"Okay, what do I need to do?"

"Two things."

He shook his finger.

"First, you have to contain the other two guys and guard the Archangel."

Mu nodded, even if Alex didn't say it, he would do it.

"What about the second thing?"

"Don't let anyone fly the Air King. Cagalli and I are not here, and the Archangel lacks combat power. No one on the ship is skilled in stance fighters. If you rashly intervene in the battle between MSs, it will only cause casualties. "

"But what if the combat power is insufficient? Can you arrange for someone to assist?"

"Yes, I will lead someone to intervene at the right time."

"What are your intentions, guy?"

Facing Mu's inquiry, he smiled slightly.

"Later, you will know. But now is not the time."

After discussing the action plan, he accompanied Bucky Lulu to have lunch and dinner on the ship. After feeding the others enough dog food, he reluctantly left.

At the exit of the boat, he looked at Bucky Lulu who was escaping in a hurry, touched the temperature on his lips, smiled and turned around to leave.

Early the next morning, a group of people came to see the Archangel off.

The Sahak siblings did not come, they were still busy with other things.

The only ones who came were Erica, Alex, Uzmi, Chisaka and Cagalli.

At the dockside, Masuo and Baji Lulu saluted them and said goodbye.

"Thank you very much for Orb's help."

Uzmi nodded.

"I hope you have a safe journey."

On the other side, Kira is also saying goodbye to Cagalli and Alex.

"Be careful on the road, Kira."

Facing his meaningful words, Kira nodded.

"Yes, Captain."

"Kira, this is for you."

Cagalli took out an amulet and handed it to him.

"This is?"

"This is the Haumea volcanic stone. It is the amulet I found specially for you."

"Thanks, Cagalli."

Seeing that her daughter just gave her an amulet, Uzumi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Farewells being said, they withdrew to safety and the dry dock began to fill with water.

When water is injected to a certain depth, the locks will also open.

The Archangel floated and everything in the system was normal.

"set off!"

Following Masu's order, Neumann steadily steered the white battleship out of the secret dock.

Four Kuramigami-class frigates were arranged in two teams to guard the Archangel.

Use the cover of morning fog to head to the sea outside Orb.

The Cousteau, which had been waiting for several days, finally discovered something unusual.

Five Orb warships were heading towards the edge of the territorial waters.

When the three Aslans hurried to the bridge, Captain Monroe was ordering the crew to check the voiceprint data.

"Captain, is the long-legged one dispatched?"

Facing Yitzhak's eager tone, Monroe shook his head.

"It cannot be confirmed yet. However, the routes of these ships are indeed strange. If it is an exercise, it should be within territorial waters."

"Then prepare for battle first."

Aslan said firmly.

"Let's change into the pilot's uniform first, and the mobile suit will be ready for attack."

"it is good!"

Yitzhak turned and ran.

"Captain, please verify the ship type as soon as possible."

After Aslan and Diego saluted Captain Monroe, they also turned and left the bridge.

"Oh, how obsessed they are with this ship."

Monroe sighed and shook his head, turned around and continued to wait for verification from his subordinates.

On Orb's territorial waters, the sea fog has dispersed.

"We are about to reach the territorial waters line, and there are no enemies around."

Masuo did not take the CIC report lightly.

"Be on strict alert. After leaving the fleet, the ship will immediately leave the water and move forward at full speed."

Katz reported.

"The flagship of the fleet has received a call, so our department will return home. I wish your ship all the best."

"Call back, thank you for escorting me."

Then, the two Kuramigami-class ships that were originally in front of the Archangel began to move to both sides, clearing the route ahead.

Chapter 181

Inside Gnaku, Mu and Kira have all put on their pilot uniforms and are ready to board their respective MSs.

"Major, boy, the order to attack has not been given yet."

Faced with Madek's confusion, Mu smiled.

"Be prepared."

Although Madek was surprised by this, he did not stop them.

He also knew that in this situation, being prepared was the best option.

Soon after Mu and Kira entered the cockpit, they heard the ship's broadcast.

"This ship is about to leave the water, crew please pay attention to the tilt of the ship!"

Then a few minutes later, the Archangel broke away from the water at a large angle and flew into the blue sky.

The escorting Orb warship began to turn along the territorial waters and return to the port.

And it was at this time that the Cousteau finally confirmed its target.

The battle alarm inside the ship sounded, and the three Aslans who were already in the cockpit heard the slightly excited voice of the CIC.

"One of the Orb fleets has broken away. The ship type is confirmed, it is long-legged!"

Yitzhak clapped his hands.

"Sure enough!"

Diego whistled.

Aslan looked a little serious.

"Attack! Today, we must sink this ship!"

Earlier today, news came from Carpantalia that the captured Nigel had been left by Orb to work as a technician in the Dawn Society.

This is great news for them.

This means that you can attack the Archangel freely without worrying about Nigel's safety.

At the same time, an Aegis-class destroyer that set out from the military port in the other direction of Hatsushima also made a large circle and sailed out of the territorial waters.

On the rear helicopter landing platform, three heretics with similar appearance but different colors were standing on the deck.

They are the Red Heretic, the Green Heretic, and an ordinary Heretic M1.

"Why should I follow you out to fight? I am a scrap recycler and a member of a neutral organization! I cannot actively intervene in the battle without being attacked!"

Luo sat on the deck with his legs crossed and protested to Alex.

"You don't have to do anything. You just need to watch the unfortunate guy being beaten down and be responsible for fishing for him."

Luo was not satisfied with this explanation.

"But, you still have to intervene in the battle, right? I'm not a soldier, and I don't have professional combat skills. Do you want me to die??"

"An Xin, your life is so tough. The Lord of Hell will not accept you."

"Asshole! You have to pay!"

Luo finally couldn't help it and shouted out his true purpose.

"Oh, I understand. Let's just owe it now and settle it together when the time comes."

"You've already given me [-] million on credit! You can't borrow any more!"

Alex turned around and gave him the middle finger.

"You're the one who calculates interest, and even the loan sharks have to have you tattooed on their bodies! No!"

After saying that, without waiting for Luo to say anything more, he turned around and left.

"Nichol, how do you feel?"

The green-haired boy on the deck turned around and looked at him with a smile.

The person driving the Heretic M1 was Nigel, who was left behind in Orb to serve as a technician.

"Instructor, everything is fine. However, is it okay for me to pilot Orb's new mobile suit? After all, my identity..."

Alex spread his hands in response to his worries.

"Xunlei has been taken away by the Archangel. I can't let you go directly to the battlefield physically, right? And you are already my subordinate."

"Then please give me the order, sir."

Nicol saluted him playfully.

"I will take the lead in this operation. You and Luo will be responsible for observing the situation and waiting for my orders."


During their chat, the Aegis-class destroyer crossed the territorial waters line and entered the high seas.

On the other side, the Archangel was already exchanging fire with Holy Shield, Storm, and Duel.

Since there was no Air Overlord to guide them, Qiang Rai and Jin En were dispatched directly.

The Archangel fired smoke bombs first, causing the ship's hull to be obscured by thick smoke.

The storm approaching from the sea looked at the thick smoke on the screen.

Diego couldn't help but gasp.

"Smoke bomb? It's useless!"

Although the smoke has the effect of blocking infrared signatures, for a ship as big as the Archangel, even a blind shot has a probability of hitting it.

So Storm fired a series of missiles into the smoke. The hit rate of blind fire was not high, but it still hit the lower part of the Archangel.

"This ship was hit by a missile!"

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