Listening to his change of tone, the four people's eyes focused on him.

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, he looked up at the four people.

"Your departure may have to be postponed. We just received news that four of our submarine carriers were sunk in Davao. It was a force attack."


The expressions on the four people's faces were all shocked.

But Aslan was the most shocked person in his heart.


Not only them, the Carpantalia base was also shocked by the news.

Chapter 127 Fight and survive

Losing four submarine carriers in one breath was painful enough for them.

Although the submarine carrier is not as cheap as the surface warships of the United Earth, it uses 3D printing technology and modular construction to make the launch of the ship not slow.

However, the biggest loss is the trained and qualified crew, although automation requires the number of people on the ship to be reduced.

But after all, the human losses on the four ships that sank were considerable.

More importantly, these sunken submarine carriers also blocked the waterway.

The plan to launch a pincer offensive against the coalition base failed because the tip of the right pincer was broken...

Subsequently, the pursuit of the Earth Army MS troops that sank the submarine carrier was slowed down by a sudden 10-minute strange interference on the battlefield, which caused chaos on the battle line, and failed to block the opponent within our own control area.

As a result, the encirclement and annihilation battle turned into a pursuit battle, and Long Legs even suddenly went out in person, using powerful firepower to delay the pursuit and forcibly pick up the target.

These sudden changes have caused the battle line to become in disarray.

As a last resort, the frontline command had to order a halt to the fighting and repairs for an hour.

Although this gave the other party a chance to breathe, for Zaft, this hour was also important.

If such a chaotic attack is allowed to continue, it is very likely to be delayed by the opponent, causing the operation to fail.

In short, both sides used this precious time to reorganize their troops.

The soldiers on the front line took the time to fill their stomachs and take a break holding their weapons.

When ZAFT's long-range fire strikes began again, the fighting in Davao broke out again.

"Bombardment! Take cover!"

As the distance is further shortened, the enemy's firepower can already cover the base.

In order to further offset the Earth Army's air superiority, the first wave of fire strikes focused on the airport's runway and hangar.

Facing the incoming long-range firepower, the base's near-defense system tried its best to intercept it.

Even the Archangel joined this interception operation.

In the barrage flying all over the sky, many incoming missiles and artillery shells were exploded in the air.

In an instant, black smoke filled the air.

However, there were still a large number of fish that slipped through the interception fire and flew towards their targets.

The first thing to suffer was the airport's runway, which had just been repaired and a new crater was blown up.

"Take off, take off! Get out of here!"

At this time, there was a Pioneer fighter jet on the runway that was just getting ready to attack.

It was too late to return to the hangar, so the ZA fighter had no choice but to brave the explosion and try to take off.

Although there are successful people, there are also those who are unfortunate enough to be hit by missiles falling from the sky, or fall headlong into a pit.

Then there are the hangars. Those permanent-level hangars can still withstand a few attacks and hold on for a while, but those simple hangars and fighters stored in the open air are not so lucky.

Usually when a shell or missile comes down, at least one fighter plane is destroyed.

There are also cases where chain fires occur due to explosions.

Soon, thick black smoke caused by burning appeared all over the airport.

The remaining missiles and artillery shells passed through the barrage and thick smoke and continued to fall to the ground.

In addition to the hangars and runways, facilities throughout the airport have also been hit to varying degrees.

The close-in defense system was under attack and was damaged to a certain extent in this round of attacks.

When the attack was over, the airport was paralyzed.

There was only one runway left that could still be used normally, but the ground crew and some ground troops immediately went into emergency repairs of the airport.

They knew very well that if the airport was not repaired as soon as possible, the next battle for the frontline troops would be even more difficult.

Fortunately, the Archangel was not within the attack range at first, so it did not suffer a direct hit.

Although there were some deflected artillery shells and missiles, they were all successfully intercepted by the close-in defense system.

"The ship has not been damaged, is in good condition, and can be dispatched at any time."

The CIC report gave Masuo some peace of mind.

At this time, Alex's communication came in.

"Captain Masuo, we need to dispatch."

"Has the heretic been repaired?"

"No, but I can use that Jinn. Mu and Cagalli are responsible for flying the Air King to support Kira."

This was the tactic they had just discussed during the break.

Although Mu's control skills are good, he is still inferior to Alex.

Therefore, Jin En let him drive, and Mu flew the Air King.

However, this MS was originally intended for Cagalli to use.

The Jin En painted in pink and white is very conspicuous when driving out.

However, the ground crew has no time to change the color of the aircraft, so Alex can only be used as a conspicuous bag.

"Currently, the Davao headquarters has not given us an attack order. I think you can take a rest. After all, you have just experienced a fierce battle before."

Masuo was not in a hurry to give the order to attack. The previous fierce battle could be said to have consumed a lot of people.

But Alex shook his head.

"There is no time. ZAFT's next round of attacks will inevitably hit the front line crazily. With the current situation, it will be difficult for the defenders to hold on."

"But your bodies..."

Masuo also understands this truth, but as the captain of the Archangel, she still has to consider the next battle.

"If we lose here, we won't have any need to rest."

"I understand, permission is given to dispatch."

In the end, Alex succeeded in convincing Masuo.

As the ejection channel opened, pink-white Jin En, who was stepping on the GPU, and a strike equipped with a wing backpack took the lead.

Followed by two Air Dominators, the Mu aircraft carried artillery warfare equipment, and the Cagalli aircraft carried sword combat equipment.

"Remember, our dispatch this time is not to go deep into the enemy's rear. It is purely to provide support and provide cover for the ground troops. Don't go too far away, and be careful not to fall into the enemy's siege."

Alex warned again.

The battle in Davao has entered a feverish state, because both warring parties know that time is precious to them.

The defenders must hold on until reinforcements arrive and hold the airport.The attackers must capture the last fortress before reinforcements arrive.

Since the front line has advanced not far from the airport, the Archangel combat team, all capable of flying, can be said to have arrived at the battlefield in an instant.

Compared with the airport, the artillery fire on the front line can be described as weak.

But this does not mean that the pressure on the front line is much lighter.

The ZAFT troops took up their positions, and the Jinn and Baku troops supported by ZAUT launched a fierce attack on the defenders.

The defenders also fought tenaciously.


Several linear gun tanks aimed at a Jinn and opened fire simultaneously.

The distance between the two sides is already very close, so close that Jin En's armor can be penetrated by linear artillery.

However, as a veteran, the Jin En immediately jumped up and several shells missed.

Immediately afterwards, the MS in mid-air fired with assault rifles, and two tanks that were unable to dodge were destroyed by the Initiation.

"Move and get behind it!"

Captain Zhang Tianming ordered loudly.

Of the remaining three tanks, one was left to contain the enemy from the front, while the other two went around Jin En's back from the left and right sides.

"Gunner, hit it on the back!"

As soon as the next round is loaded, the gunner takes aim.

The turret rotates, pointing the muzzle at the propeller wing behind the target.

The shell hit the left thruster nozzle of the mobile suit, and the explosion caused the machine to stagger.

The other two tanks also seized the opportunity to open fire, and two shells hit the enemy again.

At this time, Zhang Tianming's tank had finished loading and opened fire again.

In the explosion, the assault rifle in Jin En's hand was blown up, and the propulsion wing behind him was also blown away.

Struggling to take two steps forward, and using the cover of the surrounding buildings, Jin barely escaped from the flanking attack of tanks on both sides.

The pilot looked at the linear gun tank on the screen that was pointing its muzzle at him, and glanced at the photo on the bridge.

It was a photo of him in uniform with a woman.


The pilot, realizing that he could not go back, whispered, and then pushed down the control stick.

Jin En pulled out the heavy slashing sword from his waist and took long strides towards the enemy in front of him.


The tank in front of him fired a shot, and the shell hit Jin En's left arm in front of him.

In the smoke, the left manipulator flew out.

But Jin En, who had a disabled arm, still rushed over.

"Reverse! Quick!"

The tank immediately rolled back, and at the same time the gunner lowered the muzzle and aimed at Jin En's leg.


On the command of the commander, the shell was fired.

However, the Zaft pilot, who had already noticed it, jumped up to avoid it.

At the same time as it fell, the heavy slashing sword in his right hand was raised and thrust downward.

As it landed, a sword penetrated the top armor of the tank, and then pulled outwards, cutting the tank turret and body in half.

Before the pilot could take a breath, two shells fired from behind penetrated Jin En's back.

Debris from the explosion penetrated the cockpit and pinned the seats and pilot together.

With blood spilling from his mouth, the pilot struggled to reach out his hand, wanting to touch the photo one last time.

But until his arms hung down weakly, he could not touch the blood-stained photo attached to the console.


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