Taking a glance at the remaining battery, Alex decided to make a quick decision.

"Team, captain, what are we going to do?"

After witnessing the two Deans being shot down, the ZAFT pilots couldn't help but feel a little timid.

Although it had long been known from the battle report that the opponent had damaged Captain Cruze's aircraft, sunk a battleship, shot down at least 5 Jinns, and damaged 2 stolen Earth Force mobile suits.

However, in the face of the target classification that the headquarters classified as extremely high threat, due to the adjusters' natural sense of superiority, they believed that it was all caused by sneak attacks.

In a head-on confrontation, a natural person is certainly no match for an adjuster.

However, this confidence and pride had been completely shattered in the previous battle.

A mobile suit that landed alone from outside the atmosphere was in a very poor condition, with insufficient energy and propellant.

But the opponent had already killed six of their own mobile suits and three helicopters.

"Al No. 4 calls the first team, he is rushing towards you, ah..."

The screams of the remaining helicopter pilot came over the radio.

A barrage shot into the air, turning the last eye of the aircraft into a ball of fireworks.

"Get ready to fight! We can't escape unless we deal with each other!"

As the captain, he knew very well that if he turned around and ran away now, he would just become a living target for the opponent.

So we must continue to fight, in short, it is either death or life.

At the same time, he also sent a distress signal to the base, hoping to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

Encouraged by the captain's firm tone and distress signal, the other two people's nervous and panicked hearts calmed down a little.

The three mobile suits formed a circle back to back, staring closely at the surroundings.

According to the position reported by the helicopter just now, they raised their shooting weapons and aimed at the direction in which the enemy might attack.

At this distance, the enemy has no time and space to get around behind them.

However, the enemy made no move. As time passed by, the silence around them made the three people begin to sweat on their foreheads.

Suddenly the captain's communicator rang, and the sudden movement startled him.

"This is the base, Junior, what happened! Why did Team [-] and Team Dean lose contact!"

Swallowing nervously, the captain reported immediately.

"The second team, Team Dean and Team Al have all been wiped out."

"What! Total annihilation? How is that possible?"

The base obviously couldn't believe that they could still fight like this after sending three teams to just one mobile suit with residual health.

"Yes, requesting support! Please..."

Before he could finish his words, an explosion suddenly came from the left side. This sudden sound made pilot Jin En, who was already very nervous, subconsciously pull the trigger and start shooting!

Even the other Jin En also turned and fired in the same direction.

"Cease fire! Cease fire!"

Junior had to immediately shout orders to his team members.

And the moment his attention was distracted, the heretic suddenly appeared from the front of Xi Gu!

"not good!"

Junior looked at the muzzle of the gun in the opponent's hand, and immediately commanded Xigu to raise his shield, while at the same time firing the heavy assault rifle in his right hand without hesitation.

But the heretic suddenly stepped to the right, activated the propeller slightly, and pushed the machine away from the beam of the weapon in Xigu's hand, and the barrage passed by the machine.

Before the opponent could adjust the trajectory, the anti-air shotgun in the heretic's hand opened fire.

Although Xigu's shield protected the cockpit, the scattered projectiles still hit parts of the body, including the head and legs.

Immediately afterwards, the heretic suddenly bumped into him, knocking the injured Xigu directly to the ground.

At this time, the weapons in the hands of the other two Jin Ens had just emptied their magazines, and they looked at the enemy who had knocked over the captain's machine and appeared in front of them.

The two men, who had no time to change their ammunition, abandoned their weapons at the same time and went to draw their swords.

Alex had no idea of ​​fighting them in close combat at this time. He didn't have enough energy. If he continued to waste it, he might not be able to go very far before giving up.

Then I saw the anti-aircraft shotgun in the heretic's hand turning its muzzle, and there was a bang.

Jin En on the left was sprayed in the face first, and immediately, the pilot was beaten to a pulp by a projectile that penetrated the cockpit.

However, Alex took another shot just to be on the safe side.

This bought precious time for the other Jin En, and this machine suddenly rushed over with a sword.

Raising the arm shield of his left arm, the heretic parried the sword.

However, this shield, which had experienced cosmic battles and orbital space, was finally overwhelmed and shattered.

But among the broken shield fragments, the anti-air shotgun in the heretic's right hand was also pointed at Jin En's cockpit.

At this distance, Alex would never miss a beat.

boom!With a loud bang, the projectiles that had not had time to disperse directly opened a big hole in Jin En's cockpit.

The red one eye lost its light, kept moving forward, and fell to the ground.

Xi Gu, who was struggling to get up, was knocked to the ground again.

"Junior! Report the situation, Junior!"

The base was still calling. At this time, the ZAFT pilot, whose face was covered with blood, looked at the red and white aircraft on the screen that raised its anti-aircraft shotgun at him.

Said in a tone full of fear.

"Red, devil..."


After using the last shot to kill Xi Gu, he dropped the anti-air shotgun in his hand.

Alex decisively started to touch the box...

First, Xigu's arm shield was removed to replace the damaged shield, then he picked up an assault rifle and two spare magazines, and finally hung the heavy sword on his waist.

After quickly licking the bag, Alex decisively drove the machine and left here.

This battle must have alarmed the nearby Kaohsiung base.

The fact that he was able to complete a 1V9 battle under such circumstances was due to his extraordinary performance based on his own experience.

At this time, both he and the heretics have reached their peak.

If two more MS teams come randomly, then he will really have no choice but to consider abandoning the aircraft.

Some time passed after the heretics withdrew, and the ZAFT army from the Kaohsiung base arrived belatedly.

Out of the importance they attached to this red-and-white machine, they assembled two squadrons of mobile suits, a squadron of helicopters, and two companies of infantry before the ZAFT army carefully came to search.

Many of them actually didn't believe that only one mobile suit could wipe out three mobile suit squadrons.

But after seeing the battlefield and cleaning up and investigating the traces, they were surprised to confirm.

The only person present at the scene was the red and white machine.

The "Red Devil" that Junior later called him when he died in the battle also left without saying anything, and became ZAFT's unofficial name for Alex and the Red Heretic.

However, all this has little to do with Alex himself for the time being.

At this time, wireless communication and code words were used to contact Orb who was lurking here, and a specific address was obtained.

Temporarily hiding the Red Heretic in an abandoned tunnel, he walked towards Kaohsiung city on foot after a simple disguise.

By the time he arrived in the city on his stolen electric scooter, it was already night.

He conveniently placed the stolen electric motorcycle at the door of the police station and left calmly.

Being a good guy, of course he wanted to return the scooter.

As for the possibility of being discovered?

Alex walked into a small alley casually, and when he came out from the other end.

The original appearance of the baseball cap and mask has changed. The motorcycle leather jacket covered with metal nails like a hedgehog, and the wig hood found in the bag make him look like a real motorcycle gang.

"Sure enough, you will be surprised if you often walk in the alleys."

In the alley behind him, the three guys who originally wanted to rob were lying naked in the garbage.

Taking out the keys he found from these people's pockets, he got on the modified large-displacement motorcycle and drove away...

He found the meeting place based on the address, and he was in no hurry to go in immediately.

He changed his biker disguise into a baseball cap, mask, and hoodie again.

He first looked around to make sure there was nothing unusual, and then carefully walked into the building.

Walking up to the 4th floor, he stood in front of the door and knocked gently.

After three long and one short knocks on the door, the small window on the door opened, revealing a pair of alert eyes.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for grandma from down."

"There is no grandma here, only grandpa."

"Yes, grandma and grandpa came together."

"Have you eaten yet?"

“The beef noodles in Military Village are delicious.”

After matching the code, the other party opened the door.

"come in."

After Alex walked in, the other party immediately closed the door.

At this time, he could see clearly that there were three other people in the room. Although they all lowered the muzzles of their weapons, they still stared at him warily.

"Introducing myself, I am the deputy station director of the local intelligence station. You can call me Brother Jie."

Listening to this code name filled with the desire to complain, Alex decided not to drink any of the drinks he gave him later.

He smiled and nodded.

"Hello, Brother Jie, I'm Shadow."

Hearing what he said, several people around him were a little surprised.

As Orb agents, they have all heard of Shadow's name.

The existence with a 100% mission success rate, the sharpest poison-quenching dagger in the hands of the Sahak family, no one has seen his true face.

"It turns out it's you. I've admired my name for a long time, but how did you end up here?"

"It's a long story, I need your help now."

Then he explained his needs to the other party. The Red Heretic needed to be charged and replenished with propellant. In addition, he also urgently needed news about the Archangel.

As a colleague, Brother Jie thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"It's not difficult to replenish the mobile suit's propellant and power. We can also provide vehicles as cover for movement. However, if you are looking for the Archangel, you may have come to the wrong place."

"Oh? Do you have any news about that ship?"

Alex was very surprised by this.

"Yes, after all, when the ship fell, there was quite a big noise, and it was even reported on the TV news."

He was stunned when he didn't expect Archangel to be on TV.

"So, where did they land?"

"In the direction of Borneo, it's more than 1900 kilometers away from here."

'Holy shit. '

Alex cursed secretly in his mind.

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