Qiqi held the beads and watched Xia Zhi's back disappear, but still did not look away.

Grandma Ping next to her looked at the ball in Qiqi's hand with a very silent expression.

There are so many good things from Mr. Xia.

Chapter 115 Treating guests to dinner is a beautiful thing

After 12 noon, Xia Zhi deliberately waited for another half an hour, but did not see Miss Yan Fei coming.

It seemed that she must have arrived in the evening, so she prepared to eat.

Several girls helped serve the dishes, and soon there were ten bowls on the table.

This is the customary custom for Xia Zhi's hometown to treat people to meals.

However, because Gan Yu only eats vegetarian dishes, half of the dishes were replaced by Xia Zhi's vegetarian dishes, but they were all luminous dishes, and they were all seasoned with [Melk Star Powder], and they were full of color, flavor and flavor.

Xia Zhi even "saw" Grandma Ping swallowing a few times.

Sure enough, even an immortal can't resist such delicious food.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but think of Little Mother He. He heard Shen He say that she likes food very much. When she comes out of seclusion, he can entertain her well if she comes here.

He stopped drinking. Xia Zhi didn't like drinking. Everyone present was a girl, so it would be better for each person to have a glass of red juice.

Liyue didn't say anything about clinking glasses, just said a few words and everyone started eating.

"Wow~ delicious!..."

Then, there were no more words to say. I was really immersed in it, my mouth was busy eating, and I had no time to talk at all.

Xia Zhi smiled and scooped himself a spoonful of Magic Mapo Tofu.

Generally speaking, Mapo tofu has five flavors, while this one has six flavors.

The "spiciness" of Jueyun pepper, the "fragrance" of garlic sprouts, the appetizing "color" of white tofu, red chili pepper and green garlic sprouts, the "hotness" of heat, the "hemp" of wild sansho pepper, and soybeans The minced meat is fried to give it a "crispy" texture.

Because soybean mince is used instead of beef, this is a completely vegetarian dish.

And because Xia Zhi uses [Frostfall Tofu] to make it, which has a strong and refreshing bean aroma aftertaste, this dish has a seventh flavor in addition to the original six flavors.

The aftertaste is endlessly "sweet".

The piping hot square tofu cubes are smooth and elastic. Along with the minced meat of red oil and soybeans, it melts in your mouth and brings a full spicy stimulation to the tip of the tongue.

Xia Zhi took a bite and thought it tasted great when paired with white rice.

He glanced at Gan Yu. At this time, this girl was so full of food that her eyes were blurry with tears. Her face was red, her forehead was covered with glistening beads of sweat, her red lips were slightly open, and she kept breathing out.

Although she was extremely spicy, she still couldn't help but continue to eat, looking cute and happy at the same time that she couldn't stop eating.

Looking at Qiqi again, there was some moist red oil on her lips, but her face was still expressionless.

For zombies, even if it is painful and spicy, it is a luxury to want to experience it again.

Unless Xia Zhi possesses [The Way of the Underworld Chef] and with the help of rules, he can make dishes that Qi Qi can taste.

But that thing was too expensive and not very versatile. Plus Qiqi didn't come here to eat every day, so there was no need to buy that thing just for a dinner party.

If there are more ghost employees in my store in the future, I might consider buying it...

Xia Zhi was thinking about this when he suddenly heard the system prompt sound.

"The progress bar has reached 100%, and you will be rewarded with a platinum treasure chest."

How could it be filled up so quickly?

Xia Zhi was stunned and couldn't help but "look" at Grandma Ping.

This immortal is eating gracefully. She seems to be eating slowly, but if you look closely, you will find that she is actually the fastest and most eater on this table.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being an immortal.

Xia Zhi calmly withdrew his probing gaze, lowered his head, and looked at the platinum treasure chest in the inventory.

The meal I cooked today is a return to my original mission.

This is the first platinum chest he has obtained.

Select Open.

An exquisite and simple hourglass appeared in front of his eyes.

【Hourglass of Time】

Quality: Platinum.

Type: Rule props.

Features: time lag, time return.

Effect: Inverting the hourglass can cause the surrounding area to fall into a state of time stasis or reverse time.

Hidden effect: The holder will stay young forever.

Like [Thread of Love], this is another new type of item that Xia Zhi has never obtained before.

Rule props.

Compared with the rule fragments of [The Way of the Underworld Kitchen], the power of time rules displayed by this [Hourglass of Time] is obviously more powerful.

The hidden effect "Eternal Youth" is also interesting. Does this mean that the holder will not be affected by the wear and tear of the rules of time?

Xia Zhi continued to eat while thinking silently.

After eating, everyone leaned back on their chairs with satisfied faces.

Gan Yu's face looked a little worried at this time.

My stomach is so full. Did I eat a little too much?

If you just eat like this once in a while, you won't gain weight, right?

As the master, Xia Zhi still has something to say at this time.

"I've been busy with business these two days, and I didn't prepare the ingredients properly. I bought some things at the last minute to make do. I didn't provide good hospitality. Please don't take offense to Grandma Ping."

"No, Mr. Xia is so polite. The old lady enjoyed this meal very much."

"I originally invited Miss Xiangling and Miss Yan Fei at noon today, but they are not available, so they should have to come over in the evening."

"They are two children, and they are usually very busy."

“It’s also a good thing to be able to do things you like.”

"It is."

"Grandma Ping and Yaoyao are going to watch Miss Xiangling's cooking final this afternoon?"

"That's right! Yaoyao go and cheer for senior sister!"

"Yao Yao also brings my share."

"it is good!"

"If Grandma Ping and Yaoyao are free in the evening, please come over for dinner together. It will be more lively when there are more people."


"I'm going to make some new dishes tonight."

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Xia."

"What are you talking about?"

Xia Zhi smiled and said softly.

"I didn't open the store to make money, I just wanted to find something to do for myself in Liyue. It would be best if I could make a few friends during my stay here."

"Mr. Xia has a free and easy mind."

"It's just a matter of leisure."

"Mr. Xia's personality is somewhat similar to that of a friend of mine."


"That's Zhongli Keqing from the Hall of Rebirth next door. Maybe Mr. Xia already knows him, right?"

"Mr. Zhongli, I know him..."

Zhuzi couldn't help but smile and add: "Mr. Zhongli comes to our store every day to drink juice, but he always forgets to bring money and asks me to record it in the account of the Hall of Rebirth."

Grandma Ping smiled and said: "He has this kind of character. He likes to wander around Liyue on weekdays, and sometimes he will go to my place to have a cup of tea."

"I have talked with Mr. Zhongli several times. He is indeed a knowledgeable and calm person."

"He's also a great guy to get along with."

"Well...since Mr. Zhongli is Grandma Ping's friend, how about Grandma Ping invite him to come over for dinner tonight?"


"Then I'll trouble Grandma Ping."

Grandma Ping smiled and agreed. Mr. Xia's cooking skills are so good, it is a good thing to invite friends over to taste it together.

Chapter 116 It is indeed an unorthodox incense

After chatting for a while, Grandma Ping took Yaoyao to leave.

Xia Zhi stood up, walked them to the door, and watched them walking towards the Hall of Rebirth next door, with some suspicions in his heart.

Grandma Ping, as the True Monarch of Gechenlang City, was one of the three-eyed and five-manifold immortals who followed Emperor Yan in the battle.

According to legend, the war between demons and gods was extremely fierce. Many demon gods competed for the throne, and either perished and perished, or were sealed under the sea of ​​Guyun Pavilion, or fled overseas. In the end, Morax won the throne and became the seven rulers of the world. One of them established Liyue on this land.

In other words, in the thousands of years since the Demon God War, there should be only one god left in Liyue, and that is Morax.

But now another god suddenly appears - Mr. Zhongli, who happens to be friends with Grandma Ping...

Xia Zhi once asked Hutao indirectly and learned that Mr. Zhongli had only joined the Rebirth Hall in the past two years.

The incident with Prince Yan happened a few days ago. In other words, when Mr. Zhongli joined the Rebirth Hall, Prince Yan was still watching Liyue in the dark. It is impossible that he didn't know that such a god had sneaked into his territory. .

But Prince Yan's attitude was acquiescence, which meant that there must be some kind of relationship between Prince Yan and Mr. Zhongli.

Perhaps the two gods knew each other, but Prince Yan was planning to overcome the catastrophe but was not sure. He was worried that Liyue would be in chaos if something happened to him, so he asked Mr. Zhongli to serve as a back-up to stabilize the situation.

Or perhaps, Lord Yan did not actually die because of the tribulation. He just took this opportunity to change Liyue from "divine rule" to "human rule", transformed himself into Mr. Zhongli, and wandered around in the world from then on...

Both conjectures are possible, but Xia Zhi is more inclined to the latter.

As for the reason, Morax died on the day of the Immortal Ceremony. This timing was too coincidental, and the vision that should have occurred when the gods died did not appear. The power of the rules of the rock system he controlled was disordered, and the entire Liyue didn't even cause a small earthquake, not to mention landslides and ground cracks, which is really incredible.

If the vision was secretly suppressed by Mr. Zhongli, Xia Zhi didn't believe it. If Mr. Zhongli could really do such a thing, then Prince Yan would have done it long ago.

So, is Mr. Zhongli actually Morax?

Xia Zhi turned around thoughtfully, closed the door, and returned to the store.

The girls collected and washed the dishes very diligently, and also prepared some dry goods for use in the evening.

"Boss, do you still want to buy groceries?"

"Well, I have to buy some. After all, there are more people coming to eat at night than at noon, so I have to make more dishes."

"Then let's go buy it later! Are there any ingredients you want to buy?"

"Same as in the morning, you can just watch and buy, as long as the food is fresh enough and of good quality."


Zhuzi and Ganyu wiped their hands and hurried out together.It was now past noon, and although the dishes in the market were not as fresh as in the morning, they had a higher chance of buying fresher dishes if they went earlier.

Xia Zhi sat at the table and "looked" at Qiqi, finding that her eyes were more alert than before.

The effect of that corpse bead must have come into play.

Shen He was cleaning up the scene in the kitchen. Only Xia Zhi and Qiqi were in the front hall at this time.

The incense burner on the table was smoking. Qiqi leaned slightly and sniffed at it, as if she couldn't get enough of the fragrance.

Xia Zhi thought for a while and said, "Miss Qiqi, I have recently developed two new incense products. Can I ask Miss Qiqi to help me taste them?"

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