Therefore, in order to appear natural, he had to create a character obsessed with Gundam.

Even if he is politely rejected like this, he still has to work hard to create his own personality.

Therefore, he showed an unyielding expression and asked again.

"Really not?"

"No, don't even think about it!"

Woko looked at the guy with a regretful expression and fiercely rejected the idea of ​​touching his Gundam.

This person looked so suspicious, his eyes lit up when he mentioned Gundam, as if he was seeing some peerless beauty.

Despite rejecting Alex's "rude" request, Didi allowed the three of them to leave the manor safely.

After all, the news of the assassination brought by Alex, whether true or false, is a warning to Didi.

Although he was vaguely aware of this, he just thought that the other party would use force to force him to give up his seat as the boss.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so straightforward and wanted to retire him in a physical sense.

"Woko, it looks like we're going to be very busy."

After stubbing out the cigar in the ashtray with his prosthetic hand, Didi showed a sharp look befitting a gang boss.

After the three of them left the manor, Ryder took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Captain, the atmosphere just now was really scary."

"That's right. What you did just now, Captain Alex, was so rude."

Ai Ge also nodded fiercely, feeling a surge in his chest.

In her opinion, Alex was just dancing on the opponent's minefield.

But relying on the assassination news they didn't know where they got, they finally left each other's lair alive.

If not for this news, it is estimated that the three of them would not have left the gate of the manor intact today!

After the three of them got into the car, Ai Ge immediately started the car and left the manor.

"But, Captain Alex, where did you get the news?"

On the way, she couldn't help but curiously asked the other party.

After all, when Brooke was captured, she witnessed the whole process on the bridge and did not mention it during the conversation.

"Oh, you said that, I made it up on the spot."

Alex said without any pressure.


Aige suddenly turned her head and looked at Alex in the passenger seat with a surprised expression.

"You made it up!"

"Hey, look ahead!"

Alex turned her face away.

Then he leaned comfortably on the passenger seat and explained lazily.

"Of course, look at my other two requests, how violent the other party's reaction was after I made them. If I don't find a suitable reason, are the three of us really going to die in the manor?"

"You also know how outrageous your other two demands are."

Ai Ge muttered.

"Don't worry, look, we made it out alive."

After using excuses to cover up her suspicions, Ryder in the back row raised his own questions.

"But Captain, where should we go next?"

As for Ryder's question, Alex was about to answer when the communication terminal on his body rang.

He glanced at the name displayed and a smile appeared on his face.

After the communication was connected, McGillis's voice came.

"Captain Alex? I have arrived at Avalanche 5. Do you have time to meet?"

On the other end of the communication, McGillis, who had put on a white wig and a golden mask, was sitting in an outdoor cafe on the street.

"Of course, I'm also on Avalanche 5. Give me the address."

After giving him the address, McGillis hung up the phone.

"President, do you really want to see that guy?"

Another person on the side asked the disguised chocolate with a lingering fear on his face.

"Don't worry, the other party won't hit you when we meet this time. I promise."

"Well, let me lend you some good advice."

Todo, who was already dressed and looked like a human, touched his cheek and answered nervously.

It seems that Tekkadan's old punch made him still have lingering fears.

When the car parked at the address provided by McGillis, sharp-eyed Ryder had already spotted Todo sitting in the outdoor cafe.

"Ha! Captain! It's that guy Todo!"

"Calm down, we are not here to see him this time, we are here to see his new owner."

After touching Ryder's hair, Alex said to the two of them.

"I went over to talk to them. Please pay attention to your surroundings. If the situation is not right, don't worry about me. Evacuate immediately. We will meet at the port."


Aige and Ryder both know Alex's skills, so they have no worries at all.

After Alex got out of the car, Todo, who was facing them, immediately saw him.

After seeing that he was alone, Todo waved to him in relief.

Walking to the table, Alex unceremoniously pulled out the empty chair and sat on it.

"Hey, Todo, you're not dead?"

"Tsk, thanks to you, I was picked up by the president and survived."

Although he was dissatisfied with Alex in front of him, Todo still answered him with a smile.

Regarding Todo, Alex did not continue to be sarcastic.

After all, he didn't come here specifically to laugh at this guy, but had something serious to do.

He turned to look at McGillis, who was wearing a wig and mask, and said seriously.

"I'll give you a suggestion, President Farid..."


McGillis was curious about what advice the other party could give him.

"You look more conspicuous than me when you look like this, and your voice hasn't changed. You should dress differently next time."

Seeing his sincere expression, McGillis felt speechless.

Although we only interacted with him twice, this guy's mouth is too poisonous!

I dressed up like this on purpose.

The long silver-white hair that covers his original hair color, and the golden mask that covers his face.

Not only to hide his identity, but also to highlight the persona of the president of the Montek Chamber of Commerce.

He was actually very satisfied with this appearance.

But in Alex's mouth, it became very conspicuous.

Although he had to admit in his heart that what he said was right, for some reason, he didn't really want to accept the other party's proposal.

"Thank you for your suggestion, but the personality of the boss of the Montauk Chamber of Commerce is like this."

Listening to the other party replying to him almost through gritted teeth, Alex felt secretly happy.

"So that's it. I thought too much and thought you just wanted to hide your identity."

McGillis picked up his coffee cup and drank it to calm his elevated blood pressure.

When he put down the coffee cup, he had already adjusted his mentality.

"Let's get down to business, Captain Alex."

Alex actually admired Chocolate's performance at this time.

This Qi-nurturing skill is at least better than many people.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, McGillis had a pretty good set of cards in the first season.

He is married to the Baduwen family, and is good friends with Galio, and the legitimate daughter of the Ixiu family is also his little crush.

This means that when he overthrows his adoptive father and takes over the Farid family, he theoretically has two trustworthy allies.

Moreover, there are Montauk Chamber of Commerce and Tekkadan outside, collecting civilian intelligence for him and handling shady and dirty work.

Although the Elian family cannot be eliminated instantly, it is still strong enough to compete with each other head-on.

After all, the Elian family is just a pig teammate, the Kuzan family.

As long as McGillis operates patiently, he can win over the remaining neutral families and defeat the Kuzan family first.

Then several families joined forces to check and balance the Airian family, and gradually planned to do so.

McGillis' biggest advantage is his age. He can actually afford to wait.

From this point of view, McGillis has the script of the protagonist completely in his hands.

But what people didn't expect was that this guy actually killed two of his allies in the first season...

Although it seems that he was promoted to major general, took over the Earth's extraorbital fleet, and became the head of the Farid family.

I reached the pinnacle of my life, but from then on, it was all downhill.

Not only did he do this, he instantly became a bare commander without allies.

He even directly sent an opponent who knew him well to the Elian family.

Galio, who was raised from the grave by the screenwriter.

It can be said that throughout the second season, Lesdale held McGillis's script in one hand, and then quietly watched him jump up and down to fill the cup.

Compared with McGillis's anxiousness and disorder, Lesdale of the El-Erian family in the second season is more like the protagonist of the iron-blooded male protagonist's script.

If it were him, with an identity like McGillis, he should be able to compete with Lesdal.

Unfortunately, the system did not give me such an identity.

(The system says "Hmph, you underestimate me.")

Chapter 66: What will be refreshed on the quiet street?

Thinking of this, Alex looked at McGillis with a trace of pity in his eyes.

But it was quickly covered up by him.

Even so, the expression at this moment was keenly captured by the other party.

McGillis, who didn't know what Alex meant when he showed such an expression, asked calmly.

"What's wrong? Captain Alex, are you not satisfied with the assistance provided by the Montauk Chamber of Commerce?"

Alex shook his head and said regretfully.

"No, I'm very satisfied. I just suddenly sighed. Today's Gallarhorn is no longer as ambitious as it was 300 years ago. The dragon slayer has finally become an evil dragon."

McGillis raised his eyebrows under the mask. After returning from Mars, he was also investigating Alex's identity.

However, what can be found is still limited.

"Oh? Captain Alex is also interested in politics?"

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