Not to mention, the largest proportion of missing cases were young children of all races, which really touched his bottom line.

He is an irritable, bellicose, unscrupulous, and wanton person with few bottom lines. Not doing anything to children happens to be one of the few bottom lines.

Then, give them a little golden tree shock.

After thinking about it, she made a decision. Lin Lu spread out the invitation card and scanned the lines. Her eyes finally focused on the 'Rheinland Life Science and Technology Expo'.

In a few days, Rheinland Life will hold a scientific research expo in Tremont, inviting major companies and internationally renowned cities to visit the exhibition.

Holding expos, displaying results, and inviting potential investors to watch are all common methods used by large companies. The main purpose is to attract investment and fill the shortage of capital chains.

For Golden Tree, this is indeed a good opportunity, but the time is not right.

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Lu found that he already had a lot of things on his hands. If he wanted to go to Colombia, the planned contact with Rutland and the trip to northern Ursus would have to be postponed. Postpone it.

However, it doesn't matter, Ursus and Rutland are there anyway, and they won't disappear suddenly. It doesn't make much difference whether they go early or late.

In comparison, you will undoubtedly gain more from a trip to Colombia.

What Wei Yanwu said makes sense. There are probably a few good seeds among the experimental subjects that failed in the Rhine Life experiment.

The Golden Tree does not lack high-level combat power now, and it does not lack basic personnel after incorporating Babel Tower. What it lacks most is the middle-level combat power that can be used. Using the evaluation standards of Babel Tower, it is the level of elite operators. The kind that can play a decisive role in small-scale battles.

Tallulah and the white rabbit Yelena, Chen, Fiametta, Mostima, Texas, Lapland, W, Huang who is training at the Golden Tree, and who is still willing to stay in Ba The elite operators in other towers are all at this level, but the number is still too small. There are only more than 30 in full force. What can they be used for?

So more is needed.

There must be many good talents with good talents who can be selected as experimental subjects.

“I hope I can gain something good from this trip to Colombia.”

After closing the invitation, Lin Lu stretched and stood up from the chair.

Next, he had to think about who it would be better to take with him.


"Director, this is about the security plan for the scientific research expo, do you think it is?"

"Put it there."

Behind the desk, the white-haired Vaifan woman rubbed her brows and pointed at the table casually.

The subordinates who came to deliver the documents did not dare to say anything. They placed the security plan on the table and carefully exited the office.

Ceria, the director of the Defense Department, is a formidable presence in the entire Rhineland. Even the directors of other departments are rarely afraid of her, let alone ordinary employees with low-level positions.

If he was caught making an oversight, the director of the Defense Department was always ruthless. At the very least, he would have to be reprimanded, and then be caught in the Defense Department writing a review report.

Seria has long been accustomed to such a life, and she roughly knows what kind of image she looks like in the eyes of Rheinland Life's staff, but she is too lazy to explain.

She picked up the security plan and put it on the table and took a rough look at it. She found many omissions in it.

But she had other things to do today, and she didn't have time to pay attention to such trivial matters for the time being.

Yes, it's a trivial matter. The so-called scientific research expo is just a means for Rheinland Life to attract investment. It is not worthy of her personal attention as the director of the Defense Department, and it does not require additional care within Tremont City.

She has more important things to deal with than that

'Hayden Pharmaceuticals'

Thinking of that experiment, even Ceria, who was rumored to be 'harder than diamond', couldn't help but look angry.

Taboo human experimentation is an absolutely unforgivable evil in her eyes.

Yet Hayden Pharmaceuticals does just that, right at the foot of the city.

They conducted a violent implant experiment on a child, and ultimately reaped the consequences. The experimental subject went berserk and completely destroyed the entire laboratory. All relevant personnel involved in the experiment were turned into charcoal in the explosion, including the boss of the Haydn experiment.

That experimental subject, named 'Ifrit', is currently receiving treatment in the Structural Laboratory of Rheinland Life.

Today is the day for the next treatment.

Therefore, she had to go see Ifrit and then investigate the matter of Haydn Pharmaceuticals.



The door of the laboratory was opened to both sides. The young girl sitting on the hospital bed saw the figure appearing at the door. She jumped out of bed happily and rushed towards the person.

"Good afternoon, Ifrit."

A soft smile broke out on Ceria's face, she opened her arms and gently hugged the girl who rushed over, and touched her hair.


The girl rubbed against Seria's chest affectionately, and it took a long time before she raised her head. Her immature face showed some worry, and her big eyes hid a trace of fear.

"Ceria, are you... going to undergo treatment again?"

"...Yes, has Hemer already told you?"

Seria touched the girl's hair, carried her to the hospital bed, and comforted her softly.

"Don't be afraid, Ifrit, the treatment is very effective, and you will be fine soon."

"I, I'm not afraid, I will definitely be able to bear it!"

Ifrit nodded heavily, but the lingering fear could still be seen in her eyes.

Ceria saw everything, sighing secretly in her heart, and the anger accumulated in her heart became even stronger.

How could you go through an experiment like that and not be terrified of something similar?

Although it is treatment, in the eyes of children, it may not be much different from what happened before.

If it weren't for the familiar person here, Ifrit would have been so scared that she would have lost control.

Those crazy beasts!

If it weren't for their wanton behavior, Ifrit should have had a peaceful life like other children, so how could she have suffered like that? !

Those scum!

"Ceria, you, are you angry?"

After a moment of silence, Ifrit timidly tugged on Ceria's sleeves, her voice sounding like a cry.

"I, I will definitely be able to hold on..."

"No, I just suddenly thought of something. Relax, Ifrit, let me tell you a story, okay?"

After softly comforting the fragile Ifrit, Ceria took out a children's story book from her bag.

She had never brought something like this with her before. She went to the bookstore to buy this illustrated version because Ifrit liked to read it.

Seeing the smile on this child's face makes her happy too.


Ifrit obediently approached Seria and poked her head to look at the opened pages. She couldn't read the words on them, but she could see the colorful pictures.


"Teacher, this dose..."

Outside the laboratory, on the other side of the one-way glass, young researcher Li Boli stared at the experimental plan in his hand with an expression of disbelief.

"Do as you're told, Homer."

The white-haired Caprini old man - Parvis wiped his eyes in his hands and gave an unquestionable order.

Hearing this, Helmer's eyes opened even wider, and the fingers holding the paper almost broke the printing paper in his hand.

"But teacher, Ifrit's recovery has reached the expected level, why do we need to increase the dosage this time? This..."


Putting on his glasses, Parvez's eyes became sharp and he scolded in a deep voice.

"Don't forget the ultimate goal we are pursuing, our goal is to cure mineral disease."

"The patient's condition has indeed improved now, but what about the future?"

"If we can only maintain the status quo, she may not be able to leave the hospital bed for the rest of her life. Is that the result you want to see?"


Faced with the teacher's scolding and persuasion, Hemer pursed his lips tightly, his expression a bit unbearable.

"However, the treatment is finally not that painful. If the dose is increased at this time, Ifrit will..."


Parvis raised his arm and pointed at the one-way glass installed on the laboratory wall. Helmer looked in the direction of his finger. Through the glass, he could just see the scene inside.

She saw Seria leaning on the chair with a storybook in her hand, and she didn't know when she had fallen asleep.

On the hospital bed, Ifrit pulled up her blanket and carefully covered Ceria, fearing that if she moved a little too much, she would wake up the sleeping person.

'Seria, she seems very tired...'

Hemo felt a little surprised in her heart. This was the first time she saw Ceria acting like this.

"Hemo, look at how tired Director Ceria is."

Parvis closed his eyes and sighed.

"Rheinland Life is very big, with countless ongoing research projects, and countless more important things than our project waiting for her to deal with."

"Director Ceria, doesn't she also hope that Ifrit will get better as soon as possible?"

"Speaking of this, I understand that you requested Director Seria to visit Ifrit so that the treatment process would go more smoothly."

"But now that Ifrit can take the initiative to cooperate with the treatment, I think there is no need for Director Ceria to always work so hard."


It seemed to be asking, but also seemed to be informing the result.

Finally, looking at Ceria sleeping in the laboratory, Helmer nodded.




In the laboratory, Ceria suddenly woke up from her deep sleep. What came into view was the familiar laboratory environment.

Just now...she seemed to have fallen asleep and dreamed about things from her childhood. How long ago was that?

It must be because I have been too tired recently to pursue the affairs of Haydn Pharmaceuticals.

After all, she is still a human being. Even if she can use the Origin Stone technique to produce hard enamel, she is still a body of flesh and blood, and her energy is not unlimited. She will also get tired, hungry, and injured.

The recent investigations related to Hayden Pharmaceuticals have really taken up too much energy. Coupled with the already heavy workload, it is natural to feel tired.

Thinking like this, she moved her arms and suddenly found herself covered with a blanket. She turned her head sideways and saw Ifrit's smiling face in front of her.

"Did you give me the blanket? Be careful of catching a cold..."

"It's okay! I'm not cold!"

Ifrit smiled happily. Seeing this, Seria also laughed, touched her little head, and said softly: "Thank you, does it still hurt after the recent treatment?"

"Hey, it's much better than before!"

The girl stared at Seria's face for a while, as if she found great courage in it, nodded her head firmly, and narrowed her eyes into two crescents.

"I can hold it in! I can do it!"

Chapter 134 The so-called 'treatment'

"Director Serena."


The door of the laboratory opened to both sides. Ceria followed the sound and stood up from the chair.

"Should we start treatment?"

"I... saw you falling asleep just now. Are you too tired from work?"

Hemo pursed his lips and hesitated, but in the end he did not say the words as the teacher wanted.

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