The incoming missile was detonated, and the remaining ones hit the ground and buildings and exploded. The smoke obscured the red and white body.

Chapter 121 Batch after batch...

The next moment, a rocket penetrated the smoke and hit the missile nest behind the Baku.

The pilot decisively discarded the bomb nest to prevent the aircraft from being involved in the explosion.

Baku, who lost his long-range weapon, immediately jumped to the ground, spread out his four legs, and circled behind the target.

Lakou was also shooting and closing the distance at this time.Obviously, the two Bakus planned to attack from the front and back.

Easily aware of the opponent's thoughts, Alex calmly dropped the empty rocket launcher on the ground.

He took off the beam rifle from his waist, and kept moving his feet. The propeller assisted the body to turn suddenly to the right, avoiding the beam shot by Lakou with the smallest movement.

He also fired back with a shot. This shot forced the advancing Lakou to change his original landing point, disrupting the opponent's attack rhythm and breaking the front and rear flanking tactics.

The heretic then took advantage of the situation and rotated 180 degrees on the spot, pointing the beam rifle in his hand at another Baku that was originally attacking from behind.

The Baku pilot was startled when he saw the red and white machine on the screen pointing at him and raising his beam rifle.

He subconsciously manipulated the machine to avoid it, but this was exactly the result Alex wanted.

After the new human sensed the opponent's movement direction, the muzzle of the gun swung slightly and fired to the left.

This shot with advance accuracy killed Baku who was moving to the right.

Seeing his last subordinate being killed, the squadron leader's inner anger was completely ignited.

"Let's go and kill this red devil no matter what!"

The thrusters on Rakko's wings lit up, and with a roar, Rakko jumped up, and the beam cannon behind him fired at targets on the ground.

The red heretic turned around and blocked the beam attack with his shield, and then flew back before the second round of shots arrived. The beam hit the spot and exploded into a cloud of smoke.

The heretic walked backwards and broke through the smoke, firing his beam rifle.

The moment the target broke through the smoke and raised his gun, the squadron leader made a prediction and pushed the joystick fiercely.

The four-legged MS quickly fell to the ground, avoiding the beam.

In fact, Alex's attack was not carried out in advance, and the purpose was to force the opponent to the ground.

In fact, Lakou had no intention of letting him go, and the beam cannon fired again the moment he landed.

Then the machine took big steps and caught up.

"Don't try to escape!"

Alex felt the other party's anger.

"Do you want to avenge your subordinates? What a good commander."

Although he was emotional, it didn't mean that he would be merciful.

It is very dangerous to keep your hands on the battlefield unless you are sure that the opponent will not fight back at the last moment, or has really lost his fighting spirit.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would not hold back easily.

Of course, beating students is another matter...

That is the spur of love as a teacher. (Talk nonsense with a serious face)

He turned around and fired at Rakko behind him with his beam rifle again. The beam hit a building on the right side of the opponent's path.

The collapsed wreckage of the explosion forced Rakko to slow down his advance again, and the distance between the two machines once again widened.

As a two-man-operated machine, Rakko can evade and fire back accurately with his beam cannon.

Although the pursuit was blocked, the weapon shooter still aimed at the 'escaping' enemy in front and opened fire.

The heretic moved sideways, and the beam hit the road beside him, exploding two large craters in the ground.

"It's really convenient for two people to drive."

Alex muttered and kept moving his hands.

The heretic stopped immediately after moving sideways, raised his shield in front of him, and pointed his beam rifle at Rakko.

Seeing the opponent preparing to shoot, the pilot immediately evaded.

But the heretic did not open fire this time, seeing that Lakou was dodging as he thought.

Red Heretic also immediately put away his gun and moved, disappearing into the surrounding buildings.

"Damn it, you actually cheated!"

The squadron leader also didn't expect that this red devil could be so cunning.

Rakko moved again, but had lost sight of his target.

The four-legged mobile suit stopped in the middle of the road, its red single eye constantly moving in the rails, observing the surrounding situation.

"Where did you hide?"

The weapon shooter was also a little anxious, his eyes glued to the screen, trying to find where the heretic was hiding.

When the fighting between the two sides stopped, the surroundings became quiet.

All that could be heard was the sea breeze, the sound of fierce firefights in the distance, and the sound of the machine equipment operating in the cockpit.

In this unbearable silence, when both of them were extremely nervous.

Suddenly there was another loud noise in the distance, and at this moment, a red and white figure passed by on the right side of the screen!


The weapon shooter immediately subconsciously pulled the trigger, and two beams of light passed by and hit the location where the red heretic had just appeared.

After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, there was no sign of any enemy except for the remains of the building.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

The two people's eyes were still alert. Less than a minute later, the red and white figure appeared from the other side again.

The weapons shooter fired again, but still missed.

After several times in succession, the two Lakone's hearts changed from restless to a little scared.

Because the opponent is like a ghost, appearing and disappearing, but they are still unable to hit the enemy.

Baku's feet took two steps back slightly.

The squadron leader immediately discovered that he subconsciously controlled the machine to retreat out of fear.

However, the weapon shooter did not find anything about this, because he was focused on identifying the elusive red demon.

"It's almost time."

Alex looked at the time and saw that some time had passed since Kira, Mu, and Cagalli destroyed the submarine carrier.

They should be coming back next. If it weren't for waiting time, why would I have spent so long with this lonely Rakko?

The beam rifle was put away and the heavy sword was taken off from the waist.

The heretic appeared behind the opponent generously this time. When Lakou noticed this situation, he turned around and opened fire.

The heretic had already raised his shield, and with the roar of the propeller, he drew an S-shaped trajectory and rushed towards Lakou.

Although the squadron leader was frightened, he did not give up the idea of ​​revenge for his subordinates.

As the four-legged MS fired, the beam saber at its mouth lit up, and it ran, rushing towards the heretic.

The weapon shooter kept pressing the shooting button, and the twin beam cannons behind him kept spitting out a stream of green beams.

Although they were all avoided or blocked by the red heretics, they did slow down the opponent's progress.

Seeing that the opponent was delayed and failed to accelerate successfully, the squadron leader's eyes flashed with victory.


With the help of four engines, Rakko gained extremely high acceleration and shot towards the heretic like an arrow from a string.

The squadron leader seemed to see the beam saber cutting through the opponent's shield and body, and a smile of relief appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if a great revenge had been avenged.

However, the next moment, he saw the heretic who was already close at hand. He first raised his shield and blocked the muzzle of Lako's beam cannon.

Then his right leg suddenly lifted up, and under Alex's micro-control, the whole body thrusters were sprayed in this direction. Although this kick made the heretic stand on only one leg, it was as stable as a golden rooster standing on its own.

The right foot kicked out accurately on the chin of One-Eye's head.

MS's full output kick made Rakko's head rise involuntarily.

Not only was the attack position of the beam saber on the head wrong, it also exposed the fragile neck.

The heretic's heavy sword in his right hand seizes the opportunity and kills La Kou with one strike!

The head with the beam saber flew out spinning.

Although MS will not die from having its throat cut, the head is also a vital piece of equipment as it is integrated as the main sighting device.

The screen went black, causing the pilot in the cockpit to lose his vision.

"not good!"

As a veteran, the squadron leader relied on his impression and immediately pulled the joystick to make the aircraft retreat in the direction he remembered.

Even though the weapon shooter couldn't see the target, he still held the trigger firmly while letting the muzzle continue to turn randomly.

It is hoped that this shooting method will block the enemy's attack.

Just before the screen restored its image, a warning sounded in the cockpit.

The twin beam cannons on Rakko's back have been destroyed.

It turned out that after the heretic general Lako was defeated, he quickly moved to the side of the headless machine. The next target was the pair of beam cannons behind it.

The Heavy Slashing Sword was raised to block Lakou's retreating direction. Without even using too much force, the retreating enemy hit the sword's edge.

The heretic held on to the sword in his hand, and Rakko, who was eager to retreat, cut off the beam cannon himself.

While sheathing the sword, he raised the shield diagonally downward and used the angle of attack from below to jam the joint of Rakou's right front leg.

The four-legged machine, which had lost all its weapons, suddenly lost its balance.

The moment the opponent fell to the ground, he aimed his sword at the cockpit and stabbed him.

With two reluctant sighs, the Rakko was eliminated.

At this moment, more images of enemy aircraft appeared on the screen.

As soon as communications were restored, the Baku Squadron called for reinforcements.

But now these belated reinforcements saw the ruins of Baku all over the place, and the red heretic who was stabbing Rakou through with a sword!

"It's the Red Demon!"


The first ones to attack were Dean flying in the air and Jin En's team on the GPU.

The heretic immediately drew his sword and jumped up. The live ammunition landed on the ground, beating the ground and the remains of Lakou again.

"I haven't picked up Raku's head yet!"

Seeing Rakko's head being covered in fire and blown to pieces, Alex shouted in distress.

Sheathed the sword, drew the gun, and fired at a Jin En in the air.

This shot penetrated both the GPU and the mobile suit, and exploded into a fireball of debris in the air before falling to the ground.

The other mobile suits in the air immediately dispersed, just when Alex wanted to shoot again.

Lockdown warnings sounded, forcing him to abandon the idea.

Before the heretic could move, explosive flames exploded around the machine body, and the smoke engulfed the red and white mobile suit.

But the next moment, the heretic flew out and broke through the smoke.

The head Vulcan cannon fired, and the missiles chasing behind were detonated one by one.

Chapter 122 Good News, Bad News

On the ground, two new Baku teams could be seen moving at high speed, outflanking the heretics from the left and right sides.

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