"Longlegs changed course. According to speculation, they are about to head directly to Orb."

On the Cousteau, CIC reported to the captain, Aslan and others.

"It is indeed Orb, should we continue to follow him?"

Monroe looked at Aslan.

Although he is the captain, Aslan and others are the pursuers assigned by Cruze, so he still has to refer to their opinions.

"We can't just watch them escape, Aslan."

First of all, Yitzhak was unwilling to let it go.

"That's right, we can't go back and explain to Captain Cruze like this."

Diego also supports continuing the pursuit.

Seeing that both of them had firm opinions, Aslan said to Captain Monroe.

"Keep tracking first and make sure the long-legged ones don't leave our sight."

Chapter 159 Orb Second Frigate Group

"Okay, order, switch to tracking mode, don't lose us, and don't let the long-legged ones spot us."

Captain Monroe still agreed with Aslan's opinion.

It seems that at least in this team of young masters, there are still people who maintain a calm attitude.

With the current combat power of the Cousteau, it is indeed difficult to deal with this warship that is already in the ZAFT army and has the legend of 'Disaster Star'.

It's really rare that they don't get carried away.


Aslan turned to look at Yitzhak.

"My body is severely damaged and needs time to repair. And your two mobile suits also need to be repaired. Since the long-legged one is going to Orb, we will follow him there. Give ourselves time to repair and strive to be in the best condition. Snipe the long-legged one.”

"And, I understand, Captain Sarah."

Seeing his firm tone, Yitzhak didn't insist anymore, but his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

He turned around and walked away angrily, and Diego shrugged helplessly at Aslan.

The journey that followed seemed extremely easy for both parties.

Just as Alex estimated, Aslan and others did not launch another attack, and no new enemies joined the pursuit.

The two sides moved in tandem like a tacit understanding of gangsters and mistresses, gradually approaching Orb's territorial waters.

In order for the Archangel to successfully enter Orb's territorial waters, he also made preparations.

If you enter sneakily, you will be easily discovered, so it is better to be open and honest.

But this requires cooperation from Orb.

After taking off his earphones and ending the contact with Chisaka, he stretched.

"Tomorrow, we will see the technology of the Second Escort Fleet and the Orb government's blame-shifting art!"

Early the next morning, he found Masuo and talked straight to the point.

"Archangel, just enter Orb like this."

"Huh? We don't need to disguise ourselves? For example, choose a dark time? Just openly enter Orb's territorial waters?"

His words surprised Masuo.

"Yes, entering the waters of a neutral country in such an open and honest manner would have a bad impact, wouldn't it?"

Bucky Lulu also felt that this was inappropriate.

Since General Halbaton ordered them to come to Orb, it was natural that they had reached a secret deal.But swaggering like this is a little too conspicuous.

After all, the Archangel is a battleship, not an ordinary civilian ship.If it causes an international dispute, it will be troublesome.

"No, just enter like this. Then, remember, don't panic if anything happens. Everything will be done according to my eyes."

Looking at the blindfold on his left eye, Masu resisted the strong desire to complain.

"What bold plan are you planning?"

Listening to his familiar tone, Bucky Lulu frowned.

"That's right, but let me correct you. This bold plan was not just my idea. The Orb government also had a hand in it."

With his assurance, the Archangel continued along its current route, approaching Orb's territorial waters.

On the Cousteau that was following, Captain Monroe looked at the enemy's course and couldn't help but frown.

"Are they... planning to rush directly into Orb's territorial waters?"

Because from the perspective of the course, there was no change in the long-legged one. It was heading straight towards Orb. In a few hours, it would be close to Orb's territorial waters.

Presumably by this time, Orb had also discovered the approaching Atlantic Federation warship.

Sure enough, when the Archangel approached Orb's territorial waters.There is a new response on the submarine carrier's sonar.

"The Orb fleet has appeared and is spreading along the territorial waters!"

"What about the quantity?"

"10, it should be a full fleet."

Captain Monroe frowned.

It stands to reason that it would be a piece of cake to deal with this old fleet using a submarine carrier paired with a mobile suit.

But after all, Orb is a neutral country, and Zareft has been strictly ordered not to conflict with neutral countries, so as not to make the already bad international situation worse.

"Captain Monroe! How's Longlegs doing?"

Just as he was thinking, Yitzhak's voice came.

He turned around and saw three people appearing on the bridge.

"It's like this..."

After briefly explaining the matter to them, the three of them listened to the communications officer's report before they spoke.

"Captain, the Orb Army is making a broadcast."

"Huh? Take it."


Then, only a voice was heard echoing in the bridge.

"Notify the approaching Earth military ships and ZAFT forces."

Yitzhak was stunned.

"How do they know we exist?"

But no one gave him an explanation, and Aslan understood that Alex was responsible.

"You are approaching the territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates. Please change your course immediately. Our country does not allow any armed ships, aircraft, and mobile suits to intrude into its territorial waters without consultation."

"Please change course immediately!"

"Repeat, please change the course immediately! This is an ultimatum. If the course is not changed, the country has the right to fire in self-defense!"

On the screen on the bridge, you can already see the mighty fleet and the fleet of aircraft flying in the sky.

These are all components of the Orb army, and their purpose is to 'drive away' the approaching Archangel.

Kaz said to himself in disbelief.

"Fire? Do you want to shoot us too?"

Not only him, but other crew members were also worried at this time.

Masuo couldn't help but look at Alex, who was standing aside and looking confident.

"Don't worry, the gunners of the second frigate group have been strictly trained and will not miss the mark."

"What you said makes people feel even more unsure, okay?"

Bucky Lulu complained on the side.

"Believe me, I won't joke with my life."

Alex smiled crookedly and picked up the communicator.

"The engine room listens to the order, and then it's up to you."

"No problem! Captain Alex!"

Putting down the communicator, he nodded to Masu.

Masuo then issued orders to the entire ship.

"This ship is about to enter the water at a large angle. Everyone is prepared to resist the impact!"

Everyone on the ship immediately began to look for a position where they could fix themselves.

Sergeant Major Madrid complained as he tied himself to the post.

"Really, why are you messing around again!"

Soon, the ZAFT Army submarine carrier underwater and the Orb Army's second frigate group on the sea witnessed a sudden explosion at the tail engine of the Archangel flying in the sky!

The fire was accompanied by black smoke, and then the battleship seemed to have lost control and fell crookedly towards the sea.

"what happened!"

Aslan turned to look at Captain Monroe.

"We didn't attack?"

The captain was also a little confused at this time.

Not only the ZAFT Army, but also the Orb Army immediately ordered to confirm whether their own fleet had opened fire.

Because the Archangel had not yet entered Orb's territorial waters at this time, and was only flying along the territorial waters.

Just after the two waves of people jumping around, the Archangel fell crookedly to the sea, and its right bow entered the water.

Along with the huge waves, the entire boat hit the water diagonally.

When the waves fell, the ship had already made an emergency landing on the sea, and even slid forward for a distance due to inertia before stopping.

Not only did it fall into Orb's territorial waters, it also happened to stop on the right side of the second frigate group.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Alex's ears.

'The main plot, Up (2) is completed! '

But then, Orb rebuked loudly and harshly.

"You ignored our country's warning and trespassed into our territorial waters without authorization! Now we will exercise our right of self-defense! Fire!"

The second frigate group, composed of Aegis-class destroyers and Kuramigami-class frigates, immediately formed a single column formation under the order, turned right and quickly surrounded the Archangel.

At the same time, the fighter groups in the air also formed small formations and began to dive and attack.

The cannons of each warship quickly turned around and fired at the fallen warship.

For a moment, the sea around the Archangel seemed to be boiling, with high water columns rising continuously.

Occasionally, one or two artillery shells and dropped bombs hit the hull, but they were all at insignificant locations such as the stern and bow.

As the ship's hull trembled, Bucky Lulu said to him.

"Is this what you said, a very accurate shot?"

"Anyway, the ship will be docked for repairs later. This damage is within the acceptable range."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shell suddenly hit the bottom of the bridge. This shell was obviously deflected.

After all, the shaking sea surface is definitely not as stable as the ground.

The explosion caused by this unexpected shell caused violent tremors on the bridge.

The other people on the bridge were okay because they were all sitting.

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