to have a good chat with you when I come back."


The holy shield rose from the ground, roaring and flying into the distance.

Alex, who was blocked by Kira, saw this scene and said to the boy in front of him.

"Your good friend is gone, Kira."


Only then did Kira see that the red mobile suit had gone away.

"Is that so..."

Although Kira felt a little disappointed, she also felt a little bit lucky.

However, at the next moment, several beams of light broke through the transparent outer wall of the stopped rotating colony satellite and shot into the interior of the satellite!

These beams were directed at the Archangel, which was about to enter the dock channel. At this time, the white battleship had no time to adjust its course and could only choose to resist the attack.

"All ships, prepare for impact!"

Fortunately, the beams of the first round of attacks all passed by the ship's hull, but this also frightened Malu and others on the bridge.

"what is the problem!"

Before they could figure out the situation, the second round of beam attacks had arrived.

This time the Archangel was hit. Fortunately, the laminated armor absorbed the damage of the beam, but the battleship still trembled.

"This is a bombardment from ZAFT warships!"

CIC quickly made an incredible judgment based on the power of the beam.

"What! Use battleships to bombard colonial satellites!"

"Hey, has this guy become so insane?"

Alex also didn't expect that Cruze would be so crazy and crazy that he would directly bombard colonial satellites with battleships.

Because it is inside the colonial satellite, the Archangel cannot fight back against external enemies, otherwise it will accelerate the collapse of the colonial satellite.

Malu could only order the battleship to speed up and rush into the passage.

In addition to the beam, there are also anti-ship missiles fired into the satellite.

These long-range shooting attacks are completely blind shooting based on the coordinates provided by Aslan.

The Archangel was hit a limited number of times, but the satellite's central axis, which had stopped rotating, became the biggest victim.

It had suffered many attacks during the battle, and the shaky central axis, after being hit by beams and missiles continuously, finally failed to hold up and began to disintegrate...

With a loud bang, the main shaft, the keel of the colonial satellite, began to fall apart.

The traction ropes extending from the main axis and connecting to the ground began to break one by one like a broken bowstring.

The broken traction cable hit the ground heavily, which accelerated the disintegration of the main shaft.

As the main shaft and traction cable disintegrated, the outer wall of the colonial satellite, which had stopped rotating and lost its gravity, began to fail to support it.

The overall frame began to twist and deform, and the outer wall of the satellite seemed to be cracked. Along the spliced ​​gaps, layers of it peeled off and decomposed.

The air that originally filled the interior of the satellite quickly leaked out as the satellite disintegrated, which further accelerated the disintegration of the satellite.

The resulting chaotic air flow swept through the entire colony, and objects such as buildings, vehicles, and trees were all swept up and flying in the air like dead leaves.

People in the shelter felt the violent tremors and listened to the latest orders conveyed on the radio.

"The satellite is disintegrated and the mandatory evacuation order is executed. Repeat..."

People couldn't believe their ears, but in the closed escape cabin, they couldn't do anything at the moment.

I can only pray helplessly in my heart, asking God to have mercy on me and let them live...

Before the satellite was completely disintegrated, the gate on the outer wall was opened, and a large number of escape capsules were launched densely like locusts.

In an instant, this space was filled with a large number of distress signals.

On the bridge of the bombing Volt warship, everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the satellite that was slowly disintegrating.

Many of them thought of Junius 7 at this moment.

Addis stood up suddenly.

"team leader……"

Cruze in front of the porthole did not respond to him, and seemed to be frightened by his 'masterpiece'.

However, at an angle that no one noticed, the corners of his mouth under the mask were slightly raised.

Chapter 44 It’s not just the earth that collapsed

Further away, on the bridge of the Izumo-class ship, Gina, who received the report from his subordinates, finally issued an action order.

"The advance fleet was dispatched and immediately went to Heliopolis for disaster relief. Contact the Heavenly Pillar and order the second fleet to come to the rescue. At the same time, contact the country and report the news back."


Standing on the bridge, Gina had a proud smile on her face.

"Hmph, the show has finally begun. You mortals, just follow my command and dance."

When the surroundings were completely quiet, Kira looked at everything on the screen in disbelief, breathing heavily.

Not long ago, the ground that he once stepped on has now become shattered and floating in the universe.

Various rubbles and metal fragments were mixed together on the screen, and he even saw his familiar sign floating past.

"Why...why did it become like this?"

Alex also had the same doubts as him.

He tried to do his best, but with the 'cooperation' of Cruze and Gina, Heliopolis still disintegrated.

"Damn, these two bastards!"

Although he was angry, he also knew that the top priority now was to leave here as soon as possible.

Cruze, who is even more ruthless than before, will obviously not let them go.

Fortunately, before the satellite disintegrated, Assault and Heretic were very close to each other, so the two machines held hands to avoid being scattered by the turbulence.

In the communicator, the Archangel was constantly calling the two of them.

He glanced at the attack on the screen. The appearance was still intact, but it was motionless. The Kira people were probably stupid.

So Alex got in touch.

"Here is the Heretic, Alex."

Having called Bucky many times in succession, Lulu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, Captain Alex, where's the attack?"

"Beside me, there is no damage, but Kira may have been stimulated by seeing the satellite disintegrate. Kira, Kira!"

At his call, Kira was stunned and hurriedly connected the communication.

"Hi! I-I'm Kira!"

After hearing that both of them were safe and sound, everyone on the bridge felt relieved.

As the few combat forces on the ship at this time, they could not afford to lose anyone.

"Captain Alex, can you confirm the coordinates of this ship? If you can, please return as soon as possible."

"I can confirm, I understand."

When the communication ended, Alex looked at the collapsed satellite and sighed.

"That's it for now, let's go back first, Kira."

"Yes, Captain Alex."

Just as the two were about to leave, an electronic sound appeared in the cockpit of the assault.

"Huh? What is this?"

Kira accidentally became familiar with this, so he locked onto this signal out of curiosity.

Alex is no stranger to this.


Then, a cylindrical floating object appeared on the screens of the two mobile suits at the same time, with lights flashing on it.

"It's the lifeboat of Heliopolis!"


Before Alex could speak, Kira had already controlled the attack and flew over...

When the colonial satellite disintegrated, the Archangel had already entered the passage, so it did not suffer much damage.

Moreover, the disintegration of the satellite not only turned this space into a debris field, but also filled it with a large number of heat sources.

Coupled with the N interference that has not dissipated, the enemy cannot effectively use any detection methods to detect them for the time being, so the Archangel is still safe.

But similarly, they cannot effectively detect the enemy's location.

Although the battle is over, the members of the Archangel are not at ease.

This is not only because powerful enemies are still surrounding them, but also because the colonial satellite collapsed right in front of their eyes during the battle.

There was inevitably a heavy feeling of guilt in their hearts, and no one on the bridge spoke for a while.

Until, Bucky Lulu's shocked voice came.

"Wait a minute, this ship is still fighting, how can we let refugees board the ship?"

"Are you asking me to just leave them alone? These are all refugees from Heliopolis!"

Kira's voice was also a little angry and urgent.

Alex watched all this helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to stop Kira from retrieving the rescue capsule because he could guess who was inside.

But Kira's movements were much faster than his. Before he could speak, Strike had already flown over and picked up the life capsule.

The contact loop has been established and people inside can hear their conversations.

And if she lets him leave this behind, it will also damage her good image in Kira's heart.

So he could only swallow the words that came to his lips and let the raid come back with the lifeboat.

As expected, when they came back with the rescue capsule and wanted to board the ship, they were opposed by Bucky Lulu.

If it were normal times, Bucky Lulu would naturally acquiesce to this kind of thing, but the current situation of the Archangel is already very bad, and it is in the middle of a battle.

This is not the right time to gather refugees, and even if the rescue capsule is left in place, someone will come to rescue it.

"But! This lifeboat has been damaged and can't sustain it for long!"

Just when the two were about to quarrel, Malu, who knew the whole story, spoke up.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, that's enough, I approve it."


"Now, I don't want to waste time because of this kind of thing."

"Yes. Captain!"

Although Bucky Lulu was dissatisfied, she still obeyed the order.

Malu also ignored the word 'captain' that she specially emphasized.

Assault and Heresy return to the ship through the catapult channel.

After the airlock closed behind them, Kira carefully maneuvered the body to place the rescue capsule on the deck.

Assault and Heresy each returned to their maintenance racks, and Mu's Mobius Zero had not yet reinstalled its gun barrel.

After the Heretic's cockpit door opened, Alex got out of the cockpit and handed the machine body to the maintenance team, and then floated to the Assault cockpit door.

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