"How to rule it out?" Aaron asked back, "Is it compound soup?

As far as I know, it takes at least a month to prepare this powerful potion. In addition, the body tissue of the transformed object and various rare materials are also required.

Tut tut tut!Is there any greater doubt than that you would rather go against the odds and spend so much time deceiving me in this base way than ask me a question in person? "

"That... Ron and I did doubt you." Harry looked up pale and said with great difficulty, "But Hermione's trust in you is absolutely true."

"That's true," said Ron. "We've told her a few times, but every time she slapped us back hard."

"Really? But there is almost no credibility when it comes out of your mouths."

Hermione wanted to say something, but seeing Aaron's eyes mixed with disappointment and anger, she swallowed her words unconsciously.

"Granger, do you have any comments?" Aaron sneered.

"I really never doubted you." Hermione cried and raised three fingers while speaking, "I swear."

"Then could you please explain why you helped the two of them make compound decoction?"

"I believe in you, but they don't believe in you.

So this is the only way to prove your innocence. "Hermione smiled sadly, "This method is rather excessive, but the effect is also obvious. "

"According to this, I still have to thank you?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

"Whatever you mean, you chose to help them, didn't you?

If you really believe me, you can come and ask me directly, but you, none of you. "

"At that time, you were very suspicious, and we didn't dare to take risks." Ron explained, "What if we finish asking, what if you kill us with your back?

And how can we guarantee that you are telling the truth, bad guys never say they are bad guys. "

Aaron raised his eyebrows slightly, and clapped his hands in admiration, "What you said makes sense, I'm speechless."

Then he looked at Harry, "The famous Harry Potter, I have a question for you.

If your answer satisfies me, I will consider forgiving you. "

"You ask." Harry adjusted his state simply, "I promise to tell the truth."

"Very well, my question is, before yesterday, did you particularly expect me to be the heir of Slytherin?"

"Ah this...I..."

"Okay, needless to say, the few seconds of your hesitation have already told me the answer."

Harry lowered his head in silence, not knowing what to say.

During that time, he was under a lot of pressure. No matter how he explained, no one believed him. The only way for him to avoid everyone's strange eyes was to find a real heir.

It happened that Aaron was at the scene of the crime every time. In that case, who else could suspect him?

Chapter 177 It's Not Coercion, It's Cooperation

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive this time, but I really didn't expect to make things come to this point." Harry explained very seriously: "I didn't intend to doubt you, but there are too many coincidences, especially Quinn. After the Diqi game.

The night I was in the hospital, I saw you and Professor McGonagall brought Colin here, and you asked Dumbledore not to spread the matter.

Hermione has always been unwilling to believe that you are the heir of Slytherin, and she helped us prepare the Polyjuice Potion in the hope of avoiding unnecessary misunderstandings.

And more than a month is a buffer period. If we can find any evidence that you are not the heir during this period, we will stop immediately.

But what I didn't expect was..."

"But I didn't expect that I was at the scene of the crime when Justin had an accident, did you?"

Harry nodded embarrassingly. This is called impermanence. Even if he was killed, he would never have thought that all the coincidences came from the harmless looking dragon cub in cat skin squatting next to Aaron.

"Oh!" Aaron sighed a long time, and said with emotion: "Actually, it's not that I can't understand you, and I can accept your actions, but I feel very uncomfortable.

I have always regarded you as friends, but now it seems that I may be wishful thinking. "

Aaron looked at the three of them in disappointment, and was very glad that the Sorting Hat had sorted him into Slytherin. If it was in Gryffindor, it would have broken his heart.

"Actually, this is just a misunderstanding." Ron smoothed things out with a smile, "Our apology is also considered sincere, why don't you forgive us again?"

"Hehe!" Aaron curled his lips in disdain, "You really have a thick skin, neither of them are embarrassed to say that."

Ron turned his head to look at Harry and Hermione, one bowed his head in silence, the other was about to cry, and swallowed in embarrassment.

"Forgiveness is a bit more difficult." Hermione summoned up her courage and looked directly into Aaron's eyes, "But something has happened, you have to give us a chance to make amends!

Everyone's goal is to find the real culprit behind the scenes, and you can relax with the help of the three of us. "

"No need." Aaron refused unceremoniously, "It's good if you don't hold me back."

"But we already know all your plans..."

"Hey! Correction, not all.

There are some things you don't know yet, like who the heir was 50 years ago, maybe the last location of the Chamber of Secrets. "

"What about the Gryffindor common room!" Hermione said, "You can't check this place!"

"And my sister." Ron added immediately, "I won't let other people investigate her, let alone let Malfoy carry out your plan."

Hearing this, Aaron's expression darkened instantly, "What do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

"No, you must not misunderstand." Harry said hastily, and at the same time he did not forget to wink at the two: we are here to ask for forgiveness, not to bargain.

Ron smiled mischievously, "Sorry."

Hermione gritted her teeth, turning a deaf ear to Harry's wink.

She knew what Harry meant, but she knew even more what Aaron was like.

No matter how high-sounding the explanation of what they did, it can't change the essence of deceit. It is completely impossible to ask the other party to forgive them with just a few words.

"It's not coercion, it's cooperation.

You need help, and we can and hope to help you. "

Aaron took a deep breath and tapped a few fingers on the table, making a clicking sound.

The three of them were silent without saying a word, quietly waiting for Aaron's response.

Half a minute later, he stopped tapping and said meaningfully: "Believe it or not, even without your help, I can find the real culprit behind the scenes."

Hearing this, Harry and Ron's hearts sank slightly, but Hermione was relieved, she didn't directly refuse but there was something to talk about.

"But with our help, you can find the heir of Slytherin faster."

"That's true."

Aaron couldn't deny it, he had absolute confidence in his own character, but the image of Slytherin was already shattered in the hearts of the students in the three colleges.

Even if he could enter the common room of the other three academies, he would definitely be tied up in the investigation.

"Cooperation is fine, but I have a few conditions."

"You said."

"First of all, you must not reveal my plans to anyone, not even a little bit."

"No problem, we agree." Harry said immediately, they still knew the importance, and no one could believe it until they found the heir of Slytherin, not even Dumbledore.

"Secondly, you can't substitute your personal feelings during the investigation." Aaron said and gave Ron a meaningful look.

"Ginny, she..." Ron was about to say something but was stared back by two sharp eyes, and immediately changed his words: "Got it, I will do business."

Aaron nodded in satisfaction, "Also, you have to tell me what you found, but I won't tell you any clues."

Harry hesitated, it seemed unfair to them.

"Okay." Hermione said, but looked at Harry's puzzled eyes and rolled her eyes speechlessly, "There's nothing to hesitate, we've still made money."

Harry froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

They spent the same amount of time investigating as Aaron, but what they found was simply incomparable.

But they almost synchronized with Aaron's progress last night, which can be said to be standing on the shoulders of giants. There is nothing dissatisfied with this.

"Finally, return the Christmas presents I gave you.

That's for friends, you don't count now. Aaron said indifferently, "Cooperation doesn't mean I will forgive you."

I gave you a chance last year, but it was you who didn't cherish it. "

The three nodded with shame on their faces, and put the three gift boxes on the table.

"Wow, thank you for not opening them, so the memory may be more profound." Aaron said meaningfully, and then slowly opened the first box, which contained a lottery ticket.

"Take this to the Magic Broom Shop and you can upgrade your Nimbus 2000 to the latest model.

Personally, I prefer a fair game. Although Flint will definitely scold me to death if he finds out, but thanks to your performance last night, I don't have to be scolded. "


Aaron tore up the ticket and threw it in the trash.

Harry forced a smile, but his heart was bleeding with pain.

The Seeker's equipment can determine the outcome of a game in a certain sense, and he seems to have seen the trophy for the next semester fly away from his hand with wings.

Ron patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him in a deep voice: "It's okay, even if you don't have a new broom, you are still the best Seeker."

"Thank you!"

"This is yours." Aaron sent a gift box to Ron, "Why don't you open it and have a look."

Ron gave a far-fetched smile, and nervously opened the box.

A brand new brown wand lay in its box, as if welcoming its new owner.

"My uncle is a professional wand maker, and he can clearly remember every wand sold." Aaron explained, "He adjusted this wand to your father's size.

How is it? Are you satisfied? "

"Satisfied." The corners of Ron's eyes twitched slightly, and he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

What's the use of being satisfied, no matter how good something is, it's not his.


The wand was broken in half, more completely broken than the one in Ron's hand.


Harry and Hermione couldn't bear to turn their faces away, killing people!Just now they seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

Harry walked up to Ron, seeing that he wanted to cry but couldn't cry, and comforted him, "With your talent, even an old wand..."

Halfway through, Harry couldn't make it up either.

Ron knew everything about the wand that Ron was using now. The simplest levitation spell had the effect of blasting.

At this time, a good wand is more critical than helping him in a timely manner.

"It's okay, just pretend nothing happened."

Ron's eyes were red, and he choked up a wordless sob once or twice, trying not to look at the wand that was broken in two, crying in his heart, what did I miss.

"Next, it should be me!" Hermione couldn't help trembling slightly as she looked at the last gift box, "I guess there is a book in it."

"I appreciate your intelligence." Aaron smiled and pointed at the gift box with his magic wand. The ribbon on it loosened automatically, and a book with a dark blue cover that was not heavy but full of vicissitudes flew into his hand.

"The writings of a great magician, with his notes and autograph.

To be honest, I personally think that Lockhart is a clown, and I just want to give you a book with more practical value. This is real knowledge.

By the way, you also know the author of this book, Nicole Flamel. "

Hermione staggered and nearly fell to the ground, empathizing with Harry and Ron.

"You're not going to tear it up, are you?"

"Of course not. Although I have memorized everything above, Flamel's notes are [-] times more precious than those of Lockhart's autobiography, and they are enough to make countless wizards flock to them." Aaron said as he rolled up the book, rudely stuffed it into Abe's pocket, and Hermione was worried when she saw it.

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione with pity. What they lost was only material things. Although they were distressed, they could barely accept it, but she was passing away with spiritual wealth. There is nothing more cruel to a schoolmaster than this.

"I have said everything that needs to be said, and I have also taken back what should be taken back." Aaron said and stretched out his right hand, "It's such a pleasant cooperation."

The three smiled wryly and shook hands with him. Although their hearts were broken, they were not completely fruitless. With this foundation of cooperation, at least they would not be regarded as enemies by him when they met Aaron in the future.

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