The next second, everyone felt the ground beneath their feet suddenly shake. The dazzling golden light shattered the darkness that obscured their vision. The triangular coat of arms nested in the triple rings was imprinted on the snow, illuminating the camp.



Vaifan, holding a shield, fell from the sky, her long white hair flying in the air. The violent impact lifted up large tracts of snow-covered soil. The gray-white enamel spread rapidly with her as the center, spreading throughout the camp in the blink of an eye, and in everyone's body. The watch forms a solid protective shell.


The blade of the inner guard hit Gavel's arm and was knocked away. Gavel's face was pulled into a dangerous arc. The huge chain saw was as flexible as a wooden stick in her hand, cutting into the inner guard's body from the side. Black blood spattered out, rendering the ground pitch black.

"Gavel, stay back and I'll take care of it."

"No problem, it was a big help Ceria!"

Hearing this, Jiavir stepped back without hesitation, his snow-white hair passing in front of her.


The shield as tall as a person slammed into the inner guard with the sound of howling wind. The huge force directly pressed him to the ground and sunk deep into the snow. The golden light that had not completely dissipated around him gathered and fell on the hard ground. The enamel wraps the body of the inner guard and imprints it on it, forming a fine mesh pattern.


In the blink of an eye, Ceria had completed the seal against the inner guard. She exhaled and looked at the young people behind her who had regained their sight, with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

"Why not use the magic of the golden tree? You still have too little experience. An internal guard who has been polluted and lost his mind only relies on the instinct of a beast to attack. He cannot even use most of the spells and techniques. He should not be fighting with you. Beat it like this."

Chapter 261 Dark Snow


Being lectured by Ceria, Chen quietly took a small step back, lowered his head and said nothing.

The magic of the golden tree?She wants to use it too!

But her weird talent...except for a few limited spells and prayers, the rest can be described as miserable, a complete scumbag, with no improvement at all.

So, what can we do...

Huang covered his arms and grinned. He also shrank back when he heard the words. He looked at Chen, and the mutual sympathy between the scumbags emerged spontaneously.

In fact, she is not as unique as Chen in terms of mastering spells, but her results are not outstanding either, because she has too many things to learn, and she cannot even fully master her own Origin Stone skills, which is only "usable" At a certain level, you still have to learn combat experience and skills from the seniors, so where is the time to learn other things?

For this reason, her mastery of the golden tree series of prayers is also terrible. Chen is still able to use it. Even if she holds the holy mark, she can at most hold back the golden light for illumination.

Qiu Bai sheathed her sword and remained silent. It had only been a few days since she chose to enter the Golden Tree. After only one trip from the Great Blessing, she traveled through the stars and nights, following the team through Sami and into the ice field, looking for the life of Rhine before it disintegrated. How could a scientific research station set up on an ice field achieve any magic in such a short amount of time?

Moreover, except for her sword, she is not very interested in other things.

The same goes for Mud Rock. She followed W and Askaron in the wilderness of Kazdare and ate sand for who knows how many days. When the two decided to speed up their actions and found her too slow to move, they sent her back to the Golden Tree. In total, I only stayed in Dacifu for two days. Not to mention learning spells, I even just got the operator's certificate.

"Hey, don't look at me. I did learn about prayer, but all I learned was recovery stuff. I didn't even read the table of contents."

Facing Seria's gaze, Gaviel was the most frank, spreading his hands and smashing them.

Anyway, her position in the team is that of a doctor, and her responsibility is to treat illnesses and save people. Dispelling spells and the like are not her responsibility in the first place.

"I'm not talking about you...forget it, now is not the time to talk about this. Remember the lessons learned this time. I hope you can apply them to the next time."

Ceria covered her forehead and had a headache. She finally understood why she had to be named to lead the team for this mission.

The mission was issued by Helmer and Mulseth after they learned that the ice field scientific research station had lost contact. The ultimate goal was to find the scientific research station, confirm whether their friend Magellan, who had been stationed on the ice field all year round for scientific research and exploration, was safe, and then take her with him. Return to the golden tree.

A mission of this level would not have required an operator of her level to lead the team. Now Ceria knows why - except for herself, the team is composed of newcomers with little experience. This is why she is asked to lead the team. People come here to exercise.

With their overall quality, Chen and the others are simply not qualified for difficult tasks. Even a small team operation is full of mistakes. Only a search and rescue mission like this is suitable for them to complete. Coupled with a veteran with good strength and experience leading the team, they can both carry out the task. You can achieve the effect of exercise without really encountering any dangers that are difficult to solve.

"Jiaweier, treat Huang, and I'll deal with the out-of-control inner guard."

Sighing tiredly, Ceria dragged the inner guard wrapped in the double seal of the power of enamel and gold trees with one hand, turned and walked away.

Regardless of the reason why this internal guard lost control, he has now become a very dangerous source of pollution. The characteristics of the evil spirit have revived in his twisted body. If left unchecked, it may gradually spread out, pollute an area, and breed Out more monsters.

Fortunately, the Golden Tree now has a standardized process for dealing with this kind of thing - sealing the body, restricting vitality, burning it with an artifact containing the fire of destruction, and keeping it as clean as possible without leaving any residue.

Under the premise that the inner guard has been sealed, this matter is not difficult to handle, as long as you have the skills. However, thinking of everyone's previous performance in the battle, Ceria decided to do it herself to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

"It's so reliable."

Jiavir shook his head, looked at the not-so-tall figure, and couldn't help but sigh.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with other people in the team, Ceria is undoubtedly much more reliable. She has super high combat power, can provide treatment and defense to her teammates, and can also use targeted spells to solve difficulties. It seemed that as long as she was there, there was nothing to worry about. Just seeing her made people feel at ease.

"Of course, who would question Ceria? That's the kind of person I want to be!"

Huang nodded repeatedly, covering her arms and echoing. In her opinion, the 'cornerstone' should be like Ceria, who can be the most reliable backing for her teammates no matter where and when, and can perfectly cope with any situation at any time. Do your best.

Then she met Gavel's gaze, which turned around, and she couldn't help but shuddered, and her whole body shrank.

"Don't move, you need treatment."

Gavel had a gentle smile on his face, and the chain saw stained with dirty black blood in his hand was still turning slowly.

She looks more like a butcher than a doctor.

"I think I'm fine..."

"No, you can't!"

Handing the chain saw to Ni Yan, Jiavir rubbed his palms, rushed over and held Huang's shoulders, comforting him: "Don't worry, I'm the best at orthopedics!"



"Look, it's all right."

The soft golden light enveloped the broken arm. Jiavir clapped his hands and turned his eyes, glancing at Chen's body, as if he wanted to find a wound that could be treated.

Seeing Huang, whose face was as white as snow, Chen shuddered in fear and quickly gave a thumbs up and praised: "Wonderful rejuvenation, Jia Weier!"

"Orthopedics is one of my specialties!"

Not finding a wound that could be treated, Jiavir smacked his lips in disappointment, turned his head and stared at Huang's chain saw again, touched his chin and muttered to himself: "This thing is quite easy to use, how about I get one done too?"

"But aren't you a doctor?"

"That's not a problem. Just make the staff into the shape of a chain saw."

"I think it's better not to give it up, right?"

Mu Yan imagined that when she was injured, a doctor carrying a chain saw came over and claimed to treat her... The scene was so beautiful that she couldn't accept it.

If you do that, it will definitely leave a psychological shadow on your teammates...

"I'm just saying, Huang, this chain saw is not cheap. I spent all my money on medical books, but I don't have the money to customize this thing... Tsk, that Lucille guy is simply a black heart. vampire."

"She is originally a blood demon, so that is correct."

Chen said quietly, holding his Chixiao Sword, turning his head to look at the sudden burst of fire in the darkness, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

What Huang said was also her idea.

She also longed to be a reliable person like Ceria, almost impeccable and able to make everyone feel at ease, but the facts proved that she was still far, far away.

Ceria could even suppress the out-of-control inner guard that they were tired of dealing with in an instant. This was the gap.

In terms of hard power, they were fully capable of suppressing and defeating the out-of-control internal guards. However, their lack of actual combat experience and lack of means caused them to fall into chaos at the beginning of the battle, and they were unable to display their own strength at all.

If it were my sister here, what would she do?

After thinking about it for a moment, Chen already had a picture in his head.

If the positions were reversed, perhaps Tallulah would have reacted as soon as she was attacked and blocked the camp with her own flames. Even if her field of vision was restricted, she would still be able to sense the enemy's position and movements through the flames, and then use her flames to quickly detect the enemy's position and movements. Suppress the irrational inner guard in a short time - as Ceria said, the out-of-control inner guard does not even have the ability to think normally, and only relies on the instinct of the body to fight without using various techniques and spells. Done properly, it’s not difficult to solve.

If Tallulah was here, it would be impossible to be in such an embarrassing situation.

Sure enough, it's still far from enough...

"The source of the pollution has been cleaned up and things are packed up. We can't stay any longer. The situation here is more complicated than I expected."

The firelight in the distance gradually dimmed, and Seria walked out of the darkness, pulling Chen Piaoyuan back from his thoughts. Her eyes swept across the messy camp and issued an action order.

"Did you find anything? Ceria?"

"Some... not so good stuff."

The lights turned on, providing a stable light source in the dark night. Ceria turned on the flashlight hanging on her waist, spread her palms under the light, and a few crystal snowflakes appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Different from ordinary snowflakes, these ones are obviously larger, and the subtle structure can be clearly observed. The dark color spreads from the center to the periphery, as if stained with a layer of ink, and even if it is lying on the warm In the palm of my hand, they showed no sign of melting.

"Black snow?"

"There may be a problem with the defense line built by Ursus. It is no longer tight. This ice sheet has been polluted. Crisis may arise at any time. We cannot stay here for a long time. We must find the location of the scientific research station as soon as possible and evacuate."

Based on her confidence in her own strength, Seria actually doesn't care - if she is the only one who performs the mission.

However, the reality is that she still has several rookies on her team who are seriously inexperienced.

She has the ability to calmly deal with crises. Even if she faces a real evil attack, she can at least ensure that she can escape unscathed, but that's all she can do.

That kind of thing is still too dangerous for other people in the team.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the worst result does not occur, it is the safest way to complete the mission goal as soon as possible and then evacuate. Although doing so will reduce the training significance of this mission a lot, in comparison, safety is more important.

"Wouldn't it be more dangerous if we traveled at night?"

"I am here."

Seria's answer was very concise. In just three words, everyone had no objection and started to clean up the camp.

Seria said there was danger, so there must be danger. She said it was okay to rush in the dark, so it was definitely okay - everyone including Gavel thought so.

So, within a few minutes, the entire team was sorted out and moving on.

No one noticed that on the surface of the few snowflakes that fell on the ground, the dark color deepened and blurred little by little, spreading towards the surrounding snow.


"The remaining food can last for a week. If there is no more supplies..."

The light of the Source Stone lamp illuminates the mainly white interior, forming a sharp contrast with the dark night without any light outside.

Pulling up the metal partition used to seal the window, the brown-haired Liboli girl fiddled with several boxes of canned herrings on the table with her fingers. She glanced at the communicator next to her. As expected, there was still no signal.

This scientific research station, built on an uninhabited area of ​​​​the ice sheet and on the edge of the civilization circle, does not have communication equipment capable of instant communication with Rhine Life. It can only send location information to the outside at regular intervals, and then communicate it through a series of cumbersome relays. Go to Colombia and let Rheinland Life confirm that the scientific research station is still operating stably.

In addition, other information exchanges are completed through field personnel who regularly come to the ice sheet to replenish supplies. When they approach the scientific research station, they will communicate with the scientific research station to determine the specific location.

However, since the last supply replenishment and data exchange, Rheinland Life's field operators have missed two dates and there is still no news at all.

Because there is only one person in this scientific research station, the food in stock can still sustain it, but if no one comes, no matter how much material is available, it will be consumed. At that time, you can only wait to die, or yourself Go outside and dig a hole in the ice to catch fish.

Of course, there is another option - abandon the scientific research station and evacuate directly.

This approach only existed in Magellan's imagination. Unless there was really no hope, she would never do it.

Without the protection of a team, if a researcher like her wanted to leave the ice sheet alone and cross the Sami to reach Colombia, it would be no less difficult than digging a hole in the ice to catch fish.

"Ugh... they won't forget me..."

Lying weakly on the table, Magellan couldn't help but have a rather horrifying thought in his mind.

Although the possibility is very small, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no chance of it happening?

After all, similar incidents have occurred before...

dong dong!dong dong!

Suddenly, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Magellan's thinking. The girl perked up and subconsciously thought of the supply team who had missed the date, and wanted to open the door.

But as soon as she stood up, she noticed something was wrong.

Outside, there was no sound of vehicle engines or human footsteps, and there was no response from her communicator.

The knock on the door came suddenly. Apart from the knock on the door, there was no other communication outside the door. This was not in line with the usual supply process.

Boom!Boom! !

The sound of fingers tapping on the metal door was still ringing, with two beats and a pause, very rhythmic.


Magellan stopped moving, unfolded the fan blades above the column placed on the table, and slowly floated up with the metal body.

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