So ZAFT's ace pilot lamented his luck in his heart, while carefully dealing with the opponent.

However, as an experienced ace pilot, he showed no ace character and decisively called for support.

Then he continued to deal with the 'red devil'.

Since you can't beat him alone, then let's just fight in a group!

Alex saw that the other party kept wandering around and did not approach him, so he guessed what the other party had in mind.

"Do you want to gang up on me? I'm naive, it's not like I don't have any teammates."

At this time Kira suddenly contacted him.

"Captain, there are a large number of enemies heading in your direction, but I couldn't completely stop them!"

"I understand, Kira, please pay attention to your body's energy."

"I understand, but what do you want to do?"

Alex smiled.

"If he wants to use him as bait, why can't I also use him as bait?"

"What other crooked idea did you come up with?"

Hearing his familiar tone, Cagalli felt that this guy was going to come up with some strange idea.

"It's not a crooked idea, it's a battle plan."

Alex corrected Cagalli.

Then he told his thoughts to others.

"Remember, you have to hit it accurately, otherwise, I will be the unlucky one."

After saying that, the pink and white Jin En accelerated and rushed towards the blue machine of the same type.


Kira drove the strike and suddenly turned, pointing the beam rifle in his hand at a Baku chasing behind the Alex aircraft.

The green beam penetrated the four-legged mobile suit, and then the attack quickly passed over the enemy who had fallen to the ground and exploded, and moved in another direction.

In the sky, the Air King piloted by Mu locked onto the two Jinn aircraft that were outflanking Alex on the ground.

As he pressed the fire button, the Flame God and the airborne beam cannon and cannon fired in burst mode.

The two Jin Ens on the ground were hit by barrage attacks one after another.

Cagalli also focused her attention on the Baku on the ground, and after two rounds of shooting, she killed it.

Under the cover of three teammates, Alex drove Jinn and kept getting closer to the target.

As the distance got closer, Alex discovered that this MS was no ordinary Jinn.

But the assault type Jin En.

ZGMF-1017AS assault Jinn.

It is a model developed by ZAFT so that the basic model of Jinn can adapt to various battlefield conditions.

Its body is basically not much different from Jinn, but in order to enhance Jinn's combat effectiveness, ZAFT specially developed a costume replacement system called 'Assault Corpse Suit'.

The assault corpse suit equipped by Duel after its improvement was based on this system and re-improved by combining the characteristics of Duel's body.

However, unlike the assault equipment replacement system, duel corpse equipment cannot be installed and replaced during battle. It must be adjusted in the Gnaku with the help of a maintenance rack.

In battle, most methods like armor blasting are used to discard damaged or empty weapons and equipment.

In addition to further strengthening the whole body armor, Assault Jinn also added an auxiliary propulsion system.

The wing-shaped thrusters on the back are equipped with steering nozzles, and high-power auxiliary thrusters are installed on the legs.

Even large propellers were added to the soles of the feet. This made the body weight increase due to the addition of armor, but the propulsion and steering were not weakened, but even strengthened.

In terms of weapons, two Gatling cannons are added to the shoulders, and there are small triple missile launchers under the armor on the front of the arms.

The legs can also be equipped with M68 triple missile nests, and there is no difference from Jin En in terms of other weapons.

ZAFT initially wanted this method to equip Jin En with the ability to deal with various combat environments.

However, as Xigu begins mass production, improving Jin En, which has reached its performance limit, seems to be more than worth the gain.

So ZAFT decisively gave up the idea of ​​​​changing the entire army to attack Jinn.

Only a small number were produced and used for equipment by some aces and elite pilots.

As for the pilots who like the new and dislike the old, they are very envious of the newly produced Xigu.

As a result, many people requested to install new models, resulting in fewer Assault Jinn aircraft being used in actual use.

“I didn’t expect to see one here.”

Alex looked at the Assault Jinn in front of him and pressed the shooting button with his finger.

The barrage fired by the assault rifle hit the remains of a building on the opponent's path.

The collapsing wreckage forced Assault Jin En to turn suddenly to the left to avoid being hit.

Seeing that the other party turned according to his own ideas, Alex also controlled Jin En to jump up.

The propulsion wings on the back helped the machine jump up, flew over the wreckage of the building, and took a shortcut directly to appear in front of Assault Jin En.


Reed looked at Jin En emerging from above his body and immediately counterattacked.

The two Gatling cannons on his shoulders began to fire, but he only saw that the weirdly painted Jin En suddenly stopped advancing and spraying.

Then the body accelerated its fall under gravity and inertia.

The falling trajectory happened to avoid his own shooting, when he controlled the cannon on his shoulder to lower it.

But he saw Jin En in mid-air, and the propulsion wings on his back spread out again.

However, instead of stabilizing the climb, the machine accelerated its descent, and his attack failed again.

"As expected of the red devil, even Jin En is so sensitive."

Although he praised his opponent, Reid had no intention of letting go.

Even so, the pink and white Jin En's movements were still agile beyond his imagination.

Before Gatling, who was attacking Jin En, had time to level down and fire, the Jin En had already landed and raised his assault rifle to shoot at him.

Before he could react, Assault Jin En had been shot in the torso.

"So fast!"

As a last resort, Reed could only stop shooting, relying on the heavy armor of the machine body to resist the attack and move to evade again.

Alex was a little surprised to see that the opponent could continue to move after being hit.

"It was actually able to withstand Jin En's live ammunition attack."

Just when he was doubtful, he saw that the additional armor on the torso fell off due to the amount of assault.

The fallen armor was hit by live ammunition and has been deformed and damaged.

Seeing this scene, Alex felt relieved.

"It turns out that we can only resist for a short time, but that's easier to do."

The unreasonable Jin En chased the retreating assault Jin En.

The assault rifle in hand uses burst fire to force the opponent to not dare to stop and fight back.

"What exactly does this guy want to do!"

Reed sensed something was wrong with the other party.

With the shooting skills displayed by the red devil, he could definitely hit himself at this distance.

But every shot from the opponent was just a hair's breadth away. At first, he thought it was the result of his efforts to dodge.

But as an ace pilot, he quickly discovered that something was wrong.

'He did it on purpose! '

Although he was aware of this, he couldn't guess why this guy did this.

In fact, Alex used himself as a bait, allowing the surrounding MSs that came to support the opponent to be defeated one by one by his other teammates.

With the fighting power of the other teammates around them, a small team of mobile suits came rashly to deliver food.

Through the shared screen information, he saw that the strong attack and Mu's Air Dominator cooperated to eliminate a Jin En team that came up from the flank and tried to attack him.

As an ace, Reed didn't understand why the opponent deliberately missed him at first.

But soon he became aware of the other party's true purpose.

The support that was supposed to arrive has not yet arrived.

"Could it be that……"

Just when he noticed it, another flame exploded in the distance.

That was the result of Cagalli's Aerial Dominator's ground attack.

"Big Blue is calling for friendly forces around. Please answer if you hear it."

He pressed the communication switch and called around.

Soon, a urgent voice came.

"Reed, we are blocked. Their firepower is very fierce. We can't reach you from support. Be careful!"

In the communication, news came that shocked him.

"It's almost time to end."

Alex estimated that the time was almost up. Even if the other party was a pig, it was time to notice that something was wrong.

And if you keep fishing, the bait might catch a great white shark.

So after the pink-white Jin En fired the last few bullets from the gun chamber, he decisively put away the gun and drew the sword.

These live rounds hit Assault King again, and the Gatling gun on his right shoulder was hit.

Reed hurriedly shook off the destroyed Gatling Cannon and raised his arms at the same time.

The triple missiles are fired at the enemy, hoping to delay the opponent's pursuit and offensive.

However, Alex flew straight towards the missile without dodging, until he was about to hit it, swinging his left arm.

The fire and smoke from the missile explosion engulfed the target, but Reed did not take it lightly.

Assault Jinn stopped, but the Gatling Cannon on his left shoulder fired into the smoke.

The next moment, the pink-white Jin En suddenly jumped out of the smoke and fell to the left side of the assault Jin En.

"Sure enough!"

Reed looked at the enemy on the screen. It appeared to be unscathed, except that the Green Shield on his left arm was missing.

It turned out that Alex threw the shield directly and used it as a target to detonate the missile.

Unfortunately, this ZAFT pilot was very vigilant.

He actually used the Gatling Cannon to shoot smoke, which made Alex's original plan of using smoke to attack in vain.

"Sure enough!"

Reed immediately twisted the fuselage, and the Gatling Cannon's barrage followed the target's footsteps and fired.

But until the enemy disappeared into the wreckage of the building, he failed to hit it.

He stopped shooting, no longer wasting ammunition.

"There aren't many ammo left."

Although the Gatling Cannon has powerful firepower, its high rate of fire and limited ammunition load also prevent it from holding down the firing button.

Assault type Jinn took off the assault rifle from his waist and held it in his left hand, while he held the heavy sword in his right hand.

The red one eye moves back and forth on the head rail.

"Where did you go!"

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