Chapter 84 In 6 Minutes

In the heretic cockpit, Alex reminded again.

"Mu, Jin En does not have the ability to enter the atmosphere alone. You must return within the specified time."

Mu, who was piloting Jin En for the first time, felt a little nervous.

"I know, you two had better not try to break in alone. Although it is written in the aircraft manual that it is possible, no one has tried it yet! Especially Kira!"

"Yes! I will pay attention!"

There is a series of countdown numbers on their cockpit screens to remind them of the time to return.

Although at Alex's suggestion, the Archangel landed earlier than originally planned.

But ZAFT also launched an attack in advance, and the offensive was more violent than expected.

Therefore, he persuaded Masuo and arranged for three people to go out and conduct a short raid against the clock.

Three mobile suits quickly joined the battle, buying valuable time for the Archangel and the Eighth Fleet.

When the ZAFT army saw the three mobile suits appearing on the battlefield, they were also stunned.

"It's a strong attack! And the Famicom!"

"Why is there still a Jin En?"

Just when they were wondering, the beam rifles in the hands of Assault and Heretic opened fire.

The two beams accurately hit the two Jinn aircraft that were rushing too far forward. The explosion of fire made the ZAFT army realize that the enemy was coming!

The Jin En driven by Mu raised his heavy assault rifle and fired at a Jin En carrying a rocket launcher.

The MS that failed to dodge in time was hit and then exploded into a ball of fireworks.

"Okay! Open the scoring!"

The next moment Mu in the cockpit saw Baofeng, who was firing at the Union warship.

"You are the one!"

Although the weapons equipped by Jin En did not directly damage the storm using PS armor.

But Mu still bravely controlled the aircraft and flew over. His purpose was not to shoot down the opponent, but to contain it.

Diego was startled when he saw the Jin En firing at him on the screen, thinking it was a misfire, but when he saw the Jin En was marked as an enemy, he immediately understood.

"You actually used the machine that captured our army!"

So Baofeng immediately turned around, picked up the beam cannon and fired, but Mu's Jin En deftly avoided it.

"So this is how it feels to fight with MS. It's much more enjoyable than M/A."

Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion as the MS deftly avoided the storm fire with just one movement.

So the two machines hit one place, and on the other side, the Holy Shield was the first to meet the attack.

The two aircraft each displayed their beam sabers and slashed together.



Both of their voices were firm.It was obvious that both parties were no longer confused by friendship. After saying goodbye to their cowardly selves in the past, the two former friends were now on the battlefield, swords facing each other, with only anger in their eyes.

The duel that was originally intended to attack was blocked by the heretic with a beam rifle shot.

"This is...instructor Alex!"

Yitzhak raised his head and looked at the red and white machine, his eyes stagnant.

But immediately, anger filled his heart.

"Why! You want to join the Earth Army! Damn it!"

Although he had said before when he said goodbye that if encountered on the battlefield, he would shoot.

But for him, the identity of the other party is a threshold that cannot be bypassed no matter what.

"Why do you want to appear on the battlefield!"

In anger, Dudu fired back with his gun.

The heretic easily avoided the incoming beam. Looking at the machine that had been upgraded to a duel corpse suit, Alex felt that he could also give the heretic a suit.

This example of relying on additional armor and additional weapons to achieve body upgrades has been used many times on Heretics.

For example, the famous Blue Heretic's fully armed form, but right now, he still needs to educate his students about love.

The two aircraft quickly closed the distance, and the 115mm electromagnetic gun on the duel's shoulder also joined in the shooting.

Facing the shooting of beams and live ammunition, the heretic still dodged calmly.

And before closing the distance, he drew the lightsaber behind his back with his left hand.

This time the heretic used a Xigu arm shield found in the rags sent by Luo.

After removing the useless cannon, only the arm shield body was retained, which provided sufficient cover and also freed the left hand of the machine body.

Because the original large shield is still used in the duel, you have to take an extra step to close the gun when drawing the sword. Fortunately, you can use the shield to block first to buy time.

With the help of the contact caused by the collision of weapons on both sides, Yitzhak passed through the contact circuit and asked angrily.

"Instructor! Why!"

Facing the angry Yitzhak, Alex sighed.

"Because this is war, Yitzhak."

"But! Isn't Orb neutral? Why do you say one thing and do another!"

Alex could not understand his anger.

But after all, he is also a member of Orb.

"The world is like this. Even though I don't want to, this is an order, Yitzhak. Like, can you disobey ZAFT's order and not shoot me?"

"Don't be confused! I will shoot the enemy without hesitation!"

"Then prove it to me."

"You'll see it soon!"

As Yitzhak roared loudly, the lightsaber in the duel's hand was slashed down, and the light blade with an unstoppable momentum forced the heretic to retreat and distance himself.

Avoiding the light blade, the red and white machine took advantage of the situation and counterattacked, so that the duel that had just been about to charge forward could only raise its shield to parry.

But then he was kicked in the abdomen by the heretic and flew out.

While stabilizing the machine's posture, Yitzhak fired with the electromagnetic gun on his shoulder to delay the opponent's pursuit.

But when he stabilized the machine, he found that the heretic had circled to his side.

"So fast!"

While Yitzhak sighed, the heretic raised the beam saber in his hand and cut off the missile bay on Duel's left shoulder and the upper part of the shield in his hand.

Fortunately, the missile had been fired just now, so it did not cause a chain explosion.

With the help of the cover of a shield, the duel immediately turned around and retreated, while firing with the Vulcan cannon.

The Famicom raised its left arm and protected its head with its arm shield.The live ammunition hit other parts of the machine body, causing countless sparks to fly.


Quickly seizing the opportunity, Yitzhak did not take advantage of the situation to retreat, but instead raised his beam saber and stabbed the heretic directly.


The light blade was aimed at the Heretic's cockpit, the thrusters on the back and legs of the machine were fully activated, and it rushed towards it with an aura of determination.

Just before the light blade struck, the heretic moved his left arm down and blocked the lightsaber with his arm shield.

And the whole force was pressed forward, forcing Du Dui to retract his arms to avoid being knocked away by the shield and the beam sword hilt in his hand.

What I didn't expect was that as the opponent approached, a cherry-red light blade suddenly lit up in his right hand!

It turned out that just when he was blocking the duel Vulcan cannon's fire, the beam rifle in the heretic's right hand was retracted, and he pulled out the other beam sword hilt from behind and held it in his hand.

The light blade that suddenly lit up at this moment gave Yitzhak no time to react.

The light blade from bottom to top easily cut off the duel's right forearm holding the sword, and the palm holding the handle of the beam sword flew out.

"how is this possible!"

Yitzhak looked at the screen in disbelief.

Although he knew that the Red Heretic had defeated many of them, out of self-confidence and pride as an adjuster, he still subconsciously felt that as a natural instructor, he would not be better than himself in operating MS.

But now, this confidence disappeared as the sword-holding arm was cut off from his body.

After cutting off his arm, Heretic immediately hit him with a knee strike, knocking Duel away.

Although Yitzhak was shocked, his qualities as a redcoat still allowed him to fire back immediately.

The shells fired from the railgun on the shoulder successfully stopped the Heretic's pursuit.

The next moment, the heretic suddenly turned around and struck the void behind him with the lightsaber in his right hand.

Then, amid the splashing of sparks, Thunder, in a mirage state, appeared.

Nicol was covered in cold sweat at this moment. If he hadn't reacted quickly and raised his shield in time, he would have been split in half by this knife.

"Not bad, I have learned to use the body's performance."

Alex's voice entered Xunlei's cockpit, surprising Nigel secretly.

This is not the first time that the other party has seen through his invisible state.

However, although Xunlei's stealth state is extremely close, the light and shadow can be seen to be distorted.

But Alex always counterattacked just before he launched his attack.

Even when facing the Archangel before, the opponent used firepower to cover it and smashed out the thunder.

But his attention was focused on the battle at the moment, so he didn't think about it in detail.

The green-haired boy asked of his own.

"Instructor...why do you want to become an enemy?"

This is already the third similar inquiry Alex has faced.

"I've already told Aslan and Yitzhak, because this is war."

Nigel bit his lip. This answer was obviously unsatisfactory, but he did not continue to ask questions because he was on the battlefield now.

After Xunlei retreated to distance himself, two rounds of armor-piercing projectiles were fired from the attack shield.

The first one was destroyed by the heretic's Vulcan cannon, and the second one disappeared after piercing the smoke.

Nigel didn't dare to be careless, and Xunlei immediately moved his position.

Sure enough, in the next second, the armor-piercing bullet was thrown back in the opposite direction, passing through the position where Xunlei had just stopped.

"I actually caught an armor-piercing bullet with my bare hands!"

Nicol was shocked by this.

It was obvious that the heretic had just caught the armor-piercing bullet and thrown it back. Fortunately, he had moved his position in advance.

When the smoke dissipated, they saw that the heretic's right hand had been replaced by a beam rifle.

He fired two consecutive shots to push back Thunder, glanced at the countdown on the screen, and moved back.

"Mu, Kira, it's time to return!"

Their delay made the situation faced by the Eighth Fleet much easier.

Especially after containing four X-series, the pressure on the Eighth Fleet's defense line was greatly reduced.

Relying only on a few Jin En and three battleships, it is still difficult to break through a fully organized fleet.

Halbarton's ship also did not need to rush to the front line to fight the opponent because of the early landing of the Archangel.

Although they were still a little embarrassed from being beaten, their formation was still intact.

The Archangel is about to enter the second stage of descent. If they miss this opportunity, it will be very dangerous.

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