But there was nothing wrong with Ichinose choosing to be cautious.

The only thing that's a bit dissatisfying.

'Damn it, I want to hand in a blank paper too. '

In math exam.

Hikigaya furiously typed a draft on the paper.

Obviously the results are average.

Why should he not be allowed to hand in a blank paper? This is really unfair.

If he could turn in a blank and be paired with Ichinose, he wouldn't have to work so hard.


The grades of students in Class B who are in the middle range are a bit too average.

You are either stronger or weaker.

It's hard to be stuck in the middle.

Doesn't this force him to work hard if he doesn't want to cause trouble to the class?

I can't even lie down flat.

Is there a bug in this world?Why don't you even have the right to choose?


This is the task of leadership.

As a social animal, Hikigaya was unable to resist and could only stare at the two brothers with big A and small A on the test paper.


Class B classroom.

Fourth period the next day.

"Then the teacher will announce the partner for the final exam now~"

"Clang clang~"

Hoshinomiya posted the results of the quiz on the blackboard, and her delicate body made a cute and glittering expression while making the letter K.

If she wasn't so beautiful, this move would definitely be a shame.


The Hoshinomiya that makes people feel hungover is not unacceptable.


Hikigaya quickly found his match.

Hikigaya Hachiman... Okakura Asako.

"who is this."

Hikigaya felt a bit impressed, but the impression was not that strong. He seemed to be a girl who often stayed around Ichinose.

He is No. 18, while the opponent is No. 20.

They all happen to be in the middle of the pack.

Hikigaya breathed a sigh of relief.

Since she is the girl who follows Ichinose, there is no need to doubt her academic performance or attitude.

In this case.

There should be no problem if you want to pass the exam safely.


After school.

When Hikigaya was packing his schoolbag, Ichinose walked up to him with a girl.

"Hey, Hikigaya, are you going to the club later?"

Hikigaya's alarm bell rang, and he suddenly trembled.

Now I have a bit of a stress reaction, and when Ichinose spoke, I felt like it was something good he didn't want to do.

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Hikigaya gave an irreconcilable answer, preparing for the rejection later.

"Then let Xiao Mazi go with you."

Ichinose patted Asako Okakura next to him and smiled: "Anyway, you two are a pair for this exam. It just so happens that Asako is better at science and weaker at liberal arts. You two can tutor each other."


Hikigaya suddenly fell silent.


This must be another special favor from Ichinose.

Although the top thirty people took the exam based on their true strength, the grouping was determined entirely based on strength.

But Ichinose probably communicated with Okakura Maya in advance.


Maya Okakura, who often participated in the student union with Ichinose, would not come with her.

This kind of sympathy being given out is really uncomfortable.

Hikigaya felt that his meager self-esteem was about to be crushed by Ichinose.

But there is no way.

No matter how harsh words he said, Ichinose wanted to make him integrate into the class.

"No, it's better for me to study on my own."

Hikigaya was making his final resistance and really didn't want to trouble Ichinose, but there was nothing he could do about it since Ichinose had made his own decision.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable, it is not unbearable.


While troublesome Ichinose.

He also had to ask his classmates to take care of him because of Ichinose's existence.

It really hurt Hikigaya.

Not causing trouble to the class is already his last line of defense.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Ichinose said nonchalantly: "Besides, Hikigaya-kun, this pairing is completely coincidental. It just so happens that you two can complement each other. How about just helping Pockey-chan?"

Help Asako Okakura.


Ichinose thought it would be easier for him to accept it this way.


Taking care of his self-esteem like this made Hikigaya a little disappointed, and he felt even more self-loathing for this boring self-esteem.

It seemed that nothing he could do in front of Ichinose was right.

This situation will not change as long as Ichinose continues to take care of her arbitrarily.

"If you don't go."

Ichinose suggested again: "Then I will let everyone hold a study meeting in the wool department to try it out. Is this better?"

"Then we must respect Okakura-san's opinion, right?"

Hikigaya quickly changed his reason.

It would be even more unacceptable if a group of people rushed into his wool department to study.

"I don't have any objection either."

Okakura Maya didn't care at all, but smiled and said:

"Because I knew about it when I took the preferential treatment test. Hikigaya-kun found out the preferential treatment person immediately. He is a very reliable person. You help me tutor the liberal arts, and I will help you tutor the science."

"But, although I'm a little better in science than Hikigaya-kun, I'm not particularly good at it. I should be fine."

Ah pinch

Preferential candidate test?

Hikigaya was a little confused. He remembered that his teammates at the time were the hero Kanzaki and a girl. Could it be her.

And he didn't react at all to his bad tone.

Could it be that he misunderstood her?


Hikigaya scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "It was just a coincidence. I'm not very sure."

"Even if you can detect someone who is suspicious, it is a very powerful thing."

Okakura Maya said with admiration on her face.

She had been watching the Dragon Group's exams.

He clearly didn't see any action from Hikigaya. He just sold his text message to Ryuuen, easily earned [-] personal points, and found out who was being favored.

Until now.

Okakura Maya still found it a bit incredible.

It's amazing.

It's just that Hikigaya is more modest and doesn't like to express himself.

"All right."

Ichinose put her snow-white little hands on their shoulders and said with a smile:

"Since you two already know each other and have a shared destiny for this exam, let's try tutoring each other first."

"If there's anything you're not used to, how about Pockey-chan returning to the study group and Hikigaya studying alone for the time being?"

The words have already reached this point.

Hikigaya really had no reason to refuse, so he nodded helplessly, but Asako Okakura didn't take it to heart.

What Hikigaya didn't notice was that Ji Yeyue next door was always watching the three of them with a faint gaze.

Although I know it was luck that formed a group this time.

Ichinose wants Hikigaya to integrate into the class.

But I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but I don't know how to speak.


And the other side.

Year A, Class A, half an hour ago.

Under the order of Sakayanagi Arisu, Class A started study sessions in groups in a disciplined manner, and the study location was chosen.

after all.

Even without orders.

With the discipline of Class A, they will not relax in their studies.

at this time.

Only Arisu Sakayanagi and Masumi Kamuro remained in the class.

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