“The boss is so considerate!”

Chapter 80 Do less bad things at night

I bought the ingredients at the market and returned to the store.

Shen He casually put down the big cloth bag he was holding along the way, making a dull sound unique to the landing of a heavy object on the ground.

Xia Zhi "looked" at her slender arms and felt that she was worthy of being a disciple of an immortal. She was indeed born with supernatural powers.

Zhuzi and Yaoyao squatted down and sorted out a lot of things in the bag.

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"

"I'll knead the dough, Zhuzi, come and help me, Miss Shen He, Miss Qiqi, Yaoyao, you guys can help with the stuffing, such as peeling the pine nuts, washing the dates, cutting the ham into small pieces... This way, after I knead the dough, I can start mixing the fillings directly."

Xia Zhi walked into the kitchen, where pots and pans were already prepared, some left by previous residents and some bought by himself.

It's just that since he moved into this house, he has never cooked a serious meal. Instead, he boils water every day and waits for the water to cool before leaving it as raw material for juice.

Zhuzi followed him in. She boiled water in the kitchen every day and was very familiar with all the things in it.

"Boss, I found the basin and placed it against the wall. It looks very clean inside and there is no mold."

"You still need to scald it with hot water."

"it is good."

After washing the basin and hands, Xia Zhi poured flour and water into the basin, put his fingers in, and began to knead the dough slowly.

Zhuzi stood aside and watched the mushy flour in the basin slowly turn into smooth dough. She felt that the boss's seemingly ordinary and casual kneading technique had an indescribable beauty.

This was actually the first time for Xia Zhi to make noodles, but with the blessing of [Proficient in Cooking Skills], it felt like he had done it countless times before.

The soft and delicate dough kept changing its shape under his slender fingers.

Zhuzi looked at it and suddenly lowered his head, a blush suddenly appeared on his fair neck.

Xia Zhi didn't know what she had in mind.



"You go find a clean cloth to cover the dough with, and it needs to sit for a while before you can use it."


Zhuzi blushed and ran to find Bu in a panic.

Xia Zhi shook his head, not interested in guessing the changing thoughts of a young girl.

He then thought of Yaoyao and Xiangling.

As disciples of the same immortal, both girls have divine eyes, but why is there no progress bar on Xiangling's body, while there is a progress bar on Yaoyao's body?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't find the answer. When Zhuzi found a cloth, put the basin aside and covered it, Xia Zhi continued to make the pastry.

In fact, pastry is almost the same thing as the dough you just made, except that you don’t add water when making it, instead add oil.

There are many ways to do it, and there are three commonly used ones.

The first is to add cold oil to the flour and stir slowly with chopsticks until it becomes a fine paste.

The second method is to pour hot oil into the flour, a little at a time, divided into multiple pours, and stir while pouring.

The third method is to heat the oil first, then wait for the temperature to cool down, then pour in the flour and simmer slowly.

The pastry made by the three methods each has its own advantages. Xia Zhi is not ready to choose among them. He has a lot of mooncakes to make today, so he wants all three types of pastry.

However, the pastry is just an addition and does not require much.

Xia Zhi took out three large bowls, scooped out a spoonful of flour, and slowly mixed it in at will.

Although his eyes can't see anything, when the oil can in his hand is poured, the oil is like a straight thin line, making people feel that even if an ancient coin is placed underneath, the tiny holes will not stick to it. Add a little oil.

Zhuzi was a little stunned. When he put away the oil can, she came back to her senses and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

She asked in a low voice: "Boss, what did you do before?"

Xia Zhi turned his head and said in a low voice: "The murderer."


"I lied to you."


"I'm just an ordinary person."

"I don't believe it! Your hands are so steady!"

"Do less bad things at night, and your hands will stop shaking."

"I didn't do anything bad tonight!"

"I didn't tell you."


Zhuzi's face turned red again and she closed her mouth silently.

"Okay, everything is done, let's go out."


When he came outside the kitchen, he saw Shen He, Yaoyao and Qiqi peeling peanuts and melon seeds at the table.

The hard outer shell shattered, making crisp sounds. The peanuts, rice and melon seeds rolled out from the inside. They were caught by the hand and put into the porcelain bowl on the table.

Sometimes Shen He used too much force and accidentally crushed the kernel inside. She would gently blow off the broken shell and then feed the kernel to Yaoyao's mouth.

At this moment, she had the gentle temperament of a wife.

It can be seen that although Miss Shen He is not good at showing emotions on the outside, she still loves little junior sister Yaoyao in her heart.

Xia Zhi and Zhu Zi walked over and helped together.

It was also very pleasant to do things, chat, eat something from time to time, and brush the silver progress bar on Yaoyao's body.

I don't know if it's because of the variety, but Xia Zhi always feels that the food in this world is more delicious than the food in the original world.

Only Qiqi is relatively silent. She is a zombie and cannot taste the food. She keeps her head down while doing things and never puts anything in her mouth.

But if Xia Zhi feeds her, Qiqi will open her mouth slightly, eat what he hands her, and whisper thank you.

By the time all the purchased items were processed, everyone's stomachs were already half full.

Xia Zhi went to the kitchen to look at the dough and tested its flexibility with his hands. He felt that it was almost ready. He took the basin outside and took out a cutting board.

"Let's make the mooncakes for lunch first. I'll make the crust and you can wrap it. Just pick the fillings you like and put them in. Remember to make a mark so you won't find them after baking."


"I'll make a mooncake for you to see first. That's it. Wrap the fillings in and seal it. Originally, you should use a mold to compact it, but we don't have one now, so we can only use a small wine cup instead."

“What an interesting approach!”

While talking, a beautiful mooncake was ready in Xia Zhi's hands.

Everyone got started with enthusiasm. Although the mooncakes didn't look very good when they first started making them, they started to look pretty after making a few more.

What surprised Xia Zhi was that the one who made the best mooncakes among them was the youngest Yaoyao.

Zhu Zi couldn't help but praise: "Yao Yao is so amazing and so talented in cooking."

Yaoyao smiled happily: "Senior sister said the same thing! Yaoyao can cook! Yaoyao also helped senior sister before, and she is well-known in cooking."

Xia Zhi asked: "Is the senior sister Yaoyao mentioned Miss Xiangling?"

Yaoyao nodded: "Yes!"

"Does Yaoyao often go to Wanmin Hall to eat?"

"I go there often! The food cooked by senior sister is delicious! Yaoyao likes to eat it very much!"

"We also often go to Wanmin Hall to eat. The food cooked by Miss Xiangling is really delicious. I wonder what Yaoyao's favorite food is?"

"Qing Ce farm food, Lai Lai food, boiled fish..."

"That's it."

Xia Zhi "looked" at the silver progress bar on her body that was about to be filled, and smiled softly.

"I happen to have some cooking skills. Why don't I cook these three dishes for noon today and let Yaoyao try them to see if they are as delicious as those made by your senior sister Xiangling?"

Chapter 81 The little girl cannot bear to see the suffering in the world

Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said, "No, thank you, brother."

Xia Zhi smiled and asked, "Is Yaoyao worried about me?"

Yaoyao looked at him and said seriously: "Well... cooking in the kitchen is different from making noodles. The temperature of the oil and pot will be very high. Big brother can't see it, which is very dangerous."

The way the little girl teaches others seriously is so cute.

Xia Zhi nodded and said with a smile: "Yao Yao is really a good child with a kind heart."

Yaoyao is right. For an ordinary blind person, a place like the kitchen is indeed dangerous.

Xia Zhi no longer insisted on cooking and lowered his head to continue making pie crust.

Although he was the only one making the pie crust and the other four making the mooncakes, his movements were very skillful and much more efficient than the four clumsy novices.

Soon, there were several neat stacks of pie crusts on the table.

Zhuzi suddenly noticed this: "Look, each of these pie crusts seems to be the same size!"

Shen He had discovered it a long time ago: "Not only the shape, but also the thickness is almost the same."

“Big brother’s craftsmanship is so amazing!”

Xia Zhi rubbed his slightly sore wrist and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Later, he also joined the ranks of making mooncakes. Unlike the other people who chose their own fillings, the fillings he chose were based on recipes.

The first thing to make is the five-nut mooncake, which refers to walnut kernels, almonds, olive kernels, melon seeds, and sesame seeds.

This taste is an old tradition. It is a kind of mooncake that must be eaten all over the world. Unfortunately, because the raw materials are too expensive, most of the five-nut mooncakes sold on the market are crude and poorly made. The taste is hard to describe. The evaluation of genuine products has also dropped a lot.

If it is a good five-nut mooncake, it should be in the shape of a drum, with slightly bulging edges, clear patterns and writing on the surface, regular shape, no broken skin, no filling exposed, clear corners, ivory edges, brown-red bottom, and good taste. It is sweet, soft and crispy, with a variety of nutty aromas. It is a beautiful thing to eat with a cup of tea at night, while admiring the moon.

Next, he made lotus seed paste and egg yolk mooncakes, which is his personal favorite flavor.

Next, we made bean paste mooncakes and ham mooncakes, one sweet and one salty, to satisfy everyone's different tastes.

Next, they made rose mooncakes and osmanthus mooncakes, using lotus paste and bean paste as fillings. Xia Zhi did not make many petal mooncakes, but left most of them to prepare snowskin mooncakes later.

Snowskin mooncakes are different from traditional mooncakes in that they are not baked, but steamed, and then need to be frozen. The finished product has a lighter taste and is more suitable for pairing with flower petals.

After that, it was time for free play. Xia Zhi followed the knowledge of [Proficient in Cooking] and mixed some relatively compatible fillings together in appropriate proportions to create a new flavor that he had never tasted before but was definitely delicious. moon cake.

Xia Zhi made the mooncakes very quickly, chatting with everyone while making them.

"Where does Yaoyao live?"


Zhuzi immediately said: "I heard that the housing prices there are very expensive! Yaoyao's family turns out to be so rich."

"No, because Yaoyao is practicing with the master now, so she lives in the master's house. Yaoyao's home is not in Liyue Port, but in Qingce Village."

"Qingce Village? I heard from the boss that there seems to be a lot of bamboo there."

"Yes, there are indeed a lot of bamboos and a lot of small animals over there at Yaoyao's house."

"What is Yaoyao practicing now?"

"I have to practice marksmanship and study every day."

"Isn't it hard to practice shooting?"

"Well...the gun is too long and heavy."

"Qingce Village is quite far away from here. Will Yaoyao miss home?"

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