Even if the king who rules all fell from his throne due to the betrayal of his loved ones, his desire has never diminished, but has become more intense.

A wizard king who was like a god made him tremble, and he did not dare to go beyond it.

But it turns out that the Witch King is not an immortal god. He will be injured, bleed, and die. He still has to rely on his body to exist. He is not invulnerable!

Mortals dare not swing their swords at gods, but they can challenge 'people'.

As a noble who once served the Witch King, Karloff knew very well that compared to the power to drive spells, the knowledge the Witch King knew was truly priceless.

Power comes from knowledge, and knowledge is the cornerstone of strength. As long as he masters the Witch King's treasure, he can become the next Witch King, or even stronger!

So he came, traveling thousands of miles from Leitania to Dragon Gate, and he did not hesitate to make a contract with the ancient evil god, just to find the slightest possibility of realizing his wish.

In the past, the Witch King's old subordinates secretly gathered the descendants of the Witch King and used their blood to carry the power left behind by the Witch King, trying to revive that king from hell or create another one of him.

Karloff also participated in it and saw the experiments fail again and again, until in the end there were only three of the fifteen blood descendants left, only three.

If they died, the Witch King's chances of returning to the world were almost slim to none.

At the critical moment, he hesitated.

Without telling his former colleagues, Karloff hid a child secretly, lying about the failure of the experiment to hide it. At the same time, he secretly collected more clues and improved them on the basis of the "resuscitation plan" they formulated. , it took several years to finally find a theoretically feasible way.

The music that the Witch King played in the past carried the remaining consciousness and was reflected in reality after his death, and was called the "earthly sound".

Descendants with the blood of the Witch King can carry the power of the earthly voice to a certain extent, which is part of the Witch King's consciousness. If more nutrients can be provided, then this incomplete consciousness may slowly recover bit by bit until it is restored. The old posture is what the Witch King's old followers rely on to revive the Witch King. They firmly believe that the great king is as immortal as a god, and even if he dies, he will return in the future to rule the country.

Karloff is different from them. He is only loyal to absolute power, not to an individual called the Witch King. He does not want to revive the Witch King, nor does he want to cultivate a so-called 'new Witch King'. He wants to become a Witch King. king!

By using the musical instruments once used by the Witch King to resonate with the sounds of the world, the silent sounds of the world can be enlivened, and then use the Origin Stone spells that were once passed down from the palace and are now labeled as the 'Witch King's Legacy'. With assistance, the recovery time of the Witch King's consciousness can be greatly shortened, allowing him to manifest from the body in which he resides.

Finally, after being 'filtered' by the experimental subject at the cost of his life, he will incorporate this gift from the Witch King into his own body, master the mysteries of knowledge and spells, and become the king of Leitania!

Power and knowledge must be in your own hands in order to feel at ease. If that is possible, why must it be suppressed by others?

How can a real man live between the heaven and the earth for a long time?

During these days in Yan Kingdom, Karloff read a lot of Yan Kingdom books to pass the time, and he agreed very much with this sentence in it.

The Witch King is dead, and his time has passed. Since that knowledge is now ownerless, why do you have to find someone to take care of you?

As long as he passes today, he will be his own Witch King!

One day... only one day... If it weren't for those idiots who provoked the Guards Bureau for no reason, he would have been in such a mess!

Thinking of the Guardsmen and Gray Tail who were patrolling and investigating outside, a hint of gloom flashed in Karloff's eyes, and the cold aura spread instantly.

Make a contract with the gods, use the power of gods to transport personnel and weapons into Longmen, let the business team on the surface attract the attention of Longmen's senior officials, collect clues at the same time, and then send your men to search secretly. Everything goes very smoothly, as if destiny is That's how it should be.

Never had such a wonderful start!

But it was all destroyed in the hands of a few brainless idiots and lunatics!

Although the important items have been obtained and the body of the experimental subject has been maintained in the most perfect condition after more than ten days of adjustment, the originally prepared testing site can no longer be used easily due to the tight security of Longmen.

In order to 'safely' obtain the power of the Witch King, Karloff turned all remaining funds into materials to draw the corresponding magic circle structure. A magic circle of that size could not be easily moved. In other words, if he wanted to To start planning at this time, it must be used there.

It is not unacceptable to wait for a while as usual. After all, he has been waiting for so many years and does not care about a few days, even a few months. As long as he can succeed, it will be worth it.

But the key to the problem now is that both the official and underground forces in Longmen have been eliminated. The personnel have launched an almost crazy investigation and search throughout Longmen. There is no way that the ceremony venue they prepared can withstand such a rigorous search!

It can be said that it is inevitable that he will be discovered if he continues to delay blindly. Therefore, he has no choice. The ceremony must begin!

Wealth, subordinates, reputation, none of that matters. As long as it goes well, he can finally complete the plan, obtain the knowledge of the Witch King and escape from the Dragon Gate. Even if it means sacrificing everything he has, it will be worth it.

When he masters that power, everything he loses will be regained a hundred times or a thousand times in the future!

Karloff knew very well that he was now a gambler at the end of his rope, and there was no other way out after he made a desperate move.

He had been preparing for today for several years, pouring everything into this plan. He could not afford the price of failure.

Then, let’s bet!

Bet on fate, bet on life, bet on everything, he will become the king.


"Abnormal energy fluctuations detected! Abnormal energy fluctuations detected!"

The alarm bell on the mobile police vehicle blared. Under the operator's quick operation, an area map was enlarged, and a bright red light flashed in one of the locations.

The sudden abnormality caught everyone off guard, but someone quickly reacted. The tall green-haired ghost jumped up from his seat and easily carried the huge triangular shield in his hand.

Seeing her appearance, the police officers at the scene felt a lot more at ease.

You can always trust Hoshikuma and her prajna - so described by a police officer from the Guards Bureau who wished to remain anonymous.

This is indeed the case. Star Bear on the battlefield is an insurmountable iron wall for the enemy. No matter what kind of attack it is, it will be firmly blocked by her shield.

"Everyone, gather together, be fully armed and follow me!"

This group of people came to rest after a shift and stayed here for a while. Therefore, there were no high-level officers around. Xingxiong looked around and directly took over the command of the scene. Even if the police officers of the Guards Bureau had not seen him, She took action and was well aware of her strength, so no one objected.

However, their strength is still a little weaker.

Xingxiong, who has some qualifications in the Guards Bureau, has no doubts about the strength of these ordinary police officers. They can carry out some ordinary thefts and robberies, but cases involving infected people or magicians are difficult. A little overwhelmed.

Even with the support of equipment with excellent protective power, they can't compete with the real strong ones. They can only rely on the numerical advantage to suppress them. But there are only so many people now, how can there be any numerical advantage?

'It would be great if Chen was here...'

An idea flashed through his mind, and Xingxiong shook his head, throwing away distracting thoughts and not thinking about unrealistic things.

She knew that Chen Hejiu was seriously injured in an attack in the slums. The injuries could be rated as serious and he would not recover for at least a month. If he was not still in the intensive care unit, how could he be here?

'It doesn't matter, just be careful. I'll clear the way in front later to keep them farther away. '

Having made up her mind, Xing Xiong subconsciously touched her neck, but she didn't feel a familiar touch. She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that the amulet she had hung for many years had been given to Lin Lu.

Heh, speaking of which, I haven’t seen that guy for half a month... Now, I really can only rely on myself.

"Everyone has it, let's go!"

The heavy Prajna left deep traces on the ground and determined the location of the target area. Xingxiong held the shield in his hand and took the lead, and the police officers behind him quickly followed.


"Abnormal energy fluctuations erupted in five areas at the same time? It is suspected that a large Originium device was activated?"

In the study, Wei Yanwu was stunned for a moment after receiving the information handed over by Hei Li, and then he felt angry in his heart. Even the cigarette rod between his fingers was pinched by the force that exploded inadvertently.

Five areas, five large-scale Source Stone energy bursts. If such things are used in the right position, it may even directly paralyze the power system and energy supply link of the gantry. However, no one knew such important information before. !

Are those people in the Guards Bureau all losers? !

This huge dragon gate was actually being fooled around by a group of remnants of the Witch King who didn't even dare to appear in the sun!

Shameful, so damn shameful!

So shabby, so damn shabby!

If one day another group of people comes and plans to attack Mr. Wei, will they have to wait until he is blown up to the sky before the losers can react? !

Wei Yanwu has never been so disappointed with the Longmen defense system he built with his own hands. Such a performance is a compliment to them!

If it wasn't for their dereliction of duty and keeping people in the dark, how could there be an accident in which two police officers from the Guards died in the line of duty in a slum?If Lin Lu hadn't rescued her in time, even Chen would have almost gotten in!

There was no accountability for what happened that time, but now he was shown it again?Repeating old tricks?

Rotten!It totally sucks!

But the matter has come to this, and Wei Yanwu has no good solution for a while. No matter how angry he is, he has to endure it and wait until the matter is over before settling the accounts together.

Now let’s deal with the matter at hand first. If nothing else goes wrong, this time the remnants of the Witch King should have found what they want and started to take action. Once it is really done by them, let the Leitanian tyrant Resurrecting in the dragon gate, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

"Come here! Go and invite Mr. Lin!"

Chapter 138 Chaos begins.

In fact, there was no need for Wei Yanwu to send someone to notify him. The violent energy fluctuations spewing up from the ground even slightly distorted the air above. Basically, he could detect the nearest energy explosion area without any special perception.

Hei Li, who came in a hurry, saw Chen walking towards him as soon as he came to the door, and then got the news that Lin Lu had left.

After such a big thing happened, Lin Lu naturally couldn't wait for Wei Yanwu to take the initiative to send someone to come to the door. The area where the energy exploded was so close, how could she wait?

However, when she arrived at the place, Lin Lu immediately noticed something was wrong - these bursts of energy were chaotic and without any restraint. They were completely spewing out randomly, like a smoke bomb being released.

This is obviously illogical. No matter how simple the spell is, its structure follows order. A ball of pure chaotic energy can never form a stable structure, let alone exert any spell effect.

The reason for the existence of this energy burst area may be just like its performance. It is purely to attract attention and draw energy. The real core is most likely not here.

If it is simply used as bait, then such a scale is indeed enough, and it can even be called a big deal.

This level of energy explosion cannot be ignored even if one knows the inside story in advance. It will inevitably involve a lot of energy from the official forces and senior officials of Longmen. Most people in Longmen will turn their attention here and cannot ignore it whether intentionally or unintentionally.

The person who did this had no intention of hiding it at all. He just put the thing here in plain sight. He couldn't ignore it even though he knew it was false. As long as he could delay time for the real goal, his real goal would have been achieved.

So, what purpose is worthy of such an effort?

Judging from the current reality, there is no other possibility except those Letanians who try every possible means and pay a huge price to sneak into the Dragon Gate to find the so-called forbidden object that can resurrect the Witch King.

——They have found what they want and have begun to launch rituals in an attempt to resurrect the Witch King, so they will stop the official intervention of Longmen at all costs.

"Lin Lu?"

The sound of hurried footsteps came from far away. Lin Lu, who was staring at the abandoned factory in front of her in thought, turned sideways and saw that it was Xing Xiong who was heavily armed and came in a hurry with more than a dozen Guards Bureau police officers.

"Star Bear?"

A fierce aura rushed towards her face, and the ghost girl carrying a triangular shield dropped the shield in her hand to the ground, making a hole in the ground.

"How's the situation? Have you seen inside?"

Xingxiong asked in a low voice, his body tense all the time, and his hand never left the handle of the shield.

"No, it's most likely just a bait here. I'm afraid there won't be any powerful characters here."

It was quiet inside the abandoned factory. There was no movement. Lin Lu shook her head slightly, thought for a while, and then took the lead and walked inside.

Regardless of whether the guess is correct or not, since you are here, you have to go in and take a look. Anyway, you can't find the real ceremony place standing outside. It's better to take a closer look at this bait area, maybe you can gain something.

"There should be someone here a few days ago, you can check."

Walking in a silent factory, her eyes passed over the machinery with traces of use and the empty rooms. Lin Lu keenly discovered that the furnishings here were not messy or dirty, and some machines still had obvious signs of stains on them. Fresh marks, obviously the downtime wasn't long.

There are two possibilities for this situation. One is that everything in this factory has been secretly disposed of, and the other is that the Leitanian nobles spent money to buy this place and spent time decorating it.

Lin Lu personally prefers the second option.

After all, they should have been dormant a few days ago and had not made any big moves. It was unlikely that they would be exposed because of a bait placement location. It is unlikely that there would be no movement until now when people in a small factory disappeared.

Spending money is different. Buying this factory directly is nothing to the wealthy Leitanian nobles. For them, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

If the guess is correct, then some information should be found in Longmen's files. Longmen still has a complete review system for the sale and delivery of physical industries, so it is not impossible to know everything.

"I'll notify them right away."

The strong energy fluctuations nearby will seriously affect the call quality of the communicator. Xingxiong nodded and asked a police officer to leave the team to report the situation, and he continued to lead the team inside.

The deeper you go, the stronger the energy impact you can feel. The chaotic eruption of energy drives the air to form a small storm, completely covering the core of the factory.

"You guys stay here, I'll go over and take a look."

Xingxiong stopped in front of the closed warehouse, thought for a moment, and issued the order.

Walking here, you can already feel the faint pain caused by the wind and waves blowing through your skin. The culprit of the energy impact is most likely in this warehouse. Whether it is dead or alive, these ordinary Guards Bureau police officers are very It is difficult to play any role in this environment, and the equipment on them is not enough to support them to move freely in areas with more intense and chaotic energy.

So Xing Xiong simply asked them to stay outside and planned to go in and take a look himself.

Her physical strength is much higher than that of these ordinary police officers. Even without equipment protection, she can move freely in the energy storm on her own.

"I am with you."

Naturally, Lin Lu would not take a storm of this magnitude seriously. Xing Xiong did not object to this. She could still tell who was affected or not. Compared with the police officers, Lin Lu was obviously You have your own methods to deal with similar situations. In this case, it doesn't matter if you go in together. The two of you can take care of each other together.

"Be careful."

Taking a deep breath, Xingxiong held the shield with both hands and exerted force suddenly.


The shield collided with the heavy warehouse door, denting the door directly and completely deforming the part where the lock should be.


Seeing this, Xing Xiong added another unceremonious kick, and the warehouse door opened in response.

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