Regarding the instructor's dazzling look, Nigel knew that he had guessed correctly.

After understanding these things, he also told the instructor some things that happened after the two parties separated.

For example, how he and others joined the Kruse team, how the injured Latis and others recuperated locally, and how they held their own concerts, etc.

"However, I really didn't expect that I would be captured."

The boy sat cross-legged on the ground, swaying.

"I thought I was dead at the time. I had already turned on the self-destruct switch. I just had to enter the password."

Facing his words with a smile, Alex sighed deeply.

"Don't talk about death or self-destruction. Life is only once for you. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, don't give up. Remember? Nigel."

"Yes, I remember, instructor."

Looking at Nigel who was sitting on the ground saluting him, Alex also smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Worried about the threat posed by the surrounding ZAFT submarine carriers, both parties conducting material transfers in this small island harbor moved very neatly.

Although Hashem appears to be very kind, he is actually a very cautious person.

After all, to be able to achieve the current scale, although he cannot be said to be a treacherous person, he still has two brushes.

The Archangel can still fly, but Hashem's cargo ship is a civilian ship with a heavy load and slow speed.

It was extremely easy to become a target, so after completing the handover of supplies quickly, Hashem left in a hurry with the ship.

The Archangel then turned northeast toward Guam.

The submarine carrier waiting in the south of Palau was also searching northeastward at this time.

Aslan and others analyzed the flight of the Archangel and believed that the other party would either go directly north to Alaska.

Either head east or head to Panama.

But no matter which route they take, the first place they have to go to is Hawaii.

In order to obtain supplies from the coalition base, and then move towards the predetermined route.

Although it is very difficult to search for a warship in the vast ocean.

However, compared with the difficulty of ambush near Hawaii, it is much easier in the North Pacific region.

The Hawaii area is an important naval base of the Atlantic Federation and is tightly defended. It cannot be challenged head-on by a submarine carrier.

There are many islands and reefs in the North Pacific, and they are also the main scope of activities of the ZAFT army.

Whether it is searching or attacking, it is very beneficial.

Although they misjudged the Archangel's course, they accidentally collided with the Archangel's course in the search range.

Just like in a dark forest, the two sides carefully avoided each other, but under the arrangement of fate, they headed towards the intersection.

What everyone on the Archangel didn't know was that they had become something like the eye of a storm.

The results of the MS team composed of Assault, Heretic, and Jinn in Davao aroused concern within the coalition forces.

With the encouragement of Halbarton and others, the call for speeding up the fielding of mobile suits has become increasingly intense.

In response to this situation, the top leaders of the Atlantic Federation finally agreed to the decision to mass-produce mobile suits.

In fact, the Atlantic Federation has secretly started preparatory work for the mass production of the G series, and based on the earliest data of the G series.

The Assault has been selected as a mass production prototype for early production.

However, for the sake of rapid production and price, the backpack changing function has been eliminated.

In order to make up for the overly single armament, both Storm and Duel were selected for mass production.

It seems that everything is developing in a good direction, but for the Archangel, the top leaders of the Atlantic Federation do not want to see the ship arrive in Alaska.

Especially the senior officials who knew about the attack and the situation of the pilots were actually bored with this ship now.

The GAT series of airframes will inevitably become the representative of mobile warriors of the United Army.

However, such a flag is in the hands of an adjuster. How is this appropriate?

Mobile suits were developed to fight against adjusters, but only in the hands of adjusters can they exert powerful and terrifying power.

Doesn’t this prove the fact that natural people are inferior to adjusters?

The senior leaders of the coalition, especially the Atlantic Federation, who felt that their faces were disgraceful, naturally did not want to see this situation.

Although it was claimed that the attack was piloted by a natural pilot, this fact was concealed and deceived.

But for those of them in Blue Cosmos, this is simply worse than killing them.

Therefore, after the Archangel landed on the earth, the policy of indifference was adopted.

It is hoped that the ship will be sunk by ZAFT halfway without support or supplies.

But things went counterproductive, and the ship landed directly on the territory of the East Asia Federation.

Not only did they receive supplies, they even assisted the East Asian Federation in fighting ZAFT.

Not only was it not sunk, it even gained a reputation. It was also a perfect debut for the G series aircraft.

Currently, within the Union Army, there is a lot of discussion about the Archangel and the strike.

Just as a bulk alliance, this incident made the Atlantic Federation very passive.

The East Asia Federation, having seen the power of mobile suits, took the initiative to express to the Atlantic Federation that it hoped to obtain the manufacturing technology of mobile suits.

The reason is also very good; everyone is a coalition, and the Atlantic Federation cannot keep this new weapon that is beneficial to the fight against ZAFT MS to itself, but should share it.

Even the Eurasian Alliance, which has always been unwilling to deal with East Asia, rarely expressed support and hoped to share mobile suit technology.

Under the alliance of the two giants, this put the Atlantic Federation, which originally hoped to monopolize technology, under tremendous pressure.

Therefore, the dissatisfaction with the Archangel is even greater, but the Archangel sailing on the ocean does not know all this.

Chapter 149 Appetizers

The Archangel sailed to Guam as planned, then turned southeast in the waters of Guam, and then headed to Orb.

Aslan and others' pursuit was from the waters near the Caroline Islands to the northeast.

Their plan is to continue heading northeast if no long legs are found in the North Pacific.

Try to block the opponent in the waters near Hawaii, and be sure to catch the opponent before the long-legged one reaches Alaska!

The Archangel's voyage to Guam can be said to have been smooth sailing.

Due to the misjudgment made by the Sala team, this voyage was not intercepted by the ZAFT army.

This also relaxed the tense nerves of the crew.

Arriving in Guam successfully is undoubtedly a good start for the next action.

However, in order to avoid possible alarm, Masuo did not order the Archangel to dock at the Guam base.

Instead, it turned directly southeast toward the Marshall Islands.

Although it is more than 1000 kilometers farther than crossing the Caroline Islands, the advantage is that it passes close to the northern end of the Caroline Islands, avoiding the control range of Port Moresby, and at the same time avoiding the pursuing Cruze. Team.

Viewed from a God's perspective, the route planning of both sides shows that they will encounter each other in the waters near the Hall Islands.

However, the accelerated action of the Archangel prevented this scene from happening.

The time difference between the two parties arriving at this sea area was a full 4 hours.

If things continue to develop like this, Aslan and the others will already be in Hawaii when the Archangel arrives at Orb.

It's a pity that the Archangel missed a few calculations.

That was the hydrographic buoy that was originally under the control of Port Moresby, which exposed their whereabouts.

In order to avoid being discovered from a distance while flying in the air, the Archangel deliberately adopted a surface navigation mode.

However, the resulting waves caused the early warning buoys used to detect sea waves to send wave information to the base.

However, this was not a commonly used route, so it immediately attracted the attention of the ZAFT Army.

The Archangel, which was sailing southwest, was not ultimately discovered.

After confirming that it was a long leg, Port Moresby immediately sent a submarine carrier ordered to wander in the nearby waters to attack.

And also passed this news to Team Sala.

Aslan and others were shocked after receiving the news.

"What! They're not moving toward Hawaii! Damn it."

Yitzhak slapped his hands on the podium.

"Are they going to Orb?"

Diego stared at the electronic map and frowned.

This direction, unless they are going to South America, has no important strategic value and will instead lengthen the route.

"It should be Orb. There is no other base where they can stop along the way."

Aslan was terrifyingly calm at this time, and he analyzed it carefully.

"Plan G was manufactured in Heliopolis. Orb should be able to repair the Archangel and Strike. And this is completely beyond our expectations."

"Port Moresby has sent a submarine carrier to pursue it."

The captain said to them.

"We also turned around and went after the long-legged ones."

Aslan said without any hesitation.

Although the pursuing forces in Port Moresby were closer than them, Aslan did not think they could defeat the Archangel.

At most, it can delay the opponent's actions and buy them time.

Aslan did not realize that at this time, his heart was completely different from the past.

If it were him in the past, he would at least have informed the Port Moresby pursuit force to be careful not to approach the Archangel.

The submarine carrier turned and accelerated and sailed towards the predetermined sea area.

The Archangel was attacked by a submarine carrier sent from Port Moresby in the waters near Micronesia.

Although I was a little relaxed because I didn't encounter an enemy.However, the Archangel, which was still in the second level alert state, still used sonar to detect the enemy before the underwater MS launched its attack.

"There is a target approaching at high speed underwater. It is judged to be ZAFT's underwater MS, Gen and Zono!"

During the Davao battle, the coalition forces confirmed a new model of underwater mobile suit put into battle by the ZAFT Army.

"The Archangel is out of the water, and the entire ship is on level one combat readiness."

Masuo immediately ordered.

And Bucky Lulu, who hurriedly arrived, ordered as soon as she entered the door.

"Anti-submarine rocket depth bomb preparation!"

When leaving Davao, in order to enhance the anti-submarine firepower of the Archangel, it avoided the embarrassment of being able to see but not be able to hit.

They specifically requested a batch of heavy-duty anti-submarine rocket depth bombs from the East Asian Federation, as well as weapons such as torpedo launchers modified for Mistral for use by mobile suits.

However, judging from the results of several battles with underwater MS, it is the best choice not to go into the water.

The general-purpose mobile suit's underwater combat effectiveness is indeed not as strong as that of professional aquatic products. If it weren't for Kira and Alex's excellent skills, both of them would have already fed the fish.

The missile launch tube at the rear of the Archangel was loaded with anti-submarine rocket depth bombs, intending to surprise the opponent.

In Gnaku, the four of them, Alex, rushed out of the elevator and ran towards their respective MSs and fighter planes.

After sitting in the cockpit, he immediately turned on the phone and contacted the bridge.

"Miriyalia, what's going on?"

"The ZAFT army's underwater mobile suit is approaching, and its models are judged to be Gen and Zono. The ship is now out of the water, and the rocket depth bombs are ready."

After the experience of the war, Mirialia and the others have grown up and become more familiar with their work, knowing that the information he needs is what they need.


Then Alex ordered.

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