Alex saw that Raid was using his ship-cutting knife to destroy the electromagnetic locks one by one.

"Kira, keep an eye on the Archangel. I'll go to the front to check on the situation."

"Yes! Captain Alex!"

Then the heretic immediately jumped up and accelerated towards the port.

The hurriedly dispatched Mobius team had just arrived at the entrance of the port when the Thunder that came in killed several of them with a beautiful continuous shot.

The remaining M/As immediately turned to evade. Nigel seized the opportunity, controlled the machine body to break through directly, and rushed into the port.

As the base of the Eurasian Federation in the L3 space domain, a complete space fleet is docked in this base.

However, at this time, these warships were fixed in the port by electromagnetic locks and could not move.

And they thought they were in a safe place, so the crew on the ship were quite relaxed.

Therefore, after Xunlei entered the port, it was not intercepted by the intensive firepower as imagined.

Easily evading the sparse interception firepower, Nigel calmly observed the entire port, searching for their target, the long-legged battleship.

An M/A suddenly rushed out from behind the Drake-class destroyer ahead and fired at Thunder.

The first live round hit Xunlei's PS armor, but did not cause damage.

After dodging the remaining cannonballs, the lightsaber in his right hand lit up and split the Mobius in half.

Through the flames of the explosion, Nigel finally saw the target he had been looking for for a long time.

The Archangel behind an Agamemnon-class battleship.

"found it!"

But before he could take action, two beams of light shot from diagonally above, forcing Xunlei to retreat immediately.

"It's that Famicom!"

Like the Archangel, the Kruse team also gave this mobile suit of unknown model a vivid nickname.

"Thunder, Nigel?"

In Alex's mind, the green-haired boy who trained hard but had a gentle personality emerged.

Xunlei fought back and quickly pounced on the heretic.

Seeing his students bravely challenging him, as a teacher, he would naturally challenge him.

Chapter 55 Escape

Nigel knew that this machine body did not have PS armor, so Xunlei closed the distance and threw out the Wolf Lock hook on his left arm without hesitation.

The heretic waved the shield with his left hand and knocked his hook claw away.

But then the alarm sounded in the cockpit, and Alex saw two long gun darts flying at high speed, armor-piercing projectiles on the screen.

This thing looks like a shrunken Dyne Sniff. Of course, its effect is not as incredible as that of a steel nail. It is mainly used to deal with shields and vulnerable parts of battleships.

Obviously the heretic's armor and shield couldn't stop this thing. The red and white machine quickly retreated, and the beam rifle in its hand fired continuously.

In the end, the two armor-piercing bombs were intercepted and destroyed. Nigel did not expect that the two armor-piercing bombs could kill the mobile suit that injured Cruze.

He plans to take advantage of this machine and make it invisible!

Xunlei used the smoke cover of the explosion to activate the mirage system again and continued to close the distance to the target.

When the smoke dissipated, the invisible Thunder was already close to the heretic and within hand-to-hand combat range!


In the invisible state, the MS suddenly activated the cherry-red beam saber on the three-armed attack shield on its right arm, slashing horizontally at the enemy from left to right.

A sudden attack at this distance is obviously something that ordinary people cannot avoid.

But Nicol was surprised to find that the red and white machine in front of him tilted back just right, and he swung his sword with lightning speed in the stealth state.

"What! How did he find me?"

Although Xunlei successfully used the smoke to become invisible, in Alex's new human induction, Nigel's murderous intention clearly pointed out the enemy's location for him.

The heretic fell downwards as if he had lost control. Not only did he take the opportunity to distance himself, but he also fired the beam rifle in his hand again.

This time the shooting system has been calibrated and it worked normally. One shot shot directly through Xunlei's right leg.

Although the PS armor is effective against live ammunition, it cannot block the beam.

Thunder's right leg was penetrated and exploded directly from the knee down.


Upon seeing this, Nigel realized that he was no match, so he hurriedly drove the injured machine back.

"Don't try to run."

Xunlei directly chased the retreating black MS.

Alex planned to directly cripple Thunder here, and it would be best to capture Nigel.

Seeing the enemy approaching, Nigel gritted his teeth and decided to try stealth again.

'Maybe it was an accident just now! '

With this thought in mind, Thunder fired the last armor-piercing projectile.

The heretic's head Vulcan cannon fired, destroying the armor-piercing projectile. The smoke from the explosion temporarily obscured the vision of both parties. Nigel took the opportunity to activate the mirage system for the third time.

After successfully becoming invisible, Xunlei quietly moved his position with the help of the chaotic dock.

The previous battle has consumed a lot of power, so Nigel must use it carefully to prevent running out of power at critical moments.

After the red and white machine penetrated the smoke and found nothing in front of him, Alex understood that Xunlei had become invisible again.

But he was not in a hurry, because if Nigel didn't run away, he would definitely attack him again.

But before Xunlei could take action, another enemy appeared first.

Amidst the sound of sirens, the heretics continued to dodge the attacks of beams and live ammunition.

At this time, the Gamow approaching Artemis has sent Duel and Storm to support.

The arm that was damaged before the duel was temporarily replaced with Jin En's arm.

After the two Gundams entered the port, they did not find Xunlei who was one step ahead.

"Nichol! Where are you?"

Hearing Yitzhak's call and seeing friendly forces appear on the screen, Nigel responded.

"I'm above you, maintaining stealth status. Pay attention to the red and white machine. My mobile suit was damaged by it."


Yitzhak and Diego were both shocked. Although they often laughed at Nigel, his skills were worthy of the red uniform.

"Found it! It's the Famicom!"

The long-range output of the storm first discovered the heresy, and the two artillery were immediately raised and fired at the target.

The beams and canisters were easily avoided by the heretic, but they hit a Nelson-class battleship behind it.

The smoke and fire caused by the explosion further exacerbated the chaos in the port.

"Oh, they're all here."

Looking at the duel and storm on the screen, the heretic also stepped forward.

At this time, the duel accelerated and rushed forward. Yitzhak's pride made him arrogantly believe that Nigel was injured, but it was just a sneak attack.

But he is not blindly stubborn.

"Nigel, attack me from both sides!"


The invisible Xunlei took advantage of the surrounding chaos to quietly move behind the heretic.

Seeing the duel coming toward him, Alex decisively controlled the machine to raise his gun and shoot. Yitzhak, who was forced to fire continuously, had to use all his energy to evade.

The first shot was caught by Duel's shield, the second shot Duel rolled over, and the third shot, Duel could only forcefully fall, using the hull of the Drake-class destroyer as cover.

"This guy! His shooting skills are so accurate!"

At this time, Xunlei had sneaked around behind the heretic, looked at the heretic who was attacking the duel, and immediately launched a backstab.

Although the duel with the beam rifle was chaotic, Alex still sensed the murderous intention coming from behind.

The moment Xunlei raised his beam saber and stabbed straight at him,

The heretic decisively let go of the beam rifle in his hand, quickly turned around and pulled out the beam saber from behind, and struck Xunlei head-on with a knife that had just escaped from invisibility!


Nigel was shocked. He didn't understand where he was exposed.

Looking at the lightsaber striking head-on, Xunlei could only switch from offense to defense. After the three-armed attack shield blocked the lightsaber, the two machines fell into a wrestling match.

Xunlei raised his left hand, trying to use the sharp claws of the Wolf Chain as a weapon to stab the enemy in front of him to the core.

However, the heretic retreated slightly to avoid the thrust of the claws, which were like drill bits.

Taking advantage of the gap from the wrestling, Nigel seized the opportunity.

The black mobile suit slashed with the lightsaber in its right hand, but was blocked again by the heretic's shield.

Having learned the lesson from last time, Nigel immediately subconsciously controlled the machine to retract his sword to avoid being blown away by the opponent's shield and leaving him open.

"Not bad, we've made progress."


The sound that suddenly entered the cockpit made Nigel feel familiar.

But before he could recall anything, the enemy in front of him slashed at him again.

Xunlei, who had no time to raise his shield to parry, could only raise his left arm to parry.

This sword split the claws of the Wolf Binding Chain and cut off Xunlei's left wrist.


The Storm Gundam immediately fired at the heretic with its beam cannon to cover the friendly forces.

Heretic rolled backwards, avoiding the beam.He handed the lightsaber to his left hand and picked up the beam rifle floating in the air.

"Thanks! Diego!"

Nigel Pocket gasped with lingering fear.

"Nigel, stand down! I'll deal with this guy!"

Yitzhak also shouted loudly, and the duel was approaching from below while firing.

Although Xunlei distanced himself, he did not retreat. Instead, he continued to fire with the light gun on the three shields.

Faced with the long-range fire suppression of three MSs, the Heretic retreated back and fired back with a beam rifle.

However, due to his intentional evasion, most of the beams fired by the three MSs hit the fleet docked in Artemis.

For a moment, the port was filled with smoke and fire.

"Captain Alex! The Archangel can move!"

At this time, a strong attacker holding a ship-cutting knife also flew over.

"Very well, Kira."

After praising him, Alex contacted the bridge.

"Captain, the front is blocked, let's go out through the back door!"

"Okay. Archangel reverses at full speed!"

Under Malu's order, the Archangel retreated.

"The one with long legs needs to run!"

Diego quickly assembled the weapons in his hands into a long-range beam cannon and fired at the Archangel.

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