And they should be able to rest in peace.

"team leader."

At this time, Graz came over instead holding the tachi and hammer blade that Barbatos had thrown away.

"Ah, Sanming. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but is this machine also Barbatos?"

Mikazuki looked curiously at Gusina's head, which was completely out of tune with the round body.

"No. This is Gusin, Barbatos' brother."

"I see... it's also a Gundam type frame?"


At this moment, Olga's excited voice came from the communication.

"Captain! We succeeded!"

At this time, on the bridge of Broise's battleship, a group of people led by Sino also successfully controlled everyone.

However, after witnessing the sacrifice of his companions, he was looking at the fat pig in front of him with gritted teeth.

He tried hard to control his fingers and prevent himself from pulling the trigger in anger and beating the other person into a corpse.

Because for the time being, the other party is still useful.

"You! Order others to surrender immediately!"

Brooke, who was still domineering before, was like a frightened quail, nodding his head desperately.

"Yes, yes, I will do it right away!"

When Brooke's ceasefire order was issued to the others in Broise, both the pilots who had been captured and the soldiers who were still resisting breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, no one wants to really die like this.

"It's all...over?"

Chang Hong's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard the ceasefire order in the communication.

Akihiro put on a smile on his usually serious face as he listened to the orders given by Alex in his own communication.

"Ah, yes, it's all over. Changhong, let's go home."


"Yes, although our old home is gone, we have a new home."

At this time Lavda's voice came.

"You two, do you want a ride?"

Akihiro looked around and saw a string of damaged Man Rodi hanging behind Baili.

So he smiled, controlled his Graze to drag Changhong's body, then grabbed the cable, and was led by Baili to fly towards the Yuhuo.

Barbatos also brought Gusin back to the Fishing Fire. For them, this was an important trophy.

It is also one of the necessities for his side missions.

After returning to the ship, Alex saw the corner of Gnaku.

There was a group of teenagers wearing white clothes with red markings, surrounded by Chad and others with guns.

The suppression of the two pirate ships was over, and now all that was left was to clean up the battlefield.

After Brooke announced his surrender, the salesmen and pirates who had no fighting spirit immediately surrendered one after another.

As for these people, Xino separated them and imprisoned them according to Alex's previous teachings.

The pirates were held in solitary confinement, while the people were gathered on the Fishing Fire.

At this moment, these teenagers all had anxious expressions.

Because they don't know what kind of fate they will face.

Although the man named Akihiro promised to bring them freedom, no one can guarantee whether this is the other party's conspiracy.

However, the person who was looking after them had the same mark as themselves, which made them feel a little more at ease.

But when Alex came over, they still had their hearts in their throats.

After all, they are the best sellers.

Items that can be disposed of at will by others.


Dante, who was responsible for guarding these traitorous young men, saw him and said hello.

However, his eyes were still fixed on these selling young men, and he seemed very wary.

Although the boarding force led by Sino was trained by Alex, there were still casualties.

Therefore, the people guarding them were always tense.

No one can guarantee whether these teenagers will get violent and hurt others.

However, as people who had also been sold out in the past, they had a kind of sympathy for these teenagers.

After patting Dante on the shoulder, Alex stood in front of these teenagers.

At this time, Akihiro also came over with Changhong, and Olga, who was the deputy leader, came with him.

"It's Changhong!"

Many young people who knew him were faintly agitated after seeing him.

However, there are also many people who don't know him. After all, there aren't many exchanges between the Jue sellers other than their respective poison companions.

Just seeing him wearing the same uniform as himself showed that he was a member of Broise, just like them.

"Aston! Delmar! Vido! Great, you are still alive!"

Chang Hong walked over quickly and looked at the top sellers on his team with surprise.

"Changhong! You are still alive too!"

The three of them also looked at him in surprise. At this time, Akihiro walked up to Alex and bowed deeply to him to express his gratitude.

"Captain, thank you."

After all, Alex not only disabled Changhong's body, but also created conditions for them to communicate.

In addition, other factors that may affect the communication between the two brothers have been solved as much as possible, creating a safe communication environment for them.

In this way, Akihiro could successfully convince his younger brother.

In the conversation just now, Masahiro admitted that if his friends died, then he probably would not listen to Akihiro and finally lay down his weapons and surrender.

Alex looked at him with relieved eyes. Since Changhong was here, it meant that his plan was not in vain.

And these brothers have no regrets.

Although Tekkadan's future is uncertain, the reunion of relatives is always a happy thing.

Chapter 57: Selling people’s hope

"No need to thank me, this is your brother who still has hope. Otherwise, as I said, you can't save a person who is interested in death."

"No matter what, I want to thank the leader."

Akihiro still thanked him meticulously.

"Okay, now I'm going to save these teenagers like your brother."

Then he turned around and took a step forward, standing in front of the others.

Olga and Akihiro stood together and did not come closer. They understood that next, Alex would save these traitorous teenagers just like he had saved them.

Although he stepped forward, the young men who were talking to Changhong all fell silent.

They looked at Alex with fear and resentment.

Alex seemed very calm about this.

He first squatted down, reached out and patted Changhong on the shoulder, signaling the other person to stand aside first.

Changhong already knew the identity of the person in front of him from his brother.

The leader of Tekkadan, who was also a former salesman, finally led his brother to regain their freedom!

From his brother's adoring tone and words, Changhong could tell that his brother trusted him very much.

Then, he also wanted to see what kind of charm this person had that would make his brother choose to follow him.

So he obediently stepped aside, and Alex, who was squatting on the ground, and the sold-out teenagers sitting on the ground no longer seemed so oppressive.

But he was an adult after all, so after thinking about it, he made an action that made others stunned.

He just crossed his legs naturally and sat on the deck of Gnaku!

This kind of trust and relaxation surprised all the young men in Broise.

Then he opened his mouth to introduce himself.

"I am the leader of Tekkadan, Alex. I was once a salesman just like you."

His opening words stunned the teenagers with expressions of hatred and uneasiness in their eyes.

They had never thought that the leader of a mercenary group could actually be a traitor. This was completely impossible in their impressions and concepts.

"It's not just me, this guy, this guy, and him were all once salesmen too."

He pointed at Akihiro, Dante and several others who were standing aside.

The teenagers knew their identities from the red lines on the opponent's uniforms.

Because, the red line is the representative of the absolute seller.

However, after hearing the affirmation given by Alex, they still felt that all of this was not very real.

It's not just the fact that the salesman became a 'big shot' in their eyes like the leader of the mercenary group.

What's more, there is no look of despair like theirs on the face and eyes of the 'Sold Man' who is guarding them.

Seeing the confused expressions on their faces, Alex opened his hands.

"But now, whether it's them or me, we are both free people."

His words gave rise to some kind of expectation in the hearts of the young Jue selling people present.

Freedom is a road full of longing for those who want it, but it is also full of thorns and hardships.

If you can be free, who would want to be a salesman?

Many of them have considered and tried to escape, but have ended badly.

Some companions even paid the price with their lives.

Gradually, this hope turned into extravagant hope and was eventually completely wiped out.

And they can only accept the tragic fate of being a traitor and not even being able to die on land.

But the man sitting cross-legged on the deck in front of them conveyed a hope to them.

A kind of hope that even people can regain their freedom!

Seeing these young men whose eyes were filled with hope again, Alex did not whet their appetites too much.

"I believe some of you have heard what Akihiro said through the communication, which will set you free. Let me explain that this is true and not a lie to trick you into surrendering."

After receiving his affirmation, the young people began to whisper among themselves.

This was a situation they had never heard of, and for a moment, they didn't know what expression they should use or how to respond to each other.

"I want to recruit you. When the time comes, you will work for Tekkadan, but you will all be free."

His words turned the hope in the young men's eyes into a look of disbelief.

"First you will be sent to Mars. Although it is not a good place, it is at least more decent than here."

Alex's words made these young people feel like they were in a dream.

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