Of course, weapons such as Bulldog missile vehicles and Gatling cannons are also parked around the open space to provide anti-aircraft fire cover for this vulnerable maintenance area.

Seeing three mobile suits approaching, logistics personnel immediately guided them to the bunker dug specifically for the three mobile suits.

It was said to be a bunker, but it was just a large hole dug hastily with an excavator.

The width and depth are enough to accommodate MS squatting inside, thereby reducing the height of the body.

After the mobile suit docked, personnel from the logistics team immediately came forward and hung the camouflage net on the mobile suit, covering the three units' combat power, which was now extremely valuable to them.

"Charge the three MSs immediately and check the propellants. Ask if there are any weapons and ammunition for the MSs behind! Act quickly!"

Alex discovered that the master sergeants in the maintenance squad all had loud voices.

As soon as he left the Heretic's cockpit, he heard a loud voice.

That was the maintenance sergeant major responsible for assisting the Archangel in preparing three mobile suits.

The other party, like Madek, is a veteran non-commissioned officer.

In his angry voice, the maintenance team, who had become more and more proficient in the past two days, immediately began to connect the charging port and check the propellant.

Someone else was driving a small electric four-wheel car that Alex looked very familiar to, dragging weapons and ammunition for mobile suits.

It’s hard to believe that two days ago, these people didn’t understand the specific structure of the MS, and couldn’t even find the charging port.

Even the simplest replenishment of Vulcan cannon ammunition takes a considerable amount of time.

But now their movements are very skillful. In just two days, they have become roughly familiar with the maintenance process of MS.

Although it is not yet possible to carry out maintenance operations on the body like the Archangel's maintenance team.

However, the frontline supplies have been done well.

"Captain Alex!"

The sergeant major with a loud voice saluted him when he saw him, and then threw him a pack of cigarettes.


Alex was not polite to him, took out one, lit it and took a deep breath.

Relying on nicotine to calm down the nervous mood, driving a mobile suit to fight is a very laborious task.

Mu also came over. He also took a cigarette, lit it and started smoking.

As for Kira, the sergeant major also thoughtfully gave him a bag of sugary energy drinks. After all, this boy didn't look like he was old enough to smoke.

When they first met Kira, although they were amazed by his genius, they couldn't help but sigh that such a young boy was going to the battlefield.

Alex and Mu had a tacit understanding and did not let Kira's identity as an adjuster be exposed.

Although the East Asian Federation does not discriminate against adjusters as much as the Atlantic Federation.

But in the final analysis, both sides are at war.Kira's identity will definitely encounter misunderstandings and difficulties.

In order to avoid this situation, the two just told the outside world that Kira was a genius mechanical boy.

At this point in the war, the emergence of young soldiers is nothing new.

In addition to making these veterans who have been numbed by the war mutter and curse 'damn war'.

That is to say, in terms of action, give as much care as possible to these young people participating in the war.

Chapter 116 ZAFT’s movements

Quickly catching the drink thrown by the sergeant major, Kira thanked him.

"Thank you, Master Chief Lee."

The other party didn't speak, just nodded, walked to Mu and Alex, took his cigarette case, took out the last cigarette from it, threw away the crumpled cigarette case, and lit it for himself.

"How's the situation ahead?"

Facing the sergeant major's question, Mu shook his head.

"It's not very good. ZAFT's offensive is very fierce. Although everyone's morale is very high, but..."

He took a puff of cigarette and did not continue.

In fact, the sergeant major understood it without him having to say it explicitly.

For the defenders, since the fall of Port Moresby, the defenders of Davao had an idea of ​​the outcome they might encounter.

However, they still bravely resisted under the command until now.

"Before we came, the Third Fleet said that if we hold on for five days, we can wait for large-scale reinforcements."

Alex flicked the ashes from his cigarette, trying to make the atmosphere less tense.

"It's been three days now. If you stick to it for another two days, you should be able to know the specific ideas above."

The sergeant major's brow knitted into a knot. As a veteran, he was also the captain of the maintenance team.

He has his own intelligence channels. In order to ensure timely repairs, they have the authority to access the battlefield command frequency band.

He was also able to piece together the general situation from the scraps of communications and the words from those who had been withdrawn from the front lines.

Judging from the current situation, the situation of the East Asia Federation is indeed not good.

However, they didn't have much time to complain, as they were already busy enough with the work at hand.

The three MSs that had completed charging and replenishing ammunition quickly joined the battle again.

When they arrived at the front line again, they were about a few hundred meters further back than when they were there just now.

In order to compete for positions, the two sides repeatedly engaged in tug-of-war, and paid a heavy price for this.

"Reinforcements are coming, the counterattack begins!"

Encouraged by the appearance of MS, the East Asian Federation forces launched another counterattack.

This time, three mobile suits served as the main force of the attack, attacking the position captured by ZAFT.

Strike forward with the ship-cutting sword in your right hand and the beam rifle in your left hand.

As arrows for the attack, Heretic and Jinn provided cover for him on both sides.

As for ZAFT, after confirming the appearance of the Union Army's mobile suits, they dispatched mobile suit units to block the attack.

In the air, Cagalli piloted the Skymaster and provided fire cover on the ground with the Fire God Beam Cannon of the Assault Artillery Pack.

The powerful beam plowed across the ground, and both infantry and MS were reduced to molecules.

The battle has once again entered a fierce stage...

In space at this time, a ZAFT fleet is sailing in high-altitude orbit around the earth.

This fleet, which consists of 6 Laura-class ships and 3 Nazca-class ships, is acting as if there is no one around.

Since seizing most of the mass accelerators on the earth, the United Earth's space fleet has fallen into an embarrassing situation where it dare not act rashly.

Not only did the control of the universe surrender to ZAFT, but even the control of the earth's orbit was not in its own hands.

If ZAFT hadn't had nails in his hand, the Earth United would have lost everything.

ZAFT, which has control over the Earth's orbit, can freely choose the location for orbital airdrop.

However, although the orbit is controlled, the defensive firepower on the ground still exists.

Therefore, unless it is a force attack, the ZAFT army will choose a safe route for its airborne trajectory.

The most commonly used are the Eurasian route to Gibraltar with Mount Everest as the coordinate, and the Oceania route to Carpantaria.

These two routes are both under the control of ZAFT and pass through neutral countries. They are not heavily defended by the Earth Alliance and are very safe.

What was sent down this time were the reinforcements sent to Carpantaria, including Team Cruze.

Aboard the New Vesalis in the fleet, Addis saluted Kruse on the screen.

"Then, I wish the captain a triumphant victory."

In response to the blessings from his subordinates, Cruze, who was wearing a mask, raised his hand in return.

"I believe we will meet again soon, Addis."

The Gnaku under the Laura-class hull can be used as a separate capsule to perform the mission of entering the atmosphere.

In the Gnaku, in addition to the machines fixed on the maintenance racks, there are also containers loaded with various supplies stacked in the aisles.

These containers are firmly fixed on the deck, and workers can be seen doing final inspections around them.

In addition to these, there are many ZAFT soldiers heading to Earth in the waiting room and other cabins in the Gnaku.

It was the first time for many of them to descend to the earth, and the expressions on their faces were both excited and nervous.

The four Aslans passed through these crowds and headed towards Gnaku.

As pilots, in order to prevent emergencies, they will sit in the cockpit of their MS and descend.

The four people wore red uniforms representing the elite, and many people saluted them.

At this time, the prevailing trend in PLANT is to worship the strong.

As a symbol of the ZAFT elite, the four people in red are respected by everyone.

After entering the cockpit, the four people kept the aircraft in the activated state, waiting for the airdrop to begin.

Logisticians in spacesuits were conducting final inspections, and the sound of alarms was mixed with information reports from CIC.

"Carpantalia, the current time is 1:34 at night, the weather is clear, the current temperature is about 22 degrees, the humidity is 40%-55%, the probability of precipitation is less than 50%, the wind direction is south-southeast, about level 4."

Nigel sat nervously in the cockpit, curiously listening to the weather forecast that was completely different from PLAN.

Although PLANT simulates the earth's environment, both temperature, humidity and precipitation are controlled by the colonial satellite's central computer.

It is always kept in a very comfortable state, so the weather forecasts of the colonial satellites are extremely accurate.

It is completely different from the Earth's weather changes, which are completely controlled by nature and are full of uncertainty.

In order to relieve the tension, Nigel decided to talk to others.

"This is my first time doing an orbital landing."

In fact, not only him, but also the other three people landed on the earth for the first time.

As the second generation of adjusters who were born and grew up in the universe, they do not know the earth as well as their parents.

And because of the war, they were full of complicated feelings towards the blue mother star.

Normally, they would be filled with excitement and curiosity.But now, for them, the earth is the enemy's base camp, so they feel more nervous and uneasy inside.

"Don't be nervous, Nigel, just do it as you usually train. You are already a soldier of ZAFT, don't act like a coward."

Although Yitzhak spoke with great momentum, he himself was also visibly nervous.

Diego also put away his carefree attitude and looked serious.

"Damn it, this atmosphere is really unnerving."

"Idiot, you are an elite in red! Please don't embarrass us!"

The conversation between Yitzhak and Diego made Nigel feel better.

However, he found that Aslan did not speak.

You can only see on the screen that he pursed his lips and looked a little nervous.

But the look in his eyes showed that in fact, he had already flown to nowhere in his heart.

After the fleet continued sailing to the designated coordinates, it began the airdrop operation.

"Arrived at the predetermined orbit, the airborne capsule is dropped."

Under the order of the formation commander, six Laurasia-class ganakus separated from the hull.

After breaking away from the ship body, wings were extended on both sides of the pancake-shaped gnaku to maintain stability.

Then it fell into the atmosphere, like a bolide, and fell towards the earth along a predetermined trajectory.

At the same time, the Earth United's orbital round-trip monitoring center on the ground discovered this obvious landing action.

"Endbury antenna group, a lowering alarm is coming. It is judged to be a mobile suit drop pod."

"Where's the target and landing location?"

The lights in the huge control room were dim, but various monitoring data were displayed on several huge screens on the surrounding walls.

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