"Yes, war has caused too many tragedies, but we adults continue to cause such tragedies."

From his words, Mu felt a sincere sadness.

Obviously, this mysterious Captain Orb doesn't like war that much.

But in his opinion, as part of the war, the two of them couldn't do anything besides sighing as unknown people.

However, what he didn't know was that Alex was trying to use his weak wings to flap the typhoon that would change the world.

On the surface, it seems that Alex pushed Kira and Cagalli onto the battlefield.

But he hoped that the two could witness the cruelty of war with their own eyes and then think about why they were fighting.

Although he has come into contact with the core figures of the future three-ship alliance, these boys and girls are still a little confused about the future at this time.

What to do, how to do it, is the problem they need to solve now.

Only when they understand what they should do and are determined can they play their due role.

After experiencing several worlds, he knew that he would eventually leave, so that these worlds could still maintain their normal direction after he left.

He attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents in this world to ensure that even if he leaves, they will inherit his ideas and continue to struggle.

With the fall of Port Moresby, ZAFT began to mobilize troops to launch a new attack on Davao.

Davao is located in the Davao Bay in the southeast of Mindanao. This island once played a decisive role in the Second World War in the old era.

To the north is the famous Leyte Island, where the famous Naval Battle of Leyte once took place.

The strait where the two islands meet in the north and south is the Sugaoli Strait.

The last artillery battle in the world, the battle of Sugaoli Strait took place.

It can be said that this place has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

However, although Davao has excellent harbor conditions, the naval base in Davao is not within the city limits of Davao, but in Pembona, deeper in Davao Bay.

Located in downtown Davao is a large air base where several air wings of the East Asian Federation are stationed.

During the fighting at Port Moresby, substantial air support was provided to Moresby.

With the fall of Port Moresby, the East Asian Federation also realized that this place was about to become ZAFT's next key target.

It was decided to send a fleet from Batangas Port for reinforcements.

Although there are signs of ZAFT military activities around the Port of Batangas, after the loss of Port Moresby, they can no longer lose Davao.

Otherwise, the situation in the entire Southeast Asia region will become corrupt.

Originally, there was a dispute between the East Asian Federation and the Equator Federation because of territorial issues.

But relying on its own strong military power, the East Asia Alliance can ensure that the disputes between the two sides remain verbal.

If important bases are lost continuously and troops are lost, ZAFT will once again support Equator United’s territorial claims.

Then it is difficult to guarantee that the originally neutral Equator Federation will move in the pro-PLANT direction.

Therefore, no matter what, Davao cannot afford to lose anything.

Therefore, not only the fleet from Batangas Port was dispatched for reinforcements, but there were also reinforcement fleets from the mainland and air support forces coming directly across the sea.

In addition to these direct reinforcements, there were also fleets approaching occupied Kaohsiung, trying to reduce the pressure on Davao by encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao.

The Archangel, at the request of the East Asia Federation, was temporarily included in the fleet heading to support Davao.

Under the cover of a group of destroyers and frigates, the Archangel and the Spengler-class aircraft carrier serving as fleet command sat in the center of the fleet.

The fleet set sail from Batangas Port and set off for Zamboanga in a mighty way.

Once there, turn southeast again toward General Santos City.

And use the port as a temporary base to provide support to Davao.

The East Asia Federation is now assuming a posture of engaging in a war with ZAFT.

In Alex's impression, the relationship between the East Asia Federation and ZAFT is actually very ambiguous.

A direct airborne raid from ZAFT to Kaohsiung, located in the hinterland of the East Asian Federation.And it can be seen that after seven days of fierce fighting, Kaohsiung's mass accelerator was completely occupied.

The relationship between the two parties is not as tense as with the Atlantic Federation, probably because the discrimination against adjusters within the East Asian Federation is not that serious.

But now, due to the arrival of his flamboyant moth and the Archangel, the two sides are going to fight in Southeast Asia.

It takes 800 kilometers to travel from Batangas to Zamboanga. During this time, Kira and Cagalli continued to practice their coordination tactics.

"Why don't you let me try it, Captain Alex."

Thor stood aside and smacked his cheek, looking unhappy.

As a boy, and a student at an engineering school, he was naturally interested in being able to pilot a mobile suit.

It was a pity that there were only three mobile suits on the Archangel, so he felt that the next best thing was to fly the Air King.

However, Alex rejected him on the grounds that the Archangel's bridge was short of manpower and asked him to stay on the bridge to assist Neumann in controlling the Archangel.

"Isn't such a big ship big enough for you to drive?"

Reaching out to ruffle Thor's hair, Alex pretended to be angry.

Knowing that he was not really angry, Thor boldly made his request.

"Just because the Archangel is too big, it doesn't feel comfortable to drive. I prefer something that can be driven by one person. Coach! Please! This is the only request in my life!"

He clasped his hands together, bowed, and made a request.

Faced with Thor's 'performance', Alex would not be fooled.

"You kid, if you want to play me in this way, it's too early for you!"

"how so……"

Seeing Thor squatting aside and drawing circles after seeing through the trick, the others laughed out loud.

Only Alex knew that she rejected him in order to save this brat's life.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

"Combat alert, everyone will enter combat status immediately. Repeat, everyone will enter combat status immediately!"

Along with the sound of the siren, the people who were originally in the Gnaku immediately became busy.

Chapter 98 Danoura. Eight Ship Jump

Alex jumped into the Heretic's cockpit, then turned on the phone and made contact with the bridge.

"Miriyalia, what's going on?"

"Captain Alex, the fleet was attacked by ZAFT's underwater MS."

It turns out that ZAFT also knows very well that the East Asian Federation will definitely not sit back and watch them attack Davao.

So in order to prevent reinforcements, interception troops were specially dispatched and a defense line was set up along the Sulu Sea.

What they bumped into was ZAFT's first line of defense.

On the Spengler-class aircraft carrier, the Zheng He, the commander of the East Asian Federation's Third Fleet, Wang Zhonghe, was holding a telescope and looking to the right side of the fleet.

It can be clearly seen from the right side of the fleet that a Fraser-class frigate on guard at the outermost edge of the fleet is breaking into two parts and slowly sinking amid flames and thick smoke.

"The underwater sonar responded, confirmed to be ZAFT's underwater mobile suit! Number 6!"

"Confirm target position and direction of movement, speed, rocket depth charge, launch!"

The calm command of the destroyer detachment on the right came from the communication.

"Take off the Pioneer and Kingfisher immediately. No matter what, we cannot let them attack the Zheng He!"

As an aircraft carrier, the Zheng He is also constantly flying F7D Pioneer fighter jets and Kingfisher 33SP multi-purpose helicopters.

The former is to guard against the possible appearance of Dean and Infiat fighter jets in order to ensure air superiority over the fleet.

The latter is used for anti-submarine warfare against underwater MS.

It can be said that the East Asia Federation responded very quickly and reasonably, but the commander was still worried about whether he could withstand the attack.

Especially underwater enemies pose a huge threat to the fleet.

After several battles, the naval fleet of the East Asia Federation did not take much advantage in the opponent's hands.

"Commander, the Archangel is reporting that they are about to dispatch mobile suits."

After hearing the adjutant's report, Wang Zhonghe turned around and came to the other side of the bridge, raised his telescope and looked at the Archangel running alongside the Zheng He.

With the assistance of this mobile suit battleship carrying the Union Army's own, the superiors can be said to have high hopes for it.

In addition to cooperating with operations, the Third Fleet is also responsible for recording the combat processes of mobile suits in order to provide reference for superiors.

The implication is that the East Asia Alliance is also going to start producing equipment mobile suits.

I saw that the battleship had opened the ejection channel, and soon with a roar, a red and white mobile suit ejected first.

Next came the red, white and blue Strike Gundam that focused on, and a Jin En painted white and purple with Mu's personal emblem on its shoulders.

Putting down the telescope, the commander ordered the people beside him.

"Pay attention to recording the other side's battles. This is valuable information for us."


Jin En, who has the rocket launcher on his shoulder, and Red Heretic, who carries the Greed Spear, both have no ability to fly.

Therefore, after ejecting, it immediately landed on the outer deck of the Archangel's Gnaku.

As for Assault, relying on the Wing Backpack, you can gain the ability to stay in the air, but it doesn't last long.

"What's next? Alex."

Mu, who was driving Jin En, looked at the right side of the fleet where the battle was taking place. It was now very lively due to the launch of rocket depth charges and water explosions.

Although the sealing performance of the space mobile suit fully meets the needs of underwater combat, if a body without a specialized power system is rashly launched into the water, the power consumption will be greatly accelerated in order to maintain depth.

But the Sulu Sea beneath their feet has an average depth of more than 1500 meters, and in some areas the depth reaches more than 4000 meters.

At this depth, even a strong attack with PS armor will be crushed into a discus after the battery is exhausted.

Not to mention that although they are general-purpose Jin En and Heretic, their underwater movements are not as good as those of specialized aquatic products.

So how to engage in combat with the opponent's underwater MS without a flight pedal?

"Mu, you stay on our ship and cover the Archangel. I'll go support the friendly forces."

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"jump over."


The heretic suddenly jumped up and then fell towards the Des Moines class ship next to the Zheng He.

With the help of deceleration and weight reduction, the 57-ton Red Heretic landed smoothly on the helicopter deck of the cruiser.

However, despite this, the force of the landing was still quite strong, causing the bow of the ship to tilt up from the water.

"Hey! What the hell!"

In the communication, the angry voice of the other party came out.

Apparently, the mobile suit landed unexpectedly, causing a lot of trouble and chaos on the ship.

"Sorry, sorry."

After leaving such a sentence, the Red Heretic jumped up again and landed on the Arkansas-class air defense cruiser further out.

Alex also landed on the rear deck, but this time Alex, who had gained experience, only raised the bow of the battleship slightly.

But this time the Red Heretic did not jump up immediately, because not far from the battleship, a ZAFT underwater MS suddenly poked its head out!

That was a UMF-4A Gurn.

The red heretic immediately stabilized his body and raised the gun of greed on his shoulder.

Aiming at the underwater mobile suit that had discovered the Red Heretic and was raising its arms to fire, it opened fire.

With a loud noise and explosion, the Gurn was simply wiped out in the tall water column that exploded.

The impact caused by the explosion caused the battleship under the heretic's feet to shake violently.

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