It's a pity that he is destined not to live long, and his inner thoughts are extremely extreme and dark.

Destroying mankind is an action that sounds very grand and is not easy to do.

As revenge for the humans who created him, Kruse has been working hard to achieve this goal since he established this idea.

The various hardships and obstacles he experienced during this period were beyond the imagination of many people.

"What's wrong? Durandal?"

Sensing his gaze, Cruze looked at him.

"No, it's nothing, I just thought of something."

"Oh? What did you think of?"

With an interested expression on his face, Cruze's eyes under the mask carefully looked at the person who could be said to be his only true friend in this world.

There was nothing to hide, Durandal sighed with emotion.

"Human beings really like war..."

Kruse smiled at his lament.

"Yes, human beings, whether they are kind or evil. Good people, bad people. Children, old people. Men, women. They all like war by nature. This is a sin that is engraved in human DNA and cannot be rid of."

Durandal did not deny his almost pathological and twisted speech, but just listened quietly.

"Isn't the so-called desire to win and lose essentially the desire for war?"

Cruze smiled and gently stroked Lei's long hair sitting next to him.

"War is the greatest sin of mankind, and it is also the horn of self-destruction for mankind. Now, only one person is missing to blow this horn."

As he spoke, Kruse grabbed the chess pieces on the chessboard with his hands and moved them forward.

"General. You lose again, Durandal."

Looking at the black, gray and white transparent crystal chess pieces mixed together on the chessboard, Durandal shook his head with a smile.

"Yes, I lost again."

On Orb's side, a large shuttle landed on the runway of the space port.

After taxiing to the apron, the ramp truck docked with the hatch, and then the hatch opened and Gina slowly walked down the ramp.

On the ground, he saw a man who looked exactly like him and even dressed the same, standing next to the car.

Gina walked up to the other party before saying hello.

"I'm so flattered that you, Sister Labor, came to pick me up in person."

The person in front of her was Gina's twin sister.

Lund Mina Sahak is also an adjuster.

She smiled when she heard her brother's words, which were not moved at all.

"Of course, you are my brother, so I should come to greet you."

To outsiders, the communication between the two siblings seemed like there was some kind of hatred between the two parties.

However, for the two of them, this is actually normal.

During their childhood education, they have been deliberately trained to downplay their feelings in order to improve work efficiency.

Not only did it cause problems with the emotional expression between the two siblings, but in terms of personality, the two were also quite arrogant and conceited.

At this time, the cargo bay of the shuttle was opened, and the Heretic Golden Machine was being carefully unloaded.

"Is this the body rescued from Heliopolis?"

When the Golden Heretic was transferred out of the warehouse and its true appearance was fully revealed, Mina compared it with the Heretic M1 that was being slowly mass-produced.

It seems that there is not much difference between the two in appearance.

"It looks like there is no difference in appearance from the M1."

"Yes, but in terms of output and performance, these five experimental machines are stronger than the M1."

"What happened to the other test machines?"

"I have one, Alex has one, and there's another one that seems to be in the hands of a scrap dealer."

Mina was keenly aware of the strangeness in her brother's tone.

"Oh? Scrap recycler? What's going on?"

In response to her curious inquiry, Gina did not answer, but just made an excuse to change the topic.

He didn't want his sister to know that as an adjuster, he was actually fighting MS.Lost to a natural person!

It was even used as a ball and was knocked away by the ship's mechanical arm.

This is a huge shame for him who thinks so highly of himself!

Although Mina continued chatting along Gina's topic, she felt excited in her heart as she noticed the gossip.

She decided to secretly investigate what happened to her brother.

After nearly 48 hours of sea voyage, Alex finally approached his destination, Batangas Port.

At this time, there are still 72 hours left before the 12 hours specified by the system.

Fortunately, the system is very reasonable, otherwise if the day of his landing was calculated as 24 hours, he might not be able to catch up at all.

Breathing in the salty sea breeze, Alex let out a sigh of relief.

As one of the largest military bases of the East Asian Federation in the region, Batangas Port is different from the other two bases located on the front line.

Compared to Davao and Port Moresby, which are fighting to the death with ZAFT every day, Batangas' position is theoretically considered to be at the rear.

Although there are ZAFT submarine carriers operating at sea, the other party will not take the initiative to attack port bases equipped with underwater sonar arrays.

Therefore, the East Asia Federation regards this place as its rear area. However, Alex, who has sufficient experience in overturning the table, does not think so.

In the Gundam world, there are various bases that are said to be impregnable and that enemies will never attack, but they all end badly in the end...

This time, especially the 'disaster' Archangel has moved over.

Because of his efforts, the negotiations between the Archangel and the East Asia Federation were very pleasant.

The other party allowed the Archangel to use the airspace to go from land to the Batangas port and receive supplies there.

Of course, the other party also put forward conditions.

That is, the Archangel needs to assist the East Asian Federation in fighting ZAFT and help protect Port Moresby, which is under fierce attack.

As the closest coalition military base to ZAFT's Carpantaria in Australia, it has been under heavy attack recently.

Obviously, ZAFT does not want to have an enemy base watching behind it that can launch a surprise attack at any time when it is carrying out a new combat plan.

This will not only put pressure on the formulation of combat plans, but will also inevitably lead to a serious reduction in the number of combat troops dispatched.

Therefore, the ZAFT Army Ground Forces Command is determined to remove Port Moresby first.

Chapter 95 Meeting Dean

If the plan goes well, it would be best to capture the Davao base as well.

So after some detailed planning, the ZAFT army launched a fierce attack on Port Moresby.

A diversionary attack was conducted on Davao at the same time, while the port of Batangas was very quiet.

It’s as if ZAFT’s attention was completely focused on Davao and Moresby and completely ignored Batangas.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. Given ZAFT’s scale, launching an attack on two ports at the same time is already the limit.

If we divide our forces to attack Batangas, even if we are to contain the harassing troops, the scale may not be too large.

Facing a small-scale enemy attack, the garrison at Batangas Port was still confident of defeating the opponent.

In fact, ZAFT arranged a reconnaissance force to closely monitor the Batangas Port.

Therefore, we also learned about the arrival of the Archangel.

ZAFT still attaches great importance to this ship.

Not only because of the Union Army's mobile suits, but also because of the terrifying combat effectiveness shown by relying on a single ship to break through the siege and land on the earth.

The Archangel arrived here 24 hours earlier than Alex in order to be able to accommodate this huge battleship.

The East Asia Federation deliberately freed up the dock originally used to dock the aircraft carrier so that the Archangel could dock smoothly.

The sailors on the shore and on the surrounding ships looked curiously at this cutting-edge space battleship of the Atlantic Federation's friendly forces.

Many crew members on the Archangel were also curiously looking at the surrounding East Asian Federation Navy ships.

This time, many of the people who followed the Archangel to land on Earth were so-called 'cosmic beings' born in Heliopolis.

These people were born in a space colony and have never been to the earth. Some of them will never even have the opportunity to leave the universe and go to the earth in their lifetime.

Although PLANT's hourglass satellite can simulate the earth's land and ocean environment, cylindrical colonial satellites like Heliopolis naturally do not have such favorable conditions.

They know everything about the earth from books and movies, but have they ever seen the actual scenery?

So these 'cosmic people' are naturally very curious about everything on the earth.

And because we were not used to it, we made a lot of jokes when we first landed.

For example, there are situations where people habitually let go of objects, thinking that they will float in the air like the universe, but in the end they fall to the ground due to gravity.

Fortunately, Madek made repeated orders and relied on his loud voice to stop the members of the maintenance team who wanted to "jump off the building" many times.

In addition to the unaccustomed gravity, many people also saw the real sea for the first time.

To this end, Masuo also specifically ordered the crew to watch the ocean up close from the observation deck behind the bridge.

Thor and Mirialia were both born on Earth and traveled to Heliopolis from Orb's homeland.

Therefore, the two deliberately frightened Kaz, who had never been to the earth, saying that the sea had no bottom and that if he fell, he would continue to sink to infinity.

Looking at Kaz who was so frightened that he screamed, the people around him who were born on Earth all laughed kindly.

In addition, it is completely natural air, which is completely different from the filtered air in colonial satellites that always smells of disinfectant.

It is also the first time for many people to know that there can be so many smells in the air.

The salty sea breeze, the fragrance of flowers, the smell of vegetation...

At the same time, while taking the route, in addition to the ocean, they also saw islands, archipelagos, as well as tropical rainforests and towns on the islands.

These natural or man-made scenery make them feel a little dizzying.

Now that we have arrived at Batangas Port, as a naval base, it is naturally a different scene.

"Fraser class, Des Moines class, Arkansas class, oh! There is also a Spengler class aircraft carrier over there!"

As the crew of the Space Force's Archangel, they excitedly identified the various ship models of the East Asia Federation fleet docked in the port one by one.

On the bridge, Ma Su, Baji Lulu, and Mu Ze were discussing about assisting the East Asia Federation in fighting.

This matter was brokered by Alex, and the purpose was to allow the battleship to gain support from the East Asian Federation.

Not to mention anything else, at least the other party has happily agreed to provide the sonar equipment that is urgently needed on the ship.

The installation and debugging work is now being carried out with the assistance of Madek and others.

Although it was improvised, it could be regarded as a solution to the embarrassing situation where the Archangel was powerless against underwater targets.

"This guy has a lot of energy."

Mu shook his legs and held a bottle of tropical fruit drink in his hand.

These supplies are also provided by the East Asia Federation.

"However, the other party's enthusiasm means that we have to pay more."

Baji Lulu was also holding a bottle of the same drink. She frowned slightly when she looked at the word 'madeinEastAsia' on the package.

Masuo also agreed with Baji Lulu's statement, because the East Asia Federation was too enthusiastic.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, even though Alex told them that he had already taken care of it.

With the Archangel, you can come to Batangas with peace of mind and enjoy good treatment.

Although they were really warmly received, the three of them couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

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