She picked up the cup in her hand, drank the remaining juice, put the cup down, and whispered, "Thank you, drink."

Then, she glanced at the other cup of tea that had already cooled down on the table, and whispered, "Thank you, tea."

Xia Zhi smiled, shook his head and said, "You're welcome."

Qiqi walked back to the wall, picked up her medicine basket, and walked out the door.

Xia Zhi said to her, "Miss Qiqi, see you tomorrow."

Qiqi stopped, paused, and whispered: "See you tomorrow."

After Qiqi left, Xia Zhi reached out and gently patted Zhuzi, who was still holding the cup in a trance.

"Wake up."

"Hey? Boss? What's wrong?"

"Is the rainbow juice delicious?"

"It tastes great! I didn't expect the specialty drinks in our store to taste so good! And they look so good!"

"Then do you think the guests will like it?"

"definitely will!"

"In that case, how many glasses of rainbow juice do you think is appropriate for us to order?"

"Ah? This..."

Zhuzi's expression became a little embarrassed.

"Boss, I don't know, but such a delicious juice must cost a lot, right?"

"The cost... is indeed quite high."

The price of [Rainbow Pulp] in the [Mall] is 3 points, while the Glazed Lily that Xia Zhi previously sold at Mingxingzhai for 1000 million molas is 1 point. If calculated using this conversion method, Then [Rainbow Pulp] should have a cost price of 3000 million Morads.

However, his original intention of opening this small store was not to make money from it, so he couldn't calculate it that way.

Xia Zhi thought for a while and said: "Let me ask in another way, Zhuzi, if you are a Daozi tourist traveling to Liyue, how much would you be willing to spend on buying something like this without drinking it before? A glass of juice?"

Zhuzi thought about it carefully and said, "I think... 100 molas at most."

Xia Zhi nodded: "I understand, then the price of the rainbow juice in our store will be tentatively 100 molars per cup."

"Boss, do you want to impose purchase restrictions?"

"Is there a purchase limit..."

"If there is no purchase limit, there will definitely be people who buy a lot of cups at once and then go out to work as second-tier dealers!"

"What you said makes sense, so let's temporarily limit the purchase of two cups per person."


"Let's do this. You go buy a big piece of red paper and write the price and requirements on it. When the time comes, stick it on the wall."

"Okay, boss, I'll go right away!"


Qiqi returned to Bubu Lu, put down the medicine basket and poured out the herbs inside.

Different medicinal materials have different properties.

Some can be used directly, some need to be dried in the sun before they can be used as medicine, some are more troublesome, and the toxic parts need to be carefully removed, leaving only a little bit of harmless ones, and some are the opposite, only the toxic parts need to be left... …

Sorting is an error-prone thing for Qiqi.

Because she is a zombie, her memory is far inferior to that of normal people. If she does not continue to strengthen her impression, she will forget everything about people, let alone medicinal materials, within three days.

Normally, she could only rely on her instinct to collect herbs before she died, roughly classifying the medicinal materials, and then wait for others to do further processing.

But today was different. For some reason, Qiqi felt that her mind was much clearer than before, and all kinds of memories about the medicinal materials were clearly in her mind. She sorted the collected medicinal materials easily.

Qiqi looked at the neatly arranged herbs in front of her, thought for a while, and took out the notes she carried with her.

Because her memory is very poor, in order to ensure that her daily life can go on smoothly, this notebook has become an indispensable thing for her.

The text above is written in a font hundreds of years ago, and the handwriting is beautiful.

The first page describes how to practice calisthenics.Looking back, there are descriptions of various herbs and some [Edicts].

Qiqi turned the note to a blank space, took out the pen, and carefully wrote down new things that must be remembered.

"Mr. Xia Zhi...the smell of incense...remember to go there every that wooden bridge..."

Qiqi stopped writing, thought for a moment, and added another sentence at the end.

" a good person..."

Chapter 41 The road to another world is good

Not long after, Zhuzi bought red paper from the paper shop outside, with a look of distress in her eyes.

"Boss, I bought the best paper, but the price is so expensive."

"Well, it's okay. Is the money I gave you enough?"

"That's enough! There's more!"

"When the money is almost gone, remember to ask me to get it. This is included in the store's public funds. From now on, when we go out to eat and buy things, you will have to pay for it."


Clean a table, spread the purchased red paper flatly on the table, gently press the corners with a cup, and take out the pen and ink.

"Boss, shall I write it?"

"Of course you wrote it."

"But my Liyue calligraphy is not very good."

“It doesn’t matter if it looks good or not, as long as the customer can understand the meaning.”

"Then I wrote it?"

"Just write, just write [new store opening, half price on the first day]."

"……and then?"

"Write [100 molas per cup, limit to 2 cups per person]."

"...Anything else?"

“Write again [there are free books to read in the store].”

"Boss, the juice in our store is so delicious. I don't think we need to rely on books to attract customers. It's a waste to buy those books."

"It doesn't matter. It's good to just put them in the store as decorations. It can add a more bookish flavor, and you can also read them. If you read more books, your Liyue language will improve faster."

"That's right, boss, I've written it."

"Well, let it dry first. When we go to Wanmin Hall for lunch at noon, remember to ask Xiangling for some rice paste and then glue it on the wall when you come back."


After doing this, the two of them were free again.

Zhuzi wiped the table in the store with a rag, took out the book he had just started reading in the morning, and sat down at a sunny table to continue reading.

Xia Zhi had nothing to do, so he went back to his room upstairs and read "Liyue Customs" for a while. He got some inspiration in his mind, so he picked up the pen and wrote the novel manuscript for a while.

In fact, the novel he wrote has little to do with the original work.

On the one hand, it's because some parts of the original work were not handled well, some parts of the text seem watery, and some parts he has forgotten the specific plot. On the other hand, it's because a lot of Liyue elements have been added, and the settings have changed. , so modifications and fillings are inevitable, and the plot deviation is getting bigger and bigger.

Xia Zhi originally majored in literature, so he wasn't worried that what he wrote would be inconsistent.

And because there are no strict official restrictions on novels in this world, he can actually write more content in the book that was "gone over" in the original work.

I can only say that the roads in the other world are good and very suitable for driving.

It was almost noon, Xia Zhi stopped writing, sorted out the manuscript, and went downstairs to take Zhuzi to Wanmin Hall for dinner.

There were very few people coming to eat at this time.

Xiangling warmly invited Xia Zhi and Zhuzi to sit down, and told Xia Zhi good news and bad news.

The good news is that this meal is Xiangling's treat again, so he doesn't have to spend any money.

The bad news is that Xiang Ling has made a new slime dish, and I hope he can taste it and give advice.

As soon as Zhuzi heard about the slime condensate, he remembered what his boss had said in the morning that eating it could improve his beauty. He couldn't help but look forward to it: "Great!"

Xia Zhi was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, but I want to go to the kitchen to experience your cooking process, is that okay?"

Xiangling laughed, nodded and said, "Of course, you can come with me."

Entering the kitchen, Master Mao also greeted Xia Zhi warmly.

But for some reason, Xia Zhi felt that Master Mao looked at him with respect, as if he was a distinguished guest.

At a glance, Zhuzi saw Guo Ba sitting behind the stove making a fire, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why is there a red panda!? Is it making a fire?"

While Xiangling was busy chopping vegetables, she explained: "It's called Guoba, and he's a friend I met outside."

Zhuzi looked at Guo Ba curiously and said, "Guo Ba? What an interesting name."

Guo Ba glanced at her and continued to light the fire silently.

Zhuzi was startled again by its human eyes: "It seems to understand what we are talking about."

Xiangling smiled and said, "Of course, Guoba is very smart."

Xia Zhi showed some interest at the right time and asked with some confusion: "Red panda? Guoba? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Zhuzi immediately reported to him: "Boss, there is a little panda named Guoba in the kitchen helping Xiangling light the fire."

Xia Zhi nodded: "Oh, it can actually help light the fire. It is indeed very smart."

Hearing this, Guo Ba glanced at Xia Zhi again.

Zhuzi immediately said: "Boss, it's looking at you."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Really? It seems like it is interested in me? Hello, Guoba."

Guo Ba nodded and said "Huh", as if responding to his greeting.

At the same time, Xia Zhi "saw" that the golden progress bar on Guo Ba finally moved: [1%].

Master Mao smiled and said: "Guo Ba has known you for a long time, Mr. Not eating at all.”

Zhuzi exclaimed: "It's really amazing. There is also a fox that only eats dango in the Narukami Taisha Shrine over there."

"Narujin Taisha?"

"That is the largest shrine in our Inazuma. There is a huge sacred cherry tree. Every day, many people go to the shrine to pray for blessings and ask for fortune. If the fortune they get is not good, everyone will throw the fortune on the roof. It is said that this is the case You can leave the bad luck at the shrine to eliminate it.”

"Oh? It sounds similar to Liyue's Yiyan Palace."


Master Mao listened to the conversation between Xia Zhi and Zhuzi and suddenly asked, "Is Miss Zhuzi the wife of Dao Wife?"


"I heard Miss Zhuzi call Mr. Xia boss. Is Mr. Xia also a wife?"

"No, I just opened a small shop in Liyue and happened to hire Miss Zhuzi."

"So that's it. I wonder what kind of store Mr. Xia opens?"

"It's just a specialty beverage shop. It's next door to the Hall of Purity. It will open in two days."

Xia Zhi "saw" that Guo Ba seemed to be a little interested in the special drink he was talking about. He probably thought that the drinks made by people with his cooking skills would taste great, so he added.

“You’re welcome to come and sit down then, and I’ll treat you to a drink from our store.”

Xiangling smiled and said, "Okay!"

Master Mao agreed: "Okay."

Guo Ba also nodded, looking forward to it.


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