Bilbo got up exhausted, regretting that he was in the same group as Gloin.

The snoring was so loud that it was difficult for him to fall asleep.

He quietly walked up to his pony, and took out a fruit from his pocket, "Come on, Xiao Tao, this is a secret between us."

Just as the hobbit was feeding the mount, a strange sound came from afar.

"what is that?"

"Orcs," said Kili.


Aaron stood up immediately, looking around vigilantly.

Bilbo also retreated into the line in panic. He had never seen a half-orc in his life, but whether it was books or the records left by Old Took, they all told of the cruelty of the half-orc.

"Throat slitters, at least dozens of people." Feili took a sip of his cigarette, "There are everywhere in the wild, attack when everyone is sleeping in the middle of the night."

"Quick and accurate, silent, leaving only bloodstains." Qili added, with a dignified expression, but seemed indifferent.

"If what you said is true... then we're probably in big trouble." Aaron swallowed, and pointed to the other side of the cliff separated by an abyss, "Dozens of throat slitters are there."

"Are you kidding me?" Fili didn't take it seriously, "It's late at night, and there is a foggy area separated by hundreds of meters, can you see the other side?"

"It's difficult to see clearly, but my eyesight is several times that of ordinary people." Aaron said seriously, "There are indeed some tall shadows on the opposite side."

Fili and Kili looked at each other and smiled, tacitly thinking that Aaron was hallucinated by being frightened.

"Okay, okay, we trust you."

"No, what I said is true, can you be serious."

"We're serious."

"Is it funny?" Thorin asked coldly, "Do you think the orc's night attack is a joke?"

"We didn't mean that." Keili lowered his head guiltily.

"Yes, you know nothing about the world."

"Never mind, little brother." Balin came forward, "Thorin hated Orcs for good reason.

After the dragon took over the Lonely Mountain, King Thor tried to retake the dwarven kingdom of Moria, but the enemy arrived first.

Moria has fallen to hosts, led by the most terrifying of Orcs, Ahsog the Destroyer.

The gigantic gondaba orc swore to sever Turin's bloodline, and he decided to begin by beheading the king.

Thorn, that is, Thorin's father, was mad with grief. He disappeared, whether he was killed or captured.

We are leaderless, defeated, and surrounded by death. "

Balin's face was stunned, and everyone looked at Sorin with his back facing them. Even Groin, who was dead asleep, opened his eyes.

The grandfather was beheaded by the orcs, the father disappeared in the war, and the people were killed and injured in the battle with the orcs.

If the evil dragon is a doomed natural disaster, then the half-orc is a real family enmity and national hatred.

"That's when I saw him." A smile appeared on Balin's face, "The young dwarf prince fought to the death with the pale orc, facing the terrifying enemy alone."

"It's hard!" Aaron couldn't help asking.

"He wears cracked armor and picks up oak branches to ward off attacks."

"That's why he's called Oakenshield?"

"Yes." Balin nodded, "Asog the Destroyer was cut off with an arm, he learned that day that Turin's bloodline will not be cut off easily.

We rallied, repelled the orcs, and defeated the enemy.

But there was no celebratory banquet or singing that night, because there were so many dead and wounded, it was sad, and we were the only survivors.

I thought to myself then, I would follow the man, I would, call him king. "

After the words fell, all the dwarves stood up solemnly. At this moment, their respect for Thorin reached its peak.

"I have a question, is Asog dead or not?"

"He rolled back to his cave, and died of his wounds long ago." Thorin said, walking slowly.

Aaron:  …

Dude, this Flag is not up to date!

"That means you haven't determined his death, and Asog may still be alive."

"Impossible." Thorin snapped. "He was carried away by orcs in Moria, and he didn't even have a chance to stop the bleeding."

"Uh..." Aaron hesitated for a while, "You may not be very happy when I say this, but things often develop in the opposite direction to what you think is not good. My personal suggestion is that you'd better treat him as alive .”

"Heh!" Thorin sneered, and walked up to Aaron, "If he is not dead, then I will defeat him again and cut off his head with my own hands."

Chapter 237 Troll?higher level trolls

Heavy rain poured down and the road became extremely muddy.

Xiao Ma's actions slowed down, and the expedition team was particularly embarrassed by the drench.

"Mr Gandalf, will you take care of the waters?" said Dori.

"A little bit of wisdom, okay?" Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, "If he had this ability, we wouldn't have been drenched for more than three hours."

Gandalf shrugged, "If you want to change the weather, you have to find other wizards."

"Any other wizards?" Bilbo asked curiously.

"There are five in total. The white-robed wizard Saruman has the highest status, and there are two blue-robed wizards, but I forgot their names."

"And who is the fifth?"

"It's Redagast, the brown-robed wizard."

"Is he great? Or is he like you?"

"I think he is a maverick wizard with a gentle personality who prefers the company of forest animals."

"Ha, this reminds me of one of my...friends." The image of Hagrid suddenly appeared in Aaron's mind, but he was more flamboyant and liked to be with huge, furry creatures, such as Three-headed dog, eight-eyed giant spider.

"The brown wizard oversees the great forest to the east, and it is good to have him, for evil is always looking for a foothold."

"Then what magic are you good at, Gandalf?" Aaron asked.

"Me?" Gandalf smacked the cigarette holder, a hazy white halo flashed on the wand, "I can hardly be regarded as a bright magician."

Feeling the holiness and purity of the light, Aaron thought thoughtfully, "Perhaps you should change into white clothes, white is worthy of your magic."

"That's impossible, I can't compare to Saruman." Gandalf shook his head indifferently, "Only when the magic power reaches that level, can he be promoted to a white-robed wizard."

"However, Gaius, I'm more curious about what kind of magic you are good at?"

Aaron laughed, and then took out the 'ancestral wand', "Look at my wand, and compare it with yours, and you will know that I know nothing."

"But you don't look like you know nothing." Gandalf raised his eyebrows at Aaron, "The wizard's intuition is sometimes very accurate."

"How can I tell you to believe it?" Aaron said a little tiredly.

This is an old bastard who has lived for an unknown amount of time, and it is probably impossible to hide it from him.

But how long you can hide it is how long you can hide it, and how deep you can hide it.

It's okay to expose a little bit of strength, but if he reveals all his strength, Gandalf may arrange some extra tasks for him, such as powerful enemies, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Judging from the fact that he entertained the dwarves in Bilbo's Bag End, it is not impossible for him to do this kind of harm to others.

"I won't believe what you say." Gandalf smiled like an old fox. "There is nothing more worth looking forward to than the appearance of the sixth wizard."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, "Think whatever you want!"

"By the way, I would like to ask, do wizards have enemies?"

"This..." Gandalf hesitated for a while, "It's not for you, a child, to know about this kind of thing."

"That's it." Aaron sighed. Originally, he thought that there were only a few wizards in this world, and the threat to him was not that great.

As long as you stay steady and there are no waves, it is a certainty that you will return home safely.

But now he has a few more minds, wizards are not without enemies, and even Dumbledore card wizards like Gandalf feel tricky.

Hearing Aaron's sigh, Gandalf thought he was afraid, and immediately comforted him: "You don't have to worry about anything, wizards also have allies.

Humans, elves, dwarves, and hobbits all make wizards allies. "

Hearing this, Aaron didn't feel the slightest sense of relief, on the contrary, he felt a lot of pressure.

"Gandalf, you are a comforter.

I originally thought that there were only a few enemies of the wizard, but now it seems that I was wrong. The enemies are at least equal to the alliance of these forces. "

Gandalf:  …

"There's no need to think so much," said Bilbo indifferently. "That kind of thing is far away from us!"


One word awakens the dreamer! "Aaron suddenly realized that he is now a little man with little reputation, as long as he continues to keep a low profile, he will not be taken seriously by those so-called enemies.


The expedition reached a plain.

Thorin stopped in front of a dilapidated hut.

"We're camping here tonight.

Fili, Kili, you take care of the ponies and stay with them.

Ou Yin, Glo Yin, you are in charge of lighting the fire. "

Gandalf walked into the hut, and murmured inexplicably, "There used to be a farmer's family living here."

"I think it best to go on," suggested Gandalf to Thorin, "and go on to the Vale."

"I told you I wouldn't go near that place."

"Is there anything in that place?" Aaron asked.

Thorin paused for a moment, then said coldly: "The guy who disgusts me."

"But the elves will help us, and we can get room and board and advice."

"I don't need their advice."

"King Elrond can help us interpret that map." Gandalf tried to persuade Thorin, but he was completely unmoved and even a little angry.

"Help us?" Thorin said disdainfully with an ugly face, "Did the elves help us when the dragon attacked Irubor?

The orcs plundered Moria and desecrated our sanctuary, while the elves looked on coldly.

You want me to beg those who betrayed my grandfather and my father. "

"You are not them, and the key and map are not given to you to remember hatred."

"You have no right to keep them," said Thorin. The map and the key had been left to him by his father, and Gandalf had only kept them.

"That... I'm sorry, let me say something fair!" Aaron took a deep breath, "Leaving aside the hatred of the country and family, some things are for your love, and it is your duty not to help you.

Thorin, Smaug attacked Irubor, the dwarves must have resisted, but what happened?

Your grandfather led an army against Moria, but what happened?

This is no small matter, and there is no reason for the elves to pay such a heavy price for the home of the dwarves. "

Gandalf nodded, "It's not rough, that's the reason."

"But they shouldn't stand on the sidelines." Thorin gritted his teeth, "I don't expect them to support weapons and armor, nor do I expect them to provide any supplies, nor do I expect them to send large troops to join the battle.

But when we were away from home, they watched from the sidelines, and that cold look in their eyes, their attitude of not doing anything about themselves was more deeply rooted in people's hearts than a fiasco.

They haven't been allies since then, at least not to me. "

"Understood." Aaron pondered, "I don't have your experience, so I'm not qualified to tell you such a big truth."

"It's good to know."

"But I still want to persuade you to move on."

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