In addition, other deans may have said, but I still have to emphasize here: Never try to cheat.

I guarantee that your predecessors have thought of every method you can think of, but no one has succeeded so far, and if caught, they will be punished most severely. "

"Professor." Aaron raised his hand and asked, "May I ask, where is our new principal?"

A look of contempt flashed across Professor McGonagall's face, "It should be entertaining the examiner, Dumbledore has never been as warm as her, he is even more polite than his biological parents."

The wizards of other grades had all gone to class, while the fifth grade wizards spontaneously gathered in the hallway and began to wait agonizingly.

At 09:30, candidates from the four colleges entered the examination room in batches by class.

The four long tables in the Great Hall were replaced by many single desks, with quills, inkwells and rolls of parchment.

After everyone was seated, Professor McGonagall turned over a huge hourglass, "It's time to start."

Aaron flipped through the test paper, and the test questions seemed to be simpler than he thought. They were nothing more than the spell of the spell, its effect, the way to use the wand, and so on.

The scope is very wide, but it does not exceed the fifth grade. In his opinion, it is more ritual than the usual exam.

In the two-hour exam, he answered all the questions in less than an hour.

Looking up at Professor McGonagall sitting on the faculty desk, Aaron raised his right hand.

"Does the parchment need to be changed?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"No, professor, can you hand in the paper in advance?"

Professor McGonagall froze for a moment, and the others stared at him with envy and hatred.

"I'm afraid not, you can't leave the venue casually during the exam.

I suggest that you'd better check your test paper, don't miss anything. "

"Okay!" Aaron said with some regret, "Then give me another pile of parchment paper!"

Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, flicked his wand lightly, and the spare parchment on the faculty desk flew onto his desk.

Aaron piled up his answers and placed them in the upper left corner of the desk, and then carved a complex taboo magic circle on the brand new parchment.

The instant release of the ultimate elemental magic circle is called confidence, even if it is double or even multiple releases, it is only a little more confidence, and the taboo magic circle that can only be released by the holy magister is called the trump card, which must not be left behind.

The task he gave to the missing body was the multiple instant cast of the ultimate elemental magic circle, while he worked hard on the taboo magic circle.

But there is one thing to say, practicing magic circles in the OWLs examination room is quite exciting.

"The exam is over."

The sand in the hourglass fell, and Professor McGonagall used the flying spell to take back everyone's test papers.

The students left the examination room with different moods, and Professor McGonagall cleaned up the auditorium, after all, this is also the place for dinner later.

"How was the exam?" Draco asked curiously.

"It's okay!" Aaron scratched his head, "Anyway, I've written everything I know."

"I will also write it." Crabbe pursed his lips, "But our grades must be different."

"Don't say such things." Goyle sighed, "There is still a difference between Slytherin and Slytherin."

Draco shook his head speechlessly, "I don't ask too much from you two, just a little better than Potter and Weasley."

Crabbe:  …

Gore:  …

After lunch, the fifth-year students lined up into the room at the back of the auditorium, and Professor Flitwick would call the students in alphabetical order for practical exams.

Aaron Gaius, Anthony Goldstein, Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger.

Four students whose names were called entered the auditorium, and the examiners were sitting behind several desks with various small props on the desks.

"Just test some spells and relax, it won't be difficult." Professor Flitwick said, and then brought them to the four examiners.

In front of Aaron was a wizard with gray hair. He looked at Aaron meaningfully, with a playful smile on his lips, "Miss Lisanna's son, Mr. Ollivander's grandnephew?"

"Yes, can we start the exam?"

"Don't be nervous, child, you have inherited your mother's powerful magical talent, and the practice test is nothing to you."

"I'm not nervous, I just don't want to waste time."

"As confident as your mother." The examiner smiled, and then put a glass of water in front of Aaron, "The floating spell, just let the water in the glass float."

Aaron frowned slightly. Other people's levitation spells were solid, but they turned into liquid when it came to him. Could it be that Umbridge deliberately targeted him.

The examiner seemed to have noticed Aaron's worry, and explained: "Your mother is my student, even after more than ten years, she is still my pride.

I'm just curious about her son's level, you can replace it with ordinary small balls if you don't want to. "

"Is that so? Then I can't embarrass my mother." Aaron smiled sarcastically, then drew out his black wand and pointed it at the water glass, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

As the mantra was uttered, all the water in the glass flew out and gathered into a water ball in mid-air.

The examiner opened his eyes wide, and then smiled with satisfaction, "Very good, perfect."

"Next, color-changing spell, turn it into color."

Aaron looked at the chameleon in front of him and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Casting a color-changing spell on a chameleon, this professor is really... quite creative.

"If you find it difficult, forget it, just turn this apple red."

Provocation, the provocation of Chi Guoguo.

Aaron complained secretly, then raised his wand not to be outdone.

A little red light flashed, and the chameleon's skin became colorful, full of joy.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Full marks." The examiner praised, and then put a pot of green plants on the table, "Show me the growth spell."

"Understood." Aaron said angrily, with a wave of his wand, the green plants doubled in size.

"It's not bad." The examiner clapped his hands, "But it's not interesting to compare it with your mother. At that time, she made the piranha in my office several times bigger, and almost killed me."

Aaron:  …

The case is solved, and the mother and son pay off the debt!

Aaron immediately restrained his malice towards the examiner, and his performance in the next few spell practices was not amazing, but it was quite satisfactory.

The first exam seemed to have severely stimulated the fifth-year wizards. Many people did not rest that night, holding the Transfiguration textbooks for review all night.

The next day's theoretical exam of the Transfiguration class went on as normal, but there were many accidents during the practical exam. For example, Aibo transformed ferrets into a flock of flamingos, and it took them 10 minutes to send the animals out of the auditorium.

Wednesday was the herbal medicine class exam, and Neville Longbottom's performance in this class was exceptional, impeccable both in theory and practice.

On Thursday, the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

Umbridge looked very nervous. This was a test to prove her teaching ability, but she knew how she taught.

You may be able to pass the theoretical exam, but in the practical exam, except for students who have received special training in DA, the results of others are not very satisfactory, and it is estimated that only a few can get an O.

When Aaron left the examination room, he saw Harry with a smug smile on his face, looking very happy, "What's wrong with you?"

"This class is definitely stable." Harry said confidently, "I conjured up a Patronus and got extra points.

Umbridge was watching at the door at that time. She looked very ugly after hearing the praise from the examiner. She always wanted me to fail the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, but now it seems that she has no chance. . "

"That's really congratulations, but our principal is not only mentally abnormal, but also vengeful. When she is in a bad mood, she will find a way to make others feel bad, so you'd better be mentally prepared."

Harry's face changed slightly, and most of his good mood was instantly ruined.

Based on what he knew about Umbridge, this wasn't alarmist talk.

Friday is the ancient runes exam. This elective course is more popular among students, but it is not easy.

However, it was extremely easy for Aaron. He used ancient rune magic to enchant bullets. The maintenance of firearms and the alchemy that Alger ancestor asked him to learn were all related to rune.

Therefore, his practical exercises far surpassed others, and he finished the exam in minutes and won the amazement of all the examiners.

There were no exams on Saturday and Sunday, but the fifth-year wizards did not dare to relax at all, and were actively preparing for the exam next week.

"How many subjects are left to take?" In the Shenming Hall, the missing body looked at its own body meaningfully, and its eyes were full of gloating.

"Look at me like this again, and I'll let you take the exam for me."

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Aaron curled his lips, then snapped his fingers, "Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Divination, Protection of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, there are still six courses left."

"What about the arithmetic and divination?" The thought body asked, "I memorized all the textbooks, you said that if you don't take the test, you won't take the test?"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes!" Aaron waved his hand embarrassingly, "Hogwarts doesn't have such high requirements for professors, even if you don't take arithmetic and divination, you can be a teacher.

I am still very confident in the results of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and I will definitely be able to study more advanced courses in the sixth and seventh grades. "

"Okay, you arrange it, I can do whatever you want." Si Nian body said helplessly, and then put a sharp bullet on the stone table, "The bullet of the sniper rifle has been enchanted four times."

"Oh hoo!"

Aaron frowned, picked up the bullet and looked at it carefully.

"It's a good thing, but we won't be able to use it for a while. It's really not suitable for current wizards to deal with enemies thousands of meters away."

The missing body shrugged, "Sooner or later it will come in handy."

Chapter 490 Divination screen, Umbridge's moral bottom line

The theoretical exam of the Potions class was about the formulas, preparation steps and effects of several potions. It could only be said that they were exactly the same as what Professor Snape wrote on the blackboard during class.

Aaron wrote as soon as he picked up his pen. If he didn't get a perfect score on this test paper, he would be sorry for his talent of photographic memory.

And those students who were more skinny in Potions class were sad, such as Harry and Ron, they no longer had any hope for the theory test.

The practice session in the afternoon is naturally the preparation of potions, which is presided over by the examiner, Professor Ma Qiban.

Except for Seamus's cauldron, which exploded, everyone else's potions were prepared before the end of the exam time.

Hagrid restrained himself a lot in the Fantastic Beasts Protection class exam. Instead of sorting out the large beasts, he arranged for them to distinguish hedgehogs from hedgehogs and feed unicorns, which were less dangerous practices.

The astronomy and divination exams were scheduled to be held on the same day, and the practical operation of the divination class was held in the afternoon. The examiner asked them to use the crystal ball to divination one by one. If there was no result, they could also interpret tea leaves.

Harry and Ron copied what Professor Trelawney had said, but in the eyes of the examiner, it was no different from cursing her directly.

When it was Aaron's turn, he smiled unconsciously, and he still had some confidence in the crystal ball divination.

A familiar hut appeared in the gray crystal ball, and several people besieged a huge figure, forcing him to flee in a hurry. A thin figure joined in in the middle, and then several red lights appeared in the crystal ball interrupted his divination.

"What did you see, Mr. Gaius?" asked the examiner.

"Uh...Professor Hagrid was besieged and escaped from Hogwarts."

Hearing this, the examiner's pupils shrank slightly, and he silently wrote a few lines on the clipboard.

"When did you see this scene...?"

There was a bit of respect in the examiner's voice. As a professional examiner, he could naturally see that Aaron's divination ability was completely inferior to other students, and he might become a famous fortune teller in the future.

"I don't know, but it should be at night." Aaron pondered, "There are still some pictures after that, but I didn't see them clearly."

"It's amazing, especially at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

I guarantee you that you will definitely get an O in Divination. Very few people got this grade in previous exams. "

Aaron nodded and left the examination room in silence.

He thinks that there is a [-]% chance that the future he saw in the crystal ball is true. Maybe Umbridge will actually send someone to arrest Hagrid. After all, after the exams, he is useless as a professor of protection of magical animals. up.

It probably happened in the past few days, and she should do it as soon as these examiners leave. It seems that he should be notified in advance to leave Hogwarts to avoid the limelight.

After dinner, the fifth-grade wizards came to the top of the Astronomy Tower.

After everyone set up their own astronomical telescopes, the examiner, Professor Tofudi, sent out a blank astrology map, asking them to fill in the exact positions of the stars and planets.

As time passed, the lights at the castle windows went out one by one.

As soon as Aaron stopped writing, he noticed several dark figures outside the castle. They were moving quickly and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem!" Professor Tofty coughed, "Concentrate, this is the OWLs exam."

"I've finished writing." Aaron handed over the star map, "I wonder if I can use the astronomical telescope now."

Professor Tofudi glanced at Aaron's horoscope chart, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile, "Yes."

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