The propeller at the rear of the Nazca-class ship lit up, and the retreating battleship slowly completed its deceleration, and then began to move forward towards the Archangel.

The Gamow behind also began to accelerate.

For a time, the two ZAFT warships continued to shorten the distance from the Archangel.

Kira sat in the cockpit of the assault, waiting for the order to attack.

"Aslan, will you show up again to sink this ship?"

"Laura class, approaching from behind, distance 50!"

Malu ordered calmly.

"Start the main engine in 2 minutes and launch Loanglin at the same time!"

The strike was moved to the catapult and began to carry flight equipment.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit.


He looked up at the communication screen and saw Mirialia waving to him.


Looking at the surprised Kira, Mirialia smiled.

All she saw was a playful wink.

"From now on, I will be responsible for combat control of MS and M/A. Please give me your advice."

Jackie on the side corrected her.

"Yes, please advise."

For some reason, Kira's originally nervous heart relaxed.

The fully equipped Strike Force was ready to eject, waiting for orders.

"Listen, Kira Yamato. Once this ship starts to start its main engine, the Laura class behind it will immediately launch an attack. Your task is to protect this ship."

Bucky Lulu repeated the task to him again.


Before the catapult attack, the Archangel deployed two 'Roanglin' ​​Yangdianzi city-breaking cannons located at the front of the catapult.

This is the most destructive weapon of the Archangel. Its precision strike power can even surpass that of nuclear weapons, but it does not have the large-scale destructive effect of nuclear weapons.

Its working principle is that after the jet carrying positrons comes into contact with the target, an antimatter annihilation reaction occurs to destroy the target.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to defend against positron cannons, because as long as it is an object composed of atoms, there must be electrons.

There are countless molecules and free electrons in the universe and the atmosphere. However, this kind of weapon attack will produce gamma rays, which can easily cause serious environmental pollution.

And it consumes a lot of electricity. With CE's technology of about 70 years, it cannot be miniaturized, so most of these large weapons are used by battleships and fortresses.

The two guns of the Archangel are mounted on the bow of the ship and are usually stored under the armor. They will only be opened to expose the muzzles when in use.

"Loanglin target, Nazca class ahead, start the main engine after launch."

Malu gave the order according to the plan.

At such a long distance, the enemy has plenty of time to evade.

However, the purpose of this shot was also to provide cover for the heretics coming forward and signal the start of the operation.

"The filling of the positron tank has reached the critical value, and the muzzle cluster ring is normal!"

"Loanglin, launch!"

Baji Lulu at CIC immediately gave the order.

After a short period of charging, the two main guns shot out a dazzling stream of red and white beams.

In the path passed by the two torrent-like spiral beams, the wreckage and various debris involved were triggered by an annihilation reaction and exploded into pieces.

Following these two dazzling lights, in the Heretic's cockpit, which was flying on inertia and keeping communications silent, Alex also understood that the action had begun.

On the Vesalis, the alarm sounded rapidly.

"The high-heat reaction in the front is approaching! A large heat source is detected behind it, and the long-legged engine starts!"

"Evade immediately!"

Addis ordered calmly.

With such a long distance, they had plenty of time to evade.

Kruse looked at the dazzling beam of light passing over the port side of the Vesalis and commented.

"After belatedly realizing that you fell into a trap, did you start a hasty counterattack?"

After the launch, the Archangel engine started immediately, and their actions were immediately captured by the Gamow behind them.

"Long-legged engines start!"

Captain Zelman immediately ordered.

"MS team dispatched!"

In the Gnaku, three gray Gundams that had not yet activated their PS armor, Duel, Storm, and Thunder, immediately walked toward the catapults.

The Archangel also captured the silhouette of the aircraft on the Vesalis ahead, and the results were quickly obtained through data comparison.

"One MS ahead! X303 Holy Shield is dispatched!"

Kira, who was waiting for the ejection order, was stunned when she heard this.

'Aslan! '

In the Aegis cockpit, Aslan recalled what Kruse said to him before the attack.

"I believe what you just said, Aslan, please don't live up to my expectations."

'Kira, I must take you back! '

Thinking of this, he pushed down the joystick and accelerated forward with the Holy Shield that had not yet deployed the PS armor.

"Kira, we're about to move out!"

Mirialia's slightly worried voice awakened Kira from her memories.


He saw on the screen that the gate was slowly opening, and outside was the universe with twinkling stars.

Although I was still nervous inside, when I thought of everyone's faces, my nervousness became firmer.

"Kira Yamato, Strike Gundam, move out!"

As the ejection permission was issued, the Archangel was ejected by the catapult. The tight charging cable on the back of the body was torn off and rebounded.

After leaving the Archangel's attack, the PS armor was immediately activated, with red, white and blue covering the gray fuselage.

"Weapon safety, release!"

Then Kira began to nervously search for traces of enemies on the radar and screen.

At this time, on the Gamow behind, Duel, Storm and Thunder were also ejected into the universe.

This situation was quickly captured by the Archangel.

"MS approaching from the rear, number 3! This is..."

Jackie reported loudly in disbelief.


Listening to these familiar numbers, Ma Liu felt angry and helpless.

"You actually put all the stolen Project G units into actual combat!"

In comparison, Bucky Lulu is much calmer.

"Fighting the MS, missile launch tubes 13-24 are loaded with heavy hammers. The 'Balient's on both sides are deployed. Prepare to intercept the MS at the rear."

Under her calm command, the crew members who were shocked by the X-series being put into actual combat calmed down.

The 12 backward-aiming missile launch ports on the inside of the stern were opened, revealing the Hammer missiles among them.

The disc-shaped structures on both sides of the hull unfolded, revealing the built-in folding 110mm electromagnetic gun, Baliant.

"Enter target data!"

"Enter complete!"


"Holy Shield ahead, approaching!"

The Archangel, like a hedgehog, opened up intensive firepower.

At this time, the attack also captured the red machine from the front.

"It's that MS, Aslan!"

The battle on the Archangel was in full swing, and the heretics were already approaching the Vesalis.

Chapter 50 The sneak attack was successful, but not completely successful

"A call came from the Gamow, confirming that the enemy ship dispatched only one mobile suit, X series, to attack."

Hearing this, Cruze frowned.

"Where is the other unknown model of machine and M/A?"

"Nothing was found, only one MS was dispatched."

Instinctively, Cruze felt something was wrong.

If Mu's M/A cannot be dispatched, it is because it has not been repaired.

Then the other MS didn't dispatch, why?Could it be that Heliopolis was damaged during its disintegration?

"The enemy ship is approaching, the distance is 630, and the long-legged one is about to enter the range of our ship!"

The CIC report interrupted Kruse's thoughts.

Since no other enemies appear, let’s sink the long-legged ones first!

However, Cruze still ordered cautiously.

"Intensify the detection of the surrounding space, Addis, our ship is ready to start bombarding the target."

"But the mobile suit team is in action. If the main gun is fired..."

In response to his worries, Cruze sneered.

"No one in our team will be stupid enough to be hit by the firepower of our own warship, and if we don't fire, the enemy will take action first."

Addis, who was speechless by the rebuttal, could only turn around and give orders.

"Main gun preparation, target, enemy long-legged warship."

The Vesalis's aim was locked, and it was quickly noticed by the Archangel.

CIC immediately reported to Malu.

"This ship is being targeted by a Nazca-class laser!"

Bucky Lulu ordered subconsciously.

"Loanglin prepares to launch!"

But Malu hurriedly turned to CIC and stopped the launch.

"Wait! Captain Alex's mobile suit is still approaching! Take evasive action!"

If the positron cannon is fired in advance at this time, the approaching heretics will also be in danger of being involved.

"It's too dangerous. If we don't fire, we will be attacked!"

Bakki Lulu yelled back, but Malu remained unmoved and insisted on her order.

"Evasive action! Left roll angle 30 degrees! Left rudder 20 degrees! A collision warning is issued within the ship!"

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