In fact, it is possible, but this kind of thing cannot be said openly.

Chapter 138 The original sin called pride

After all, the East Asia Federation is also a part of the United Earth. Negotiating alone with the warring adjusters will inevitably lead to verbal and written criticism, or even armed crusade.

The last such country was the United States of South America. The Earth United went to war with PLANT and was the first to be destroyed.

Now that it is a puppet of the Atlantic Federation, the East Asia Federation naturally does not want to follow in its footsteps.

Originally, the East Asia Federation believed that after the Battle of Kaohsiung, PLANT should understand their intentions and wait for secret contact.

But I never thought that things would backfire.

With the PLANT hawks coming to power and the adjusters' own arrogance, ZAFT won the battle in Kaohsiung.

We confidently believe that the East Asian Federation will continue to have a tacit understanding with them regarding our attacks on Port Moresby and Davao.

Or with our own military strength, we can completely capture Davao and Moresby before the other party can react.

Although some people raised objections, they were ignored by the hawks.

But I never thought that this would actually touch the core interests of the East Asia Federation.

In the absence of communication, the East Asia Federation naturally gave a strong response.

That's why this battle became what it is now.

If the adjusters could put aside their arrogance and wishful thinking, and secretly contact the East Asian Federation.

Then things would not have evolved into what they are now.

However, there is no regret in selling medicine in the world, and time will not turn back.

And Kruse felt that even if time could be turned back, with the adjuster's pride, he would still do such a thing.

Crossing his arms and looking at the adjusters who were still arguing, he had a sarcastic attitude towards these so-called 'new humans' that represented human evolution.

In his view, even physical strength and intelligence have evolved.

Human beings still have not gotten rid of the shackles of their own personalities. In order to be stronger than others and to climb above others, competition has emerged.

And competition brings not only benefits, but also dark sides.

Jealousy, hatred and hatred, all these will make people do it at any cost.

Morality and law, in the face of reality, are nothing more than fig leaves prepared by human beings to cover up their own ugliness.

To achieve the goal by any means is the true face of human beings.

'However, I also want to thank the ugliness of human beings. Without these, I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve my goal until my death. '

When I think about what I will do next.

Cruze could only hold back the urge to laugh and watch everything quietly.

Behind the mask is his already crazy heart.

He felt like a judge in fairy tales who brought judgment on mankind.

Only he is qualified to judge the sins of mankind...

However, it was not time to start his plan yet, so he planned to enjoy a short play first.

'Before destroying humanity, let me first appreciate how extreme things humans will do when it comes to friendship. '

Cruze's thoughts drifted to the four members of Sala's team who had already dispatched on the submarine carrier.

He was looking forward to what kind of strong emotions and joyful killings would burst out when Aslan's friendship broke down.

After intense emergency repairs, the Archangel temporarily blocked the hole in the right hull.

This ensures that it will not turn into a submarine when it is launched into the water.

Although in the second season, the Archangel goes to the sky and the sea, and can even really dive.

But now it is obvious that it does not have this ability.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Masuo completed basic repairs and supplies.

He immediately led the battleship to set sail and left Davao.

In the case that ZAFT did not capture Davao, they only needed to avoid the controlled area of ​​​​Port Moresby so that they could go to Orbu smoothly.

Shortly after the Archangel set sail, the East Asia Federation compiled the records of the battle at this time and conveyed them to Halbarton, who was still on the moon, through secret channels.

Halbarton was very pleased with this. The record of Archangel and Strike undoubtedly proved the correctness of developing mobile suits.

However, he heard rumors that the United Army has secretly manufactured the second batch of Plan G aircraft.

But the one who takes the lead is the one from Blue Cosmos.

Although he supported the creation of MS, Halbarton was very dissatisfied that this project was actually led by the Blue Cosmos group.

In his view, handing over Project G's body to these guys is like handing over a butcher's knife to an executioner or handing a chainsaw to a murderer.

But as a rational person, he also knows very well that even if he objects now, it will not have much effect.

Because the political circles of the Atlantic Federation have been penetrated like a sieve.

Almost most of the senior management are spokespersons of Blue Cosmos with money, and some are even senior members of Blue Cosmos.

The price of all this is that the activities of Blue Cosmos within the Atlantic Federation are almost open to the public.

What is even more worrying is that the other party is not only involved in politics, but also has a large number of their people in the army.

The nuclear bomb fired at Junius 7 was brought to the warship by extremists in the military and launched on their own initiative.

Afterwards, although the executor was eliminated by the angry ZAFT army, the other parties were not even held accountable.

In this situation, if you just act tough, you may not end up well.

He has witnessed several colleagues being killed because of their strong opposition to these guys.

However, this does not mean that he has become cowardly in the face of the butcher's knife, but he understands through these bloody lessons that blindly sacrificing in vain cannot make these bastards pay the price.

Because he chose to endure the humiliation, contact like-minded people, and secretly look for opportunities to give these guys a fatal blow.

At this time, Halbarton thought of Captain Orb.


"Perhaps, the long-awaited key to breaking the situation lies with him."

Of course, he couldn't expect the opponent to fight alone against Blue Cosmos and the military-industrial complex behind the opponent.

The necessary support still had to be given. Thinking of this, he decided to contact his comrades on the earth to look for opportunities to give Alex some support.

At this time, the Archangel, after leaving Davao, first headed towards Palau.

Although ZAFT forces retreated from Davao, there are still threats at sea, but there is no need to go around the Northern Mariana Islands.

It would therefore be possible to sail directly to Palau, then turn there to the Northern Mariana Islands, avoiding the control of Port Moresby, and then take the route to Obu.

After leaving Mindanao and entering the Pacific Ocean, the Archangel entered the second level alert state.

The continuous fierce battles in Davao made the crew very tired and everyone needed a rest.

Especially as the pilots fighting on the front line, Alex and Mu, as well as Kira and Cagalli, are all in poor mental states that can be seen to the naked eye.

Therefore, Masuo decided not to arrange reconnaissance missions for the four people before arriving in Palau.

She also has a good reason. The current voyage to Palau is safe.

And on this vast sea, if an enemy attacks, the Archangel's own reconnaissance methods can also confirm it from a long distance.

Therefore, there is no need to conduct long-distance reconnaissance before arriving in Palau.

Knowing that she wanted the four of them to get enough rest, Alex and the others readily accepted the order.

Now, Alex and Mu, each wearing a pair of shorts, were sitting cross-legged and meditating on the towels on the open deck.

The two were enjoying the sunshine and sea breeze, and Massenet looked very stressed.

"Can this method you mentioned really relieve mental fatigue? Why do I feel hotter and hotter?"

Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling like a beef patty on the iron plate.

Especially in the crotch, it feels like ham and fried egg.

"Be normal, Mu, calm down. There is an old saying in the East Asia Federation that 'the calm mind naturally cools down'."

Alex, who maintained a meditative posture, was answered by the old god.

"But I feel like I'll be ripe before I get too cold."

After saying that, Mu sat up, grabbed the towel and walked towards the cabin door.

"No, it's too hot. I have to go back and take a shower and sleep with the air conditioner on! You are simply masochistic!"

"Walk slowly."

Alex raised his hand and waved, not paying attention to Mu's departure.

After all, asking the other party to sit under the sun and meditate is indeed a bit difficult.

Originally, he planned to try to see if he could stimulate Mu's spatial perception, but now it seems that it has little effect.

'What a pity, it seems that Mu is indeed not as strong as Kruze. '

At this moment, he was keenly aware of someone appearing at the cabin door.

"Why are you back again?"

"Captain Alex, are you...are you sunbathing?"

Hearing this shy voice, he raised his head and looked behind him.

The person who appeared at the cabin door was not Mu, Kira or Cagalli.

Instead, Bucky Lulu.

"Ah, Captain Natal, you have a rest too."


Under the level [-] alert state, crew members can take turns to rest.

As the deputy captain, Baji Lulu is no exception. She and Masuo take turns on duty.

She had just finished her shift and wanted to come to the deck to breathe some fresh air.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the door, I saw a guy in a strange posture, and he was also shirtless?

Although she came from a military background, she had seen a lot of shirtless men.

But for some reason, Bucky Lulu felt as if her heart had missed a beat, as if it was unnatural.

"Oh, sorry."

Seeing the unnatural blush on her face, Alex wisely put on a T-shirt.

It wasn't until he put on his shirt that Bucky Lulu coughed, walked out of the cabin, and came to the viewing terrace.

Holding on to the railing with both hands, I felt the sea breeze and listened to the sound of ships sailing on the sea.

Bucky Lulu felt her heart relax a lot.

Alex, who still didn't get up, looked at Bucky Lulu, whose back was turned to him.

The military uniform she wore was meticulously worn, and the well-fitting tailoring highlighted her good figure. Although it was not as powerful as Ma Suyao's, it was still pretty good.

Unlike him and Mu, they looked like soldiers when they wore their military uniforms.

Chapter 139 Bet

In order not to appear too rude, Alex stood up to avoid an embarrassing situation.

"Being the deputy captain of this improvised battleship must be very tiring."

He also walked to the railing, keeping a distance of about one meter from Bucky Lulu.

The distance is neither far nor close, neither distant nor too close, making people feel uncomfortable.

For some reason, Baji Lulu felt that she suddenly had a deep desire to talk about his question.

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