But soon, the girl returned to her usual careless look with a playful smile.

Bai Fu couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and sighed:

"Okay, actually it's still very early?"

"I've only found one clue so far. God knows how long it will take to figure it out. Maybe I won't be able to leave even after you die."

Bai Fu was not sure at first whether he would be able to find his way home when the hand of imaginary numbers connected all the fates and his strength grew to the limit.

Even if Bo Shizun's words were conclusive, he actually didn't have much hope in his heart.

After all, I don’t know how long it will take just to connect all the fates, let alone the part after that, which is just a guess.

So Bai Fu used to act just to become stronger and to be able to control his own destiny in this chaotic world!

But now Bai Fu is extremely lucky to see things turn around!

Shame to say.

Bai Fu used to be very conservative in his estimation of the potential of Imaginary Hand.

——By swallowing part of the power, you can connect to the corresponding destiny and strengthen yourself. This sounds cool and powerful.

But in the final analysis, he is just an energy thief.

No matter how many life paths there are, they can only be on par with the Star God at best.

However, the moment when the white talisman swallowed part of the 'nothingness' and woke up in the hands of the Doctor.

He was completely convinced that the upper limit of Imaginary Hand was not just being a thief!

Just like Bo Shizun's judgment, it can even completely devour the Star God at the end of his life! !

It has the possibility of transcending the Star God and reaching the origin universe of Bai Fu, which is also a higher narrative level!

Although the current Bai Fu only absorbed 10% of IX and almost overturned.

I don’t know how long it will take to fully digest this power.

But after all, it is a leapfrog growth from zero to one!

Bai Fu can almost predict that in the future that is too far away to be counted, the star god in the sky will eventually fall in the palm of this hand!

And he will also take Bo Shi Zun to fulfill the promise of 'ascension' and return to his original home...

Thoughts go back and forth a thousand times, but in reality they only last for a moment.

"Good guy, after hearing what you said, I felt like I was about to run away, but in the end, I didn't even say a word about my character. Did you mean to scare me?"

Qingque said he was not forgiving, but he was secretly relieved in his heart.

Bai Fu argued repeatedly:

"No, I'm just too happy, you know. It's not easy to tell others about this, so I can only feel proud in front of you."

The corners of Qingque's mouth unconsciously raised slightly, and she raised her hand as if she wanted to pluck a star:

"Then, you must tell me in advance when you have an idea."


Bai Fu imitated the girl's movements and spread his palms to hold the sky.

But his palm only caught a ray of breeze.

After a moment of silence, Qingque suddenly asked another question:

"Bai Fu, you said that among so many poker players in Luofu Diyuan Qiongyu Circle, why was it that only I became your good friend in the end?"

Bai Fu shrugged: "Maybe it's because you are cuter."

"That's it?"

"Otherwise what else can it be?"

"...Okay, let's just leave it at that."

The girl was slightly disappointed.

Qingque is actually very good at observing others and can easily see through people's hearts.

After hanging out in the card hall for so long, she had never seen Bai Fu interact with other card players outside of the game.

In other words, she had known that this person was actually here for her.

Although I don't know why.

But it was precisely after realizing this that Qingque became curious about Bai Fu, and took advantage of the opportunity to have more contact with him to find out.

But she soon discovered that Bai Fu really regarded her as a friend and was not someone with malicious intentions.

So Qing Que slowly let down his guard and became good friends with Bai Fu who talked about everything.

However, to this day, Qingque still doesn't understand why Bai Fu cares so much about him?

"Well, it's getting late."

After enjoying a moment of leisure, Bai Fu patted his butt and stood up, planning to say goodbye to Qing Que:

"Qingque, it's time for me to go back."

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? You have work at night?"

Bai Fu nodded: "That's about right. I have to meet a friend later."

"Okay, then come back next time when you have time, and then I will show you my skills~"


While they were joking, Qing Que also got up from the roof, preparing to send Bai Fu away.

At this moment, Bai Fu suddenly called her again:

"Qingque, can you close your eyes first? I have a gift for you."

"What are you doing? It's secret..."

Should he not-

Miss Qingque's cheeks were slightly red, her heart was beating unconsciously, and her brain became a little confused.

But in the end, under Bai Fu's smiling gaze, she closed her eyes honestly, put her hands behind her back, and stood on tiptoes slightly.

To be honest, Bai Fu didn't realize how ambiguous his words were at first.

He just didn't want Qingque to see his left hand.

After all, there are many images of the appearance of the Hand of Imaginary Numbers in Taipus.

With Qingque's intelligence, he might be able to associate more things with its appearance at a glance.

But when he took off his gloves, his fingertips were about to touch the girl's forehead and give him a 'blessing'.

Under the radiance of the bright stars, the girl's trembling eyelashes and shy and blushing cheeks were all clearly visible.

And Qing Que's dangerous posture of standing on tiptoes and raising his neck made Bai Fu couldn't help but swallow his saliva and began to feel a little distraught.

This situation would be unbearable for any young man with normal physical and mental health.

Not to mention that Bai Fu has long had evil intentions towards Qingque.

Soon, what fell on the girl's forehead changed from her fingertips to her palm.

The broad, warm palm moved down and gently held the girl's delicate cheek skin.

In the end, Bai Fu didn't think too much, he just leaned down naturally and personally gave the girl the power from 'Du'e Siming'.


Qing Que struggled subconsciously for a moment at first, but Bai Fu's right arm locked her waist tightly, causing the girl to only let out a dull whimper.

After an unknown amount of time, Miss Qingque seemed to feel something strange. Suddenly her eyes widened and she pushed Bai Fu away with both hands.

"It's obviously such a good atmosphere...go to hell you pervert!"

Not satisfied with this, the girl angrily kicked him off the roof again.

But I still have a strange burning sensation in my stomach and lower back.

Chapter 137: Treasure Knowledge: I am the Lawr of Knowledge!

"It's just a purely physiological reaction. There's no need to be so angry. We've already kissed each other anyway..."

After being kicked downstairs by Qing Que, Bai Fu could only carry the pillow and walk away.

On the way, he was still unconsciously recalling the beautiful touch of Miss Qingque.

According to normal etiquette, Bai Fu must say goodbye to Mrs. Jade Bird before leaving.

However, the noise just made was too great, and Mrs. Jade Bird must have noticed something.

A certain guy had just finished frivolous with the other person's daughter, and he was too embarrassed to meet her, so he simply ran away.

Not long after walking, Bai Fu dispelled the ambiguous emotions in his heart, and his consciousness gradually calmed down.

'Now is not the time for romance. '

'That guy who contacted my friend again and again just for fun must be dealt with as soon as possible! '

Thinking of this, Bai Fu immediately started to take action, closing his eyes and covering every inch of Luofu with his senses.

However, not long after, he opened his eyes again with disappointment.

Bai Fu has tried several times before, but has still found nothing.

He had to admit that the other party's hiding ability was quite powerful...

Faced with this result, Bai Fu silently took out his mobile phone and decisively sent a message to Shibao.

[White Talisman: Know the treasure, help me find someone. 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: Who? 】

[White Talisman: The owner of that mask. 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: Hey, she took your sword and she didn’t leave yet?How courageous! 】

[Bai Fu: Humph!That guy found Qingque before me tonight. I don't even dare to think about what he plans to do tomorrow! 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: OK, I’ll give it a try...]

[Bai Xiaoshi: By the way, the Luofu Immortal Boat is within the range of your perception. It seems that this person’s hiding ability is quite good~]

[Bai Fu: If I could find it, I wouldn’t bother you. 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: This is also——]

After waiting for about ten seconds, a message popped up again from Zhibao.

[Bai Xiaoshi: Well, Bai Fu, the results are out. 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: Now there is good news and bad news. Which one are you going to hear first? 】

[Bai Fu: Why are you pretending to be a ghost? Let’s talk about the bad news first. 】

[Bai Xiaoshi: The bad news is that I can’t find that person. Even if I look through Luofu’s historical records, I can’t find any clues. 】

[Bai Xiaozhi: It’s like this person appeared out of thin air...]

[Bai Fu: This is impossible! 】

[Bai Fu: Just a happy destiny traveler, no matter how powerful he is, there is no reason to escape Bo Shizun's detection methods, right? ! 】

Bai Fu still has self-awareness for the time being.

In the eyes of mortals such as Jingliu, Black Tower, and the senior officials of Xianzhou, the 'Fu Jun', or 'Du E Siming' may be no different from the Star God.

Neither of them can necessarily tell the difference between the two.

But only Bai Fu, who has personally come into contact with IX and Bo Shi Zun, can understand how big the gap between him and the real Star God is!

Bai Fu doesn't know how long it will take to completely absorb even 10% of IX's energy.

Being eluded by a powerful destiny walker is not something that cannot be accepted.

——But he was still convinced that there was no way the other party could hide this from Bo Shizun, the real Star God!

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