"Maybe! But it depends on luck." Aaron said with some uncertainty, "I hope he won't use this spell!"

Chapter 413 Wizards who rely on magic wands, flashback spell

A red spark flew in mid-air, and the 5-minute countdown began.

Voldemort and Harry were more than ten meters apart. One had a grin on the corner of his mouth, his eyes glowed red, surrounded by a large group of supporters, the other's legs trembled, and he swallowed from time to time. There was no one behind him.

No matter how you look at the result of this duel, it is doomed, and Voldemort can crush Harry Potter in all aspects.

"You should have learned how to duel!" Voldemort bowed slightly, "First we have to bow to each other.

Come on, Harry, etiquette is a must, and Dumbledore doesn't want you to forget your manners, does he? "

Harry was breathing heavily and made no attempt to bow.

"I said, bow." Voldemort raised his wand slightly, Harry felt his body lost control, no matter how hard he struggled, he bent down reluctantly.

"That's much better." Voldemort sneered. "Now we duel."

"Drilling Curse!"

Before Harry could stand still, Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse hit him, causing him to die of pain. He lay on the ground and twitched, screaming violently.

"Good job, Harry.

Your parents would be proud, especially that rotten Muggle mother. "

Harry couldn't stand Voldemort mentioning his parents and, fighting the pain, cast a spell.

But before the red light reached Voldemort, he slapped it away with one hand. Not only did it not have the slightest effect, but it was also sent flying several meters away.

Harry was lying on the ground, howling in pain while looking for the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament.

The trophy was covered with mud, but he could still vaguely see its blue light, and it was at least 20 meters away from him, and there were no Death Eaters there.

But these 20 meters are like a natural moat, he dare not reveal the slightest difference, if Voldemort finds out, everything will be over.

"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter.

I'm going to destroy you, and after tonight no one will ever question my power.

After tonight, if people talk about you, they'll only talk about how you begged me to kill you.

And I, mercifully agreed to your request. "

"stand up."

With a wave of Voldemort's hand, Harry lost control of his body again and stood up from the ground.

Just as he was about to continue, Harry showed great speed and hid behind a tombstone.


A spell hit the tombstone, and Harry clearly heard the sound of the tombstone cracking.

"You mustn't turn your back on me, we're not playing hide-and-seek," said Voldemort grimly, "you'll have to watch me when I kill you, I'll watch the light disappear from your eyes.

You can't escape, Harry.

Come out, duel, without any pain... This is debatable, after all I have never tasted death. "

Harry crouched behind the tombstone, he could see the Triwizard Tournament trophy, but he was also sure that if he ran out, he would not be greeted with the Cruciatus Curse, but the Killing Curse.

But in this situation, he had nothing to do but wait to die.

Thinking of this, Harry took a deep breath, gripped his wand tightly and rushed out from behind the tombstone.

"Except your weapons!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The red and green lights collided without any surprise, and the red light retreated at an extremely fast speed.

Harry was still holding on, holding his wand tightly in both hands, squeezing every bit of strength in his body as much as possible.

Just when he thought he was going to die, the red light suddenly became extremely bright, even overwhelming Voldemort's magic power.

Seeing this, the Death Eaters such as Barty Jr. and Lucius were about to draw out their wands to help. In their view, this duel was full of unexpected factors and was not normal at all.

"Leave it alone, let me finish him," Voldemort called to the Death Eaters, "don't move without my order, he's mine."

The Death Eaters stopped in their tracks one after another, and surrounded Voldemort and Harry tacitly.

"It's triggered." Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, "Maybe he can really save his life."

"Trigger what?" Cedric asked.

"Flashback Curse." Jinns said with a meaningful smile, "The young master should have expected it a long time ago!"

"You knew they would cast this spell?" Fleur asked.

"Almost." Aaron shrugged, "After all, my uncle runs a wand shop, and he has a good memory, and he can clearly remember every wand sold.

He told me that Harry Potter and Voldemort's wands are made from the same phoenix feather, and they are brothers in wands.

The stalemate of the spells issued by the two wands is the condition for triggering the flashback spell. "

While speaking, a dazzling golden glow appeared at the intersection of red and green rays of light.

Glittering gold threads connected Harry's and Voldemort's wands and shot upwards, forming a huge domed barrier that enveloped both of them.

"He was able to draw even with the Dark Lord." Cedric looked at this scene in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This is really overthinking, I can only say that they can't do anything to each other before the connection is broken.

This is the biggest flaw of wizards in this era, relying too much on magic wands.

Even the Dark Lord needs to use a wand to better control mana. It is ironic that a great magister at the peak will be held back by a student who is not even a magister. "

"That's why you learned the magic circle?" Krum asked.

"It's all forced, but it seems worth it now, at least I won't rely on the wand." Aaron said with emotion.

Since the advent of the wand, wizards have been inseparable from it, and casting spells without a wand has even become a legend.

But it's not incomprehensible. With convenient tools, who would spend time and energy researching other things.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. Sure enough, there was a gap between people, but the gap was inevitably bigger.

"At least...Harry Potter can survive 5 minutes, right!" Fleur changed the subject.

"Five minutes wasn't a problem, but it ended up saving me a bottle of potion.

You wouldn't be so naive as to think that after disconnecting, Voldemort would let Harry Potter go! "

"Then we can only watch?" Cedric asked unwillingly.

Aaron raised his eyebrows and immediately made a gesture of invitation.

"If you want to die, go yourself, I will never stop you."

Cedric looked at the golden barrier not far away, as well as the Death Eaters surrounding him, and helplessly put down the wand in his hand. He still understood the difference between sending death and sacrificing.

"Cut!" Aaron gave him a blank look, "I told him the way to survive, it's up to him whether he can grasp it."

The tip of Voldemort's wand glowed red, and he himself groaned in pain.

A mass of silvery-white light flew out of the wand, first the human head, followed by the arms and body.

It was the image of an old man, leaning on a cane, looking in surprise at Harry and Voldemort, and the golden barrier that enveloped them.

"So... he's really a wizard." The old man looked at Voldemort. "This fellow is killing me. I can't let him go, boy."

"Who is he?" Aaron frowned slightly, "It looks like a Muggle, the majestic Dark Lord would have trouble with an old man."

"Master." Jins came over and said, "Many people disappeared during your time at Hogwarts, Bertha Jorkins, Barty Crouch, and him, Muggle - Frank Bryce.

This is the information in the Muggle newspaper, the time was last August, and the place is the village where Voldemort was born. "

"So that's it." Aaron suddenly said, "It's probably because he was unlucky enough to discover Voldemort, and then he was silenced."

At this time, another head appeared, this time it was a woman, she was as curious about the surrounding environment as the old man, and then she looked at Harry Potter, and her eyes stayed on his scar for a second.

"Hold on, Harry, don't let him hurt you."

"This is Bertha Jorkins, the missing witch that the Ministry of Magic has been looking for," Jins introduced.

"Good guy, they were all killed by Voldemort, and there will be no more Barty Crouch!

No, probably not, Barty Crouch was killed at Hogwarts, and Voldemort hadn't been resurrected at that time! "

Another head emerged from the tip of Voldemort's wand, Harry's hands trembled visibly, and Voldemort's face was full of resentment.

"Lily Potter." Aaron said with wide-eyed eyes. He had seen photos of Harry's parents, and he was quite impressed with the woman who cast the blood protection spell.

"Your dad is here too, he wants to see you, he'll be fine, hold on." Lily said to Harry.

"That's his...mother." Furong looked complicated.

"Hmm!" Aaron nodded, "No accident, his father will be next.

This is really interesting. Harry dreamed of seeing his parents again, but he didn't expect that the person who fulfilled his wish was Voldemort who ruined his family.

These ghosts are enough to buy him some time, and the chance of survival directly increases by [-]%!

Having said that, the three of you should thank me very much, otherwise you will also be one of the ghosts. "

The three looked at each other and nodded in disbelief.

A moment later, Harry's father, James Potter, also flew from the tip of his wand.

He and Lily stood on Harry's left and right sides, "Harry, when this connection is broken, you'll have to get the Portkey.

We can only stay for a while to buy you time, understand? "

Harry nodded earnestly, his wand became more and more difficult to control, but looking at his parents, he held on to it tightly and did not let go.

"Break off! Baby, you're ready," Lily said. "Break off, break off."

Harry growled and jerked his wand upwards vigorously.

The golden wire was disconnected, and the barrier disappeared.

The ghosts of those killed by Voldemort crashed into Voldemort, blocking his vision.

Harry ran as fast as he could in his life, and knocked away two Death Eaters. One of them flew down in a patch of dirt, and his right hand happened to touch the trophy emitting blue light.

Chapter 414 The request of the savior, concealing part of the truth


Colored lights flashed, and Harry disappeared along with the Triwizard Tournament trophy.

"Do not."

Voldemort raised his head to the sky and roared, the duck that was baked so well wrapped in his mouth could fly, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

"It's over." Aaron took a deep breath, "Let's go."

A group of Death Eaters immediately surrounded him, each with a cold look on their faces, but none of them directly made a move.

"Ah!" Jinnes sighed deeply, and said sarcastically, "The Dark Lord may not keep his promise, but the descendants of Salazar Slytherin must have some grace!"

"Let them go." Voldemort asked through gritted teeth.

"But..." Barty Crouch Jr. showed embarrassment.

"I say, let them go," Voldemort said emphatically, "I mean what I say."

The Death Eaters dispersed to make way.

Jins smiled slightly, turned around and gave a simple salute to Voldemort, and then apparated with six other guards, Aaron, Cedric and others.

Hogsmeade village.

The 11 people landed steadily and appeared in an open space outside the village.

Looking at the familiar streets and shops, Cedric and others were sure that they were finally out of danger.

"Hogwarts is inconvenient for apparation, the words here are just right." Jins said, then looked at his hand, "The mission is completed, you can go back."

"Wait." Aaron said, "At least introduce me!

It's been more than ten years, and I haven't even recognized everyone, which is somewhat unreasonable! "

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