Everyone knew that His Majesty the Demon King had absolutely no intention of letting them leave.

Many people began to regret. If they had known that the Demon King was so outrageous, they might as well have stabilized the chaos in the formation as much as possible like their colleagues who had not left the legion. After all, there were only a few enemies and the entire legion was tens of thousands. Even if they relied on numbers to force It can last a long time even if you drag it.

Now he ran out and bumped head-on with the Demon King, making it difficult to escape.


One arm of the black-armored warrior held a huge sword floating in the void above his head. Thearesia narrowed her eyes and stared at the small group that was independent of the entire legion, with a sneer on her lips.

You offended the devil and still want to run away?

I hit her so hard just now, now it's her turn!

The mental burst of the "Perish Together" style was not used. With the support of the power of gold, she quickly recovered from the almost exhausted state. Although there was still a gap from the peak state, it was enough to deal with these guys!

The current situation is undoubtedly much better than what she had expected. At least, they did not rely entirely on Lin Lu's power, and achieved results that would be considered outstanding even in the long history.

Although Ursus's army still has tens of thousands of people, the legion has become a mess, and only the numerical advantage is left.

Although she doesn't have the ability to kill these people and destroy this legion directly, she can drag them here!

The momentum of offense and defense is easy!

As long as the follow-up Kazdaer force arrives, none of these people will be able to escape.

Now, let’s collect some interest in advance…

Thearesia's heart was filled with joy, and she crossed her arms across her chest. The black-armored warrior with only one arm above his head held a huge sword in his hand, and the huge blade swatted at the Wendigo and the war magicians like mosquitoes.

Such an attack would probably be unfit for a physically powerful hybrid Wendigo, but it was violent, relieving, and oppressive enough.

Facing the huge black sword that was like a tall building falling over and crushing them, the officers who had just escaped from the chaotic military formation to seek shelter all had earth-colored faces and almost escaped directly.

However, they can only think about it, but there is no way to do it, because as soon as similar thoughts emerge, it is like the substantial and majestic energy firmly locks the surrounding large area. In this case, any abnormal movement may break the extremely fragile Balance, triggering a rampage of energy and burying them all here.

"——Target determination, Demon King Kazdel, extremely dangerous."

Facing the huge sword that was being shot directly at them, the war magicians, who were all wrapped in armor and remained silent, took a step forward and said the same words in unison.

The sound filled with a strong mechanical sense seemed extremely weird at this moment, and even overshadowed the oppressive feeling of the giant sword coming.

"If the conditions are met, the final agreement will be unlocked."

"Start the destruction process."

"For the great Ursus Empire!"


Black and red ripples visible to the naked eye rippled from their bodies, and the armor wrapped around their bodies slowly melted and flowed slowly like candy under high temperatures, revealing their true appearance under the armor.

The true appearance of the war magician was something that no one expected. Even Theresia, who noticed the abnormality and looked over, was stunned. She stopped for a moment as she smashed down the sword bit by bit with a game mentality.

Under the tightly wrapped armor is a body made of orange-black crystals. The fine crystals are condensed together to piece together a human-shaped image. Other than that, there is nothing the same as a 'human'.

Rather than saying that they are human beings, it is better to say that the so-called war magicians are just a group of humanoid puppets made of source stones.

On the body made of completely spliced ​​Originite particles, the position where the heart should be is inlaid with red crystals that are different in color from other parts. Through the translucent crystal body, you can see fine red lines spreading from the red crystals to the entire body, faintly The light beats rhythmically in it, like a beating heart.

They have no eyes, but can still see.

They have no vocal results, but they can still vocalize.

It should be a rigid and rigid crystal joint, but it is no different from ordinary people.

'Perhaps these things have broken away from human concepts and can be called source of life? '

A thought flashed through Theresia's mind, and she felt strange for no reason.

In terms of accomplishments in the field of Origin Stone, Kazdaele should be ahead of all other countries, even if they declined due to the civil war, but when did Ursus have such superb technology quietly?

You know, war magicians existed a long time ago...

However, no relevant information has been circulated about this mysterious unit dedicated to large-scale wars and special battles under extreme circumstances. As a result, everyone's understanding of them still remains at 'magicians who rely on secret methods to burn life and obtain powerful spells'. concept.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this kind of thing?

Ursus mastered the technology of merging people and the Origin Stone many years ago?

Or, like those inner guards, is it an alternative method adopted because the true inheritance of the older generation cannot be continued, and is it an emerging technology in recent years?

Theresa couldn't tell, but one thing was certain - these things that turned into the Source Stone were very strong, and they also activated something that sounded very bad.

Destruction program?

Just by hearing the name, you can roughly imagine what it is used for.

However, she is not too panicked. She is confident in her own strength.

On the other hand, even if she overturns for some reason, there are still bosses who can support her, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Moreover, to say the least, even if the destruction mode was really powerful and beyond her ability to deal with it, she could just run away without fighting head-on.

There are no subordinates or troops of hers here at all. They are all from Ursus. What is there to be afraid of?

No matter how powerful the destruction is, she will only destroy themselves after running away.

The war magicians who have revealed their true colors obviously don't care what other people think or think. Perhaps in this state, they have already lost human thinking and emotions, and will only follow rigid and rigid fixed patterns of action.

The melted armor connected their legs to the earth and solidified into a base-like structure. Brighter ripples spread in circles, colliding and merging with each other. Suddenly, the air seemed to be affected by some invisible force. Becomes extremely viscous.

The sword that Thearesia smashed down again seemed to be smacked into semi-solidified syrup, and it slowly moved a distance and came to a complete stop.

The movements of the mixed-blood Wendigo and the officers beside the war magician also seemed to be in slow motion, becoming extremely sluggish. You could clearly see the expressions of the officers changing from confusion to fear.

Destruction, really pure destruction, even the Wendigo and legion officers as comrades were included in the scope of destruction without distinction.

The next second, the black and red ripples spread rapidly, covering an area with a radius of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye. The heavy viscosity caused everything affected to move into a slow-motion state, even if it activated the Demon King. Theresa, who is powerful, is no exception.

The power of the Demon King cannot resist this strange magic with unknown principles. It seems that she can only rely on the brute force of her body to break free. She can move more flexibly than those ordinary soldiers, but that's all. In this semi-solid In this realm, spells cannot be used at all, just like a large-scale forbidden realm. The previous thoughts of running away can only remain in the imagination and cannot be put into practice.

Theresia blinked her eyes, and sadly discovered that she seemed to have been hit twice!

Why is she always the one being persecuted today?

This is a very uncomfortable thing.

However, the worse part has just begun.

Veins as thin and dense as blood vessels extend from the bodies of those war magicians, rapidly expanding in the stagnant field, occupying most of the space.

An orange-black halo spread from the veins and flowed into the solid air.

It seems that this huge area with a diameter of one thousand meters is going to be turned into a huge source stone!

This is no longer something that magic can do!

Solidifying everything in an entire space into Source Stone crystals is simply unimaginable. The most frightening thing is that it may be just the beginning.

What happens after the conversion is complete?what happens?

Is the crystallization stable after the transformation is completed?

The unrestricted Originium crystal spreads wildly, no different from a bomb about to explode.

Once such a huge crystal explodes, it might blow up most of the city!

There is no telling how wide the spread of pollution will spread, and the consequences will be even more terrifying than the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Is that true destruction? !

Chapter 35 Origin Stone Constructed Body

The situation on the battlefield changed subtly, and suddenly began to move from chaos to destruction.

This result is natural.

The Legion, whose entire command structure has been disrupted, has become a mess. If no miracle happens, destruction will be the final result.

Unfortunately, the existence that can bring miracles stands on the opposite side of this legion. Even if it is a miracle, it will not belong to them.

However, the rampage of the war magicians still changed the direction of things to some extent - they could have persisted longer, Kazdaele's army would not arrive soon, and neither Theresia and others The power to destroy an entire army of tens of thousands of people during this period of time.

If Lin Lu doesn't take the initiative, they can survive in depression for a period of time. During this period, something may happen that will push the final result to a legion-level war.

However, now the rampant magic power has enveloped an area with a radius of more than a thousand meters. The war magician's spells cover them indiscriminately, biting off a large piece of their own army for both the enemy and ourselves.

No matter where this power of solidifying a large space into Originium crystals comes from, it is not something that ordinary armies can resist. In the foreseeable future, the super-large Originium crystals that erupt out of control after solidification will involve this battlefield. In a huge terrestrial natural disaster, the terrifying energy storm is enough to destroy everything, and no one can be spared.

Even Theresia probably wouldn't be able to survive a natural disaster explosion of that scale, let alone others.

Moreover, this devastating future is not far away, and may even be minutes away.

By then, everything on this broken ice sheet will be annihilated in the torrent of energy.

The army of Ursus will die in their own spells and be completely annihilated. The extreme and wild spells will deprive them of all possibility of survival from the moment they are unfolded.

This is undoubtedly a very dramatic result.

The tens of thousands of troops are all actors in this drama. They have done nothing and know nothing, but their places are already in the script.

As an audience member, Lin Lu found this very interesting. There was finally something unexpected in this war that should not have been fought now.

So he planned to watch the whole drama to see what else was hidden in this decadent military empire.

Of course, since the play was performed on the stage of Ursus, it was inconvenient for the actors of the Golden Tree to participate.

As a result, Theresia, Gladia, Ceria and others who were imprisoned by the spell were shocked to find that one second they were surprised by the effect of the unknown spell, and the next second they were separated from their original positions and forced Teleports away from the range of spells and armies.

Not many people can do this, and right now it is even more certain without thinking.

Theresia turned her head, and sure enough she saw the man watching Ursus' military formation not far away.

Farther away, a blurry and transparent orange-black color sits on the ground, like a crystal that has been thrown into the mud. Veins shaped like blood vessels extend in it, making the entire space that shows a tendency to solidify glow floating, like a beating heart. The same rhythmic light and death.

That's the full picture of the spell.

When you are in it, you can only see things within a limited distance. Only when you step away and stand in a position where you can overlook the whole thing can you realize how terrifying it is.

Yes, scary.

Even from the height of the Demon King, the spell collectively launched by war magicians was enough to bear the word 'terrible'.

The Sarkarz people have a long history of contact with the Origin Stone. Even though Kazdael declined during the civil war, they are still the race in the world that knows the Origin Stone best and has the deepest understanding of the Origin Stone magic. Because of this, Theresia Better understand the dangers of that spell.

——Converting all matter in a space into Source Stone is extremely incredible in itself. It is almost equivalent to artificial Source Stone. It may not be related to the assimilation of Source Stone, but at such a fast speed, even she, a master of magic, cannot I can't understand how to do this.

To a certain extent, the war magicians who released this spell were equivalent to relying on human power to create an Originium natural disaster, a large-scale natural disaster on the ground.

It possesses all the properties and destructive power of a natural disaster, and the power it erupts can probably wipe a small city off the face of the world.

The power of taboo is true no matter how you understand it.

Moreover, the meaning and impact behind this spell far exceed the destructive power it is about to show.

The power of the Source Stone natural disaster is certainly amazing and terrifying, but if a large-scale army with modern weapons concentrates its firepower, it may not be able to compete with it. It is not impossible to achieve large-scale destruction without considering certain costs. Do it.

The real significance of this spell lies in the Source Stone - the magician of Ursus used manpower to create the Source Stone out of thin air!

The principle is unknown, but the results are clearly before our eyes.

This is something that has never been done before.

Source Stone is the cornerstone of modern industry and magic systems. This convenient and dangerous energy source comes from the remains after natural disasters and Source Stone veins buried deep underground. Products such as synthetic jade and pure Source Stone are mined from It is extracted and refined from source stone fragments or minerals.

It is a natural product and cannot be obtained artificially.

To put it bluntly, the body of an infected person who died after being infected with the ore disease may be corroded by the Source Stone and turn into fragments of the Source Stone similar to those involved in natural disasters. It can be extracted industrially and can barely be regarded as artificially produced.

But this process is uncertain. Not every infected person will turn into a large piece of Originium crystal, and not all infected remains can remain stable for a certain period of time. Many corpses usually explode directly and are scattered beyond collection. of fine dust. If you want to rely on this method to obtain the Source Stone, not to mention the ethical issues, the required process is very complicated.

The war magician's spell is different. It bypasses all the complicated steps and directly transforms a space into a source stone, just like a natural disaster.

So, can Ursus, who has mastered this technology, directly obtain the Source Stone in a similar way and obtain inexhaustible and unlimited energy?

For a moment, Theresia thought a lot. She was sure that if this news spread on a large scale, Ursus would immediately become the target of public criticism and be coveted by all countries, and even the current structure of the entire world would change as a result.

After all, everyone is living a miserable life by mining. Suddenly, a person can directly rub ore with his hands and achieve energy freedom. How can he not be targeted?

Especially...the one who masters this power is the world-famous war madman.

Even the Yan Kingdom, which has always upheld national peace and prosperity and never actively engaged in foreign wars, could not turn a blind eye.

"The power of natural disasters, they created a natural disaster."

In a short period of time, Theresia thought a lot, and finally sighed in a low voice.

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