The signature of Liuliting is a fan with several mountains painted on it. It is easy to tell that it specializes in mountain delicacies.

The signboard of Xinyuexuan is a big fish with several layers of waves painted under the big fish. It is easy to tell that it specializes in seafood.

The waitresses standing in front of the two stores are also very beautiful.

Xia Zhiduo gave him a critical look. As for eating, it was impossible to go to the store to eat. He had to save money now and talk about it later.

Opposite the two stores is Liyue's General Affairs Department, which is responsible for Liyue's public security, imperial examinations, tax filing, overseas application, ship berthing and other matters.

To put it simply, Yue Haitei is responsible for decision-making, and the General Affairs Department is responsible for execution. One is the brain, and the other is the hands and feet.

There is a public notice board in front of the General Affairs Department.

Xia Zhi walked over and looked at it curiously, and his eyes were immediately attracted by one of the messages.

[Message: Citizens, please do not be alarmed if you witness a dead child walking around in the middle of the night, stretching his limbs, and climbing mountains to collect medicine.My family, Qiqi, is a herb gatherer and medical apprentice in Bubulu, and I will do no harm to you. ——Bu Lu, Atractylodes atractylodes remains. 】

This was information about the girl collecting herbs he met in the morning, and the word "corpse boy" was mentioned in it.

Xia Zhi was slightly startled, that girl was indeed no ordinary person.

Was it a zombie? No wonder he saw that her walking posture seemed a little stiff.

It's just that such a cute girl, I didn't expect that she had died once, and I don't know what happened to her.

This message gives a lot of useful information. For example, Qiqi's daily activities are in the middle of the night, and the location of his daily activities is on the mountain outside the city. If Xia Zhi is willing, he can "encounter" Qiqi on the mountain in the middle of the night, and then borrow Chat with Qiqi on the machine, and interact to refresh the progress bar on her body.

If he is more cruel, he can also injure himself. Although Qi Qi is a zombie, as an apprentice in the Medicine House, he will definitely lend a helping hand to him and help him bandage his wounds. In this way, he and Qi Qi will have limbs. With contact interaction, the speed of brushing the progress bar will be faster.

If he were more ruthless, he could knock Qiqi unconscious. As a zombie, Qiqi should have some restraint on light spells. Maybe a [Holy Light Judgment] would knock her out, and then he would You can brush your progress however you want.But this method is not very safe. What if Qiqi is not afraid of light spells and bites him and turns him into a zombie?

Xia Zhi pondered for a moment and then looked at the next message.

[Death and life have a destiny, so why bother to stay in this world with someone who is destined to die, and force your destiny to be delayed?It would be better to bring Qiqi to the Rebirth Hall.Bury with ceremony, enjoy peace of mind, and return to the principle of the cycle of elements.Isn't that wonderful? 】

There are mentions of "Palace of Rebirth" and "Burial".

Xia Zhi had seen a discount advertisement for the "Palace of Rebirth" on the notice at the city gate yesterday. At that time, he didn't know what kind of store or organization it was. Only now did he realize that it was a funeral company.

When a store like this advertises discounts, I can only say that the person in charge... really has some ideas.

However, this message also gives useful information, that is, Shengshengtang seems to be targeting Qiqi.

Next message.

【Hang Master Hu, please stop joking. 】

Obviously, the Hall Master Hu mentioned here is the Hall Master of the Rebirth Hall.

This kind of tone... is probably a legacy of Bu Bu Lu's Atractylodes technique.

It seems that he cares about Qiqi.

As for other information on the notice, except for advertisements from major stores and announcements from the General Affairs Department, there is nothing useful.

Xia Zhi took out the map and looked at it. Feiyun Slope had two other places recommended by the boss.

One is Wanwenjishe, which sells books.

One is an opera singer at Heyu Tea House.

Xia Zhi was very interested in both places, and it didn't matter if he could get it in vain. He mainly wanted to get in touch with Liyue's culture more.

Both of these places are upstairs and need to be climbed up the stairs.

Xia Zhi walked along the mahogany stairs and arrived at Wanwen Collection House.

It's a large bookstore with multiple bookshelves inside, filled with books.

There is a small notice on the sign at the door: Do not run and make noise, do not play and fight, and do not hold books with dirty hands.If you want to read the full book, you need to pay the book fee.

You can preview it, but you can't fully preview it.

Xia Zhi shook his head, feeling that the layout of Wanwen Collection House was a bit small.

He walked in and found that the best-selling books on the bookshelf in front were all novels about gods, demons, and ghosts. He picked out a book and read it. The routines in the book were many years behind the books in the original world, and he suddenly felt uninteresting.

He continued walking inside, spent some time, and finally found a set of books that were useful to him on the bookshelf in the corner.

The book is titled "Tyvat Tour Guide" and is divided into chapters: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Xumi...

The author of this set of books seems to be a traveler who has visited the seven countries and recorded what he saw with a pen, and finally wrote this book.

Xia Zhi knew very little about this continent at the moment and needed a book like this to broaden his horizons.

The owner of Wanwen Jishe is named Ji Fang, and she is a very charming woman.

Xia Zhi thought for a while and took only one of the books.

"Boss, how much is this book?"

"Fifty moras."

"It's so expensive? Can it be cheaper? This book is gathering dust when you look at it. No one reads it at all."

"Guest, no matter how cheap it is, I can't even make back the paper money."

"Is it okay to get [-]% off? If so, I'll buy this set of books."

"Ten percent off is the most."

In the end, he bought the entire set of books at a huge discount of [-]%. Xia Zhi walked out of Wanwen Collection House with a flash of thought in his eyes.

He found that the prices of books in this world were a bit ridiculously expensive.

Mainly because of the high cost of paper, the price of books is also high.

In the final analysis, it is because the paper-making technology in this world is too backward.

After thinking this, Xia Zhi opened the [Mall] and searched inside, and an item appeared on the panel.

[Detailed explanation of modern papermaking process].

Quality: Normal.

Type: Book.

Features: None.

Effect: None.

Hidden effect: None.

Price: 1 points.

Xia Zhi looked at this item and felt like, maybe, he shouldn't have to work hard to make money.

Chapter 19 Big star Yun Jin

Xia Zhi pondered for a while, closed the system panel, and did not choose to buy this item immediately.

Because this is just a technique, it cannot be turned into a Mora immediately in his hands, and it is not that easy to turn into a Mora.

Xia Zhi had just arrived and had no connections except Brother Liu, the fish shop owner whom he met last night.

He didn't know the paper-making firms, so he needed to make efforts to inquire about and contact them. He also needed to spend time making some high-quality paper patterns himself to get them interested in the new technology.

Even this is not safe. After all, he is just a foreigner with no backing. Maybe those trading companies will kick him out and forcibly seize his papermaking technology.

Unless he made a contract with them in advance, but those businessmen are very shrewd and... very troublesome.

Now is not the time to sell technology, he must first establish a foothold in Liyue.

But selling books is fine.

Previously in Wanwen Collection, Xia Zhi took a look at the best-selling novels on the bookshelf and found that the routines in the books were very immature. If he changed the best-selling novels in the original world to the background settings of this world, and then submitted them to If you go to a bookstore, you can definitely earn a lot of royalties.

The disadvantage is that it is too slow.

The magic novel requires him to rewrite it word by word. After submission, he has to wait for the editor's review. After the review, he has to wait for the scheduled publication. After the publication, he has to wait for the sales cycle to be settled. After this set of processes, it will always take a month or two. of.

The advantages are also obvious. There is no cost for copying books, and if the books he contributes sell well, then he will have a good public identity in Liyue.

In the future, when he sees someone with a progress bar hanging on their body on the street, if the other person knows him, it will be easier for him to go up and talk to them.

Xia Zhi held the set of books he just bought and walked through the corridor to Heyu Teahouse.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses was telling a story on the stage. There were already many people sitting at the table below the stage, drinking tea and listening to books.

Xia Zhi found an empty seat in the corner and sat down, asking for the cheapest pot of tea, which cost 20 moras.

The storyteller is talking about "The Sound of Cutting Rain" today.

A famous sect called the Guhua Sect has become desolate as time goes by. Challengers come to the door in an endless stream, but the disciples keep leaving.

The remaining disciples were determined to protect the mountain, but they were unable to save the situation. Even the signboard of the Guhua Sect was smashed.

Just when the leader of the Guhua Sect was disheartened and was about to disperse his disciples and go into seclusion, a young man entered the mountain gate with unparalleled swordsmanship...

The storyteller was very eloquent, and the stories he told were full of ups and downs. The listeners also listened with great interest, and many people even gave him rewards.

Xia Zhi found it interesting when he first listened to it, but gradually lost interest after hearing it.

There is no such thing, just because the routine in this story is too old.

However, when he looked at the other people in the teahouse who were obsessed with listening to books, he felt that he could indeed try the book copying thing he had thought about before.

Of course, I don’t treat it as my main job, I just write it when I have time.

Xia Zhi picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The taste of the tea was a bit bland and it could barely quench his thirst.

Although there is nothing interesting about listening to a book, this pot of tea has already been ordered. If you don't finish it, it will be a waste of money. It is better to read a book here.

Open the "Tivat Tour Guide" that I bought at Wanwenjishe before, and start reading from the Liyue chapter.

Wangshu Inn, Guiliyuan, Dihuazhou, Wuwangpo, Jueyunjian...

Based on personal experience, the author uses extremely vivid writing and stories to describe the scenery and characteristics of these places, and slowly outlines a beautiful and magnificent landscape painting in front of Xia Zhi's "eyes".

The tea in the pot was drunk unconsciously. Xia Zhi closed the book in his hand with satisfaction. When he was about to get up and leave Heyu Teahouse, he suddenly saw that the people in the teahouse began to burst out with great enthusiasm.

The storyteller on the stage had already retreated. The audience sat up straight and shouted loudly towards the empty stage: "Mr. Yun! Mr. Yun!..."

This posture inexplicably reminded Xia Zhi of the fans all over the world who were listening to the concert live.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but become interested in the Mr. Yun they were calling. He suppressed his thoughts of leaving for the time being and continued to sit in his seat and wait.

After a while, a young girl wearing a half-skirt costume and face makeup came onto the stage and gave everyone a slight bow.

The originally restless spectators immediately fell silent.

The girl started singing.

"Walking in the Snow".

Xia Zhi sat below, looking at this girl with a graceful figure, with a slightly surprised expression.

Not because of her excellent acting skills, but because she actually had a silver progress bar hanging on her body.

Progress: [0%].

Liyue is indeed a big city, and in just one morning, he met a gold-level figure and a silver-level figure.

This is much more efficient than finding elite monsters in the wild, and it is much less difficult to obtain them.

Xia Zhi quietly enjoyed Mr. Yun's drama on the stage until the end of her performance.

I have to say that her performance was great, and even Xia Zhi, who didn't know much about drama, could get a little enjoyment out of it.

Mr. Yun bowed slightly again and retreated calmly.

The spectators in the audience seemed to have just come to their senses and cheered loudly again.

From their whispering conversation, Xia Zhi finally learned the name of Mr. Yun: Yun Jin.

I also learned some information about her: her father is a playwright, and her mother was a famous actor in Liyue Port in her early years. It was under the guidance of her parents that she embarked on such a path. road.Now she is the current head of the "Yunhan Society" and a famous Liyue opera actress who combines both playwriting and singing skills. She often appears in Heyu Tea House.

In short, this Yun Jin is a very famous star in Liyue Port.

Xia Zhi sighed silently in his heart.

Big stars are too difficult to get in touch with, so we should consider Qiqi first.

After packing up his books, Xia Zhi came out of the teahouse and saw a bank not far away.

Northland Bank.

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