The Holy Shield quickly completed its transformation and surrounded it from the other direction.

The Thunder driven by Nigel fell behind and caught up with Baofeng.

After Alex returned to the battlefield just now, he piloted the Red Heretic to find the wreckage of a Nelson-class battleship that had been blown into two pieces.

After the machine body got into the gap opened by the wreckage, it landed in the empty Gnaku.

Due to the depressurization of the explosion, various items and corpses in the Gnaku have been sprayed out.

Opening the cockpit door, Alex quickly got out.

Falling on the deck and looking at the empty dark universe a few steps away and the blue planet at his feet, he took a deep breath.

"Unfortunately, there is no ring."

After muttering something, he stretched his left hand forward, placed his right hand on his left arm, and shouted.


Then in the colorful dazzling light, Leo...

Asmodeus makes his debut!

Chapter 86 Asmodeus appears

"That MS! What is it!"

Holy Shield, who rushed to the front, was the first to discover Asmodeus.

He was shocked when he saw 'unknown' displayed on the screen!

At this time, Asmodeus was no longer an experimental gray body, but had been changed to Gjallarhorn's standard white background with blue edges.

In addition to the color matching, Alex discovered that except for Asmodeus's basic weapon, the giant javelin.

The pile driver on the arm was also replaced with the remote electromagnetic model that was replaced before the battle with M/A ended.

Since he only had 10 minutes to use it, Alex didn't waste any time. After connecting to Alaya Consciousness, he quickly rushed towards the Holy Shield.

"Aslan! Aslan!"

Nigel from behind shouted loudly, but there was no response in the communication.

Only the disturbing murmur of electricity echoed in the cockpit.

"Diego! Yitzhak! What's going on!"

Nigel called others continuously, but received no response.

And he also found that the body's output seemed to be declining.

The screen also flickered with traces of interference, as if the signal was unstable.

"Neutron interference?"

But he felt that it didn't look like it. This strange situation made Nigel frown.

Fortunately, Baofeng on the side was still firing normally. It seemed that although the communication was completely disrupted, there were no major problems in other aspects of the machine.

Seeing the unknown machine rushing over with a physical weapon, the Holy Shield immediately transformed into a mobile suit. The light blade generator under the wrist lit up a golden light blade and struck the opponent fiercely.

However, the next moment, Aslan looked in shock as this physical weapon actually blocked the lightsaber!

"Anti-beam coating?"

He knew that ZAFT had begun equipping weapons with anti-beam coatings on the weapons of Jinn and other mechas that used the Solid Heavy Sword.

But the strange physical weapon used by the unknown model of machine in front of him actually had an anti-beam coating, which made him very surprised.

However, he did not hesitate. The next moment, the light blade on the left arm of the Holy Shield also lit up, slashing horizontally towards Asmodeus's waist.

However, the cylindrical device on the outside of the machine's arm was flipped 180 degrees, extended in length, and blocked the lightsaber again.

"how is this possible!"

From his angle, he could clearly see that this cylindrical structure was hollow!

This kind of structure has the strength to withstand a beam saber!

What terrible material this is!

The next moment, before the two light blades on Holy Shield's feet lit up, Asmodeus struck with his knee, hitting Holy Shield in the abdomen.

This blow not only knocked away the holy shield, but even made the main screen of the cockpit flicker like a screen with poor signal.

Only then did Aslan realize that the machine's output had dropped.

"What's going on! Yitzhak! Diego? Nigel?"

After calling continuously, they found that the communication was completely cut off. Although they could still see the other three machines, they could not contact them.

"what happened!"

But he didn't give him time to think. As the approaching siren sounded, Aslan saw this unknown model of aircraft and accelerated towards him!

Holy Shield stabilized his body, raised his beam rifle, and aimed a shot at the charging enemy!

But the machine body didn't make any evasive action, and still rushed straight over.

He just raised the weird melee weapon in his hand, turned it in his hand, and used his wide sides to catch the beam attack!

Weapons with 'anti-beam coating' blocked the beam as expected.

But Holy Shield immediately fired another shot, this time aiming directly at the opponent's leg.

But what surprised Aslan even more was that after the beam hit, the machine body was actually unscathed!

"how is this possible!"

The shock in Aslan's eyes became even worse.

This was actually Alex's deliberate attempt.

Although the resistance of Iron Blood's nano-coating to the beam saber has been tested, the effect is good.

But he didn't know whether the machine body could withstand the beam rifle's fire.

So he deliberately used a flaw to catch the beam that could have been easily avoided with his unimportant legs.

"Sure enough, I can withstand it. But don't even think about the positron cannon."

After all, the positron cannon and the beam are completely different things. They are annihilation reactions, and Asmodeus probably won't be able to handle them.

So if you want to play Mu in COS, you obviously can't rely on Asmodeus.

While thinking about these things, Asmodeus did not stop moving.

After all, his time is limited and he must return to the Red Heretic before the 10-minute countdown ends.

Otherwise, he would not only have to physically fight mobile suits in the universe, but also physically break through the atmosphere.

In this regard, even Dongfang Bubai can only do the former, not the latter.

Asmodeus got close to the holy shield and threw out the giant javelin before he could reach the range of the hand-to-hand combat.

Driven by the propeller, the blade part flew across the distance between the two sides and flew toward the Holy Shield.

Aslan also didn't expect that his opponent's weapon had such a function. He raised his shield in a hurry to parry, but was hit hard by the sword blade on the shield.

Although the PS armor did not break the defense, this powerful and heavy blow caused the energy to drop by 5% in an instant!

"What a powerful attack!"

Holy Shield continued to retreat to avoid being attacked a few more times, and the PS armor was low on power.

At this time, the duel opened fire from the right side of Asmodeus. After dodging two of the shots, Alex deliberately did not dodge the third shot.

After the beam hit Asmodeus's right shoulder armor, it had no effect.


Yitzhak was shocked. Because of the angle, he didn't see the result of Holy Shield's shot.

The next moment, Asmodeus flicked his left hand, and the giant javelin blade connected to the wire drew an arc and flew towards the duel.

Yitzhak hurriedly counterattacked and fired the 115mm electromagnetic gun, but it did not hit the blade.

Instead, the flying blade smashed the electromagnetic gun on his left shoulder to pieces.


Feeling the vibration of the machine, Yitzhak did not give up, but immediately fought back.

He keenly grasped the gap before the giant javelin was retracted, raised the beam rifle, aimed it at the wire, and fired!

Asmodeus pulled the handle of the knife in his hand, causing the wire to sway, avoiding the beam rifle's close-range shot, and recovered the giant javelin.

Asmodeus then accelerated towards the duel. Seeing the opponent approaching, Yitzhak knocked out the large grenade under the beam rifle, and then retracted the beam rifle.

The damaged shield had already been thrown away, and he used his remaining arm to draw out his beam saber, getting ready for a close combat duel.

The large grenade was exploded by Asmodeus's Vulcan cannon, and the smoke obscured the vision of both sides.

Under the double interference, both sides lost sight of each other for a while.

However, Alex expected that with Yitzhak's character, he would definitely draw his sword and wait there.

So the next moment, the giant javelin thrown out pierced the smoke and flew towards the duel again.

Yitzhak had expected it, so he calmly controlled the machine body and swung his sword with one hand to deflect the giant's javelin.

Immediately afterwards, Asmodeus broke through the smoke and appeared in front of the duel. The giant crutch on his right arm flipped and unfolded, and he whipped the MS in front of him on the head.

Dudu raised his sword to parry again, but Asmodeus immediately let go of the giant's javelin, and his left arm flipped over with the crutch and spread it out, hitting Dudu on the head with the stick.

Although it has PS armor, this blow still shattered the side of the head and completely affected the sighting device.

Then he hit the duel with a knee, retracted the giant crutch with both arms, and once again grabbed the giant javelin floating aside with his left hand and threw it out.

The blade accurately poked the duel's intact left hand, and the heavy blade smashed the precise mechanical hand and the beam rifle that had just been taken out.

"Damn! This guy!"

Just as Asmodeus was about to pursue, he was blocked by the beams and live ammunition fired by the storm.

Due to the loss of contact, Diego fired a few shots in order to avoid accidental damage, but found that not only the shots were abnormally crooked, but also due to the closeness of the Holy Shield and the duel.

He had to move his position, so the long-range attack was delayed, but the unknown machine easily avoided the attack.

And cunningly moved his position, and then fought with the Holy Shield again.

"Cunning bastard!"

Diego, who lost his shooting vision, could only curse secretly, and then moved his position again, looking for a new shooting window.

Xunlei became invisible again and moved around Asmodeus' back.

Although Nigel had been very careful, when Asmo hit the Holy Shield's head with a giant cane, half of his head was hit with pieces flying.

The giant javelin in his left hand suddenly raised, and after being launched smoothly, it was pulled by the handle and started to rotate with Asmode as the center.

Thunder that happened to step into this range was directly knocked out.

He was struck in the chest by the blade, but fortunately the PS armor was activated in time at the critical moment.

It only left a scratch on the chest of the machine, but it was enough to make Nigel break into a cold sweat again.

If he moves just a little slower, Xunlei will be severely damaged.

"How did this guy find me!"

After being exposed one after another, Nigel has become suspicious of Xunlei's mirage system.

Take advantage of the situation and fire the last armor-piercing projectile at the aircraft body, then raise the beam rifle to shoot.

Although there was no communication, Nigel had witnessed the scene where the machine had just received the beam.

His shooting was a cover shot to create conditions for his teammates.

Asmodeus took back the giant javelin in his hand and threw it out again, and the blade accurately destroyed the armor-piercing projectiles.

Then he turned the handle of the knife with his left hand, spinning the giant javelin like a nunchuck.

The rapidly rotating wire has no effect at all even after being hit with a beam.

"This guy actually has anti-beam coating on the wires! What a luxury!"

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