Maybe... is it true?

The more futuristic it is, the more ancient it is...

A glimpse of the whole thing revealed that the technology contained in just one household device was beyond Terra's current technology for who knows how many years, and it was only a household item in that era.

So, what is the level of real high-tech equipment and military supplies?

Why did a civilization that reached that level suddenly disappear without a trace?

If that era did not exist in Terra's past, but in the future, then it would make perfect sense!

If they didn't exist in history, they wouldn't leave much information.

Recasting the future, what is recasting?

Only if you have seen the future with your own eyes, are dissatisfied with it, and want to change its behavior can you call it recasting!

Following this idea, Lin Lu began to imagine whether in the future many years later, science and technology had developed to an extremely powerful point, and then human civilization at that time encountered a disaster that was difficult to fight against. As a last resort, they could only Look to the past for change.

Traveling through time sounds outrageous, but it is not impossible. Lin Lu herself had been exposed to similar power, so she dared to think about it.

While at the junction, Platon Sankos, the dragon king who once ruled the junction, fell asleep in the cracks of time and space!

That time, he returned to the unbroken Sky City and the Dragon Kingdom through the broken Fam Azra's graveyard, fought with the sleeping Dragon King, and won the battle, seizing Platon Sanks's strength!

Since there is a power that seems to be able to transcend time in the junction, why can't it exist in other worlds?

Perhaps in the future, people will really have the power to travel through time. People at that time would send equipment and people back to the past in that way, hoping to change certain things in the future from the source.

That's why the countries of Terra were able to dig out so much 'heritage' from the ground, but no traces of the existence of the corresponding civilization were found.

Equipment and tools can be preserved, so why are things like urban ruins that should last for a long time not discovered?

Because they never existed in the first place!

Why can the doctor's blood suppress mineral disease?It is very likely that a serum that can resist the erosion of Origin Stone will appear in the future. As a user, she will naturally have antibodies in her blood!

Of course, there are still many holes in such speculation.

For example, how the various races in Terra appear today.

For example, what about a pure-blooded human like the Doctor who has no racial characteristics?

Etc., etc……

There are many loopholes, but the doctor's words seem to confirm the rationality of the speculation.

She seemed to say nothing, but in fact she said everything.

The more she understood, the more Lin Lu could feel the fog lingering on Terra. The more she knew, the more the fog became deeper.

But that's what makes it more interesting, isn't it?

Everyone has their own secrets, and the doctor has her own difficulties and cannot clearly tell what she knows.

But it doesn’t matter, time is the answer.

Just keep moving forward, and when the future reaches 'that day' mentioned by the doctor, everything will come to light, the fog will dissipate, and all the secrets will be revealed!

I just don’t know if there is a golden tree in the future outlined by the doctor?

Come to think of it, there shouldn't be.

That would be more interesting...

Patting the shell of the sarcophagus, Lin Lu did not delve into the issue further. If the doctor didn't tell him, he wouldn't force it.

No matter what the future is, how can it be important to grasp the present?

"Then, what if-"

"This system continues to supply energy to the outside world. I cannot migrate it alone. This is a very complicated process that requires a lot of time and a full set of equipment and manpower."

The doctor sighed faintly, interrupted what Lin Lu was about to say, pondered for a moment, and then raised his head and said, "I really don't know about similar systems, but there are not all that can be used."

"In fact, we have one on hand right now, and you've seen it."

"We have, and I've seen it before?"

Lin Lu was stunned for a moment, her brain working rapidly, searching for relevant information from her memory, and finally came to a conclusion.

"You mean, the Rhode Island?"

Looking back on the past, I can't think of anything else that could be related to ancient heritage, except for the land cruiser that was said to be dug out of the ground of Rem Billiton. Could it be that there was something similar to a sarcophagus on that ship? Does an energy source exist?

He remembered Theresa saying that the thing seemed to be in a scrap state when it was dug out. Lucille, the head of the engineering department of the Tower of Babel, spent a long time repairing it there before it could barely move. Can it really be used? ?

"Yes, it's the Rhode Island."

Mentioning the land speeder, the doctor's eyes became even more filled with emotion.

The Rhode Island was of great significance to her and occupied a very important position in her plans for the future.

The Ark sets sail to reshape the future...

The Rhode Island is the ark leading to the future.

But now, Golden Tree is undoubtedly closer to that future, and its probability of success is also higher.

In any case, the Rhode Island is just a ship. Whatever it can do, the Golden Tree can almost do, and what it can't do, the Golden Tree can also do.

In this case, isn’t it obvious which one to choose?


The chestnut-haired figure flashed in his mind, and the doctor pursed his lips and sighed silently.

Sorry, old man.

Chapter 68 What bad intentions could the white rabbit have?

When the citizens living in Chernobog woke up in the morning, they were surprised to find that the city seemed to have undergone new changes.

Marquis Boris issued an announcement saying that he was unwell and needed to recuperate. During the recuperation period, all affairs of Chernobog were temporarily in charge of Secretary Cardo.

The strict laws against infected people disappeared overnight. In just one morning, many military and police officers were dismissed from their posts. Even the troops stationed in the outer city began to evacuate in an orderly manner under the constraints of the order.

Black Snake fulfilled her agreement and did not do anything in this matter.

The aristocratic group that had never missed any opportunity to compete for power and interests in the past fell silent collectively, as if they had begun to practice behind closed doors at the same time and no longer participated in any external affairs.

The nobles shut up, the army withdrew, and Secretary Cardo took over the power.

One decree after another was withdrawn, and the military and police who usually looked like evil spirits were dismissed from their posts for questioning. Almost every Chernobog person could feel that the mountain that had been weighing on their heads disappeared, and a relaxed atmosphere quietly enveloped the streets. .

A top-down reform was completed so quickly that no one could react.

Probably because the incident happened so suddenly, most people have not yet let go of their long-established alertness habits and are still observing in silence, so there are not many pedestrians on the street.

However, even this was much busier than usual. Some shops that had been affected by strict laws and regulations were bold enough to open their doors for business, adding a bit more life to the originally deserted streets.

"Cado has done a great job. It can be seen that he has indeed been planning for today for a long time."

No matter how much she suppressed herself, the smiles on people's faces were obvious. Walking on such streets, Lin Lu's mood improved a lot.

Compared to the lifeless appearance before, the current atmosphere is indeed more comfortable, right?

"You changed Chernobog."

Theresia is deeply touched by the changes in this city.

The power of the devil can affect people's hearts. Even if she deliberately restrains it and does not actively use it, there are some things that naturally exist, and they are passive abilities.

As long as she stands in the crowd, she can feel the emotional changes of the people around her. She cannot read the minds of the people around her, but particularly obvious emotions such as 'fear' and 'happiness' will all appear in her eyes.

Yesterday's Chernobog could almost be said to be a gloomy city, with fear entrenched in everyone's heart and taking away people's smiles.

Walking on the street today, she could clearly feel the people's joy hidden under the deliberately concealed appearance. Little by little, they gathered into a river.

... Just a brief televised speech caused earth-shaking changes in the city.

Perhaps one day in the future, such changes will also appear in Kazdare and the Sakaz people?

"It was not me who changed Chernobog, but a real Chernobog man."

Lin Lu shook her head slightly and did not take the credit.

Although it was true that he and Theresa carried out the 'forced transformation' of those upper-class nobles and officials, Cardo's actions were the sunshine that truly swept away the gloom.

Without him, it would probably take a lot of time for Chernobog to slowly begin to transform.

A mobile city is most likely to spawn speculators with swinging positions, but there is no shortage of people who truly love it.

"So, are we leaving next? Or are we staying for a few days?"

Theresia knew that Lin Lu had left the seeds of the golden tree here, and also knew that he was planning the 'sarcophagus'. These things could not be completed in one day, and even a few more days would be urgent. .

So she thought, maybe she should take a break here during this trip?

"No, as long as the golden tree takes root and sprouts here, the doctor can come here. We don't need to worry about the next thing. She will arrange everything properly."

Lin Lu said irresponsible words, but she didn't feel the slightest guilt about pushing the work to the doctor.

He was also rushing to attend the Ice and Snow Music Festival, how could he waste time here?

After hearing what he said, Theresia paused, obviously not expecting this answer. Lani and Melina had expected it and were not surprised at all.

Lin Lu has been fond of fishing for more than a day or two. They should be surprised when he suddenly indulges in doing business.

Compared with others in the team, Chen is the most confused.

She followed her all the way from Longmen to Chernobog. She was trapped in the house by the cold wind of Ursus without doing anything. Waiting for everyone to come back from shopping, she got the explosive idea to attack Chernobog. information.

Then, after waking up from sleep, this Usas border town fell?

She was in a state of complete confusion from beginning to end. She had no idea what was going on. She didn't even have a clue what to do except follow everyone.

What is this subtle feeling of seeing nothing despite having experienced something big?

The young dragon man only felt that his brain was muddy, as if it was not enough.

"So where do we go next?"

"Go to the Ice and Snow Music Festival, go directly, then turn back and go to the southern ice field to find Tallulah."

Lin Lu thought for a moment and decided on the next course of action. Under Theresia's gaze, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and there was some expectation in his eyes.

"Presumably, that black snake has taken action now, right? We can't delay her too much."


Lin Lu's idea was correct. Black Snake had indeed fulfilled her promise well, leaving Tallulah's location, suppressing the backlash of the Chernobog nobles, cutting off relevant news, and evacuating the stationed troops. , it will not be easy for her to do these things overnight.

However, this does not mean that she has given up the operation against Tallulah. The personnel transfer of the Third Army is the first step.

The return of the troops stationed in Chernobog to the army's base will allow the army's radiation control range to expand outward, squeezing the living environment of other people on the ice sheet.

This 'others' refers solely to the Integrated Movement, they are the only organization on the cold ice sheet.

This extremely harsh climate makes even scavengers and bandits reluctant to set foot there.

The movement of the group army was quickly discovered. This was also due to what happened last time - after all the robbery of Usas's material transport team, although enough materials were obtained to meet the needs, the integration movement was also stationed. The nearby Third Army was keeping an eye on them. If it hadn't been for the harsh environment of the ice sheet as a natural barrier, the Army's large-scale manhunt and integration campaign would have suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, Tallulah specifically asked Frost Star to ask the snow monsters to keep an eye on the movements of the group army, so as not to know when one day they would suddenly knock on the door. In this season of ice fields, ordinary infected people have no way to break away from the large army and be alone. How long can it survive? Only the snow monsters that have already adapted to the cold can move freely and will hardly be affected.

The ability of the snow monsters also perfectly rewarded Tallulah's trust. News of the army's expansion quickly spread back to the integration movement. Without much thought, Tallulah ordered the integration that had just found a new station. It didn't take long for the army to stabilize. Movement began to relocate again.

Although doing so would inevitably result in unplanned casualties, Tallulah knew that she had to do this for the sake of everyone's survival.

In front of the empire's elite group army, all combat capabilities at this stage depend on the integrated movement of the shield guards, who have no ability to resist at all. Once traces are found, the seemingly stable situation will be shattered in an instant, and everyone will die by then. .

Therefore, even though there were many complaints and the infected people were very dissatisfied with the temporary relocation order, the order was still enforced.

"Yelena, is there any new news from the Army Group?"

The tired-looking Dragon Girl stood on the hill and stared at the relocation station, and asked in a low voice the white rabbit with a cold face next to her.

Although she had obtained enough supplies from the transport team last time, the internal affairs of the camp still made young Drake mentally and physically exhausted. She had not had a peaceful sleep for many days.


Of course she knew that the current integration movement could only be worthy of such an evaluation. Compared with the disciplined shield guards, the infected were simply a mess and could barely move.

But that wasn't a reason for her to give up.

As a leader, she must be responsible for their tomorrow and survival.

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