Aaron looked at Caspian, "You have hollowed out a field in front of the bunker to deal with the Tammorian cavalry."

"That's why we can't abandon this fortress," Caspian explained patiently, "It's hard for us to fight against large groups of infantry on the plains, and this fortress will give us an advantage in terrain.

A fight to the death would be the only option, but your gun can destroy catapults and heavy crossbows, which means they can't take down the fort so easily.

In a hand-to-hand battle in the bunker, we may not have no chance of winning. "

"Superficial." Aaron curled his lips in disdain, "You can tell at a glance that you have never fought a war. This strategic vision is really embarrassing."

"Don't make it sound like you've been at war," Caspian replied. "There was no Gaius name in the history of Narnia hundreds of years ago."

"In the future, Gaius will become the legend of Narnia." Aaron said confidently, "King Peter once called this fortress a tomb, which I think is quite appropriate."

"Thank you for the compliment." Peter said angrily, "But if we don't have a better way, maybe this place will really become a tomb."

"The key is whose tomb will be here." Aaron snapped his fingers, a red light flashed on the stone table, and a model of a small fortress appeared.

"Can I learn magic?" Lucy asked with interest, her eyes full of expectation.

"I'm afraid not." Aaron shook his head and directly extinguished the little girl's longing. "You don't have any wizard blood, and you don't have the talent to learn magic."

"Is there no hope at all?"

"Give it up, don't waste time on this.

Maybe there is magic that ordinary people can learn, but I haven't found it yet. "

"Ahem!" Susan coughed, "It's important."

Aaron came back to his senses, pointed to the front of the projection of the bunker and continued: "There is an entrance in the front, and Caspian dug two tunnels in advance to lead to the rear of the cavalry.

In other words, there are three entrances to this fortress, but no exit. "

"What do you want to say?" asked Caspian.

"Your idea is to use traps to deal with the cavalry, and then rely on your familiarity with the bunker to fight the infantry, so why can't you think about it further?

For example, set up the bunker as a trap for dealing with infantry. "

Hearing this, Caspian seemed to understand something, and the others seemed to understand something, but they just couldn't think of the point.

"Can you be more specific?" asked Cornelius.

"Hehe! Your IQ is really worrying me!" Aaron shook his head speechlessly, reached out and pointed to the back of the castle, and an exit appeared.

"Introducing the infantry into the bunker, we used our familiarity with the castle to shake them off and leave through the tunnel.

At this time, the inside of the bunker is full of enemies. As long as the bunker is destroyed, at least one-third of the infantry can be buried if you are lucky. "


Peter patted the table, only to feel that the sullenness in his chest had dissipated a lot.

"Just do it like this. If it succeeds, the strength advantage of the Tamo people will be wiped out."

"This strategy is good, but there are two problems in its implementation." Edmund said hesitantly, "I know it's a shame to say this, but we simply don't have the ability to destroy this fortress."

After the words fell, everyone looked at Aaron in unison.

They are just mortals, and it takes a lot of time to tear down a fortress, but wizards must have other ways!

"Hey hey hey! Don't look at me like that.

That look always makes me feel stressed. "

"We need the power of magic." Susan said righteously, "This may be the reason why you came to Narnia."

"Don't be funny, magic is not for killing people." Aaron sneered, "Helping you deal with those large weapons, and giving advice by the way, I have done my best.

I'm not some kind of omnipotent savior, don't ask me for such a job of killing thousands of people at once.

I'm only 15 and don't want to have nightmares at night. "

"Then you should come up with another idea!" Peter said anxiously, "This fortress is not as strong as Tammor Castle, but it is almost impossible for us to destroy it in a short time."

"Can you be a little wiser?" Aaron glanced at Peter and the others with a caring gaze, causing an unnatural blush to appear on their faces.

"So, you still have a way, right?" Lucy asked shyly.


Aaron took a deep breath, "Complicated problems are often simple.

Your point of view is too intuitive. There are many ways to destroy a bunker. It doesn't necessarily have to demolish the foundation. The easiest way is...to set fire to it.

Prepare enough kerosene, dry firewood, and hay in the bunker. After we go out, Susan puts a rocket far outside, and the whole fortress will become a fiery furnace. "


Everyone couldn't help shivering when they thought of that scene, and looked at Aaron with a little fear.

"This is too poisonous!" Peter said with an unnatural expression.

"You said it was a war.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.

Besides, there is not much difference between being burned to death and being buried alive, since they are all dead anyway! "

"Don't say it so calmly, okay?" Troff said tremblingly, "Being burned to death or being stoned to death, as long as there is nothing wrong with the brain, I will choose the latter."

"Since you are so kind, you might as well work hard and use your claws to break the foundation of the bunker."

"Forget it." Trouf changed his words immediately, "If you burn it, you can burn it to death. Who told them to beat us first!"

"I'm going to ask people to gather all our ignitable things together and try to cover the entire bunker floor." The leader of the centaur said.

"This is the second question I want to talk about." Edmund interjected, "Whether it is digging a new tunnel, or preparing and laying inflammable materials, we need time, but the army of the Tammorians has already set up camp gone."

"From what I know of Miraz, he won't drag this war until tomorrow.

The attack will be launched in the afternoon at the latest. said Caspian gravely. "The earliest would be at noon." "

"Delaying time?" Aaron tapped his chin, then turned to look at Caspian, "I don't think His Royal Highness the Prince would mind meeting his uncle!"

"I'm afraid it won't work," said Susan. "Miraz is not a gentleman. If he saw Caspian, he might shoot him straight away."

"Then I can't help it." Aaron spread his hands, "The two armies are confronting each other, and the best way to delay time is to negotiate.

Whether it is groveling or domineering, it can achieve the goal, but if the other party doesn't even want to see the envoy, then it's useless to play. "

"No, there is hope." Caspian said suddenly, "Miraz is undoubtedly a tyrant and a murderer, but as a king he must take into account traditional concepts and the will of the people.

One way to buy us a little time is to challenge head-on one-on-one, a duel that only the kings of both sides can participate in. "

"I like this tradition." Aaron said with a smile, "Your ancestors must have lost their minds. They obviously have a huge advantage, and they still want to gamble with the king's safety."

The corner of Caspian's mouth twitched, "The first thing I did after I took the throne was to get rid of this tradition."

"Wait, what does it mean that the king can participate?" Susan asked worriedly, "Does it mean that we want Peter and Miraz to fight?"

Caspian nodded irresistibly, "Only the king can represent the countries of both parties."

"We can let people impersonate." Edmund suggested, "In short, Aaron and Peter are about the same height."

Aaron:  …

"It's not my business?"

"Nonsense, Peter may not be able to beat Miraz, but you can."

"I won't go." Aaron refused without even thinking about it, and said righteously: "I have been upright since I was a child, and it is impossible to pretend to be someone else.

Besides, with my one-of-a-kind temperament, when I stand with Peter, others can tell at a glance... who is the king. "

Peter staggered.

What do you mean?I admit that I am not as good as you, but am I not worthy to be a king?

"I don't care if I want to pretend. Before the duel, both sides need to confirm each other's identities." Caspian said.

"I'll go." Peter said, and then looked at the other representatives, "I will try my best to buy time, and I will leave the tunnels and inflammables to you."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Troff said, "Many of us have stored charcoal and dry firewood for the winter, and all of them are enough to cover the entire bunker."

"If the plan is successful, our chances of winning will increase to [-]%." Peter nodded. "The remaining [-]% depends on the outcome of the battle."

"I can go to Aslan." Lucy said suddenly, "I have seen him in the depths of the forest, and he must be waiting for me to take the initiative to find him."

Peter hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Maybe we have to trust you this time."

"No," Chumpkin said, "it's too dangerous for a little girl like you to go deep into the forest."

"This is the best way to reduce casualties.

Aslan will help us, as long as he comes forward, all problems can be properly resolved. "

Chapter 440 Pretentious negotiation, Miraz is riding a tiger

"She will not go alone." Susan stood up, "I will go with her, and we will definitely find Aslan back."

"We've already had enough dead." Chumbkin looked at Lucy dejectedly, "You don't need to take risks."

"Nicabri was my friend, but he lost hope." Troff said, "But Queen Lucy didn't, and neither did I. We believed in the existence of Aslan from beginning to end."

Reepicheep drew his sword and made a standard knight's salute, "For Aslan."

Chuan Pujin was silent for a moment, "Then I will go with you."

"No, we need you to stay here," said Lucy. "You must hold on until we find Aslan."

"Let's prepare for the negotiation first!" Aaron looked at Caspian. "You know Miraz best. You write the challenge and try to make it impossible for him to refuse."

"Okay, no problem." Caspian said to himself, the more high-end, majestic, and classy the challenge letter was written, the more Miraz, as the king, would be unable to refuse in front of everyone.

"Lucy, leave your bottle."

Lucy subconsciously covered her medicine bottle, and asked a little puzzled, "What's the reason again this time?"

"Peter's life-and-death duel, it's not too much to prepare some healing things in advance!"

Hearing this, Lucy looked at Peter worriedly, and took off the red medicine bottle on her waist.

"I hope you don't need it."

Peter gave her a comforting smile and didn't say much.

It's impossible to use less than that. His and Miraz's swordsmanship levels should be about the same, and injuries are inevitable.

But with this medicine bottle, the odds of winning can be increased to at least [-]%.

Two hours later, Edmond, who had changed into a suit of armor, took the letter of challenge, and accompanied by Aaron, went down to the camp of the Tammorians.

"Why should I follow you here?" Aaron asked depressed.

"In case the talk falls apart, you can at least bring me out." Edmond said firmly.

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, "Believe me, the effect will be better if you bring a team."

"The men and horses are good, but they can't stop their archers.

But you are different. Your fighting power is obvious to all. If you go to Miraz with me, even if you refuse to challenge, nothing will happen to us. "

Aaron:  …

"It's a bit like pretending to be a tiger, but I have to admit that you have a good vision.

I will try my best to cooperate with you later. I also have some experience in negotiation. "

The two came to the Tamo people's camp and directly reported their identities as the envoys.

The vigilant soldiers did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked people to report to the king.

After a while, the two soldiers turned back and took them to the temporary king's tent.

Miraz sat proudly on the main seat. On his left and right sides were General Sopi, Council Elder Pusuppi, and the other seats were also general-level figures.

He looked at Edmund standing below playfully, like watching a monkey.

But when he set his eyes on the cynical Aaron, the playfulness was instantly replaced by vigilance.

"You...are here to surrender?" Miraz asked with a smile.

He had a certain understanding of the Narnia people, their nobility would not allow them to surrender to the enemy, and the reason for asking this was just to kill their spirit.

Negotiate!Leadership is still important.

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