"Since you can't protect without fighting, then there is only one battle! I hope,"

His decisive words won the overwhelming applause of the majority of members who stood up.

Only a few peaceful people, including Speaker Siegel, did not stand up to applaud.

Although Aslan did not want to get involved in politics, even he understood at this moment that the expansion of the war was inevitable.

At this time, Kruse stood up and applauded.

Looking at Patrick's serious face with a hint of fanaticism under the light, in the darkness, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Finally, the good show I hoped for is about to enter the most exciting part."

Chapter 60 The battle in front of the tombstone

After completing their spontaneous mourning, everyone on the Archangel began to get busy.

They were divided into two waves. One wave was mainly composed of the maintenance team on the ship. They were mainly responsible for searching for sunken ships in the wreckage zone.

The high-risk operation of searching for weapons, ammunition and parts in these warships is beyond the capabilities of ordinary people and students.

The team composed of students and other ordinary crew members is mainly responsible for going to the wreckage of Junius 7 to collect drinking water, food and other living supplies.

After all, at least [-] million tons of water are frozen there.

Although I felt weird, I had to do this in order to survive.

But this search process made these students truly realize the cruelty of war.

Most of the corpses had been thrown out of the satellite during the nuclear explosion, and no bones remained.

There was an exception, though, when they opened a door that looked like a storage room.

Under the lighting of the spacesuit, a pale female corpse holding a child was floating quietly in the room.

Mirialia and Frey screamed at high decibels at the same time, and Thor, Kaz and others were also frightened.

Kira stood there as if frozen, her violet pupils reflecting the mother who was still hugging her young child tightly even though she was dead.

Next to the body, there was a tattered bear doll floating.

Cagalli bit her lip and turned her head away.

"Thor, Kaz, you take the girls out first."

Alex, who came with him, arranged for the frightened girls to go out and calm down first, and then greet Kira.

"Kira, come and help us, let's contain them..."

"Ah! Good!"

Then, the two opened the body bag and carefully put the frozen body into it.

Although we can't give them a decent funeral, at least they won't be allowed to continue to die here.

"May God Haumea bless your souls."

Cagalli on the side stroked her chest and prayed for the mother and son.

Hanging on her chest is a stone from the Haumea volcano, which acts as an amulet.

At this point, all she could do was pray for them.

Although this scene frightened these students, it also made them realize more deeply that this is the cruelty of war.

This was once a bustling colonial satellite with people coming and going, just like Heliopolis.

But now, the two colonial satellites have become icy debris in the universe.

If possible, they naturally don't want to set foot here easily.

But this is the only source of water they found, which means they must and can only get water from here.

This is the grave of tens of millions of people. The unwillingness, fear and curse in the souls of these people who died almost at the same time made Alex, as a new human being, feel under tremendous pressure in his heart here.

The echoes of those souls gave him a headache and his mental state was not good.

After leading these people, they collected some food and other supplies that were kept in a closed space and had not been damaged by cosmic radiation.

Alex returned to the Heretic's cockpit. He took off his helmet and gasped for air like a drowned fish.

"Captain Alex, are you okay?"

Kira noticed that his condition was not good just now, so he asked about his condition with concern.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache."

Alex forced himself to answer.

He couldn't explain to the others the reason for his headache and what the new humans were.

In the CE world, some people call adjusters new humans.But the new humans of UC are two different concepts.

"I'll take a rest here, Kira, please pay attention to your surroundings."


The headache made Alex forget two things. He leaned on the driver's seat and fell asleep.

It wasn't until Kaz's screams and sirens came through the communication that he woke up.

"What happened!"

Although his head was still groggy, Alex immediately grasped the joystick.

"ZAFT! It's ZAFT's long-range reconnaissance Jin En! I, I killed him!"

Kira's slightly panicked voice immediately woke up Alex, who was already a little unconscious.

ZGMF-LRR704B long-distance reconnaissance Jinn is a reconnaissance-type MS obtained after ZAFT modified Jinn.

Its head is equipped with an enhanced sensing system, and detection devices with large fairings are installed on both shoulders, which ensures that it still has extraordinary beyond-visual-range detection capabilities even under neutron interference.

And in order to ensure the normal use of the equipment on board and long-distance detection, the battery and fuel tank of the body have been expanded.

In addition, although it is a reconnaissance aircraft, thanks to its excellent detection capabilities, in addition to Jin En's weapons, it is also equipped with a dedicated long-range electromagnetic sniper gun.

However, because too much equipment was installed, this model is a two-seater design with an additional operator responsible for operating various sensors.

Just like before, Kira discovered the opponent accidentally, but because the mobile suit was obviously searching for something, it did not detect the attack.

Therefore, Kira originally planned not to shoot, but just as Jin En was about to leave, the small boat driven by Chandra and Kaz appeared in each other's sight, dragging supplies.

In order to protect the two people on the boat, Kira had to pull the trigger with trembling fingers.

When the Jin En was destroyed, others also noticed the situation here.

The communication was filled with questions and shouts.

This also made Alex realize that he had a headache and had forgotten two key things.

"Damn it, how could I forget these two things!"

She endured her headache and manipulated the heretic to leave her current location.

"Kira, don't panic yet, pay attention to the surrounding space. There may be other enemies."

Soon he discovered that the sunken civilian ship was indeed the Silver Wind on which ZAFT's mourning group was aboard.

"And, it really is so!"

So he carefully manipulated the heretics and conducted reconnaissance around them.

He is not a warrior, even if the long-distance Jin En's range of activities is farther than that of ordinary Jin En.

But this is just a mobile suit after all, and it is impossible for a single machine to fly from PLANT to this location in a short period of time.

It would still be possible if the time cost was not taken into account, but he knew very well what this reconnaissance aircraft Jin En was here to do.

Therefore, he concluded that there might be ZAFT warships and other mobile suits around!

As for whether it was the Cruze team, he judged that it shouldn't be.

Now that the Vesalis has sunk, and counting the time, Kruse should also be recalled to the mainland to be questioned about the Heliopolis incident.

Then all that's left is the Gamow and the three Gundams.

Obviously, this Detective Jin En is definitely not from the Cruze team.

But it cannot be ruled out that there are one or more ZAFT warships around.

After informing the Archangel of his conclusion, Mu Ye immediately drove his Mobius Zero out.

Although such a dense debris field is not suitable for M/A battles, Mu still mobilized to cooperate in the search for possible ZAFT warships.

Kira, on the other hand, felt a strong sense of guilt after shooting down the Jin En.

He shot and killed in front of the wreckage of the Junius 7, a monument to the unfortunate victims!

Although it was to protect himself, he still had a strong sense of guilt and guilt.

At this moment, Alex's voice came.

"Kira! Captain Mu and I will go to investigate the surrounding area. You must protect the Archangel!"


His tone was low, but he was still a little moved inside.

Alex must have been aware of his own mood, so he insisted on going to investigate despite being sick. This was originally his job...

"Do you have any idea?"

On the way, Mu asked Alex.

"The ship just now was still very new. It seemed to have been sunk in the past few days. When the accident happened, Kira said that the Jinn was looking for something near the ship."

Mu immediately understood.

"You mean, that Jin En and the carrier ship are actually here to find the rescue capsule? Didn't they discover our traces? Isn't there some big shot on the ship?"

"do not know."

Alex, who was lying with his eyes open, stared at the screen.

No one knows whether Jin En made contact with the carrier ship before he was shot down, but I believe that the other party's mother ship will soon notice something strange.

At that time, the Archangel will be really in danger.

"But, for our safety, the ship must be found and sunk."

Mu agreed very much with his decision.


After the two reached a consensus, they flew and searched all the way.

When they flew to the edge of the wreckage zone, sure enough, the radar screen quickly captured a Laurasia class that was moving forward with inertia.

"Found it! It's a Laura class, the other party didn't release MS, good opportunity!"

Heretic and Mobius Zero immediately accelerated towards the target.

The Laura-class that discovered them immediately started its engines and fired at them with shipboard firepower to buy time for the MS to attack.

"Fighting back and forth!"


Heretic and Mobius Zero immediately split into two teams, with MS flying towards the bow and M/A towards the stern.

Realizing their purpose, the warship's interception firepower was divided into two parts.

Obviously, the other party did not expect to be attacked here. It was probably for the convenience of contacting Jin En, so the interference was not released in advance.

Therefore, the radars and communications of Heretic and Mobius Zero are all normal.

The heretic raised the beam rifle in his hand and fired at the bridge of the Laura class at the bow.

The first shot hit a 125mm secondary gun under the bow.

The shock of the explosion made the ZAFT soldiers on the bridge look a little panicked.

At this time, the news that the Union Army had MSs had not yet been notified to the entire ZAFT army.

They were shocked to suddenly encounter an unknown MS attack.

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