"Not only did you not take the exam, but you also asked us to hand over all the personal points we obtained to you. Is there something wrong with your brain, or do you think we are all fools and would agree to such unreasonable conditions?"

"Why are you being unreasonable?"

Hikigaya was speechless and said, "I can figure it out even though my math score is so bad, don't you guys know how to do it?"

"Even if this group gets No. 1, it will only have 14 individual points at most. These individual points should be nothing to Class A, right?"

not to mention.

He's here to mess around.

There is a high probability that Class A will not get No. 1, and the most it can get is No. 2. In that case, it only has [-] personal points.

For Class A.

It’s just the amount of pocket money that a person in Class A can receive in a month.

Not a big deal at all.


The people in Class A were slightly startled and turned to look at Chang Shinji.

You will know after careful calculation.

Such a small amount of money is not much at all, and it doesn't seem unacceptable, but I just feel a little unhappy.


Chang Xiner breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a moment and said:

"Okay, as long as you don't disturb us anymore, let Katsuragi transfer these personal points to you after the exam is over."


He wanted Katsuragi to bear the loss alone.

The money is not much, even if Katsuragi can bear it alone, there will be no problem.

"Oh, yes."

Katsuragi sighed and nodded in agreement.

If it's just a few personal points, Class A can get greater benefits, so I don't have any objections.

After all, except for personal points.

What Class A wants more is the added class points from the top two.


Hikigaya quickly raised his right hand to stop the opponent:

"How do you calculate it? I don't care who bears the responsibility in the end. The personal points obtained in this exam will be transferred to me by you alone."


The boy with short hair and glasses said angrily: "Why don't you give me enough? They are all personal points, aren't they all the same?"

"in spite of."

Hikigaya shook his head repeatedly: "What if you put all the blame on Katsuragi? Anyway, you can just transfer it to me and ask Katsuragi for it. That's your own business."

"Ha ha."

All the students in Class A laughed angrily, almost bursting with anger from this guy Hikigaya.


Ba Nobu's gums itched with hatred and said: "Do you think this can sow discord between Katsuragi and us? Let Class A fall into the river? Tell you, it's a dream, Katsuragi, right?"


The honest man Katsuragi nodded.

Since Sakayanagi can take advantage of Katsuragi's characteristic of caring about his companions, then Hikigaya can naturally take advantage of it.

"Then it has nothing to do with me, just sign the contract."

Hikigaya took out paper and pen and quickly wrote down a contract.

It doesn't matter which rank you get when the exam is over.

Everyone in Class A will transfer their personal point gains to him.

Hikigaya didn't play any word games. After all, there were all smart people from Class A. Word games that weren't played well would only have the opposite effect.

"Sign it."

Everyone in Class A signed their names on the paper, and the boy with short hair and glasses glared at him fiercely after he finished writing.

"Hikigaya Hachiman, right? I remember you. Remember, my name is Morishige Takuro. I won't let you have such a comfortable opportunity in the next exam."

Really helpless.

Only then did Morishige Takuro realize that they really looked like idiots.

Obviously this guy doesn't even need to take the exam, but he still wants to enjoy all the personal points benefits. They can only sign such an unreasonable contract.

I really felt a helpless feeling.

Is there something wrong with this world?

I want to be promoted to Class A.

They just have to suffer this unfair treatment.

"Oh, I really hope I don't run into you next time."

Hikigaya ran away after taking the contract and quickly returned to bed: "Okay, everyone, go to bed quickly."


He really didn't think that much, let alone sow discord between Katsuragi and Class A. Tens of thousands of people's points meant little.


Hikigaya just wanted to dampen their enthusiasm.

It would be best if this group could fall to No. 4 or No. 5.

Even if they try hard to take the exam, they will not get any benefit.

Even though there is a small amount of class points as a reward, most people would feel a little slack when they think of giving up all the personal points they have received.

after all.

They are Class A, not Class B where good people gather together.

It can be seen from the fact that they all want Katsuragi to bear the losses that Class A pays more attention to personal interests than other classes.

Wait until there is no profit left.

I believe that the mentality of Class A will change. Even if they are very disciplined and can still take the exam, there will definitely be some oversights.

At least, not as hard as other large groups.


Think of this.

Hikigaya fell into a deep sleep, and indeed he would not cause trouble for them anymore. As a social animal, there was only so much he could do.


Six shops in the morning.

Light background music sounded in the room.

Everyone in Class A slowly woke up, and Hikigaya opened his hazy eyes. Damn it, this garbage bed was not comfortable at all.

After washing.

Hikigaya followed everyone to the classroom, and a middle-aged teacher stepped onto the podium.

"I am Onodera from Class B of the third year. After the roll call, you will clean the designated area outside, and then clean the school building. This will be a class every morning."

"From today on, not only teachers from the school, but also people in charge of various courses will come to the course. Please pay attention to saying hello and treating each other with courtesy."


Everyone picked up the cleaning tools and went outside the school. Hikigaya casually found a step to sit down and rest.

I didn’t even think about it, I just wanted to confirm the process first...

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Morishige Takuro and others were furious, but they didn't say anything more. They just blacklisted Hikigaya in their hearts.

Even in Class B, there are despicable and shameless guys like Hikigaya.


Everyone came to the dojo to practice meditation, which seemed to be a spiritual training course. Hikigaya saw that Kanzaki and others seemed to be doing it at the same time as other groups.

Hikigaya tried sitting cross-legged, but it didn't feel difficult.

He quickly gave up and sat on the ground casually.

"That classmate, why don't you practice?"

The bald monk in charge of teaching asked with a smile.


Hikigaya nodded and said, "This is my way of fighting."

Since his mother is a Buddhist, he respects the monk.

"Battle method?"

“I’m in a different class than the rest of the group.”

This statement came out.

Kanzaki, Shibata and the others couldn't help but frowned and looked over quickly. The delay was too obvious.

If he falls to the last place, he will be dragged to be buried with him by Katsuragi.

The two of them couldn't help but feel worried.

But when I saw the second-class man in the field, he was gnashing his teeth in hatred but not saying a word, and it didn't feel like it.

They seemed to have been completely figured out by Hikigaya.

How exactly is this done?

"I see."

The monk nodded with a serious face: "I don't know much about this school, but since I have been invited to come for training, I will be responsible to the end."

"If you want to integrate into society, you must never forget to think about each other. Courses that have a spiritual impact are held here, one of which is meditation."

“Be part of a group, consider each other, and at the end of the day, think about who you are and what you can accomplish.”

"Even if there are other reasons why you need to drag others down, you can give up on the last day of the exam."

"Try to meditate and exercise your spirit now. This will be more beneficial to your future."


Even if you want to show off, just don't participate on the last day. You should still perform well.


Hikigaya clasped his hands together and said with respect on his face: "My 2.8 dream is to become a househusband. This profession does not require me to integrate into society. Meditation is of no benefit to me."


Katsuragi and Shinji on the side were simply stunned.

I originally thought that Hikigaya was despicable and shameless enough, but now I realized that I still underestimated him and was so shameless.


The monk, also known as Xiaorouhexiao, finally forced out a smile:

"Although Lao Na has not entered the mortal world, he also knows that it is not easy to become a househusband in today's society. Don't you really think you can succeed?"

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