So... you better focus on him! "

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched suddenly, and he stared blankly at Aaron with extremely resentful eyes.

"You don't need to remind me, I didn't intend to let him go." Voldemort said angrily, "Trust me, time will tell.

In the future, you will find that becoming my heir is your best choice. "

Aaron pondered for a while, looked at the backs of the two professors, and said, "Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, I ask you one thing.

I will leave him alone later, and I will personally send him on the road. "

"This...isn't appropriate!" Professor McGonagall said speechlessly.

Although thanks to Aaron, Voldemort suffered a full blow from him and Snape, and his body that was already on the verge of collapse was even worse, and a weight was added to the balance of victory.

But it is not allowed to let a 12-year-old student kill someone, even if the target is the heinous Dark Lord.

Professor Snape chose to remain silent and said nothing.

"Severus, let him do it." Voldemort laughed loudly, "Stepping on the second generation of the Dark Lord, he is indeed my chosen heir."

"What about me..." Aaron couldn't hold back a swear word.

Originally, he just wanted to follow the two professors and pick up the head at the last moment, but now he suddenly had the urge to grab the head.

I don't want to inherit such a big family business, so I have to follow you to stand on the opposite side of the magic world?

Obviously he can lie down and win, but he wants to narrow the road, and become a black horror in the magic world?

Unless he's out of his mind, no, unless he's out of his mind, he wouldn't have chosen that path to kill Harry Potter.

"Are you sure?" Professor Snape frowned.

"It's not your turn to teach me how to do things, I know exactly what I'm talking about," roared Voldemort, "Harry Potter spent his parents' lives to become a celebrity in the wizarding world.

But he won my approval with his faith, wisdom and courage. "


"Snape, you...

I don't approve of that, Aaron is just a 12 year old kid. "

"Professor McGonagall, he doesn't have much time." Snape said flatly, "Voldemort is a hero in the wizarding world after all, and we should respect his wishes before he died.

And, that's what Aaron meant too. "

"No, he is also my student, and he shouldn't be exposed to these things at a young age."

"Don't forget his origin, it might be a good thing for him to be exposed to these things earlier."

Professor McGonagall retorted speechlessly. Sooner or later, Voldemort would make a comeback. At that time, the entire wizarding world would be in turmoil. Those well-known wizard families were the ones he wanted to subdue.

Aaron is the only heir to the Gaius family, and sooner or later he will face this.

"Have you discussed it?" Voldemort asked a little impatiently, "Let's start now! I will use your embarrassed appearance to prove the power of black magic."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light flashed from Quirrell's wand, and Snape and Professor McGonagall immediately swung their wands to fight back.

The two white rays of light merged together, became thicker, and collided with the green Killing Curse.


After a long time, the magic power spread outward from the midpoint of the spell collision, the shock wave splashed the debris on the ground, and the flying dust filled the entire room.

Aaron and others watching the battle only vaguely heard the sound of a few heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Professor, are you all right?" Harry asked nervously.

However, a shaky figure came out of the dust, and the weak Voldemort left a horrible smile on several people, and then set his sights on Aaron.

"Hey, hey! Don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"I don't see where you look scared." Voldemort said hoarsely, "Look at them all trembling, they don't even have the courage to face me.

But you're different, and it's nice to have two wands in your sleeves ready to go.

You want to kill me, it's easy, you can do it easily. "

"Crazy." Aaron stopped pretending and took out two wands directly, "You only have the strength to wait for death, otherwise I will run faster than anyone else."

"Sure enough, you are just like me when I was young."

"Don't be funny, I'm not like you," Aaron retorted, "Thinking of me as an idiot like you is your biggest mistake.

Any last words? "

"Dumbledore can't give you what you want, I'm waiting for you to come to me."

Chapter 91 The Death of Lord Voldemort


The black wand brushed across Voldemort's neck.

A silver light flashed away, followed by a red and blackened blood line.

Voldemort left a meaningful smile, and his body dissipated like sand, leaving only a tattered piece of clothing.

"Huh!" Aaron took a deep breath, "It's over."

"He, is he dead?" Harry asked boldly.

"It should be!" Aaron wiped the sweat from his forehead with slightly trembling hands, and sat on the floor in a collapsed state.

After all, it was the first time to kill someone. Although the victim was heinous and wanted to plot against him, he was obviously not mentally prepared.

It was a joy to start. After planning for so long, it finally succeeded.

But after doing it, he was afraid and disgusted for a while. After all, Voldemort's end was too miserable, and it would not be too much to describe it as having no bones left, which left a little psychological shadow on him.

"This is too cruel." Hermione couldn't help frowning as she looked at the pile of debris on the ground.

"You have to recognize the reality. If I didn't do anything just now, we would be the ones who died." Aaron said slowly, his voice was low, but his attitude was quite firm.

"That's right."

A hoarse voice came from the debris, and strands of black air condensed together, forming an illusory and terrifying black shadow floating in midair.


It's not going to die. "

Aaron shuddered immediately, followed by the three of Harry tremblingly backing towards the corner.

"No, you've already killed me once.

I'm weak, not even a ghost, but I don't die so easily. Sombra looked at Aaron with red eyes, "How does it feel to kill someone for the first time?"

Isn't it wonderful?Make you unable to extricate yourself? "

"Gulu!" Aaron swallowed, "No, I just don't want to try again."

"Not necessarily."

"Dumbledore will be back soon." Harry said threateningly with an anxious face, "If I were you, get out of here quickly."

"That's right, my current situation can't last long, but I can give you a gift before I leave." Voldemort said meaningfully, and then quickly rushed towards the four of them.

The combination of the body made of black mist, the red eyes, and the face without any features looming under the firelight cast a layer of haze on the hearts of several people.

"Burning flames!"

Aaron made a decisive decision, waved his wand, and shot a burst of fire.

But the black shadow passed through this layer of flames without hindrance, and bypassed Abe, who was standing in front of the protector, and passed through his chest.

Aaron's eyes went dark, and he felt dizzy, and gradually closed his eyes.

When he fell down, he vaguely saw three Gryffindors who were terrified but still standing, and couldn't help feeling a little tight in the chest. Why was I the only one injured?


A day later, Aaron blinked and saw the somewhat familiar ceiling and floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sun shines through the window onto the open space in front of his bed, and a neatly dressed cute creature is napping on his right hand.

"Still alive, it seems that I am lucky."

"Of course you're lucky." Snape's voice came from the right. "It's just a little fright, but it's a sweet dream."

"Professor, why are you here?" Aaron turned his head away, but soon fell into a dazed state.

Snape didn't come to visit him, he was also lying on the hospital bed, but his condition was not that good, one arm was wrapped with a thick bandage, which made his face even more grim.

"You, are you injured?"

"What do you think?" Snape asked back, "Voldemort is a strong man on the same level as Dumbledore, and under normal circumstances we are no match for him at all.

With the help of Quirrell's body, he exerted a part of his strength, and even squeezed his life. He fought us face to face with the attitude of failure or benevolence. It is not bad to win miserably. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

Miserable victory?Is that a miserable victory?

When we were cornered by Voldemort, you and Professor McGonagall didn't move at all, probably passed out.

If it was a tragic victory, it was also a tragic victory for Voldemort.

He dragged his half-dead body and forcibly defeated the two deans, although he also entered the countdown to death, and he was absolutely hopeless, otherwise he would never let go of the opportunity to snatch the Philosopher's Stone.

"There seems to be something wrong with your expression!

Are you questioning what I said? "

"No, absolutely not.

It's just...Professor, are you sure it was a miserable victory, not a narrow defeat? "

"Of course it was a miserable victory.

Although we lost consciousness, the last magic also separated his spirit body, without any threat, otherwise do you think you can still live? "

Aaron read the pleasure of getting revenge from Snape's stern expression, and he could see the special joy in his heart, so he reluctantly admitted the answer,

"Where's Professor McGonagall? Is she all right?"

"I am here."

The voice came from Aaron's left, he turned his head subconsciously, and saw Professor McGonagall, who had a bandage on his right arm just like Snape.

"Professor McGonagall, it seems that you are also seriously injured!"

"It's just that the hand holding the wand is hurt a little, but Madam Pomfrey obviously doesn't see it that way, she thinks we need to rest for two days.

Professor Snape is probably doing well. "

"Then what are you still doing here?

Occupy a bed? "

"In the infirmary, you have to listen to the doctor.

Moreover, being hospitalized is not without its benefits. The official affairs of Gryffindor and Slytherin House have been handed over to the headmaster for temporary handling. It's rare to be a little easier! "Professor McGonagall sat up while speaking, took a newspaper from the table, and read it with relish.

It was only then that Aaron noticed that the table next to the two deans was full of gifts, chocolates, famous wines, and flowers.

But there were only a few bouquets of flowers on his table, and nothing left.

"It hurts!

It's so heartbreaking. Although I'm not as popular as you guys, the difference can't be that big! "

"What did you say?" Snape sneered, "Actually, you are more popular than us, the students, teachers, and staff of the four colleges have all visited you, and the two of us are actually more like incidental.

But who made you have a pet with a voracious appetite?Dragons are not as greedy as it is. "

Hearing this, Aaron looked at the dozing Abe thoughtfully.

Then he pressed the faucet hard to wake Abe from his sleep.

Shenglong, whose dream was interrupted, got up a little angry, flapped his claws, and slapped Aaron's palm away.

Just as it grinned its teeth and was about to growl, it saw its owner's unkind face.

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