"It's a tough opponent."

Sanriyue stuffed the date into his mouth. There was no fear or panic in his big blue eyes, only a constantly high fighting spirit.

"Yes, so we must end the battle as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for us. So I plan to do this..."

Alex arranged the task simply and quickly.

"Are you confident in doing it?"

"no problem!"

After everyone heard the plan, they immediately agreed.

"Captain, I have a question."

Biskate raised her hand to Alex, who had already laid out his tactics.

This is a habit he has taught everyone in Tekkadan from the beginning. After he arranges the plan, if he has any questions or objections, he can raise them on the spot.

"Allowed to speak."

"Why do you want to anger the other party? This seems to be different from what you have taught us."

Faced with Biskate's question, Alex smiled.

"There are many reasons for this, but the first reason is where Maluk is. Secondly, even if we want to negotiate peacefully with the other party, we must show the corresponding status. Whether it is Tabings or Divas , but they are not charities. Do you understand?"

"Show your strength to win the opportunity to cooperate with the other party?"

Biskate suddenly realized.

"That's right, even if we just proposed to lease each other's routes, I'm afraid in that case we would only be rejected. So we must show our value."

Biskate himself is also a smart person, and he will understand after he prompts her.

"I see."

"Very well, then follow the plan."


The Yuhuo had turned 180 degrees at this moment and was facing the Hammerhead chasing behind it.

Although the two ships had not yet entered the range, Hammerhead had already released its MS before them.

"The enemy ship has released two mobile suits and is approaching."


Alex pondered for a moment without showing any surprise on his face.

"Mikazuki, Akihiro, you go and contain these two MSs, and I'll meet their battleships."


Chapter 38 Preemptive Strike

When Barbatos was ejected, the two Grazes had already launched one step ahead of him.

After the three mobile suits merged, they immediately approached the enemy in an inverted triangle formation.

"Sister, they showed up."

Looking at the three MSs leaving the exit on the screen, Aji reported to Armida.

"Oh, it's a decent response, so far it's considered satisfactory."

Armida, wearing heavy make-up on her brown skin, smiled.

As a mercenary who licks blood with her sword, she has experienced a lot of battles.

This also left a lot of scars, including scars that almost ran through her entire body, indicating her experience of narrowly surviving death.

She didn't care about these fledgling children. Although they dared to fight, it was not difficult for her to deal with them.

The only thing that needs attention is the white MS.

The other party had obviously received formal MS training, and Maruk also admitted that the other party was the MS pilot he bought.

"Aji, attack the opponent's MS and don't enter the gun range."

"Understood, eldest sister. What!"

Just when the two Hyakuren raised their weapons and prepared to attack, Tekkadan's three MSs instantly changed from a flat inverted triangle formation into a three-dimensional triangle.

The white MS moved above the other two MS.

"He is planning to..."

As a veteran, Amida instantly judged the opponent's purpose.

"Aji! Stop that white MS!"


The two Bailians immediately changed the direction of their weapons and fired at Barbatos located above the triangle.

But what surprised the two of them was that Barbatos rolled in the universe and made an S-shaped movement, avoiding the barrage.

And it accelerated instantly, successfully breaking through the obstruction of the two MSs, and headed straight towards the Hammerhead without any weakening in speed.

"It's a master!"

Upon seeing this, Armida immediately controlled the machine and prepared to turn around and pursue it, but at this time, Mikazuki and Akihiro's two Grazes also arrived.

The live ammunition machine gun in Gretz's hand opened fire, forcing Bai Lian to stop pursuing and instead dodge.

"I won't let you affect the captain!"

Akihiro shouted loudly in the cockpit.

Although Mikazuki didn't speak, the meaning expressed in his blue eyes was similar.

The two Grazes quickly closed the distance while shooting, intending to hold them back in a close-range fight.

Looking at the movements of the two Grazes, Armida accurately judged their intentions.

So I laughed.

"It's great to be young, but disobedient children must be educated!"

The thrusters behind Bai Lian were fully activated, but unexpectedly, they did not enter hand-to-hand combat as Mikazuki expected.

Instead, after Graze approached, he kicked Graze out, and then took advantage of Mikazuki to adjust his posture and raised his gun to shoot.

On the other side, Akihiro's Graze was also fighting with Bai Lian controlled by Aji.

Although Mikazuki and Akihiro have the Alaya Consciousness System, facing Armida and Aji, they can only guarantee that they can barely stand on a par with them.

Although Alaya Consciousness can ensure the flexibility of their manipulation, the technical gap is difficult to make up for with Alaya Consciousness alone.

So Alex's plan is actually very simple. The two of them will hold each other back, and then they will go straight to Huanglong to end the battle as soon as possible.

Of course, this is the superficial plan, and the actual plan is still being prepared.

"The opponent breaks through at once and is approaching."

On the bridge of the Hammerhead, Naze crossed his legs.

"Then let Lavda take action."


CIC immediately ordered the last mobile suit on standby on the battleship to dispatch.

Sighing, Naze shook his head.

"It's really a bold move. It's actually more radical than I thought."

What he originally considered was to use two Baili to contain the opponent, and then use Baili to harass the opponent's warships.

After all, he learned from Maruk that Tekkadan had no experience in operating mobile suits before.

It can also be seen from watching the previous battle that the white mobile suit is the main combat force.

Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to have the same idea as him, to capture the thief first and capture the king first, and was even more radical than him.

The other party also wants to go straight to Huanglong and take control of the warships.

Barbatos unfolded the smoothbore cannon equipped with a large-capacity magazine from behind, and aimed a shot at Hammerhead.

Due to his deliberate aim, the shot only hit the deck on the left side of the bridge.

"The upper deck was shot!"

The Hammerhead trembled violently, and Naze looked at the smoke column rising from the explosion on the left side of the bridge. For the first time, he was not so calm.

"This guy... did it on purpose."

He made a quick judgment, but before he could give the order to retract the bridge.

A second bombardment arrived, this time hitting the right side of the bridge.

"Tsk, this guy...has Lavda taken action?"

Just as he was asking, a strong female voice came from the communication.

"We've already been dispatched. Really, my nail polish hasn't even dried yet."

Amidst the complaints, a mobile suit that seemed to have no arms rushed straight towards Barbatos.


After two shots, Alex also saw the rapidly approaching Baili marked on the screen.

As a high-speed mobile suit, Baili is a very difficult opponent in Barbatos' current state.

It would be unwise to fight a high-speed MS in such an open space.

So Barbatos quickly put away his weapon and accelerated towards Baili.

"Oh? Are you planning to catch me?"

Lavda looked at the white mobile suit approaching quickly and licked her lips.

"How can I let you get what you want?"

Baili fired at the approaching Barbatos, forcing it to move and turn, and then used its propellers to change its direction.

After the two planes passed each other, Baili continued to fly forward for a certain distance, and then began to turn around, preparing to launch a new round of attacks.

"Hey, how about this? What!"

But just when Lavda was about to attack the opponent from behind, she saw that Barbatos did not turn around and chase her as she thought.

Instead, it went straight under the Hammerhead, and then an explosion of fire lit up from underneath the ship.

Obviously, the other party is attacking our own mothership!

"Don't think about it!"

Realizing that the other party was planning to sink the battleship, Lavda immediately drove her mobile suit and rushed back.

"The lower part of the ship was attacked and there was a leak in the Gnaku,"

"Tsk, there are no casualties, right?"

"No, the Gnaku is empty."

Fortunately, Gnaku was already in a vacuum state at the beginning of the battle, so Naze felt relieved a little.

But at this moment, Barbatos jumped up from the right side of the Hammerhead, aiming two long-diameter smoothbore cannons at the propeller.

"The right thruster is damaged and the speed is reduced."

Amid the violent tremors, Maluk, who had just left the bridge, rolled and crawled back into the bridge.

After all, the safest place on this ship right now is the bridge.

Nase didn't have time to care about this guy at this time, and Maruk was also very 'sensible' and huddled in the corner of the bridge, trying to reduce his presence.

When Barbatos continued to climb and came directly above the Hammerhead.

Lavda's Baili finally arrived, and the weapons installed on both sides of the aircraft fired at the enemy who was aiming their guns at the bridge.

"Don't even think about hurting my dear!"

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