Fleur denied it loudly in surprise, but immediately lowered her voice.

"But what those people said is correct. It's not a disease, so why would you manipulate your own genes? That kind of person goes against the laws of nature and is wrong."

She raised her head, her voice rising again.

"Don't you think so?"

Fleur's words almost made the atmosphere freeze.

The entanglement between natural people and adjusters has existed for too long. It can no longer be explained clearly in one or two sentences, or divided by who is right and who is wrong.

Very few natural people can pat their chests and say that they have absolutely no discrimination or jealousy towards adjusters in their hearts.

"I don't think so."

The three of them looked at the door and saw Alex standing there wearing a blindfold.

"Captain Alex."

Mirialia was like seeing a savior.


Kaz also said hello to him in a low voice, because the moment Fleur spoke just now, his heart was really shaken.

Although Kira saved him, Kaz also felt a little unwilling in his heart.

'If I could also pilot a mobile suit...'

This has nothing to do with whether the two parties are friends, but a simple and primitive competitive heart.

But Alex's voice made Kaz suddenly feel that he shouldn't think this way.

Fleur looked at Alex, who looked unkind, with some flinch.

The other party originally looked very ferocious because he was blind in one eye, but now the expression on his face made him look even more ferocious.

He stepped into the restaurant and stopped two steps away from Fleur.

This distance is enough for him to look at the other person condescendingly, but not enough to make him feel fear, which will lead to further resistance.

"You also know that Kira is the adjuster. Who has Kira been fighting since the Archangel's attack? Have you ever thought about it? Fleur, answer me."

Alex's voice was not high, on the contrary, it was very calm.

"Yes, it's the adjuster."

Fleur replied quietly.

"So you know it too, Fleur."

Alex's tone made Fleur couldn't help but shrink her neck.

"Yes, he is fighting his compatriots! And why? Because you are on the ship and you are his friends! He has been fighting his compatriots to protect you!"

Chapter 64 Alex’s giant slalom

These words made both Mirialia and Kaz lower their heads in shame.

Even Thor, who came after hearing the news, stopped and stood at the door.

"If it weren't for your friendship, or because you were on the ship, Kira would have had reason to escape or simply join Zaft. Because they are compatriots, there is no reason to continue fighting."

"However, Kira did not do this. Instead, he fought wholeheartedly to protect this ship and everyone. You should all know what kind of character he is. Is he a war-loving person? No, but for you, He was forced to take up arms and fight!"

This time, even Fleur lowered her head and fiddled with her clothes with her hands, losing the momentum she had just now.

This effect, in addition to what he tells the truth, also has the effect of his own charm.

"Gene adjustment only adjusts the appearance, nerves and other body tissues. Character and temperament cannot be determined by genes! Kindness is Kira's character, not because he is an adjuster! Do you understand, Frey Alstar. "

Hearing Alex call her name, Fleur subconsciously got excited.

"I-I understand. Captain Alex. I'm sorry."

"You should not apologize to me, but to Kira and Miss Lux. After all, they are the two victims of your verbal attack."

"Kira, I can apologize, but that girl...she, she is from ZAFT, right? What should I do if she suddenly attacks me? I..."

Before Fleur could finish her words, Alex suddenly raised his hand.

A slap hit Fleur's face.

Although he controlled his strength and used his right hand, this slap still knocked the unprepared Fleur to the ground.

She covered her burning left cheek, sat on the ground and looked up at Alex in disbelief.

Not only her, but Mirialia, Thor, and Kaz were all stunned.

They never thought that Alex, who had always been good-tempered, would actually hit someone.

And she was beaten because of being an adjuster.

"You, you hit me?"

Fleur, who was sitting on the ground, had never suffered this kind of grievance. After all, her father had always doted on her. Not to mention beating herself, he only scolded her a handful of times.

"Because I don't have to pamper you, Fleur. For me, right is right and wrong is wrong. If you refuse to admit your mistakes, you will naturally be punished. You should be lucky that you are a girl. If Thor dares to be like you, then He will report to the infirmary today!"


Thor, who was innocently lying at gunpoint, immediately felt a shock all over his body.

Fleur cried and said after wiping away her tears.

"Why! Where did I say something wrong!"

"Up to now, you haven't really realized where you went wrong. Kira is your friend, and he was the one who picked up the lifeboat you were on. He is also the one who risked his life to protect you. Not only do you not thank him , and even hurt him with words, is this what you should say between friends and when facing your savior!"

"In addition, you should not bring your incomprehension and fear of adjusters to all adjusters. Even if you say this to the ZAFT pilot who was captured by me, I will not hit you. But you , but he spoke so harshly to a girl who is a commoner like you."

He pointed to his chest.

"I am also a natural person. On the battlefield, I never show mercy to the enemy, no matter whether the opponent is a natural person or an adjuster. Outside the battlefield, as long as civilians do not attack me, I will not embarrass or discriminate against them for any reason or excuse. them."

"Although you deny that you are Blue Cosmos, what is the difference between your thoughts and actions and those guys? Is it just because you did not attack?"

Alex's words were like a barrage of words, leaving Fleur speechless as she covered her face in tears.

Although she felt aggrieved, she also fell into reflection under the influence of Alex's words.

She has always been influenced by her father, and although her attitude towards the adjusters has not risen to the level of hatred like Blue Cosmos, she still has a hostile attitude.

She had never considered what Alex said, or in other words, she subconsciously ignored it.


Fleur was holding her cheek, with tears in her eyes.

As much as she wanted to say, 'My dad never hit me. '

But the one-eyed captain in front of her obviously would not comfort her because of this.

During this period of getting along, she thought that the other person was someone who would dote on her just like her father.

But now I see that I was wrong.

Beneath the friendly surface is the hidden harshness of the other party.

She actually realized in her heart that she was wrong, but her long-term personality always made her subconsciously want to prove that she was right.

Even if you are wrong, you still have to find excuses to drag others into trouble or make excuses.

Alex has encountered too many people with this kind of personality and temper on the Internet before.

But many of those people are just relying on themselves to avoid being beaten through the network cable.

When someone really comes to the door or sits on the regret chair, their 'sanity' will be 'miraculously' restored, and they will cry bitterly to express their repentance.

He has always supported this behavior of not shedding tears without seeing the coffin.

As for Fleur in front of her, although she is not at the point where she needs to sit on the regret chair, she naturally needs someone to correct her.

Although he insists that violence is not the main means of education, he does not mind using violent means to wake people up at certain moments.

"Remember today's slap. If you still speak so openly next time, then I can't guarantee whether something like this will happen again."

Looking at his expression, Fleur could only swallow the complaint she originally wanted to say.

"Miriyalia, send her back to rest."


Mirialia helped Fleur leave the restaurant.

After they left, Alex crossed his arms and sighed.

"What's the matter?"

As the saying goes, good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles. By dinner time, almost everyone on the ship knew that Alex slapped Fleur.

"You're such a beautiful girl, you're so cruel."

Mu said with a teasing smile.

"Kira is an important member of our team. Originally, he felt uncomfortable fighting against his own compatriots. If there are two more guys like this, we might have to watch the attack and surrender to the enemy."

"That's true, but...you are really strict with these teenagers. Before you joined the army, were you the dean of students, right?"

In fact, Mu understood his thoughts very well, but if it were him, he might step forward to fight with him. He would not be able to take direct and decisive action like Alex.

"I have never been a dean. But I have been an instructor."

He recalled his half year at PLANT.

"Actually, I have a weird temper, and I am indeed a little impulsive. But I don't regret beating her. If she were my soldier and I beat her, I would lock her up for two more days to let her reflect. Check out what you did."

This made Mu couldn't help but wonder who was more conservative, Alex or Bucky Lulu.

"But her father seems to be a senior official of the Atlantic Federation. Are you not afraid of revenge?"

Alex even scoffed at Mu's concerns.

"I'm an Orb Army, and the Atlantic Federation can't control me."

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are from the Orb Army."

After spending this time together, Mu almost forgot Alex's true identity.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Do you have any conclusions about that girl?"

There were many people in the restaurant, so he didn't directly say Lux's name.

After hearing this, Mu shook his head in annoyance.

"Although the captain agrees with Lieutenant Natal, he takes her to the headquarters on the moon. But she doesn't actually want to do this, but... alas."

Mu scratched his head a little when he thought about the quarrel between Masuo and Natal.

It seems that both of them are right. Masuo does not want Lux to be handed over to the headquarters, because it is no different from giving her to Blue Cosmos.

Natal believes that as the daughter of the PLANT speaker, her status is destined not to be treated like an ordinary civilian.

And given her status, Blue Cosmos would not embarrass her too much. After all, she is more valuable alive than dead.

Kira, Thor and others are actually civilians. Since they all had no choice but to participate in the battle, there is no reason to treat Lux alone as a civilian.

The two had differences because of this, but in general, they both agreed to take Lux to the moon base. After all, there was no place for Lux to disembark halfway.

After listening to what Mu said, Alex rolled his eyes and took it into consideration.

He waved to Mu and whispered.

"I have a plan..."

Kira's mood improved a lot after talking to Lux again.

The conversation with her was very relaxed and pleasant, and I felt like I was back in time in Heliopolis.

And he also learned a lot about Aslan from Lux.

For example, he is still not good at expressing Aslan and insists on sending a hello to Lux every year.So far this year, almost a football team has been given away.

The little fan who accompanied her was one of them.

Kira couldn't help but laugh as she imagined a bunch of colorful harrows jumping around Lux.

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