The boat docked on the shore, and Chuan Bujin dropped the anchor, kicked it hard twice, and buried it in the ground.

Aaron followed Peter, Edmund, and Susan to pull the wooden boat to the shore.

Lucy saw a black bear not far away and approached it with interest. In her perception, the residents of Narnia are still as hospitable as they were hundreds of years ago.

"Hello there!"


The black bear let out a low growl, then stood up.

"It's okay, we are your friends."

"Is there something wrong with your sister's brain?" Aaron gasped, "I thought she was quite reliable, but now it seems to be my illusion."

"Don't move, Your Majesty." Chumbkin said hastily, and Lucy subconsciously stood where she was.

At this time, the sound of footsteps reached her ears, and Lucy turned her head to see that the black bear was rushing towards her, which scared her and ran back immediately.

Susan immediately raised her bow and set an arrow, warning: "Stay away from her."

The black bear was unmoved, and Lucy also fell to the ground at this time, screaming in panic as she faced the bloody mouth.


"Shoot the arrow quickly, Susan." Edmund and Peter rushed towards the black bear with their swords in hand, but they were 30 meters away, and they didn't know whether they could catch up with them.


Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Peter and Edmund, who were running wildly, stopped in a daze, Susan put down the bow and arrow in her hand in a daze, Chumpkin sat on the ground dumbfounded, and Lucy's screaming stopped abruptly.

The black bear cried out in pain and fell to the ground. There was a transparent hole in its head. From the forehead to the back of the skull, blood kept pouring out of the hole, staining the ground red.

But no one cared about it. Everyone turned their eyes to Aaron, and there was a trace of tension in their eyes besides astonishment.


Aaron pretended to blow the muzzle of the revolver.

"What are you looking at me for?

Although I'm pretty handsome, it's embarrassing to have so many eyes looking at me. "

"You, you, you actually have a gun?" Edmond swallowed.

Yaren spread his hands as he should, and smiled meaningfully: "Why do you think I returned the weapons to you so happily?

Although it is a little inappropriate to say this, I dare not go outside without a weapon near me in a strange and dangerous place. "

"But this is too bullying." Susan said with a speechless face, "We only use bows and arrows, and the better ones are crossbows. How dare you use hot weapons?"

"Blame me?"

"What is your identity in the human world?" Peter asked solemnly.

There are still many places in their world where wars are going on, and now suddenly there is a young man with a gun, it is fine to kill a black bear so lightly, but the bullet was right between the eyebrows, this marksmanship can't help him not to think too much .

An officer's son?Princes and nobles?Or a killer cultivated by a certain force?

"Uh... don't get me wrong, I have no status, I'm just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people don't have guns, and they don't have this kind of marksmanship." Peter said seriously, "I'm afraid they can't do it without strict training!"

"I admire your thinking, but there is such a kind of person in this world called a genius.

And I happen to be, I was super fast in everything from childhood to college, and shooting is the same. "

"Genius?" Peter looked at him thoughtfully, suspiciously, "Can you tell me how you got your gun?"

"Ancestral." Aaron responded without blushing and panting.

"Please, be perfunctory and be serious!" Edmond's mouth twitched slightly, "We don't have much research on firearms, but this is the first time I've seen such a beautiful and exquisite gun, which is countless times taller than the guns of the guards at the railway station. .”

"Have a vision, this gun is black and matte as a whole, the grip is also ergonomic, the gun is [-] cm long, the barrel is [-] cm long, the empty weight is [-] grams, the hammer is exposed, and there are carefully carved Pattern, I named it Mu..."

"Wait, no one asked you that." Susan interrupted, "We just want to know where you got such a beautiful gun.

You can rest assured that no matter what your identity is, we will take you back. "

"But this gun really belongs to my ancestors!"

"Don't be kidding." Peter said, "Your gun is much more advanced than ordinary firearms, and the time passed down from your ancestors doesn't match at all."

Aaron sighed tiredly, "An elder in my family is very old and of high seniority... He has a talent far beyond ordinary people in designing weapons. This is one of his few top talents. work.

He passed the gun on to the youngest in the family, me.

Now that he is no longer alive, you are satisfied! "

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they accidentally poked each other's sad things.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean it." Lucy said guiltily.

"Sorry." Peter apologized sincerely.

"Huh!" Aaron snorted dissatisfiedly. What he said was absolutely the truth. Alger was indeed dead, and he was indeed the one who passed this gun to him. As for how these people understood it, he didn't care. .

"Your luck is really...enviable!" Edmund said emotionally, "We didn't have much equipment when we first came to Narnia.

can i see your gunI've never touched one so big. "

"Do you think it's possible?" Aaron sneered, "This gun is what I need to survive in this world."

"Okay! So... how many bullets do you have?"

Aaron pushed the wheel out and pretended to eject the bullets one by one, "One, two, three, four, five...

Five bullets, just enough. "


What do you mean?What is just enough?

Are these five bullets for the five of us?

"Are you sure it's just five bullets?" Peter asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense." Aaron gave him a blank look, "I only carry a gun for self-defense, not for war. Why do you prepare so many bullets?"

"It's true, it's true!"

"Why didn't he stop?" Susan stepped forward and looked at the dead black bear with a hint of puzzlement in her eyes.

"Why did he stop?" Aaron asked back. "It's a bear. He walked up to lunch and you made him pretend he didn't see anything."

"No, I mean he might be a Narnian.

Narnians who are intelligent, talkative, and will not attack humans easily. "

"With all due respect, I don't see him being wise at all, he's more like a wild bear."

"I don't think he can talk either," Peter chimed in.

Chuan Bujin's expression was complicated, and his voice could not hear any emotion, "Being treated as a stupid animal for too long, you will become stupid too.

You will find Narnia wilder than ever. "

Chapter 430 Into the Big Brother's Sight, Prince Caspian's Pie

Peter led the way, leading the others through the tangle of woods and eventually into a dead end.

Looking at the road ahead blocked by stones, Aaron couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue, "It turns out that it's not just my sister who is unreliable, but my brother is also the same."

"I'm not lost."

"Then please explain what's going on with the wall in front?" Aaron rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me that you have a map of Narnia hundreds of years ago in your mind."

"It was a year ago." Peter said pretending to be calm, but seeing Aaron's suspicious eyes, he soon couldn't hold on, "It was hundreds of years ago, but the approximate location must be correct.

You parted from Caspian at Shiverwood, and the quickest way to get there is across the Rosh River. "

"Uh... I don't know the names of these places, I only know that this place is definitely not the Luoxu River.

Also, I must remind you that I want to go home and not go to war with you.

Did you agree to go back through the closet?Are you sure you didn't take me in the opposite direction? "

Peter hesitated for a while, and said frankly: "We are short on time now, and the battles are over."

"You mean... I still have to wait until you finish this battle."

Peter nodded awkwardly, without denying it.

Aaron:  …

Now that I regret it, those equipment should not come back.

After taking several deep breaths in a row, Aaron suppressed his irritability, "King Peter, majestic and actually tricked me into lying to a 15-year-old boy, won't your conscience ache?"

The undisguised sarcasm and ridicule made Peter's face flush slightly, "I said I would take you there, but I didn't say when."

"Playing a rogue?" Aaron snorted coldly, "Forget it, tell me the right direction, we will meet later."

Peter was stunned speechless, and after a few seconds of silence, he pointed in a direction.

"Go straight ahead, if nothing unexpected happens..."

"If nothing else, you'll see a magnificent castle," Chumpkin put in. "The Tammorian's castle is in that direction."


Aaron patted his forehead, "Does that mean the way I go home is in the enemy-occupied area?"

"It's just possible." Chumbkin continued to make up the knife, "I'm sure the Tammorians didn't find any secret passages there."

"Actually, even if there are no Tamo people, the opening time of the channel is still uncertain.

We also looked for it during our rule of Narnia, but couldn't find it, and then it appeared when we didn't want to look for it. "Susan said unhurriedly, pouring a pot of boiling water on Aaron's broken heart.

"I'm unlucky enough." Aaron was depressed, and there was a trace of grief in his voice, "I just want to find a place of refuge. Why is it so difficult?"

"After Narnia regains peace, you can definitely go home." Lucy said seriously, "Susan's horn called us back to save Narnia, I think we will go back to school after completing this task of."

"Thank you for the comfort." Aaron waved his hand weakly, but the next moment he seemed to think of something, "You just said... to complete the task?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Aaron didn't answer, but silently opened his task panel in his heart.

[Save Narnia;

1000 magic points are rewarded for completing the task, and there is no penalty for failing the task. Do you accept it? 】

As expected, Aaron decisively chose to accept.

This task is not difficult for him, but it is very complicated.

There are countless ways to save Narnia. The easiest and most efficient way is to cast magic on the castle of the Tammorians. With his current level of magic power, the Shrine of God can definitely cover that castle. Do not stay.

Without enemies, Narnia naturally has no threat.

But this kind of thinking is a bit unrealistic. After all, he is not the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. It is really impossible to massacre the city.

Aaron thought for a while, glanced at the two men and two women, and sighed deeply, "We have the same goal now, let's find Caspian first."

"Let's take a detour!" Peter shrugged, "I still remember a shorter road."

Aaron hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Trumpkin.

Compared with the inexplicably confident Peter, he felt that the locals were more reliable.

"Hello! What do you mean?"

"Obviously, Peter," laughed Susan, "I also think we should have listened to him in the first place.

Trumpkin, do you know the correct route? "

"There are shoals near Belluna, we can dive there."

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, "Actually, King Peter will not always be unreliable, will he?"

"Come with me!" Peter puffed up his chest, "at least the path I choose doesn't require diving."

Everyone looked at each other and silently followed behind Peter.

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