"He was here in my dream."

"Uh... There are some differences between dreams and reality." Aaron said speechlessly, "I believe in his existence, and I also believe that you will not lie to me, but you can't guarantee that he will still be there after entrusting you with the dream." The same place is waiting for you."

Lucy was speechless, when a low roar suddenly came from not far away.

"Aslan." Lucy was overjoyed, thinking that Aslan was there.

"Don't go yet." Aaron hurriedly stopped her, "It may not be Aslan, there are no shortage of wild animals in the forest, don't forget the black bear."

Lucy calmed down, and poked her head out cautiously.

Seeing a man-ox patrolling with a huge axe, she was so frightened that she immediately retracted her head.

"Is that a human cow?" Aaron became interested. Although the human cow is smaller than the giant monster, its combat power should not be weaker than the giant monster.

"Shh!" Lucy made a silent gesture and said in a low voice, "He is an enemy. Hundreds of years ago, that family worked for the White Witch."

"You also said that it was hundreds of years ago." Aaron waved his hand, "Now Narnia cannot withstand internal conflicts, and the key is to unite and work together with the outside world."

"You mean they're now..."

Before Lucy finished speaking, a figure rushed past the two of them, it was her eldest brother Peter.

"Wait, Peter." Lucy called hastily.

Peter paused, and stopped in confusion.

But the next moment, Caspian rushed out from one side, and fought Peter together without saying a word.

The long swords collided, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The strength of the two is evenly matched, but each thinks that the other is an enemy, and they don't hold back at all.

Peter's swordsmanship was a little stronger, and he knocked down the long sword in Caspian's hand in a few strokes, but when he wanted to chop horizontally, he couldn't draw it out when he cut it on a tree.

Caspian made a quick decision, kicked him away, turned around and took hold of Peter's sword, trying to draw it out.

Peter got up from the ground, picked up a brick and was about to hit Caspian on the back of the head.

"Don't." Lucy jumped out from behind the grass, "Don't hit me."

The two stopped their movements at the same time, and at the same time, various Narnians also surrounded them.

"It's a pity." Aaron shook his head regretfully, "Although their swordsmanship is a bit inferior, it's still quite interesting to fight.

You have a small medicine bottle, and it's not too late to save them when both sides are hurting. "

"Stop gloating." Lucy glared at him dissatisfied.

Susan, Edmund, and Chumbkin also rushed over. They looked at the two people surrounded by Narnia, but they didn't understand why.

Peter has already realized that there seems to be only one Tammorian who can treat the Narnians friendly.

"Prince Caspian?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"King Peter, I believe it was you who sounded the horn."

"Yes, but I thought you would be older." Caspian was a little disappointed. He knew the legends of these four kings, but he didn't expect to call the young version of the king instead of the grown-up ones.

Peter's face froze slightly, "If you want, we can come back a few years later."

"No, no, it's okay, it's just that you're not what I think you are."

"This is called life is impermanent, from a prince to a fugitive overnight, you should understand this." Aaron said meaningfully.

"Of course I understand." Caspian said speechlessly. "Wait, why are you back? Aren't you going to stay away from the war?"

"Ah!" Aaron let out a deep sigh, "The justice and kindness in my heart do not allow me to be a deserter.

Now that I'm here, I have to try it, and I will feel guilty if I ignore it. "

Caspian gave him a serious look, "You don't need to get involved, it seems that you are much nobler than I thought, and you are also more responsible."

"Thank you for the compliment, I can barely accept your evaluation."

The other people couldn't help but tremble when they heard this.

Good guy, really long experience.

Others don't know, but they know quite well.

At the beginning, all Aaron wanted was to go home. The reason why he joined was helpless. It had nothing to do with the sense of justice and responsibility, but he was able to speak so confidently.

Chapter 432 Disagreements of opinion, act first

"We look forward to your return, my lord." A mouse jumped up to Peter and bowed respectfully. "We serve you wholeheartedly."

"God, he's so cute." Lucy couldn't help but speak out.

"Who said that?" The mouse drew out his sword angrily, as if he was very disgusted with the word cute.

"I'm sorry." Lucy apologized embarrassedly.

When the mouse saw that it was the Queen of Ancient Narnia, his attitude changed immediately, and he bowed politely, "Your Majesty, please listen to me.

I believe 'brave', 'polite', or 'chivalrous' would be more appropriate for a Narnia knight. "

"At least we know that some of you are good at swordsmanship." Peter said half-jokingly.

"Yes, I have made better use of my skills recently to obtain weapons for your army."

"Very well, because we need every sword."

"Then you may want yours back," said Caspian, and handed back Peter's sword.

"May I ask, are those the weapons you are talking about?" Aaron pointed to a centaur with a large bag of iron swords on his left and right sides.

"That's it." The mouse said proudly, "Just last night, I took a few brothers and secretly took away enough weapons and armor from the Tamo people to use for two legions, and I also sent a greeting by the way."

"Two legions?" Aaron frowned slightly, "Isn't it all?"

"Thousands of sets of equipment are enough for us to use."

"Yeah!" Aaron gave him a peaceful smile, "If Miraz could turn his head a little, he'd be able to roughly count the Narnians, no, the number of Narnian warriors to be exact. "

Hearing this, the mouse turned pale in shock, "This...sorry, I really didn't consider this, Your Majesty."

"It doesn't matter." Peter shook his head lightly, comforting: "Whether they know our number or not, they will overwhelm the border, and this tough battle will eventually be fought.

Besides, we have more than two legions. "


Armed with weapons, Narnia's army barely took shape.

Caspian led the group to a bunker, which served as a temporary fortification.

The men and horses raised their long swords and lined up in two rows, forming a guard of honor to welcome the king and queen to enter, and the rest followed closely behind.

The Narnians non-stop remelted the stolen standard weapons and armor into equipment that fit their own size to deal with the next war.

"It may not be what it used to be here, but it's all right for defense," said Caspian.

"Not bad, how do you know about such a place?" Aaron asked curiously.

"This is not a forest, there is nothing you can't come to.

My teacher was very obsessed with Narnia culture and found this ruin by chance. "

"Peter, you might want to see this." Susan said, pointing to the wall.

Peter walked over, picked up a torch, and saw the murals on the wall by the light of the fire.

These murals record their stories, from their arrival in Narnia, to the battle on the lions, and finally to the throne at Cair Paravel Palace.

"Is this Aslan?" Aaron pointed to the lion on the wall and said, "It looks like an ordinary lion."

"Bigger," said Lucy. "We're a year older, and he's grown a lot too."

"What is this place?" asked Susan, looking at Caspian.

"You don't know?" Caspian asked in surprise, but after thinking about it, it was normal. After all, hundreds of years had passed, and this bunker might have been built after they left Narnia.

He led the way with a torch, passed through a tunnel, and stopped in a hall.

The torch stretched out to the groove on the wall, and the flame ignited the lamp oil, lighting up the whole hall.

Only then did a few people see the environment of the hall clearly. There was no magnificent decoration. There was a broken stone platform in the center and a mural of a male lion on the front.

Lucy stroked the stone platform, as if she understood something, she turned to look at the others, "He must know all this."

"Aslan?" Aaron thought thoughtfully, "He's not going to help us, is he?"

"The same thing won't happen a second time." Lucy murmured, with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"That's not necessarily the case." Aaron shrugged, "There is such a saying in the Bible, what has been done will be done again, and what has been done will be done again."

"You still understand this?" Susan asked.

"I don't know much about the Bible, but my ancestors agreed with it.

What they agree with are generally wise words. "

Peter looked at the mural of the lion, pondered for a few seconds and said seriously: "I think everything depends on ourselves."

The half-goat who was guarding outside found the patrolling Tanmo soldiers, and he reported the situation to several kings immediately.

Peter called the representatives of the various races of Narnia to the main hall, and satyrs, centaurs, bulls, dwarves, and talking animals sat around the steps to form a temporary meeting.

"Soon, Miraz's army and weapons will arrive, which means that these people will not be able to defend their castle," Peter said.

"What are you going to do, Sire?" asked the Mouse.

"It's better to strike first." Aaron snapped his fingers, "I support this."

"That's ridiculous. No one ever took that castle," said Caspian hastily.

"There's a first time for everything," Peter said.

"They must not have expected it," Chumpkin agreed. "We can be surprised."

"But we have an advantage here."

"As long as we are well prepared, we may be able to hold here." Susan supported Caspian's opinion.

"Maybe?" Aaron smacked his lips, "That's a good and appropriate word.

But I would venture to ask, can we hold it once, but can we hold it twice, three times?

The number of soldiers of the Tammores is several times that of the Narnias, and there is a kingdom as a supply station. They can lose many times, but the Narnias cannot afford to lose even once.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion, just listen to it, don't take it too seriously. "

"I appreciate all you do," said Peter to Caspian, "but this is not a bunker, this is a tomb."

"Yes," said Edmund. "If they're clever, the Tammorians can trap us until we starve."

"We can store nuts." The squirrel said without thinking.

"You can also throw Tammorians." The mouse said speechlessly, "Your Majesty, I want you to know that I am on your side."

"Shut up, you two cuties." Aaron rolled his eyes, "Don't say such ridiculous things."

"Who is cute." The mouse immediately pulled out his sword and pointed at Aaron viciously.

Aaron raised his eyebrows, moved slowly, and stood behind Lucy.

The mouse's breath suddenly became more rapid, "Don't hide behind our queen if you can, stand up and challenge me one-on-one."

"Forget it, Reepicheep." Badger shook his head, "You can't beat him, he subdued Nikabri with two moves."

"Troff, I'm not a dwarf."

"But it's only about the same as me." Nikabri said disdainfully, "You are not his opponent in a one-on-one match."

Peter looked at the leader of the centaur, "If I help you sneak in, can your people solve the guard?"

"Swear to the death to complete the task, Your Majesty."

"Generally, people who say such things are prepared to die." Aaron said with emotion, "Is it a narrow escape?"

The leader of the centaur slowly lowered his head, acquiescing to Aaron's words.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Lucy said lightly, "You look like you have only two choices, die here or die there."

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