"It came just fine."

Lin Lu said hello and pulled Chen over.

"Xiao Chen wants to learn some magic related to swords recently. Can you teach her? I remember you know how to use those, right? The Kallia sword and so on, and Adura's moonlight sword. Can you do it?" "

"Learn magic?"

Lani glanced at Chen, who was bowing his head in silence. He was holding a water glass filled with toothbrush and toothpaste in one hand. With his free hand, he grasped it out of thin air. A translucent blue long sword took shape in an instant, and then quickly transformed from an ordinary long sword. It turned into a slender stabbing sword, then into a broad two-handed sword, and finally settled into a giant frost sword more than two meters long with a chilling air. Chen, who was observing secretly, looked straight in the eyes, and the longing in his eyes almost overflowed. coming.

She had been coveting Lin Lu's magic that could create a sword at any time for a long time. She was just afraid that she wouldn't be able to learn it, so she never dared to say it. Recently, she felt a little more confident after she felt that she had mastered prayer well.

"Kalia's magic, and Adura's magic, there's no reason why I can't do it, right?"

"Actually, these magics are all branches extending from one source. They are just variants of the magic power. They are not difficult. If Xiao Chen wants to learn it, I can teach her, but I can't guarantee that I will be able to teach her."

Lani also knew something about Chen's strange magical talent.

There is no solution to the problem of talent. If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Without talent in this area, even she would have a hard time teaching it. Even if she puts in several or dozens of times of effort, she may not be able to use it even if she barely masters it. freely.

"Thank you, thank you, Master."

Chen was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, but she agreed immediately. She would not give up the opportunity to become stronger.

"Actually, with Xiao Chen's talent, I don't think it is necessary to learn these. Learning combat skills will help her even more. There are the same skills in combat skills."

After thinking about it, Lani rarely remembered the 'The Art of Speaking' thing she had seen, and changed it to a euphemistic way of saying it, so as not to hurt Chen by being too straightforward.

She had no idea that the words she just said that might not be teachable were already a bit hurtful.

If in the border area, even the Moon Princess couldn't control the church's students, it would basically be a death sentence in terms of magic.

"The Great Kallia is one of the variants of the Kallia Great Sword, but the method of use is changed to rely on the release of the weapon. If you master it proficiently, you can also condense the magic sword. If you learn that first, then learn the magic. Maybe It will be easier.”

"Mighty Kaliya..."

Thinking of this combat skill, Lin Lu's expression became strange.

He knows that thing, but rarely uses it. It mainly charges up energy first and then kills people. The efficiency is a bit low, and it doesn't fit in with his violent aesthetic.

In addition, older people may feel somewhat embarrassed when they first learn this thing.

"Then, will you?"

"……I can."

Not knowing what she thought of, Lani's eyes wandered for a moment and she nodded.

She does know how to do it, but... how should I put it?

I didn't think so before, but now that I've been in this world for a long time, I think of those Kalia knights lining up for training, raising their swords high and shouting, 'How great!Kalia! 'The scene of cutting it down felt a bit shameful for no reason.

And since the combat technique was originally designed to arm ordinary knights, the step of shouting slogans is indispensable in the early stages of contact.

Shouting while accumulating strength...

She would definitely not do that kind of thing here anyway.

But at Chen's age, in the second year of middle school in Longmen's popular words, he shouldn't care... right?


For some reason, Chen suddenly felt a chill in his back, as if something bad was about to happen.

Chapter 1 Sheep and Shepherd Dogs

"You mean, Golden Tree's team passed by here and saved your life?"

After listening to Tallulah's narration, Yelena's eyes flickered. If her face hadn't been unable to express itself, it would have been frowning.

"Don't you think there's something wrong with such a coincidence?"

Judging from the performance of the strong man who did not hesitate to kill Ursus' inner guard last time, even if Golden Tree and Ursus officials are not on opposite sides, they will definitely not be in a cooperative relationship. Yelena still understands such a simple truth of.

How could such an organization that was at least semi-hostile to Ursus send an elite team to act wantonly in Ursus?

Usas is not that incompetent yet. No matter how corrupt the upper echelons are, the combat effectiveness of the group army will never diminish.

According to Tallulah, that team only had about four or five people, and could easily destroy a battalion of regular troops. Elites with such combat effectiveness would appear on an inaccessible ice field by coincidence, and they happened to be in Tallulah. Rescue her when her life is in danger?

No matter how you think about it, it's too much of a coincidence.

She has experienced and witnessed a lot of darkness hidden under the ice and snow, and she cannot be as 'kind' as Tallulah.

In fact, Tallulah's kindness has reached an unreasonable and even distorted level. She always thinks the best for people, but ignores the nature of the world, which is incorrect.

In Yelena's eyes, the world is gray and full of malice. She is never afraid to speculate on everything that happens around her with the greatest malice, and she never trusts others easily.

Because she knows that this land cannot tolerate kindness.

Coincidence, too.

Experience told her that the so-called coincidence was more likely to be a trap laid out in advance.

This principle also applies to the golden tree.

"Problem? Of course there is a problem, but we don't have a choice, do we?"

Tallulah shook her head slightly and sighed inaudibly.

Miracles are not such cheap things.

She is used to thinking from a kind perspective, which does not mean that she is a fool who cannot see anything.

Passing by?exactly?

That reason is too far-fetched, not impossible, but the probability is too slim.

I'm afraid it's... surveillance.

The strong man drove them like a shepherd herding his lambs.

He needed to integrate his movement to attack Chernobog to achieve his goal.

Then, the current integration movement is valuable. To be precise, she and Yelena are valuable, because the two baits, Chen and Patriot, were specifically told to them, giving them a reason enough to convince themselves.

Naturally, the chosen lamb cannot die easily before the goal is achieved.

Shepherd dogs exist to guard sheep.

That team was probably the shepherd dog responsible for keeping an eye on them, and was responsible for eliminating accidents and keeping everything on the predetermined route.

Tallulah knows all these things, and even those things that are unclear can be imagined if she thinks about it carefully.

But what is the use of knowing?

As she said, in front of such a strong person, they have no choice at all. If they want to live, if they want everyone to live, they must act according to that person's will.

In this case, it does not matter whether the shepherd dog exists or not.

It doesn't matter whether it's a true coincidence or deliberate protection. If others are willing to explain, then they have to listen, and they have to believe it even if they don't believe it. Even if they know it is false, they have to listen to it as the truth.


Hearing this, Yelena fell silent.

She found that what Tallulah said made sense. They had no choice and there was no point in worrying about whether things were true or false.


Reciting this name, White Rabbit quietly clenched his hands in his cloak.

The feeling of having your destiny arranged by someone is really terrible.

Integrated movement is like a group of puppets, held up by invisible threads, performing pre-prepared scripts on a given stage.

The meaning of life and all beliefs are like a joke.

"Live it."

Tallulah only said four words, then went on her way without talking.

These four simple words, spoken at this moment, carry the weight of a mountain.

However, this is the only thing they can grasp.

As Yelena listened, the temperature around her became a little lower.

Yes, live, only by living can you have a chance to break away from the 'threads' that bind you.

She resisted not exploring further, lest she be noticed by the 'herding dog' hiding in the dark.

Ahead, sparse figures were already in sight.

This time is not enough for the integrated movement to move very far. The heavily armored shield guards themselves are not combat units that can move quickly.

Through the marks left by the snow monsters in the village, Yelena quickly led Tallulah to catch up with the moving army.


The snow monster, who was responsible for observing the rear and cleaning up the traces of the team's progress, felt the fluctuation of a familiar spell. He spotted Yelena approaching from a distance and hurriedly greeted her.

"Big Bear?"

Yelena dispersed the ice and snow surrounding her and slowed down.

"Sister, you...you...are so good!"

"We are fine. Ursus's army will not catch up again, but the transfer still needs to be carried out. The stronghold of the village is no longer safe. We need a farther and more private place."

The 300-man army was destroyed in the snowfield. It was impossible for the Ursus military to fail to respond. No one knew what those people would come up with.

Therefore, they must stay away from the village and hide deeper in the snowfield.

"But eldest sister, our situation..."

The snow monster hesitated, a little embarrassed.

If possible, he would also like to take the team to a safe place, but where is such a place in the snowfield?

Moreover, their supplies are not enough to last for long. If they really have to hide in the relatively safe 'deep', they will starve to death there without food and supplies.


Yelena was silent. She opened her mouth and looked at the shadowy team in front of her, unable to say a word.

"I'll figure it out, Yelena."

Suddenly, the long-lost warmth spread to Yelena's cold palms.

Drak's fire was not afraid of the cold, and it was Tallulah who held her hand.

"There will be a way."

The red dragon girl said this and looked towards the vast snowfield in the distance. There was a layer of shadow on the snow at dawn, as if there were many strange shadows waving their teeth and claws at the end of the horizon, much like the audience sitting around the stage.

And they are the puppets on the stage.

Are the guarding dogs among them?


W didn't know yet that she had been treated as a herding dog for her master. She just felt that this ghost place was a bit cold and dry, even worse than the desert of Kazdaele.

"After staying in Syracuse for a while, even I became lax."

Exhaling gently, watching the lingering fog billowing and rising in the air, W suddenly felt the urge to laugh.

This really shouldn't be the case.

When will she care about the quality of the environment? A really sharp blade can cut down at any time.

Sure enough, I was still lazy.

In addition-

"——Lemuel, don't touch my backpack. To be precise, don't try to touch anything carried by any Sarkaz mercenary."

His arms skillfully reached back and lifted the scruff of the sneaky Sakota girl Destiny. W turned around and reluctantly taught her a lesson.

Of course, this kind of verbal education is of no use, and W knows it, but she has no other way. She can't blow this naughty kid into the sky with a bomb, right?

Tsk, if it really blows up to the sky, maybe this guy will be very excited.

"W, how about lending me a bomb to study? I want the smallest one."

The red-haired Sakota begged pitifully, but W had already seen through her plot, and without hesitation put his palm on her face and pushed her away vigorously.

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