But Didi seemed very calm.

"Let's go too and leave Avalanche 5 before the Aryanhead fleet surrounds this place."

"Ah, okay, Mr. Dadi."

He followed Didi without hesitation through Gnaku and into the elevator.

He and his assassination target live in such harmony, except for the malicious attacks from his employer.

It was also because the leader of the Changsheng Gang, Dai Di, was very friendly to himself who came to assassinate him.

Although he didn’t understand why, Algie guessed that it was probably because both parties were discriminated against using prosthetic limbs.

Chapter 72 A heartless person

Due to Gjalalhorn's continuous propaganda and the advancement of biochemical technology, human society is very discriminatory towards those who use prosthetics and implanted Alaya consciousness systems.

In addition, most of the people who receive these prosthetic limbs and alaya consciousness are poor people who cannot afford the expensive cost of biological reconstruction.

This, in turn, further confirms Gjallarhorn’s propaganda content.

This makes prosthetic limb users regarded as an inferior race.

But what Alji can't figure out is why, as the leader of the Changsheng Gang, you still use prosthetics?

An organization that monopolizes the Earth-Moon route should not be very poor, but why does it allow its boss to use prosthetics?

However, Algie, who also uses prosthetic limbs, knows very well that everyone who uses prosthetic limbs has their own difficulties.

Because he didn't ask Dai Di the reason, he just followed him silently to a cargo spaceship.

Then from what was obviously a secret port, after waiting for the two MSs to enter the cargo bay, they set sail and left Avalanche 5.

In the opposite direction from where they left, four Needlefish-class battleships were surrounding the outside of Avalanche 5.

In addition to these four battleships, a battleship of the same model that looks much more gorgeous than the other Needlefish class is sailing to the port of Avalanche 5.

The family emblem on the bow of the ship indicates that this ship is the ship of Iogu Kuzan, the current head of the Kuzan family.

"This time, I was able to get the order from Duke Aili to investigate the attack that happened here. This is a sign of trust in me, Iogu Kuzan! I will definitely not let down the trust and go to pieces!"

Everyone else on the bridge was used to his talking to himself as if he were performing on a stage.

Therefore, they all chose the filter of left ear in and right ear out, but there was only one person on the ship who was very uncomfortable with Kuzan's exaggerated tone.

"Your Excellency Iogu, Mr. Aili just asked you to check what happened here and report it to him. He didn't ask you to investigate."

"No, you don't understand, Julieta."

Iogu was not at all annoyed by the way the other party addressed him by his first name.

After all, the other party was the bodyguard assigned to him by Duke Aili personally.

Iogu was naturally very touched that Duke Aili valued his life so much, and naturally respected this first-class pilot very much.

In fact, this was because Lesdal was worried that his ally, who was both good and fun-loving, would have great fun if he died at the hands of that pirate when he drove his mobile suit to the battlefield that day.

This is not only a huge blow to the Seven Stars family, but may also have an impact on the alliance between the Elian family and the Kuzan family.

Although the Kuzan family would naturally not have just such an heir, it is not that easy to find another silly...loyal ally who trusts them so much.

Therefore, he chose to assign Julieta Juris, whom he had just discovered and had good skills, to be Iogu's guard.

Julietta was a pilot with civilian background, and she was very grateful to be appreciated by Lesdal.

However, because of her origin, she was also discriminated against in the Arianhead fleet.

Many people rumored behind her back that she was able to be appreciated by Lesdal because of her own body.

Although she pretended not to care about these rumors, she was actually very disgusted and inferior in her heart.

But she still has great respect for Lesdal himself.

Even being assigned to be a bodyguard for Iogu, in the eyes of others, is an act of sending someone out to avoid suspicion.

Julieta has always believed that this was a helpless move by Lesdal to protect herself.

It's just that it seems a bit boring not being able to be with Mr. Airian.

Especially when Mr. Kuzan, who is like a silly son of a landlord, is accompanying him to play house and drink here.

After getting along for a period of time and getting to know the head of the Kuzan family, the Seven-Star family, Julieta's respect for Lesdal grew day by day.

After all, she saw a fact from Kuzan.

That is, being able to hold a high position has nothing to do with IQ.

In addition, reincarnation is indeed a technical job.

Just when Iogu's ship entered the port of Avalanche No. 5 colony.

The Immortality Society cargo spacecraft that left the other side of the colonial satellite has also been guided by Alex to its destination to join the Tekkadan spacecraft that left early.

The place where they met was the high-density asteroid belt formed by the broken parts of the moon during the Cataclysm War.

Luna dew.

Although the name sounds very beautiful, there are architectural debris floating here for hundreds of years.

And the inaudible whisper that Alex felt through the new human induction showed that.

What a brutal battle took place here, and an unknown number of people died.

Near the meeting point of the two parties, there is even an asteroid with an area exceeding 1KM.

And 300 years ago, everything floating in space was part of the moon.

"The calamity battle, what happened."

Looking at the floating wreckage, Alex muttered to himself.

"That was the legendary battle that destroyed heaven and earth."

Didi heard him talking to himself and said casually.

"This debris field was originally a lunar city on the moon, but now, they have been floating here quietly for 300 years."

At this time, contact came from Tekkadan's ship.

"Captain, Olga and the others have sent the latest news."

Since Alex was still on the Immortal Society's ship at this time, Dante did not explain the specific content.

"I know, I'll go back and take a look later."

After ending the communication with Tekkadan, Dai Di stood up.

He extended his left hand to Alex.

"I haven't formally thanked you yet, Captain Alex."

Alex also stretched out his left hand and held it with Didi.

"No, this is actually just to allow me to get in touch with Astaru."

"Haha, no matter what, I want to thank you for saving me."

Deidi had no suspicion that he was behind the assassination, even though it seemed that his death would be beneficial to Divas.

In fact, before Alex came to warn him, he actually received some rumors that someone was going to harm him.

Not only was the man behind the scenes monitoring Alex, but Dadi, who had mastered Avalanche 5, also sent people to follow him.

Therefore, he knew everything about the meeting with the Montauk Chamber of Commerce after the other party left, and the attack.

It is precisely because of this that he immediately increased the security force of the manor.

Obviously, the attack on Tekkadan and Montak Chamber of Commerce shows that the mastermind behind the scenes has realized that his plan may be exposed, so he may speed up his actions.

But Didi didn't expect that in order to assassinate him, the other party not only recruited assassins.

They even did not hesitate to use MS in the colony!

The use of MS in the colony is naturally no small matter for Gjalalhorn.

Even if the Immortal Society has almost become Gjalalhorn's pocketbook, it cannot be so unscrupulous.

In order to avoid the other party using the excuse of hiding mobile suits in the colonial satellite to blackmail him later.

Didi quickly took Astaru away from the colonial satellite and temporarily went outside to avoid the limelight.

In addition, he hid himself because he also wanted to find out who was the young man who wanted to murder him.

"Is this guy the killer who came to kill you?"

Alex looked at the white-haired hedgehog-headed Algi who was standing aside.

"Yes, this wild dog is the killer."

Woko, who was sitting on crutches next to him, looked at Algie with disgust.

"Tsk, I'm not called Wild Dog, I have a name, Algi Milaje!"


Woko snorted coldly, then used the chip implanted in his forehead to connect to the network and query the other party's identity.

"No matter who you are, you are a prisoner now. Boy."

Alex's words made Algie realize that as a killer, he had actually followed the assassinated target to escape into the universe.

I am simply too stupid...

"Tsk, if you want to kill or behead me, please do as you wish!"

Although he acted very tough, he was still very nervous inside.

As a survivor of the attack on flight N5 that occurred near Avalanche 1 Colony 323 years ago.

He has worked hard to survive until now just to find the murderer who attacked the flight and avenge his dead parents and sister.

It was an unknown Gundam.

He actually left with Didi willingly, mainly because he saw the two Gundams in front of him.

In his heart, he really wanted to confirm whether these two Gundams had attacked the flight he was on.

However, he didn't know how to tell this, nor did he want to tell the people in front of him.

Because this is his secret.

"Oh, he's quite tough on his words."

Alex smiled and turned to ask Didi.

"He's here to assassinate you. What is Boss Didi going to do?"

At this time, Woko whispered in Didi's ear for a while, although Alex didn't know what they were talking about.

However, from the eyes the two of them glanced at Algie from time to time, he could probably guess that they had found out about the N323 flight incident that he had experienced before.

Five years ago, Algie was an 5-year-old boy with parents and a younger sister.

Now, five years later, at the age of 5, he not only lost his right arm, but also had to bear the pain of losing his parents and sister.

It is not uncommon for someone like him to end up becoming a mercenary due to the death of a family member.

After listening to Woko's words, Didi looked at Alji and said suddenly.

"Boy, since your employer plans to default on the debt, your mission should be considered cancelled, right?"


Although he is a mercenary, since his employer intends to kill him as well, the original employment will naturally become invalid.

This is a recognized rule in the mercenary circle. After all, everyone pays and delivers the goods.

If the employer reneges, the contract will naturally be deemed to have expired.

In a situation like Alji's, even killing his employer is allowed.

Didi heard his answer, nodded, and said suddenly.

"In that case, how about accepting my employment?"


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